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Dialogue for Vic's guard, keeping watch of Vic's room in the Slaver's Guild.


# 0. Look
{100}{}{You see a slaver.}
{150}{}{He seems to be paying close attention to the door next to him.}
# 1. Self Initiated Floats
{200}{}{Hey! Hands off.}
{201}{}{That's it!}
# 2. Open Door 1 - Self Initiated Floats
# 3. Open Door 2 - Self Initiated Floats (From 9, 16)
{220}{}{There you go.}
# 4. Starting Node (From Where to go)
{230}{}{Hey, how's it going?}
{231}{}{Hey, you joined up, huh? Cool. Hope we go on some runs together.}
{232}{}{So, what is it you want to talk about?}
{233}{}{So, who's in there?}
{234}{}{About Vic…}
{235}{}{Good, thanks.}
{236}{}{Got to go.}
{238}{}{Meko veek?}
# 5. Who's that? & About Vic' (From 4)
{250}{}{His name's Vic - some merchant that broke something of my boss's, or something like that. Not too sure.}
{251}{}{His name's Vic - some merchant that broke something of the boss's, or something like that. Not too sure.}
{252}{}{Oh, him? Yeah, some merchant. I think he broke something, but I'm not sure. Why? You know him?}
{253}{}{Oh, him? Yeah, some merchant. I think he broke something, but I'm not sure. Why? You know him?}
{255}{}{Why are you guarding him?}
{256}{}{Who's your boss?}
{257}{}{Can I see him?}
{258}{}{Well, I'm fairly skilled in repairing things. Maybe I could help?}
{259}{}{Well, I'm fairly skilled in the sciences, maybe I could help?}
{260}{}{The door's locked. Could you open it?}
# 6. Guard Will let PC see Vic. (From 18)
{275}{}{Thanks for cash. I'm just letting you talk to him. No funny stuff. He can't leave that room without Metzger's okay.}
{276}{}{Now, I'm just letting you talk to him, okay? No funny stuff. He can't leave that room without Metzger's okay.}
# 7. Why guarding Vic (From 5)
{285}{}{To be sure no one bugs him while he works on something for the boss, but mainly to be sure he doesn't run off.}
{286}{}{Just to be sure he doesn't run off, I guess. He fixed that radio somehow.}
{287}{}{Who's your boss?}
{288}{}{Can I see him?}
{289}{}{Can I see him?}
{290}{}{Okay thanks.}
# 8. Can I see him - Slaver (From 7)
{295}{}{Oh, sure. I didn't mean you could see him, now that you're a slaver and all.}
{296}{}{Oh, sure. I guess so. He's not busy and he's not going anywhere, so no harm I guess.}
{297}{}{Well, could you open the door then?}
{298}{}{Okay, thanks.}
# 9. Unlock door, Okay to see (From 5, 8)
{305}{}{Of course. I didn't know you wanted to talk to him right now, sorry. I just thought you were curious or something.}
# 10. Who's your boss? (From 5, 7, 18)
{310}{}{Huh? You just in the habit of walking around into places you don't know? This is the Slaver's Guild.}
{311}{}{Oh, so that would make your boss's name'}
{312}{}{Oh, that's where I am? I though I was in Kansas.}
{313}{}{Okay, thanks.}
# 11. Kansas (From 10)
{320}{}{Where? No, never heard of it. This is the Den. Not sure about that place, but I don't get out much. Sorry.}
{322}{}{Uh, okay. Thanks.}
# 12. Don't know Boss? (From 10)
{330}{}{Damn, man. Metzger's the slaver master. He runs things around here.}
{331}{}{Damn, lady. This is the last place a lady like you would want to be. Metzger's the slaver master.}
{332}{}{Oh, where's his office?}
{333}{}{Okay, bye.}
# 13. Where's his office? (From 12)
{340}{}{Right through the back door there.}
# 14. Dumb Exit (From 4, 15, 20)
{350}{}{Sorry, I don't understand.}
# 15. Dumb Vic ? (From 4)
{360}{}{Sorry, Vic doesn't get visitors.}
{361}{}{Yeah, that's Vic.}
# 16. Dumb Can See Vic (From 15)
{370}{}{Sure, you can see him.}
{371}{}{Sure, you can see him. Let me unlock that for you.}
# 17. Repair or Science skills (From 5)
{380}{}{Oh really? I'm sure the boss would appreciate it. Just as long as he stays put. We don't want him running off again.}
# 18. Can I see Vic? (From 5, 7)
{390}{}{No, sorry. He's busy working on something for the boss.}
{391}{}{Sorry, can't do that. Direct orders from the boss.}
{392}{}{Well, you got my money?}
{393}{}{I just need to ask him a few questions.}
{394}{}{Oh, come on. Just let me talk to him real quick.}
{395}{}{Yes. Here.}
{396}{}{No. I'll come back.}
{397}{}{Who's your boss?}
{398}{}{Nevermind. Bye.}
# 19. See Vic is Never (From )
{410}{}{Stop bothering me. Go talk to Metzger. He's the boss.}
{411}{}{Leave me alone! What's your problem?}
{412}{}{I said talk to Metzger!}
{413}{}{Okay, fine! You can talk to him, but that's it! He's not stepping a foot outside that room. Got it? Now beat it!}
# 20. Wuk? (From 4)
{430}{}{Yeah, talk to Metzger. I'm sure he has some work available. I think he said he needed another man.}
{431}{}{Yeah, talk to Metzger. I'm sure he has some work available. He said he needed another man' but I'm sure you'll do.}
{432}{}{Talk to Metzger.}
# 21. Hostile (From Where to go)
{450}{}{Get him, guys.}
{451}{}{Get her, guys.}
# 22. Just a few questions. (From 18)
{460}{}{He's busy.}
{461}{}{Please, he won't leave the room. I promise.}
{462}{}{Can't we work something out - financially maybe?}
{463}{}{Okay, bye.}
# 23. Bribe 1 (From 22)
{470}{}{Well, uh' I don't know. I guess it wouldn't hurt just for you to talk to him. $300 and I'll let you in.}
{471}{}{You're nuts. That's too much!}
{472}{}{Screw you, buddy!}
{474}{}{Sorry, can't afford that.}
# 24. Fine. (From 22)
{480}{}{Fine, see if I care.}
# 25. No. (From 23)
{490}{}{No, sorry.}
{491}{}{I said no. Now beat it. You've got to talk to Metzger}
# 26. Vic Free (From Where to go)
{500}{}{To bad you didn't join us.}
{501}{}{You should join the guild.}
{502}{}{Just doing that guard thing.}
{503}{}{Hope Vic works out for you.}
{504}{}{Vic better be working hard for ya.}
{505}{}{Maybe I'll catch you on a run.}
{506}{}{How's it going?}
{507}{}{Hi, again.}
