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Hopkins' Hooligans, or simply the Hooligans,[1] were a small-time raider gang in operation before 2103.


Led by Hopkins, Hopkins' Hooligans was a small-scale group of raiders whose members included Beckett. According to Beckett, although the gang was small, its operations were successful enough for all its members to be satisfied. The gang quickly fell apart after Hopkins' death, and Beckett went on to join a different and larger gang, Edwin's gang.[2]

As Beckett notes, the Hooligans were the first gang that he joined after starting out as a thief. Though his brother Frankie wanted to follow him into the gang, Beckett forced him to stay behind, which he believes caused Frankie to resent him.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Vault Dweller: "What was your life like before the gangs?"
    Beckett: "I never really knew my mom, and my dad died when I was pretty young... so I ended up having to take care of my brother, Frankie. We had to steal food and drink to keep from starving. Turns out we were pretty darn good at it, so, we started our own little crime wave. We never did anything serious though. I drew the line at stealing. Frankie was a bit, uh... trigger-happy, and that worried me. When I was recruited by the Hooligans, I made Frankie stay at home. I wouldn't let him join. He always hated me for that."
  2. Vault Dweller: "Tell me about your older gangs."
    Beckett: "Ancient history, huh? Fair enough. Well... let's see. First I was an independent, just trying to steal enough to keep me afloat. Problem was all of the competition... the gangs. Once I realized it's smarter to join them, I ran with HopkinsIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Hooligans. That went pretty well, until Hopkins got himself killed. I ran with Edwin's gang for a little while until the Blood Eagles came calling. They, uh, "recruited" me into their gang... and the rest is history."