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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mr. Squeeze.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00460617 00460629 Get your lemonade here! Cold, refreshing, and completely organic!
2 0046062A Now serving delicious lemonade, lovingly hand-crafted with locally sourced um... ingredients.
3 0046062B I do hope Master Jimmy returns soon with more lemons! We've gotten a few... complaints with the new formula.
4 0046062C Fresh lemonade for sale! All proceeds go to the 'Master Jimmy Foundation'. Support your local delinquent today!
5 00460618 00460619 Get your ice-cold lemonade here! Now made with 50 percent more ade! ade is a pun, as in the last part of lemonade
6 0046061A You know what they say! When life gives you lemons... oh bother, I'm out of lemons.
7 0046061B I'm fresh out of lemons so I've had to make due with ingredients that are less... ideal.
8 0046061C Master Jimmy assures me the lemonade won't kill you. Probably...


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0045CB39 0045CB46 Cold, refreshing, completely organic lemonade here.
2 0045CB47 Made with locally sourced... uh ingredients.
3 0045CB48 I do hope Master Jimmy returns soon with more lemons. Under his breath.
4 0045CB49 Lemonade for sale! All proceeds go to the Master Jimmy Foundation. Support your local delinquent today!
5 0045CB3A 0045CB3C Ice cold Lemonade here! Now made with 100% ade!
6 0045CB3D You know what they say! When life gives you lemons... Oh bother, I'm out of lemons.
7 0045CB3E Well, you see, I've run out of lemons. I've had to make due.
8 0045CB3F Master Jimmy assures me it won't kill you.