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Fallout Wiki

Hey, isn't that the King's dog?; Heya Rex, how you doing boy?

Kings gang members are a gang of Elvis impersonators living in Freeside in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.


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Originally tribals, like most factions seen in New Vegas, the soon-to-be Kings found an old building emblazoned in rock and roll. Inside, they found holotapes, jackets, and a seemingly unlimited supply of hair gel to follow in the footsteps of one great leader. It was jested that the building may have been a site for cult worship of an icon known only as The King. Here to stay, the Kings claim this side of town as their own.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Other interactions[]

  • Though the Kings gang members do not interact with the player character in most cases, if the player character has a good reputation with Freeside and the Kings, a member of the gang will approach from time to time and give them items when they are in Freeside.
  • Hiring a Kings gang member at Freeside's north gate will prevent random encounters with Freeside thugs in Freeside. Using The King's favor to join the Kings will permanently prevent such random encounters.



  • 14 unnamed Kings gang members are located inside the King's School of Impersonation.
  • 2 unnamed members are located just outside the School, guarding the building.
  • 3 unnamed Kings gang members are located outside of Freeside's north gate.
  • 2 unnamed Kings can be hired as bodyguards, one located inside by Freeside's north gate and one located inside by Freeside's east gate.
  • Once the Courier reaches a Liked reputation in Freeside, an unnamed Kings gang member will gift them items each time they enter.

Notable quotes[]


PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 The Kings gang member who delivers gifts to the Courier will permanently freeze in place if the player suddenly gains negative Freeside reputation (such as by harming locals) before he can initiate dialogue. After a while, he may force conversation if the player is close enough, but will not gift the player anything or even speak at all, instead ending the conversation as soon as it began. This will glitch the player's camera out, binding them to first-person view. If the player moves the camera, they will look behind them, still in first-person, as if they had a fully rotational neck. The only way to fix this is by either reloading a save or using the camera button to zoom out. Whatever option one chooses, it is recommended to kill the gang member in order to prevent the glitch from occurring again.


King gang members only appear in Fallout: New Vegas.
