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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jack Smith.


AndaleJackSmithGreeting1 Virginia? Virginia's been gone for 200 years. Happy 50 Not here. Not in Andale, no sir. The great Commonwealth of Virginia is alive and well. In fact, we just voted ourselves a new governor! {Far too cheery. Suburban.} 1
Virginia? Virginia's been gone for 200 years. Happy 50 Not here. Not in Andale, no ma'am. The great Commonwealth of Virginia is alive and well. In fact, we just voted ourselves a new governor! {Far too cheery. Suburban.} 2
You voted for governor? How does that work? Happy 50 The adults walked right on down to the polling location and dropped ballots into the box. How do you think it works? {Far too cheery. Suburban.} 3
Happy 50 Yessir, it's every American's civic duty to cast his vote for his favorite Republican candidate. Am I right? {Far too cheery. Suburban.} 4
So who did you vote for? Happy 50 Now, now, my vote is my business and no one else's. But I'll tell you one thing: we didn't vote for any beatnik liberal commies, that's for sure. 5
AndaleJackSmithGreeting2 Well, it's good to meet you, Jack. Happy 50 And it's good to meet you too! Feel free to stay in Andale as long as you'd like. Heck, stop by the house for dinner sometime if you'd like. {Way too happy for his own good.} 6
Neutral 50 Just let Linda know beforehand, so that she can make enough for four! 7
AndaleJackSmithGreeting2a Thanks, Jack. Maybe I'll do that. Neutral 50 I hope to see you there! So, did you need anything else? 8
AndaleJackSmithGreeting2b Yeah... maybe not. I don't want to catch whatever you have. Neutral 50 Suit yourself, but you don't know what you're missing. 9
Happy 50 Linda's meatloaf is the best in the county. And her mince meat pie has won first prize at the town fair three years running. 10
Neutral 50 But the invitation still stands, if you ever change your mind. But listen to me go on, did you need something else? 11
AndaleJackSmithGreeting3 Yeah... you're a little too chipper for my tastes. I'm out of here. Neutral 50 Well, that's a shame. But feel free to stop by and see us anytime! 12
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement1 I really don't know what you're talking about, Jack... Anger 50 Look, stranger, I'm not angry I just want you to tell me the truth. If you can't do that, then I think you'd best head on out of town. 13
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement2 Yes, and I saw what you're hiding in there, you sick bastard! Anger 50 I'm disappointed in you stranger so quick to judge us. Did you ever stop to think that I have a family to support here? 14
Neutral 50 "Judge not, lest ye be judged" as the good book says. Honestly, how many people have you killed? 15
Neutral 50 The only difference between us is that that I'm bringing home the bacon for my family. 16
Yes, and I saw what you're hiding down there, you sick bastard! Anger 50 I'm disappointed in you stranger so quick to judge us. Did you ever stop to think that I have a family to support here? 17
Neutral 50 "Judge not, lest ye be judged" as the good book says. Honestly, how many people have you killed? 18
Neutral 50 The only difference between us is that that I'm bringing home the bacon for my family. 19
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement2a Bring home the bacon? Those are people, not bacon! What the fuck? Disgust 75 Hey! I'll have none of that language in this house! 20
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement2a1 I can't believe I'm being called a potty mouth by a cannibal... Anger 50 Okay, that's it. I warned you. Now I'm going to sock your jaw, mister. 21
I can't believe I'm being called a potty mouth by a cannibal... Anger 50 Okay, that's it. I warned you. Normally, I wouldn't hit a lady, but you're over the line, missy. 22
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement2a2 Seriously, you're talking about eating people, here. What's wrong with you? Neutral 50 I don't think I like your tone. There's nothing wrong with me, we've lived this way for decades 23
Neutral 50 After the war, four families survived. They continued on just like we have. But when their shelters ran out of food, they need to eat something. 24
Neutral 50 Family is everything, my friend. I wouldn't expect a wasteland wanderer like you to understand. 25
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement2b Wait... are you saying you eat those people? Neutral 50 I don't think I like your tone. There's nothing wrong with me, we've lived this way for decades 26
Neutral 50 After the war, four families survived. They continued on just like we have. But when their shelters ran out of food, they need to eat something. 27
Sad 50 Family is everything, my friend. I wouldn't expect a wasteland wanderer like you to understand. 28
Neutral 50 Now, let's just forget that this happened and we'll have no problem, right? 29
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement2b1 Sure, Jack. No problem at all. I saw nothing. Happy 50 Well, that's good to hear, friend! Very good to hear, indeed. 30
Neutral 50 You wouldn't believe how judgmental some people can be. Honestly. All I'm trying to do is keep my family happy and fed. 31
Neutral 50 Tell you what, talk to Linda. She'll give you some of her special meat pie. It's to die for! Ha! Hahaha... but not you. You're good people. 32
Sure, Jack. No problem at all. I saw nothing. Happy 50 Well, that's good to hear, friend! Very good to hear, indeed. 33
Neutral 50 You wouldn't believe how judgmental some people can be. Honestly. All I'm trying to do is keep my family happy and fed. 34
Neutral 50 Tell you what, talk to Linda. She'll give you some of her special meat pie. It's to die for! Ha! Hahaha... but not you. You're good people. 35
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement2b2 No, Jack. You have to die. You and your sick little town. Anger 50 Well, I guess we know where our next meal is coming from then, don't we? 36
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement2c Huh. Well, everyone's got to survive in their own way, I guess. Happy 50 You see, now that's nice to hear. Every time someone discovers our little secret, it's always "oh, you're terrible people", or "how can you do this?" 37
Neutral 50 I mean, I've got a family to take care of here. I've lived in Andale my whole life. And my father before me, and his father, and his father's father. 38
Neutral 50 This town started out with just four families, and that's the way we've stayed. Small town and proud, eh? 39
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement2c1 That's the way to be, together to the end. Neutral 50 Indeed. To each their own, personal choice, it's the American way! 40
Happy 50 I tell you what, stranger. I like you. Stop by here anytime and ask Linda for one of her special meat pies. 41
Neutral 50 There's nothing better after a hard day of work than one of those pies, I tell you what! 42
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement2c2 Well, whatever works you you. Neutral 50 Indeed. To each their own, personal choice, it's the American way! 43
Happy 50 I tell you what, stranger. I like you. Stop by here anytime and ask Linda for one of her special meat pies. 44
Neutral 50 There's nothing better after a hard day of work than one of those pies, I tell you what! 45
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement3 I would have grabbed myself a snack while I was in there, but that'd be rude. Surprise 50 You're right, it sure would have. You know, you're a breath of fresh air. Every time someone discovers our little secret, we have to hear about it. 46
Happy 50 It's always "oh, how can you do this", or "you're such terrible people", or "please, not me, I have a kid in Rivet City". Well, I have kids too! 47
Neutral 50 Family first, that's the way it works in Andale from the day that the first four families decided to stay here. 48
Neutral 50 You're not bad, stranger. Stop on by anytime and ask Linda for one of her special meat pies. 49
I almost grabbed a snack while I was there, but that would have been rude. Surprise 50 You're right, it sure would have. You know, you're a breath of fresh air. Every time someone discovers our little secret, we have to hear about it. 50
Happy 50 It's always "oh, how can you do this", or "you're such terrible people", or "please, not me, I have a kid in Rivet City". Well, I have kids too! 51
Neutral 50 Family first, that's the way it works in Andale from the day that the first four families decided to stay here. 52
Neutral 50 You're not bad, stranger. Stop on by anytime and ask Linda for one of her special meat pies. 53
I would have grabbed myself a snack while I was in there, but that'd be rude. Surprise 50 You're right, it sure would have. You know, you're a breath of fresh air. Every time someone discovers our little secret, we have to hear about it. 54
Happy 50 It's always "oh, how can you do this", or "you're such terrible people", or "please, not me, I have a kid in Rivet City". Well, I have kids too! 55
Neutral 50 Family first, that's the way it works in Andale from the day that the first four families decided to stay here. 56
Neutral 50 You're not bad, stranger. Stop on by anytime and ask Linda for one of her special meat pies. 57
I almost grabbed a snack while I was there, but that would have been rude. Surprise 50 You're right, it sure would have. You know, you're a breath of fresh air. Every time someone discovers our little secret, we have to hear about it. 58
Happy 50 It's always "oh, how can you do this", or "you're such terrible people", or "please, not me, I have a kid in Rivet City". Well, I have kids too! 59
Neutral 50 Family first, that's the way it works in Andale from the day that the first four families decided to stay here. 60
Neutral 50 You're not bad, stranger. Stop on by anytime and ask Linda for one of her special meat pies. 61
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement4 Yes. I was in the shed. Neutral 50 And did you see anything... unexpected there? 62
Yes, I was in the basement. Neutral 50 And did you see anything... unexpected there? 63
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement4a You know, now that you mention it, there were a bunch of bodies in there. Neutral 50 And do you have any thoughts on that? 64
You know, now that you mention it, there were a bunch of bodies down there. Neutral 50 And do you have any thoughts on that? 65
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement4a1 No, not really. Everyone does what they have to. Surprise 50 Well, that's good to hear, friend! Very good to hear, indeed. 66
Happy 50 You wouldn't believe how judgmental some people can be. Honestly. All I'm trying to do is keep my family happy and fed. 67
Neutral 50 Tell you what, talk to Linda. She'll give you some of her special meat pie. It's to die for! Ha! Hahaha... but not you. You're good people. 68
No, not really. Everyone does what they have to. Surprise 50 Well, that's good to hear, friend! Very good to hear, indeed. 69
Happy 50 You wouldn't believe how judgmental some people can be. Honestly. All I'm trying to do is keep my family happy and fed. 70
Neutral 50 Tell you what, talk to Linda. She'll give you some of her special meat pie. It's to die for! Ha! Hahaha... but not you. You're good people. 71
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement4a2 I think that you're a bunch of sick fucks and I'm getting out of here. Neutral 50 I'm disappointed, friend. But that's your prerogative. 72
Neutral 50 If you don't want to enjoy our town, we certainly don't want you here. 73
Neutral 50 I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy your stay... but, a man does need to feed his family. Nothing personal. 74
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement4a3 Yes. You're going to die for what you've done, Jack. Neutral 50 Too bad, stranger. I guess you'll just have to be our new meal! 75
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement4c Yes, I did. And you're going to die for it. Neutral 50 Well that's a bit presumptuous, don't you think? To kill a man just for providing for his family? Everyone has to eat. 76
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement4c1 Nah. It's not presumptuous at all. You have to go. Neutral 50 Well then. I guess we can always stand to have some leftovers, can't we? 77
AndaleJackSmithGreetingBasement4c2 Actually, I'll just leave you alone. Neutral 50 Unfortunately, that's not an option. You see, you leave here and start warning people about the "crazies" in Andale. 78
Neutral 50 And then food get a lot more scarce, doesn't it? 79
Neutral 50 No, no, friend. I'm afraid that we can't let you leave. Get the ketchup, Linda! 80
AndaleOldManHarrisTopic What's wrong with that Harris guy? Neutral 50 Oh, Old Man Harris? Don't mind him. He's gone, you know... a little soft in his later years. Ever since Gladys died, he just hasn't been the same. 81
AndaleOldManHarrisTopicJack1 He said you were all crazy killers. Neutral 50 Did he, now? I've talked to him before about spreading rumors. I guess I'll just have to have another little chat with him. 82
Neutral 50 Every time he does this, he scares our new friends off, and we love people! It's a shame when they slip out of our grubby little paws! Ha! 83
AndaleOldManHarrisTopicJack2 Well, okay then. Nothing to worry about. Neutral 50 Poor guy, it's so sad when senility sets in. 84
AndaleSuspicousRelations The families around here seem... umm... closer than most. Neutral 50 Oh, we are. Absolutely. Family first, here in Andale. 85
The families around here seem very close. Neutral 50 Oh, we are. Absolutely. Family first, here in Andale. 86
AndaleSuspicousRelationsJack1 No, I mean, really close. Neutral 50 Oh, someone spilled our beans, didn't they? Well, Andale has been four families and only four families for a very long time. 118
Neutral 50 Two families marry into one another, take a new name, and start a new life. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? 119
AndaleSuspicousRelationsJack1a Doesn't that make you all cousins? Neutral 50 I can't say that I know what you're talking about, but I sure as heck don't like your tone. You've got no business coming in here and judging us. 87
Neutral 50 We're four hard working American families. I work hard to put food on the table for my family, so do all the men here. 88
Neutral 50 It's not easy living the American dream but dammit, we're doing the best we can. 89
AndaleSuspicousRelationsJack1b Well... okay... whatever works for you. Anger 50 Now, I know what you're thinking, and don't bother. We're perfectly happy good Christian people here, and we've been that way for 200 years. 90
Neutral 50 All the men work hard to put food on the table and all the women work hard to make nice homes for us. That's the way it should be. 91
Neutral 50 This is America, and I'll be damned if I let some Chinese Commies ruin that with a few bombs! 92
AndaleSuspicousRelationsJack2 I guess it's none of my business. Neutral 50 Well, you know what they say about curiosity, cats, and killing. Just be careful where you stick your nose. We're private people. 93
Tell me about Andale.
Tell me about this place. Neutral 50 Andale: greatest place there is. We win town of the year every year, we've got no end of food, and no troubles at all. 94
Neutral 50 Yep, there's no better place to raise a family. 95
AndaleTownTopicOldManHarris Old Man Harris doesn't seen very happy. Neutral 50 Yeah, well, he's hit it rough. Ever since his wife died, he just hasn't been enthusiastic about the Andale lifestyle anymore. 96
Neutral 50 He stays locked up in his house all day and the girls bring him his meals. He barely eats enough to stay alive. Poor guy, he's all skin and bones. 97
AndaleWhatDoYouDo What do you do around here? Happy 50 I work to feed my family, just like every red-blooded American man should. 98
Neutral 50 Why, a man that can't keep his family fed isn't any kind of man at all, no sir! 99
AndalejackSmithGreeting1a Well, okay then. Neutral 50 Yessir, democracy is God's best gift, right after family, of course. 100
AndalejackSmithGreeting1b Ah, I get it! You're crazy. Happy 50 No, sir. Not crazy, just a loyal American. {Very satisfied with himself.} 101
Ah, I get it! You're crazy. Happy 50 No, ma'am. Not crazy, just a loyal American. {Very satisfied with himself.} 102
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there, stranger. I've got something that I want to talk to you about. 103
Neutral 50 I couldn't help but notice that you were poking around in Bill's shed. 104
Neutral 50 So, did you find what you were looking for in there? 105
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there, stranger. I've got something that I want to talk to you about. 106
Neutral 50 I couldn't help but notice that you're poking around in my basement. 107
Neutral 50 So, be honest now, You wouldn't know anything about that would you? 108
GREETING Happy 50 Hello there, fellah! Good to meet you! Name's Smith, Jack Smith. Welcome to Andale, the best little town in Virginia! 109
GREETING Happy 50 Hello there, young lady! Good to meet you! Name's Smith, Jack Smith. Welcome to Andale, the best little town in Virginia! 110
GREETING Neutral 50 Hello there, stranger! Good to meet you! Name's Jack Smith. I hear you've already met my wife. Sweet lady, isn't she? 111
Neutral 50 But anyway, welcome to Andale, the best little town in Virginia! 112
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there, good to see you again! 113
GREETING Neutral 50 Afternoon, friend! 114
GREETING Neutral 50 Look at this weather, can you believe it? 115
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 I'm afraid that it just doesn't work that way. 116
Anger 50 I guess we know where the next meal is coming from! 117


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 You should really stop by for dinner sometime. 118
I have to go now. Neutral 50 I'll tell Linda and Junior that you said hello! 119
I have to go now. Neutral 50 C'mon back anytime! We look forward to having you! 120
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Mmmm... dinner smells delicious, honey! 121
HELLO Neutral 50 There's my honey pie! 122
HELLO Neutral 50 Honeypie, can I talk to you? 123
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey, stranger. C'mon over here, I'd like to talk to you about something. 124