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Monroe is a town in the former state of Connecticut.


This location, named after James Monroe, the fifth president of the United States of America, is the hometown of Gilbert Hopson. Before the Great War, Gilbert and his wife Millicent lived in Monroe and enjoyed a peaceful life with Gilbert working as a high school history and literature teacher.[1]

The town was affected like many towns in the former United States, with Millicent developing cancer from radiation and eventually passing. This led to Gilbert leaving Monroe, eventually settling near Vault-Tec University in Appalachia.[2]


Monroe is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.

Behind the scenes[]

Monroe is based on the real world location of the same name in Fairfield County, Connecticut.


  1. Vault Dweller: "Where are you from?"
    Gilbert Hopson: "Up north. Connecticut. A small town called Monroe, named for the fifth president of the United States. It was quite lovely, especially in the autumn. My wife and I used to ride the bicycle trails on Sundays and then visit the local brewery for a pint. Ah, I do miss those days. And I miss my Millie, may she rest in everlasting peace."
    (Gilbert Hopson's dialogue)
  2. Vault Dweller: "What brings you to Appalachia?"
    Gilbert Hopson: "That's a bit of a story. Not long after the war, I lost my wife Millicent to cancer, likely brought on by the radiation."
    (Gilbert Hopson's dialogue)