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The Employee tunnels terminal entries are several entries found on one terminal at the Employee tunnels in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.

Refugee terminal[]


= <User "D. MorrisIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar" signed in> =

User Logs[]


= User Logs =
= < Dean MorrisIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Signed In> =

It actually happened[]


The enemy finally dropped the bombs on us. Thank god we had The Plan, and everyone stuck to it. We couldn't talk sense into all of the park visitors, but we were able to grab a few out of the stampede and take refuge in the employee tunnels.

Oswald and Rachel did a pretty good job stocking up down here. We've got perservedIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar food and seeds, water from the pump systems, tools, extra lumber. Just about everything really. Except for weapons... that was Mitchel's job and we don't know if he survived. We just gotta keep calm about this and ride it out.

That crazy bastard[]


It's been about a week since the bombs fell, and we'd all writenIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Mitchel off for dead. Then he comes rolling up in a semi half full of guns, explosives, food, medicine, chemicals, you name it! Said he'd been busy gathering the rest of what we'd need to fortify Kiddie Kingdom.

He had some blood on his shirt, but when Oswald started to ask him about it we all told him to just leave it alone. I mean, Mitchel's a crazy bastard, but right now I'd rather have him on our side. I certainly wouldn't want to go up against him! We blew up the service tunnel passages connecting to the other areas of the park.If things don't calm down in another few weeks, we'll head outside and barricade the gates.

Radiation storms[]


The fighting outside has died down a bit and we've barricaded the gates to Kiddie Kingdom. While we were finishing up, a weird storm started to blow in over the horizon to the east. We barely had time to finish up, and when it hit, it hit hard. I've seen all sorts of storms, but this one was different. Almost like a tornado with green lightning arcing through the sky. We all ended up taking shelter where we could, but a few people just got sucked into the vortex and were just gone.

We were trapped for hours while that crazy storm passed over. It must have picked up the fallout from Boston, because everyone has been sick for weeks now and quite a few have died. Those of us who haven't are... changing. The preparedness videos never said anything about this.

Some sort of Affliction[]


We've been alive here for over a hundred years now. The change has affected all of us. It seems as though our bodies have adapted to the radiation. Our features have become twisted and distorted, but we no longer felt ill. Unfortunately, it seems like this change has affected some of us worse than the others.

First it was Mitchel, now Herman. They aren't speaking any more and they seem to just shuffle around growling. If we try to hold them back, they start to get violent. We've tried everything we can think of. Talking to them, medication, every possible remedy for a cold or illness, but whatever this affliction is, we can't seem to beat it. Rachel's convinced that it has to be an illness of some sort, the rest of us just call it the AfflicationIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar. I pray we find a solution before it take us all.

Pump control system[]


=== Nuka-World ===
= Pump Control System =
= <User "F. Fowler" signed in> =

System Access[]


= Kiddie Kingdom =
= Mist Sprayer Control System =

Current Status: SYSTEM ON
!!!System Warning!!!
Safety Warming: < Unsafe Levels of Radiation >
Water Purity Setting: < Administrative Override >

Turn Off Mist Sprayers[]



:::System Message:::

Mist Sprayers Setting: < OFF >

Turn On Mist Sprayers[]



:::System Error:::

Current system settings require administrative activate to enable Mist Sprayer Subsystem.

Please contact Zone Management or Facilities.

User Logs[]


= User Logs =
= < Fran Fowler Signed In> =

The first attack[]


It's been a few weeks since the bombs fell, and we've been attacked for the first time. It wasn't even a big group, and they weren't as well armed as we were. During the fight, I froze up when some grocery clerk charged Evan from behind. He was knocked to the ground and was about to have his head bashed in with one of those gumdrop decorations when Mitchel blew the clerk's brains out. Now Evan is pissed at me for not watching his back. The damn world has ended and I have to deal with a pissed-off boyfriend.

Why is this happening[]


It's been a few months since the radiation storms started. Twenty three people have died so far, and I'm starting to wish I was one of them. My skin looks like a prune, at least in the places where it hasn't fallen off. A couple of the others seemed to have stopped changing, but they look terrible.

Half of my hair has fallen out. Another clump just fell out while I was typing this. Evan's hair is gone entirely and I can barely stand to look at him. We had a huge fight about it and now he's moving his stuff out of here and up into the clock tower. I felt like a monster chasing him off, but maybe it's true. Maybe I am a monster. Maybe we all are.

Contamination in the water[]


Some sort of alarm woke us in the middle of the night. It looks like the water intake pipes are contaminated. I mean the water is practically glowing. The alarm must have been some sort of automated failsafe to protect the park. We'd all heard the rumors about Nuka-World having some sort of reactor in the Bottling Plant. God only knows what they put in that Quantum stuff. The heck with it, it's been over a year now, if the radiation from the storms hasn't killed me yet, what's a little bit more? I'm going back to bed.

Found a use for the Sprayers[]


We were attacked by a huge mob today. They almost made it to the castle this time. As we were trying to drive them back, I had an idea. We may be immune to radiation now, but these people probably aren't! I ran into the tunnels and turned on the park's water sprayers. In minutes, the attack was over. Man, we should have been doing this for years! When Evan heard it was me who figured it out, he kissed me until I couldn't see straight. I dunno if it means things are totally good between us again, but hell, I'll take it!

The Affliction is getting worse[]


The Affliction sweeping through our people is getting worse. It took Herman last month. He knew it was coming, we all did. Until Rachel can figure out some way of fixing this, I'm afraid we're all going to end up like that.

We've survived radiation storms, starvation, attacks and god knowIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar what else for over a hundred years now. But how can we fight this?! It's not fair. I don't know if I'm just angry, or if this is a sign that I've got the Affliction. God help us all.
