Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Michael Turner is a deceased graduate student, cryptid hunter, and the date of Cindy Holloway. His remains can be found near Toxic Larry's Meat 'n Go in Appalachia.


Around September 24, 2077, Michael entered the same graduate program that Cindy Holloway was attending, and his shy nature quickly caught her interest.[1] She offered to take him on a camping trip to Berkeley Springs over their fall break week in order to seduce him, although he only accepted because he wished to investigate recent sheepsquatch sightings in the area.[2]

When their trip came around, sometime during the week of October 11–18, Michael remained oblivious to her attempts at seduction, and was quickly led astray when the sheepsquatch showed up for real. Despite his enthusiasm at its presence, the cryptid still ended up killing both of them.[3]


Michael Turner's skeleton appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wild Appalachia update.

