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This is a transcript for dialogue with Lane Platte.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00728576 0072860D I'll get my recruitment pitch ready.
2 00728577 00728621 So long, then.
3 00728598 00728633 About me? Well, I guess I have some little bit to share.
4 00728599 00728608 I'll share what little I know.
5 0072859A 00728604 We're a group of people who have banded together to help the helpless. We cure the sick and protect the defenseless as best we can.
6 The first Responders were founded by paramedics, fire fighters, police officers, and others who survived the Great War and continued to do their original jobs.
7 We have taken up their banner and keep their ideals alive.
8 0072859C 00728616 Well, I was dispatched here as a kind of 'peace keeper,' but really we just want to help in whatever way we can.
9 All the people moving into the area has increased the chances of conflict.
10 We want to limit that, and to make this mostly-pristine wilderness safer for settlement in general.
11 007285A8 00728635 Well, the unfortunate answer to that questions is, "I don't know."
12 I had a father and a sister. My mother died when I was young.
13 We were separated, you see, when we left our home for Appalachia. I don't know if they're alive or dead.
14 Though I would dearly love to find out.
15 007285A9 00728626 I sincerely hope so. Thank you for sayin'.
16 007285AA 00728618 Very kind of you. So will I.
17 007285AB 0072863F In a manner of speaking. A small, small town called Knight Ridge, on the southern border with old Virginia proper.
18 We survived the Bombs, almost unscathed if you can believe it. Lived in peace for most of my life.
19 It was only with the rush of folks flooding in, searching for that treasure of theirs, that our lives were upended.
20 Knight Ridge was raided, I fled, and was swept along to the Responders' Refuge, where I took up my present vocation.
21 007285AD 00728611 According to the official record, I'm what they've termed a 'constable.' That's a kind of officer of the peace, if you aren't familiar.
22 Of course, putting a badge on a man does not automatically suit him to that title, so I tend not to emphasize it.
23 I manage this new outpost of ours.
24 I try to keep the nastier critters at bay, and cross my fingers that we can keep the other factions from goin' to war with one another.
25 007285AF 00728609 Another topic it is, then.
26 007285B2 0072860E Remarkably peaceable, considering the broader circumstances. Apocalypse, and all.
27 We hunted our own food, knitted our own clothes... We were isolated, but life went on much as it had.
28 When the raiders came and drove us into the real 'Wasteland,' I came to realize how much I'd taken my life for granted.
29 Seemed only natural to join up with the Responders and work toward building a world like we used to have.
30 007285B4 00728606 Don't be. You had no way of knowin'.
31 And I've heard more tragic tales, besides.
32 007285B8 007285FC I am happy to oblige.
33 007285B9 007285FF While the original organization was headquartered at Morgantown Airport.
34 The destruction of that place made it necessary for us to re-establish ourselves at a new location.
35 Now we are based at the Refuge, a safe harbor for any soul, built inside the old Whitespring Resort.
36 I suggest you take some time to visit if you're ever in that area. It is a sight to behold.
37 007285BF 007285FE The Raiders, based in The Crater to the north, are a rowdy bunch who will do whatever it takes to survive.
38 They see themselves as returning to their homeland, and want to kick out other 'intruders.'
39 007285C0 00728613 The Brotherhood of Steel came from afar and set up at Fort Atlas in the northeast.
40 They are a militant bunch of ex-soldiers who want to re-establish the old order.
41 007285C1 0072860F The Settlers are city slickers, but they have the right idea. I get along fine with them and Blue Ridge.
42 They help everyone get more of what they need, albeit for a price.
43 I'm more nervous around the Raiders and the Brotherhood. Neither of their methods sit right with me. But I'll work with who I can.
44 007285C2 0072864B The Blue Ridge Caravan Company are merchants and traders who ply their wares up and down the Blue Ridge Mountains.
45 They've set up a base camp around the Big Bend Tunnel system to the southeast.
46 007285C3 00728637 We Responders try to keep an open mind. The doors of the Refuge are open to anyone who comes knockin' in need of help.
47 In that sense, we're a neutral body. Heck, that's one reason we've set up camp in this place.
48 As a 'friend to all,' we want to do our best to keep the other factions from clawin' at each other's throats.
49 007285C4 0072860B Perfectly reasonable. What would you like to talk about?
50 007285C6 00728601 It's only recently that we've all built up a presence in this area.
51 Aside from the Responders, there are the Settlers of Foundation, the Crater Raiders, the Brotherhood of Steel, and the Blue Ridge Caravan Company.
52 Outside of all them, you'll run into plenty of less savory folk in the Wasteland. The Blood Eagles are even crazier than the Raiders.
53 Same goes for the Cult of the Mothman, for the most part, though we are trying to learn more about this group ourselves.
54 007285C8 00728615 The Settlers have built up a thriving blue collar community at Foundation, to the southeast.
55 They're using the knowledge of the old world to rebuild things in the traditional sense.
56 007285CA 00728628 No jobs for you today. Somethin' else you want to talk about?
57 00728629 Here to shoot the breeze?
58 0072862A How's about we have a little conversation?
59 0072862B Glad to see you. As always.
60 0072862C I guess I can put my respondin' on hold for you a minute.
61 00746C46 007285DB I don't suppose you're the helper type?
62 007285DC Any chance I could get you to volunteer for a job?
63 007285DD You're back! Looking for more work?
64 007285DE Glad to see you again. How about another job?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006FD073 006FD075 Hello there, stranger. Where did you come amblin' in from?
2 00728639 So have you reconsidered my offer? Want to do a little work for the Responders? Not for free, mind you.
3 0072863A Ah, back for another job?
4 0072863B So good to see you again!
5 0072863C You've returned! I'm so grateful!
6 0072863E Ah, you've returned!
7 00728572 0072860C One of those 'vault dwellers,' are you? I've heard tell of your kind.
8 Solved a lot of problems and caused a lot of problems, from what I hear...
9 You wouldn't happen to be one of the problem solvin' kind, would you? I could use one of those right about now.
10 00728575 00728610 The big city, you say? Or, what's left of it.
11 Dangerous place, that. You must be pretty capable to come all this way.
12 0072857C 00728627 Alright, well I won't press you on it. Not my place to poke and prod.
13 I'm an outsider myself, in a manner of speaking, and it's making my job a tad difficult.
14 0072857E 00728636 I appreciate your help. Stay safe out there.
15 0072857F 0072860A Anything that could be a threat to new settlement. I'll leave that up to your discretion.
16 00728580 00728607 Oh, excuse me, let me introduce myself.
17 Name's Lane Platte, I'm with the Responders. We're a band of self-titled do-gooders 'round these parts.
18 Appalachia's fillin' up fast, and we're tryin' to keep everyone hale and healthy and off each other's throats.
19 00728582 0072861F You don't say! Then you won't be averse to helping out, will you?
20 00728587 007285FD I did say that you would be duly compensated. That much is only fair.
21 00728588 00728622 The Settlers of Foundation. They're looking to move in and start building some real towns in the area.
22 I'd like to stay on good terms with them. We share a common goal of rebuilding Appalachia.
23 00728623 The Raiders, from up in The Crater. They're pushing into the region, and I don't want to be on their bad side.
24 Call it appeasement, but I'll do anything I can do to keep them from goin' to war with our settlement.
25 00728624 The Brotherhood of Steel, from up Fort Atlas way. They have an observation post nearby, researchin' some crashed Vertibirds.
26 They could be powerful allies if we stay on good terms.
27 00728625 The Blue Ridge Caravan Company, from Big Bend. They set up a little camp for conducting business in the area.
28 We use the supplies they sell, and it never hurts to show a little gratitude.
29 00728589 00728600 Now, there's a lot goin' on in this neck of the woods, more than I can tackle myself.
30 You've got ferocious beasts roamin' the forest, a creepy cult movin' into the caves, and all manner of people about ready to go to war with one another.
31 All that is to say, I could use a hand, and I'd be willin' to pay you for yours. What do you think?
32 0072858C 00728612 That's to be expected, I suppose. Well, the offer stands... Come on back if you want to take me up on it.
33 00728590 00728647 Now, what business do I have for you today...
34 00728648 Here's the job for today...
35 00728649 What do I have for you today...
36 0072864A Let's see what's going on today...
37 00728591 0072861A We aren't the only ones moving into the forest. We've got some new neighbors, and I would like to keep on their good side.
38 We have some supplies -- bandages, a little food -- that you can whip up into a little care package for them.
39 Do that for me and you'll earn your reward.
40 0072861C Your care package went over well last time. Think you could deliver another?
41 0072861D Our new neighbors accepted the last care package with open arms. How about you make another for me?
42 0072861E Feel like being my courier again today?
43 00728592 00728634 Thank you. See that it's delivered safely.
44 00728594 00728614 Why that is just terrific! Thank you a thousand times over!
45 0072859B 00728605 I like to think so. It gives me hope that we can one day right all the wrongs in this world.
46 0072859D 00728617 Well isn't that a darn shame? The world could use more do-gooders by my estimation.
47 007285A3 00728603 Anything we can.
48 Gleaning any information about the cult's rituals, organization, or beliefs could lead us to ways to stop their spread and limit their influence.
49 007285A4 00728620 Be careful. The Cult of the Mothman is dangerous. They'll no doubt protect those artifacts with their lives.
50 007285A5 0072862E We've had reports that a dangerous cult - the Cult of the Mothman - has moved into a cave system nearby.
51 They're part of a larger organization that extends all throughout Appalachia.
52 Learning more about them will help us combat their spread. I'd like you to go into those caves and gather some of their ritual artifacts for study.
53 You'll earn a fine commission for returning them to me.
54 00728630 There's still more to learn from the Cult of the Mothman. Care to retrieve more artifacts for me?
55 00728631 Our research on the cult is not complete. How about gathering more artifacts?
56 00728632 The artifacts you retrieved gave us valuable information on the cult. What say you go and grab some more?
57 007285A6 00728641 The forest is a dangerous place. Not compared to other regions, mind you, but let's not lose sight of the facts.
58 I'd like you to make it a bit safer for new settlement. Go on out there and clear out some of the aggressive fauna, if you will.
59 After that, I will happily compensate you.
60 00728643 Still a load of baddies out there in the forest. Why don't you clear more out for me?
61 00728644 How about you cull the herd of nasty critters a bit more?
62 00728645 So, how you feel about clearing more baddies out of the forest?
63 0073183B The forest is a dangerous place. Not compared to other regions, mind you, but let's not lose sight of the facts.
64 To make it safer for new settlement, we've been clearin' out dangerous critters and usin' the meat to feed people in need.
65 If you could go retrieve the meat from our traps, I will happily compensate you.
66 0073183C Our food stores could use refreshin', if you can go harvest the traps again.
67 0073183D How about you gather more food from our traps?
68 0073183E So, how you feel about gatherin' more food from our traps?
69 007285A7 00728602 The original organization met with an unfortunate fate, it's true. We are a group dedicated to upholding its mission.
70 007285CB 007285DF Those materials should be around here somewhere. We're a bit disorganized, I know... I apologize for that.
71 007285E0 You should find everything you need for that care package at our little abode here.
72 007285E1 Care package looks good. All that's left to do is make the delivery!
73 007285E2 Be careful searching for those artifacts. The cult won't stand by while you take them.
74 007285E3 The cult is holed up in a cave to the west. You can look for those artifacts there.
75 007285E4 Happy huntin'.
76 007285E5 Baddies won't stand a chance with you on the job.
77 00731839 Good luck harvestin' those traps.
78 0073183A Hope no baddies get in your way out there.
79 007285CC 007350AF So these are the artifacts? Fascinating. Thank you, enjoy your reward.
80 007350B0 Ah, the artifacts! I can't wait to take a look at these!
81 007350B1 And you have the artifacts in tow! Thank you kindly for them.
82 007350B2 More Mothman artifacts? Much appreciated.
83 007285CD 007285D4 On behalf of the Responders, I can't thank you enough. You've helped us make progress toward a more peaceful world.
84 I sure wish I could say that's all the help I needed, but the work never ends.
85 If you're in the neighborhood again some time, I will always welcome more of your help.
86 In the meantime, though, here is your payment. Have a good day, now.
87 007285CE 007285D2 These artifacts should be a big help, I can't wait to examine them!
88 007285CF 007285D8 So you've cleared some of the danger from the forest? Just what I wanted to hear!
89 007285D0 007285D9 You delivered the package successfully? Well done.
90 007285D1 007285D5 Alright, well I won't press you on it. Not my place to poke and prod.
91 I'm an outsider myself, in a manner of speaking, and it's making my job a tad difficult.
92 0072863D You're back!
93 00731838 You've recovered the meat from our traps? Just what I wanted to hear!
94 00731836 00731837 If our trappers have done their jobs right, the coast should be clear, but I wouldn't rule it out.
95 007348AC 007350B4 I can smell that meat on you! We'd... better get that cooked before it goes bad. Thank you!
96 007350B5 You've returned with fresh game! Enjoy your reward.
97 007350B6 You're back with that meat! Hope it wasn't too much trouble.
98 007350B7 Looks like meat's on the menu for tonight. Good work!
99 007350B8 Food delivery? For us? I'll happily take it. Thank you very much!