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This is a transcript for dialogue with Laurence.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0076333E 007633BE How 'bout some space buddy? You're standing a little close there. dismissive
2 007633BF *sniff, sniff*... You smell something weird? annoyed, clearly commenting on the player.
3 007633C0 How'd you get in here? accusatory, not going to do anything but not wanting the player nearby
4 007633C1 Don't make me call security. irritated and dismissive, leave me alone attitude.
5 007633C2 If it isn't our pal Smoothskin! ... That's not offensive is it? Ah who cares. friendly and amused
6 007633C3 How's the weather out there? friendly, but jokingly sarcastic. he KNOWS there weather is bad outside.
7 007633C4 Hey buddy! friendly
8 007633C5 Nice job earlier. friendly
9 007633C6 Welcome back. friendly
10 007633C7 Hey, sorry about being rude earlier. Can't be too careful right? friendly and apologetic. very much in a "you helped us so you're one of us now" kind of vibe
11 00792B08 007633DA He says he's got too much to do, but I've only ever seen him at his desk going over papers. Huffy, perpetuating a rumour. annoyed that what he wants isn't getting done.
12 007633DD The Overseer doesn't wanna waste his time with mooks like us. He'd probably just send you to Chief Oberlin. dismissive and complaining. If necessary the word "mooks" can be replaced with lackeys, underlings, low level employees etc.
13 007633E1 Speak for yourself, I'm glad to be away from the weather machine. Made my skin itchy. said in a fun/amused way, still Guy does not want to go back to work. reference to his working for the weather lab and hints at origin of The Lost.
14 007633E3 Wonder what that's all about? surprised but disinterested.
15 007633E7 Who cares what they're up to long as things finally start getting fixed around here. Dismissive
16 007633E9 Maybe we could invite him to join us for drinks, see if we can get him to let his plans slip. amused and conspiratorial in a fun way. making plans to drag someone out to party to get info from them.
17 007633EC I'm surprised there are still "people" out there.
18 007633EF We should clean up some of those old rooms and start making use of them again? trying to be considerate and distract Julio from thinking about Alfie, but failing.
19 007633F4 Hilda's been more chipper than usual lately. Something good happen? curious, looking for gossip.
20 007633F8 I wouldn't be too worried. Probably something she was working on didn't pan out. Dismissive of concern but not in a malicious way. "ah don’t worry about it, it'll be fine"
21 007633FB Maybe we can ask the "smoothskin" they might know what's up? a bit of concern at the sudden change in demeanor of the Oberlin.
22 007633FE Took him long enough, wonder how many we'll lose this time. gruff and huffy. someone who's talking about events happening around him but not directly involved.
23 00763401 Overseer's hanging around the gardens? One less place for Julio to hide when he's slacking off. friendly ribbing, gossip with friends. person he's talking about is there.
24 00763404 There's more and more things breaking around here. Thing is no one wants to be the one fixing them. part of friendly gossip, this guy is complaining about things rather than doing things
25 00763407 Audrey's tense when she's talking to anyone, only time I've seen her happy is when she's working. Dismissive of what his friend is saying, everything fiiiiine
26 0076340B Something big must be going down if Oberlin left his office. Concerned but gossipy.
27 0076340D It doesn't surprise me. Didn't I tell you? He'd do anything for his wife. a tough of smugness, but mainly trying to not be surprised at the sudden change in the vault
28 00763410 Audrey's always been a good boss in the Meteorology Department. trying to sound reassuring
29 She'll probably make a good Overseer now her dad's not breathing down her neck any more. Trying to sound reassuring


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00761143 0076115D Your voice, I know that voice, it's you. *Crackles* Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
2 0076115E Are you a nice ghost? Please be a nice one. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
3 0076115F The machine... it changed us... *hisses* Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
4 00761160 I haven't *sparks* seen this shadow before... Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
5 00761161 Why is it dark... *gasp* A new ghost is here... Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
6 00761144 007611A0 Are.... you....real? Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
7 007611A1 Not another phantom. *frightened screamed* Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
8 007611A2 Why can't I *static* see. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
9 007611A3 Must find Julio's shadow. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
10 007611A4 Where are my friends? Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
11 007611A5 I hear them... please make it end... Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.