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This is a transcript for dialogue with Kit.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006048EC 0060492F The Hellcats are unstoppable!
2 00604930 I'm not afraid to kill you!
3 00604931 I don't need payment to take you down!
4 00604932 You're dead meat!
5 006048ED 00604920 Suppressing fire!
6 00604921 I'll cover you!
7 006048EE 00604975 Get down!
8 00604976 Get under cover!
9 00604977 Cover! Now!
10 00604978 Take cover!
11 006048EF 0060492B Move up!
12 0060492C Forward!
13 0060492D Push ahead!
14 0060492E Move, move!
15 006048F0 00604909 Flank 'em!
16 0060490A Flanking order, let's go!
17 006048F1 00604915 Fall back!
18 00604916 Get back!
19 00604917 Pull back, quick!
20 006048F2 00604941 Retreat!
21 00604942 Back up! Back up!
22 00604943 Fuck this, I'm out!
23 006048F3 00604961 I'm hit, I'm hit!
24 00604962 Cover me, I'm hit!
25 00604963 Ah, shit!
26 006048F4 00604934 I won't die today!
27 00604935 I gotta get out of here.
28 00604936 I won't let you take me down!
29 00604937 No Cap is worth my life!
30 006048F5 0060494F Agh, fuck!
31 00604950 I can't move!
32 00604951 Ugh, my head..
33 00604952 Son of a bitch!
34 006048F6 00604938 Need some help over here!
35 00604939 Give me some covering fire!
36 0060493A Cover me, damnit!
37 006048F7 00604918 Ugh...
38 00604919 Damn it...
39 0060491A I can't go on..
40 0060491B Ah, fuck...
41 006048F8 00604964 Find cover!
42 00604965 Get down!
43 00604966 Hide!
44 006048F9 00604953 Now it's getting good!
45 00604954 Taste my bullets!
46 00604955 You're going down!
47 00604956 I'll get you first!
48 006048FA 0060490C You'll pay!
49 0060490D It's not over yet!
50 0060490E You can't kill us all!
51 006048FB 00604967 Guess it was nothing.
52 00604968 I don't see anything.
53 00604969 Damn, they're gone!
54 006048FC 0060495A I was getting bored!
55 0060495B I'm ready for a fight.
56 0060495C My gun was getting lonely!
57 006048FD 0060493B What the hell?
58 0060493C Damnit, no!
59 0060493D Oh shit, oh shit!
60 006048FE 0060490F I heard something!
61 00604910 What was that?
62 00604911 Huh?
63 006048FF 0060493E How the hell?
64 0060493F Damnit, they got away.
65 00604940 They're gone!
66 00604900 00604922 There you are!
67 00604923 Can't escape me!
68 00604924 Found you!
69 00604901 00604928 Damnit, where are you?
70 00604929 Face me, coward!
71 0060492A You can't hide forever.
72 00604902 00604912 Easy kill.
73 00604913 Target eliminated.
74 00604914 Time to relax.
75 00604903 00604925 Where did you go?
76 00604926 You can't escape from me!
77 00604927 I WILL find you.
78 00604904 0060491C I swear I heard something.
79 0060491D Damn Radrats.
80 0060491E Hmm...keep an eye out.
81 00604905 00604957 Gotcha!
82 00604958 Found 'em!
83 00604959 Let's get them!
84 00604906 0060495D Come out, come out wherever you are!
85 0060495E I'm gonna get ya!
86 0060495F I don't have time for this bullshit, show yourself!
87 00604907 00604944 I better get paid double for all this standing around.
88 00604945 The merc life is the good life.
89 00604946 The Hellcats aint nothin like those pansy ass Settlers.
90 00604947 What the hell're they doing with all those people. Guess it don't matter, long as I'm getting paid.
91 00604948 Haven't had a good firefight in a while, I'm getting antsy.
92 00604949 Appalachia will know the name Hellcats.
93 0060494A This sure is better than dealing with the Fanatics at the Pitt.
94 0060494B Those Crater Raiders think they're tough shit, but they're just a bunch of amateurs.
95 0060494C Think I'll buy a new gun with my next cut.
96 0060494D Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. It's a good thing I love killing chumps.
97 0060494E Ugh, stepped in Mole Rat shit. These are new boots, too.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
240 00605F5D 00605F78 Fine, I'll take care of you myself!
241 00605F5E 00605F74 You think that's all we've got? Get 'em!
242 00605F5F 00605F82 Really? You and that little girl are the ones giving my mercs all this trouble?
243 We Hellcats don't put up with anyone getting in the way of us or our caps. This ends now.