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Your barbs do not harm me. I am shielded by my faith.

Sister Harriet, simply named Child of Atom in-game, is a member of the Children of Atom who lives and evangelizes on the Island in 2287.[1]


Sister Harriet is one of the Children responsible for spreading the word of Atom. She is encountered on the road to Acadia during the quest Walk in the Park. She is familiar with Old Longfellow, and holds him in low regard for taking travelers to the synth refuge,[2] a place she also looks down upon, calling it a "nest of snakes" filled with beasts.[3] However, she believes the Sole Survivor is still capable of being converted to the Church of Atom[3][4] and will direct them to the Nucleus to learn more about the faith.[5]

Harriet refers to the Island as "Atom's kingdom" because of the presence of the Fog, which she calls sacred and indicative that Atom has taken over the Island for his faithful.[6] Harriet is distrustful of Acadia specifically because of their work on the fog condensers, which she sees as an affront to a holy aspect of the Church.[7] She also believes that Acadia and the settlement of Far Harbor are both doomed, as the Church of Atom are the "rightful heirs" to the Island.[8]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Walk in the Park


Apparel Weapon Other items
Child of Atom rags Radium rifle


  • Sister Harriet is never referred to by name in the player character's initial encounter with her. In-game, she is simply named "Child of Atom." However, Grand Zealot Richter reveals her name if one mentions the encounter with her outside of Acadia.[1]
  • If she is not encountered during Walk in the Park, she will never spawn.

Notable quotes[]


Sister Harriet appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Sole Survivor: "I was sent here by a Child of Atom I met outside of Acadia."
    Brian Richter: "That so. Likely more of Sister Harriet's good work. So you've come to find a place among Atom's children, then?"
    (Brian Richter's dialogue)
  2. Child of Atom: "Hold there. Stringing one more soul to their damnation, old man?"
    Old Longfellow: "Well, what have we here? Another rad-worshippin' lunatic, that's what."
    Child of Atom: "Your barbs do not harm me. I am shielded by my faith."
    (Sister Harriet and Old Longfellow's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Sole Survivor: "Let's just settle down, OK?"
    Old Longfellow: "You're right. Waste of ammo."
    Child of Atom: "Do not sully this one with your blasphemy, old man. You. I suggest you go no further. Acadia is a nest of snakes. Beasts that subvert the will of Atom. But it is not too late, brother/sister. You still may have a chance to take your place among His chosen."
    (Sister Harriet's dialogue)
  4. Child of Atom: "You are not beyond saving, brother/sister. Atom may have a plan for you yet."
    (Sister Harriet's dialogue)
  5. The Sole Survivor: "Okay. Sign me up."
    Child of Atom: "Excellent. Head to the Nucleus. There Atom's plans for you will be revealed."
    (Sister Harriet's dialogue)
  6. The Sole Survivor: "All right. I'm listening. Tell me about Atom."
    Child of Atom: "Tell you? Look around. You stride through His kingdom. A land blanketed beneath sacred Fog. A land Atom has claimed for His Children. And you may join our family, if He deems you worthy."
    (Sister Harriet's dialogue)
  7. The Sole Survivor: "What's Acadia done to make you distrust them?"
    Child of Atom: "They supply Far Harbor with the means to turn back Atom's holy Fog."
    (Sister Harriet's dialogue)
  8. Child of Atom: "Far Harbor and Acadia are doomed. The Children are the rightful heirs to this place."
    (Sister Harriet's dialogue)