Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

Benjamin Franklin was a founding father of the United States of America.


  • A protectron bearing the name "BFRAN001 Benjamin Franklin unit" was designed as part of the National Archives signing of the Declaration of Independence reenactment.[1]
    • The description of the unit notes that Benjamin Franklin was from Virginia, and served as the oldest signer of the Declaration of Independence.[1]
  • Franklin is mentioned as an incorrect answer to a question on the National Archives' pop quiz.[2]
  • The electrician exam at the Pioneer Scout camp lists Franklin as the correct answer to which founding father invented the lightning rod.[3]
  • In conversation with Gilbert Hopson, the Vault Dweller has a chance to mention Franklin by name while quoting him ("An investment in knowledge pays the best interests") with an Intelligence of 8+.[4]
  • In the note On the Thesis of Wallace, Wise Martin the Bearded mentions Franklin by name and quotes him by writing "The knowledge of one's own ignorance is the beginning of wisdom, as Benjamin Franklin noted."[5]


Benjamin Franklin is mentioned in Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 National Archives terminal entries; BFRAN001 Benjamin Franklin
  2. National Archives Guess And Win!; Question Two
  3. Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Electrician Exam
  4. Vault Dweller: "[Intelligence 8+] As Benjamin Franklin once said, an investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
    Gilbert Hopson: "Well said! Well said, indeed! It's so good to meet a fellow devotee of the humanities. I don't mind saying that enlightened minds such as yours and mine are in desperately short supply of late."
    (Gilbert Hopson's dialogue)
  5. On the Thesis of Wallace