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Hunger is a derived statistic in Fallout 4's Survival mode and Fallout: The Roleplaying Game.

Fallout 4[]


Hunger occurs if the Sole Survivor does not eat food after a long enough period of time. It accumulates slowly at all times. Increased levels modify SPECIAL stats. Higher hunger levels induces Fatigue, at which Action Points will become affected. Ultimately, damage will be taken, reducing Hit Points. Most types of food will reduce hunger by some amount, though certain foods are more effective than others.

Stages of hunger[]

There are 6 stages of hunger that span in-game hours. It doesn't appear that the thresholds are linear. For example, it takes about 6 hours to go from well-fed to peckish to hungry, then 12 hours to go from hungry to famished. The following table shows the approximate times that it takes for a character to go from completely satisfied to the listed condition in each area. In-game time is expressed in "hours" and real-time is expressed in "minutes."

Well-fed Peckish Hungry Famished Ravenous Starving
Effects Food provides benefits other than satiation Yes No No No No No
Endurance -1 -2 -4 -8 -10
Charisma -1 -3 -5 -5
Luck -1 -2 -3
Fatigue ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Health points -???/???s
Duration In-game, Awake 6 hours 12 hours 24 hours 36 hours 64 hours
Real-time, Awake 18 minutes 36 minutes 1 hour, 12 minutes 1 hour, 48 minutes 3 hours, 12 minutes
In-game, Asleep 1 hour, 30 minutes 3 hours 6 hours 9 hours 16 hours

The In-game / real-time data in this table are approximations only. The time expressed is not truly accurate. This table may be incomplete.

Fallout: The Roleplaying Game[]

Being well-fed often means being willing to eat some downright unpalatable things, including mutated and irradiated plants and animals.— pg. 191

Hunger is a survival statistic that must be tended to by ingesting sustenance wherever it can be found. All character origins (with the exception of Robots) must feed themselves or risk increasing their hunger states and incurring fatigue points.

Eating a food item moves back the state of hunger. Eating uncooked food and preserved pre-War food moves the character back up one step (i.e., from hungry to peckish), while prepared food moves the character back up two steps instead (i.e., from peckish to full).

If starving, hunger is a source of fatigue.

States of hunger[]

States Full Sated Peckish Hungry Starving
Effects After an hour of being full, become sated. After four hours of being sated, you become peckish. After eight hours of being peckish, become hungry. After sixteen hours of being hungry, gain 1 Fatigue and become starving. For every day starving, gain 1 Fatigue.

See also[]
