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This is a transcript for dialogue with Desmond Lockheart.


DC04MQPQDesmondTLDoing What are you doing down here? Neutral 50 I'm pulling all the data that I can from Calvert's computers. Everything the little bastard gathered is here. 1
Neutral 50 And then, when I'm done, I'll leave this place to sink into the sea. 2
DC04MQPQDesmondTLFuture What will you do now that he's dead? Neutral 50 Now that we're rid of Calvert, I'll be heading north to pursue my next rival. 3
Neutral 50 There are only a few of us left now. The great game goes on. 4
Neutral 50 Sort of a... what's a word you'd understand... microcosm? Yeah. It's a microcosm for the old world. 5
DLC04AboutMansion Why would they want to attack the mansion? Happy 50 Damned if I know. It was abandoned when I got here. 6
Neutral 50 There's plenty hidden away here, none of it would be useful to to a bunch of crazed inbreds. 7
DLC04AboutNadine Have you seen a woman named Nadine? Happy 50 I've been around for a long goddamn time. The last time I knew a bird named Nadine, I still had skin. 8
Anger 50 There was some girl who came nosing around here a few weeks back, but she ran off before I could ... introduce myself. 9
Have you seen a woman named Nadine? Happy 50 I've been around for a long goddamn time. The last time I knew a bird named Nadine, I still had skin. 10
Anger 50 There was some girl who came nosing around here a few weeks back, but she ran off before I could... introduce myself. 11
DLC04AboutPointLookout Tell me more about Point Lookout. Anger 50 I'm here on my own business. You wouldn't understand it even if I tried to explain it to you. 12
Neutral 50 I don't know why anyone would bother with this shithole. It's filled with a bunch of disgusting inbreds and half-crazed loons. 13
Neutral 50 I'm gonna do what I came to do, and then get the fuck out of here. 14
Tell me more about Point Lookout. Anger 50 I'm here on my own business. You wouldn't understand it even if I tried to explain it to you. 15
Neutral 50 I don't know why anyone would bother with this shithole. It's filled with a bunch of disgusting inbreds and half-crazed loons. 16
Neutral 50 I'm gonna do what I came to do, and then get the fuck out of here. 17
DLC04AboutTribals What do you know about the Tribals? Anger 50 They're brainless morons who worship some crazy spirit. What's to know? 18
DLC04DesFakeGoodbye I have to go now. Happy 50 Now, hold on there. Not so fuckin' fast. You can be useful to me. I need someone willing to get their hands dirty. 19
Neutral 50 So, here's the deal: I help you get in with those Tribals, you help me get what I want, and I'll make you fuckin' rich. 20
Happy 50 Just try not to sprain a lobe while you're thinking about it. My time is short. 21
DLC04DesmondGreeting1A Do you know why the Tribals were attacking? Neutral 50 Not a fuckin' clue. It'd be easy to chalk it up to their crazy religion, but if I'm right, and I always am, there's something else going on. 22
Anger 50 That's the third attack in a month, so somebody's got a grudge with me. Whether it's a man or a god, I intend to set them straight. 23
DLC04DesmondGreeting1C Any chance of getting more training? Happy 25 Oh, there's always a chance, certainly. But what you earn depends on how well you can follow directions. 24
Happy 25 You're not the most incompetent waster I've ever met. I think we could put you to work and figure out what's going on here. 25
Neutral 50 Your reward would be considerable, since I know that's what you wasters value. Decide. 26
DLC04DesmondOffer What do you want me to do about the Tribals? Anger 25 You need to learn to pay attention when I speak. 27
Neutral 50 Those mud-lovers want me dead, and haven't extended the common fucking courtesy of telling me why. 28
Anger 50 So I need you to find a way into their commune and figure out what's going through their addled little heads. 29
Happy 50 Be a good pup, and Ol' Desmond will give you a treat. And, of course, who knows what riches they have for you to steal? 30
The Tribals want me to do some ritual before they'll let me in. Anger 75 What? Do you have to make some sort of tea out of magic beans, or play a song for their lizard king? 31
Neutral 50 Please. They're a pack of religious nutballs. Grow a pair and just go through the motions. Anyone with a brain knows that it's all bullshit. 32
DLC04DesmondOffer2A Okay, but how can I infiltrate them? Anger 25 Easy-peasy, right about now they'll be wondering what happened to their hunting party. 33
DLC04DesmondOffer2B What sort of reward are you offering? Happy 25 The only reliable currency in the world: information. You provide me with valuable info about the Tribals, I pay in kind. 34
Neutral 50 I've got a few more tricks I can share with you, if that's not enough to get you barking. 35
DLC04DesmondOffer2C No, not interested. Disgust 25 Sorry, but that's not really an option. I was only being polite in pretending that it was. 36
Anger 50 Tell you what, take a while and roll it around in your tiny brain. Consider your other options, if you think you've got any. {Intimidating - knows he's the only game in town.} 37
DLC04DesmondOffer3A Become a tribal? No way. Anger 75 What, like you've never done something unpleasant for the promise of your own personal gain? Give it a rest, saint. 38
Anger 25 Just head up to the Cathedral and ask real nice. When you're in, you find the bastard in charge and find out what they're up to. 39
Anger 50 I just need information. No need for violence... yet. 40
DLC04DesmondOffer3B You really think they'll just let me in like that? Happy 25 These are people who think cutting a hole in their skull can expand their mind. They're not exactly scholars over there. 41
Anger 25 Just head up to the Cathedral and ask real nice. When you're in, you find the bastard in charge and find out what they're up to. 42
Anger 50 I just need information. No need for violence... yet. 43
DLC04DesmondPast What's your story? Surprise 50 My story? Tell you what, kid. My story's a lot like a Deathclaw's tongue. 44
Anger 75 It's long, messy, and you don't want to get too personal with it. Understand? 45
Anger 50 Suffice it to say, I have business in Point Lookout. If you help, you will be repaid for your efforts. That's all you want to fucking know. 46
DLC04DesmondReward Why should I work with you, again? Anger 50 What's the difference between you and me, kid? What makes a gifted killer like yourself into a rock-hard bastard like me? 47
Surprise 50 The answer is training, you ignorant fuck! I've got a hundred years of experience on you, and don't you forget it. 48
Anger 50 Stick by me, and you'll get a master's class in doing what has to be done. 49
DLC04DesmondReward1A I'm pretty sure I just saved your life, you know. Anger 50 No, but you helped me out, and that's something. Can't let you think I'm not a gracious host, can I? 50
Neutral 50 So, tell you what I'll do, I'll share a few tips for the next time you're making a dramatic final stand. 51
DLC04DesmondReward1B What kind of failsafe are you talking about? Neutral 50 The type that kills everyone outside of my saferoom and leaves a hell of a mess to clean up. Standard type. 52
Anger 50 Not worth wasting on ignorant savages like them, honestly. Just as well you came along when you did. 53
Neutral 50 So, tell you what I'll do, I'll share a few tips for the next time you're making a dramatic final stand. 54
DLC04DesmondSt185Greeting1 Calm down, there. You'll make a mess. Neutral 50 Moron! You cannot possibly comprehend what this is worth! 55
Neutral 50 I've been battling with Calvert for over 200 years! And now, at last, I am the victor! 56
Neutral 50 And now, 200 years of technology, knowledge, and research that he stole from me! Every time he beat me, it doesn't matter now! 57
Calm down, there. You'll make a mess. Neutral 50 Moron! You cannot possibly comprehend what this is worth! 58
Neutral 50 I've been battling with Calvert for over 200 years! And now, at last, I am the victor! 59
Neutral 50 And now, 200 years of technology, knowledge, and research that he stole from me! Every time he beat me, it doesn't matter now! 60
DLC04DesmondSt185Greeting1a So, where's my cut? Neutral 50 You're free to take whatever you find in this disgusting place. 61
Neutral 50 What I came for is of no interest to you. 62
Neutral 50 Enjoy your spoils. I don't think our paths will ever cross again. And I think we can both thank Christ and say hallelujah for that. 63
So, where's my cut? Neutral 50 You're free to take whatever you find in this disgusting place. 64
Neutral 50 What I came for is of no interest to you. 65
Neutral 50 Enjoy your spoils. I don't think our paths will ever cross again. And I think we can both thank Christ and say hallelujah for that. 66
DLC04DesmondSt185Greeting1b Neat! I want some of it. Neutral 50 You're free to take whatever you find in this disgusting place. 67
Neutral 50 What I came for is of no interest to you. 68
Neutral 50 Enjoy your spoils. I don't think our paths will ever cross again. And I think we can both thank Christ and say hallelujah for that. 69
Neat! I want some of it. Neutral 50 You're free to take whatever you find in this disgusting place. 70
Neutral 50 What I came for is of no interest to you. 71
Neutral 50 Enjoy your spoils. I don't think our paths will ever cross again. And I think we can both thank Christ and say hallelujah for that. 72
DLC04DesmondSt185Greeting2 What's so great about his stuff? Neutral 50 Moron! You cannot possibly comprehend what this is worth! 73
Neutral 50 I've been battling with Calvert for over 200 years! And now, at last, I am the victor! 74
Neutral 50 And now, 200 years of technology, knowledge, and research that he stole from me! Every time he beat me, it doesn't matter now! 75
What's so great about his stuff? Neutral 50 Moron! You cannot possibly comprehend what this is worth! 76
Neutral 50 I've been battling with Calvert for over 200 years! And now, at last, I am the victor! 77
Neutral 50 And now, 200 years of technology, knowledge, and research that he stole from me! Every time he beat me, it doesn't matter now! 78
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting1 I'm tired of you pushing me around, Desmond. Neutral 50 What? You betrayed me because I wasn't polite? Are you out of your fucking mind? 79
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting1a I don't take orders from anyone. Neutral 50 Fine then. Would it make your little feelbads all better if I said please? 80
Anger 50 Then pretty please, fucking help me rid the world of Professor Calvert. {Extreme sarcasm.} 81
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting1a1 That'll do. Let's go. Neutral 50 I've waited a long time for this. 82
Neutral 50 Savor the moment, my friend. This is the end of an era. 83
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting1a2 And I'm supposed to help you for free? Neutral 50 I'm 250 years old, so I think I have a shiny thing or two that might interest your tiny brain. 84
Neutral 50 So, if it's riches and weapons and things that you want, I have more than enough to spare. And all you have to do is do what you do best. 85
Neutral 50 Follow orders, and end Professor Calvert. 86
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting1a3 Very nice. Now can you say "please don't kill me?" Neutral 50 No, I can't. But let's see if you can! 87
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting1b And now you'll pay for it with your life. Neutral 50 Is that so? I've come a long way, my friend. I highly doubt that my journey will end today! 88
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting2 I've been looking for you. I'm not going to side with this crazy brain thing. Neutral 50 Well now, finally you show some goddamn sense. 89
Anger 50 So, if you're on my side, why did you destroy my jammer? 90
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting2a Because I'm done taking orders from you. After this, we're through. Neutral 50 After this, I won't require your services any longer. I suppose that works out now, doesn't it? 91
Neutral 50 So, since we're in agreement about this, let's go in there and "retire" the good professor! 92
Neutral 50 Brace yourself, you're about to witness the end of an era! 93
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting2b I figured it was the best way to get him to drop his guard. Neutral 50 And you... Impressive. Very impressive. Perhaps there's more to you than meets the eye. {Starts out continuing his tirade and interrupts himself.} 94
Pained 50 I suppose I had you wrong. And that in itself is a once in a lifetime event. 95
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting2b1 It happens to us all. Let's go. Happy 50 Brace yourself, my friend. You're about to witness the end of an era! 96
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting2b2 No. You were right not to trust me. Die. Neutral 50 If nothing else, I have to say that you were good sport! 97
Anger 50 You'll be the appetizer before I destroy the professor! 98
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting2c Because I wanted to. Just like I want to kill you now. Neutral 50 Nihilism is so boring. Try it if you must, I could use the warmup before I kill the professor! 99
DLC04DesmondSt50Greeting3 I just wanted to see you up close when I told you I was going to kill you. Neutral 50 After 250 years, you think I'll go down to you? Ha! Try it! 100
DLC04DesTribalReturn1A I'm in. I found out where their leader is hiding. Anger 50 And? You didn't go track him down and grill him for information? 101
Anger 75 I'm not your daddy. Don't waste your time checking in! Go find him and figure out what he wants with this place, you moron! 102
DLC04DesTribalReturn1B Those idiots let me in with open arms. I have the location of their leader. Happy 25 Nice work -- as if sneaking into a compound of morons is any kind of work. So why haven't you tracked down their leader and grilled him for info? 103
Anger 50 Don't waste your time reporting back. Go find him and figure out what he wants with this place, you moron! 104
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting1 So, who is this brain thing, anyway? Neutral 50 HIM! I should have known. My old rival... so close to his family home. Only he would be so stupid. 105
Neutral 50 He was once a man -- Professor Calvert. The Calverts owned half of Maryland, back when there was a Maryland to own. 106
Neutral 50 Members of the Calvert family were influential all over the world. They practically owned a deed to the US government. 107
Neutral 50 In their best days, there were no less than three Calvert family senators, seven members of the house, and two governors. 108
Neutral 50 They even had a top candiate for president, until that scandal with the dog forced him to drop out of the race. I was particularly proud of that one. 109
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting2 You know this guy? What's going on here? Neutral 50 Calvert is my old rival. Centuries, we've played this game. I knew he'd be stupid enough to hide so close to his family home. 110
Neutral 50 It's not a matter of hate, it's a matter of destiny. He is my enemy, and I do not suffer any bastard who opposes me to live. 111
Neutral 50 I knew he was here, and it is my intent to find him, and call down a righteous fucking hammer on his head. 112
Neutral 50 Figurative, I mean. His head. 113
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting3 So, now you want me to do something else, right? Neutral 50 Of course I fucking want you to do something else. You don't expect me to trod around this mudhole my self, do you? 114
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting3a Maybe you should watch your tone, old man. Neutral 50 Or what? You think I haven't been shot before? Think that you, over the thousands who have tried, can take me down? 115
Neutral 50 You'd best wise the hell up and play along. I'll get what I want, and you'll get rich, and then we can go about our separate goddamn ways. 116
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting3a1 What do you want me to do? Neutral 50 So, those half-wits are getting messages from the Professor, right? So, he's off somewhere broadcasting to 'em. 117
Neutral 50 But without those buggers to do things for him, he can't do much for himself. 118
Neutral 50 So, we cut off his ability to talk to 'em, and he'll need to try harder. Maybe then I can find the squishy little worm and finish him off for good! 119
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting3a1a What's your plan, old man? Neutral 50 If I know Professor Calvert, and I do, he's using a high frequency cognitive sine broadcast. 120
Neutral 50 I have the perfect device to jam up his little talkbox. All you need to do is take it to the highest point on the shore and install it. 121
Neutral 50 Easy, right? 122
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting3a1a1 That big wheel down by the docks, right? Neutral 50 Right. Attach it to the bottom car, then turn it on and spin the jammer to the top. No fuckin' problem. 123
Neutral 50 I'll watch from here and turn it on. Then we'll see where our little professor is. 124
Neutral 50 Now, go! 125
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting3a1a2 I'm afraid of heights. Neutral 50 Well, that's just too bad, ain't it? But since you're so afraid, attach the thing to one of the cars and then spin it around to get it to the top. 126
Neutral 50 I'll watch from here and turn it on when it's ready. Then we'll see where our little Professor is. 127
Neutral 50 Now, go! 128
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting3a1b So, how do we shut him down? Neutral 50 If I know the Professor, he's using a high frequency cognitive sine broadcast. 129
Neutral 50 I have the perfect device to jam up that little worm's talkbox. All you need to do is take it to the highest point around and install it. 130
Neutral 50 Easy, right? 131
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting3a2 Oh, I can't wait to hear this. Neutral 50 So, those half-wits are getting messages from the Professor, right? So, he's off somewhere broadcasting to them. 132
Neutral 50 But without those buggers to do things for him, he can't do much for himself. 133
Neutral 50 So, we cut off his ability to talk to them, and he'll need to try harder. Maybe then I can find the squishy little worm and finish him off for good! 134
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting3b Right, right. You're mean, we get it. Neutral 50 You're goddamn right, I am. Now, let's get on with the work, shall we? 135
DLC04MQ01DesmondST10Greeting3c There'd better be something good at the end of this. Neutral 50 Nothing but the best for people who stay in my good graces. Now, you ready to stop whining and listen? 136
DLC04MQ01DesmondST25Greeting1 That brain contacted me. He wants me to destroy the Jammer. Disgust 50 I can't exactly say I'm surprised. You're not thinking about doing it, are you? 137
DLC04MQ01DesmondST25Greeting1a I might be. Motivate me not to. Neutral 50 Are you fucking joking? I suppose you aren't. What is it you people use for money these days? Those bottle caps? 138
Neutral 50 Right. Well, here's a bunch of those. Now go do your goddamn job before my patience runs out. 139
DLC04MQ01DesmondST25Greeting1a1 Pleasure doing business with you. Neutral 50 Piss off and do what you're told. 140
DLC04MQ01DesmondST25Greeting1a2 That might do. We'll see. Neutral 50 This isn't a game, you twit. Piss off and do what you're told. 141
DLC04MQ01DesmondST25Greeting1b Why would I do that? We're buddies, you and me! Neutral 50 Whatever we are, we are not "buddies." 142
Neutral 50 Now, what the bloody Christ else did you want? 143
DLC04MQ01DesmondST25Greeting1c I haven't decided. I'll let you know. Neutral 50 If you cross me, it'll be the last fuckin' mistake you ever make in this life. 144
Neutral 50 Now what else do you want? 145
DLC04MQ01DesmondST25Greeting2 Nope. Nothing at all. Neutral 50 Then why are you wasting my fuckin' time? Don't you have somewhere to be? 146
DLC04MQ04DesmondQuestion1 What do you need me to do again? Neutral 50 Were you not paying attention? I need you to take that Cogwave Jammer over to the Ferris wheel by the docks. 147
Neutral 50 Attach it to one of the cars, then raise it as high as it will go. 148
Neutral 50 That's the only way we'll be able to shut off the Professor's ability to talk to those simple bastards who work for him. 149
DLC04MQ04DesmondQuestion2 What does the Cogwave Jammer do? Neutral 50 At some point, Professor Calvert developed the ability to speak inside people's heads. Problem is, he's not so good at it. 150
Neutral 50 He's using something to boost his power and talk to those Tribal simps. The fools think he's God or something. 151
Neutral 50 Once I jam up his signal, he won't be able to get them to do what he wants, and I'll be able to find where the little fuck is hiding. 152
DLC04MQ04DesmondQuestion3 How does Professor Calvert control the Tribals? Neutral 50 You saw it. He uses his device to talk to their soft-headed leader in those caves. They think he's a fuckin' god, and they do what he wants. 153
Neutral 50 The blighters are too stupid to get it right most of the time. But, seeing as how they figured to attack me here, Calvert is getting close. 154
Neutral 50 But if their "god" goes silent, then they won't be a problem anymore, now will they? 155
DLC04MQ04DesmondQuestionEND That's all. Neutral 50 Well, I'm glad I could be of fuckin' help to you. 156
DLC04MQ04DesmondQuestionTL I have some questions about what I'm supposed to be doing. Neutral 50 Well, get on with it. We haven't got a lot of time, you know. 157
DLC04MQ04DesmondST10Greeting1 I'm really tired of being a pawn in this game, Desmond. Neutral 50 Well, that's good since the game is almost done. He's in the lighthouse, the little fuck. Right under my nose the whole time! 158
Neutral 50 Hiding behind robots and machines, what a miserable life! Pathetic! He dies now! 159
DLC04MQ04DesmondST10Greeting1a I need some time to get ready. Neutral 50 I suggest you hurry your pretty self up. I'm sure the bastard's got some sort of escape plan. 160
DLC04MQ04DesmondST10Greeting1b Then let's go in there and do this. Neutral 50 Now that's more like it. Follow me! You're about to witness the end of an era! 161
DLC04MQ04DesmondST10Greeting1c I'm done with you. Neutral 50 Not hardly. I'll be here, and you'll be back. But you'd best hurry, or I may reconsider that reward I promised you. 162
Neutral 50 I've got a lifetime to wait. 163
DLC04MQ04DesmondST10Greeting2 So where is he? Neutral 50 The lighthouse. He's got a lab under there, the little fuck. Right under my nose the whole time! 164
Neutral 50 I found it when he boosted his signal to try to get through the jamming, when he sent those Tribals to kill my poor pups... 165
Neutral 50 He's down there, hiding behind robots and machines, sucking life! Pathetic! He dies now! 166
DLC04MQ04DesmondST10Greeting3 It's great to see you alive! I was worried. Neutral 50 Well, aren't you a fuckin' softie. But Calvert is here. He's got a lab under the lighthouse, the little fuck. Right under my nose the whole time! 167
Neutral 50 I found it when he boosted his signal to try to get through the jamming, when he sent those Tribals to kill my poor pups... 168
Neutral 50 He's down there, hiding behind robots and machines, sucking life! Pathetic! He dies now! 169
DLC04MQ04DesmondST15Greeting1 Yes, I am. Let's go. Neutral 50 At last! Our game is ending! 170
DLC04MQ04DesmondST15Greeting1a Wait... game? Neutral 50 When great men rise, they will clash. It's inevitable. Calvert and I are both men of great power. 171
Neutral 50 But today, our rivalry ends. Now let's go! 172
DLC04MQ04DesmondST15Greeting1b Let's get this over with. Neutral 50 Follow me! 173
DLC04MQ04DesmondST15Greeting2 I'm not ready yet. Neutral 50 Well, hurry it up! 174
DLC04MQ04DesmondST15Greeting3 I had something I wanted to ask you... Neutral 50 Yeah, what is it? 175
GREETING Anger 25 Here to give me a piece of your mind? 176
Anger 25 Yes, you nasty little cuss? {Rough spoken, but spoken approvingly} 177
Anger 25 Oh, here comes trouble. {Rough spoken, but spoken approvingly} 178
Surprise 25 So, my hero, huh? Think you came in and rescued me right in the nick of time? 179
Anger 25 Not hardly. Had it all well in hand, and I didn't even need to use the failsafe. 180
Happy 25 But that would've done a real number on some of the paintings, so just as well you were here. Anyway, name's Desmond. 181
Surprise 25 Help me take out these bastards while I figure out a plan. 182
Surprise 25 Do you mind? There's a tiny matter of a home invasion that I'm trying to repel. 183
Anger 10 Considered my offer, have you? 184
Anger 10 What've you got for me? 185
Anger 50 You infiltrated those Tribals, yet? 186
Anger 100 I knew it! I knew that little bastard was behind all this! After all these years, he's stuck his head out, and this is my chance to cut it off! 187
Neutral 50 Figuratively speaking, of course. 188
Neutral 50 Is there something on your mind? 189
Neutral 50 You're not getting' any ideas, are you? 190
Neutral 50 Be careful. Professor Calvert's a tricky git. 191
Neutral 50 It's me little helper. Don't you have a job to do? 192
Neutral 50 Why are you in here starin' at me? Didn't I give you something to do? 193
Neutral 50 You again? Shouldn't you be climbing that wheel? 194
Anger 50 Robots. It bloody figures. 195
Anger 50 Keep up! He can't be far! 196
Anger 50 Hurry up! 197
Anger 50 Come on! He can't be far! {What the hell? I've been waiting here for a long time!} 198
Anger 50 Are you ready to go, princess? I've got a rival to kill! {What the hell? I've been waiting here for a long time!} 199
Anger 50 Are you ready? Who knows what he could be setting up in there! {What the hell? I've been waiting here for a long time!} 200
Anger 50 What the hell? Are you ready to go yet? {What the hell? I've been waiting here for a long time!} 201
Neutral 50 That bastard! That... BASTARD! He killed my pups! Nearly killed ME! For WHAT? 202
Neutral 50 He doesn't have the body to fuckin' do it himself, so he tried to blow me up? ME? Well, this ends today. Desmond Lockheart will finally win out. 203
Neutral 50 I know where he is. He overplayed his hand this time. You and me are going to walk in there and end this. 204
Anger 100 You! You... BASTARD! Betray me? You fuck! You think you can betray.. ME? {Spitting and incoherent with rage.} 205
Anger 50 You have one chance. Exactly one chance to fucking redeem yourself in my eyes. 206
Anger 50 We are going to go in there, and we are going to end this once and for fucking all. And you will help, or you will be my enemy. 207
Pained 50 And you do NOT want to be my enemy. 208
Neutral 50 Let's go! Before he has time to prepare! 209
Neutral 50 Come! He's close by! 210
Neutral 50 I can smell him! He's just through here! 211
Happy 50 At last! The world is rid of that sniveling, disgusting, arrogant brain! 212
Neutral 50 Think of it! Everything he learned! Everything he had! It's all here and it's all MINE! MINE! 213
Neutral 50 I'm Desmond. 214
Neutral 50 At last! The world is rid of that sniveling, disgusting, arrogant, brain! 215
Neutral 50 Think of it! Everything he learned! Everything he had! It's all here and it's all MINE! MINE! 216
Neutral 50 I'm busy. What do you want? 217
Neutral 50 Good. More questions. I guess we're best fuckin' friends now. 218
Neutral 50 I wasn't aware that we had anything else to say to each other. 219
Neutral 50 Welcome back! 220
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Nice try. Your payment is coming, and you're not getting a fucking pence until you're done. 221
Neutral 50 Now, did you come here for something, or are you just wasting my time? 222


DLC04DesmondLabChatter DesmondLabChatter Neutral 50 Fight through this place! 223
DesmondLabChatter Neutral 50 Stay close to me, dammit! 224
DesmondLabChatter Neutral 50 Come on! He's not far! 225
DesmondLabChatter Neutral 50 He's just down this way! 226
DLC04DesmondLabTrapped DLC04DesmondLabTrapped Neutral 50 Dammit! Trapped! I knew he'd try this! 227
DLC04MansionSiegeStart DLC04MansionSiegeStart Anger 50 You! You're no tribal! Get in here and help me fight these bastards off, goddamnit! 228
DLC04MansionSiegeStart Anger 50 Yes, you! I see you out there. Stop dicking around and help me, or else these cocksuckers will be coming after you next! 229
DLC04MansionSiegeStart Anger 50 I can't stay barricaded in this saferoom forever. Now get in here and lend a hand! 230
DLC04MansionSiegeStart Anger 50 Time to shit or get off the pot, joker. Get inside and help, or get off my damned lawn. 231
DLC04MQ02DesmondChatter DLC04MQ02DesmondChatter Neutral 50 Hey! Over Here! {Telling the player look at him instead of take off in the wrong direction.} 232
DLC04MQ02DesmondChatter Neutral 50 Ok, any second now. Get ready! {Final Wave: Telling the player where the attackers are coming from} 233
DLC04MQ02DesmondChatter Neutral 50 Here they come! Second floor, on the right! {Final Wave: Telling the player where the attackers are coming from} 234
DLC04MQ02DesmondChatter Neutral 50 More of them! On the right, first floor! {Final Wave: Telling the player where the attackers are coming from} 235
DLC04MQ02DesmondChatter Neutral 50 The door on the left! First Floor! {Final Wave: Telling the player where the attackers are coming from} 236
DLC04MQ02DesmondChatter Neutral 50 They're at the front door! Get Ready! {Final Wave: Telling the player where the attackers are coming from} 237
DLC04MQ02DesmondChatter Neutral 50 That looks like the last of 'em. You're a pretty good shot. {Lets the player know the final wave is over. Says something snarkier than what i wrote.} 238
DLC04MQ02DesmondStage01 DLC04MQ02DesmondStage01 Neutral 50 I don't know who you are but you need to help me if you want to stay alive. {When player first sees Desmond. He's in a hurry.} 239
DLC04MQ02DesmondStage01 Neutral 50 They've been at it all night. I think they are just about to breach the inner walls. Follow me. I'm going to go check it out. {Looking at the security monitors he notices they are about to breach the inners walls in the West wing.} 240
DLC04MQ02DesmondStage01 Neutral 50 It looks like they are coming in from somewhere upstairs. Hurry, follow me! {Looking up at a hole he notices where they are coming in from. Tells the player to follow him as if he has something for him to do.} 241
DLC04MQ02DesmondStage01 Neutral 50 Go through these doors and up the stairs. Find where they are coming in and stop them. I'll be keeping an eye on the cameras down here. Hurry! {Orders the player to get up there and find out what's going on. Reminds the player that he'll be keeping an eye on him through the security cameras.} 242
DLC04MQ02DesmondStage02 DLC04MQ02DesmondStage02 Neutral 50 Good job blocking off that hole! Hurry and get in here! It looks like they are about to breach from the East wing! {Player just blocked the first breach from the attic in the West wing. Desmond meets him, possibly thanks him with some dialogue, then says they are } 243
DLC04MQ02DesmondStage02 Neutral 50 Hurry! Get in there before more of them come out! Find where they are coming from and stop them. Just like before I'll be keeping an eye out. {At the door to the East wing after a small battle. Tells the player to basically do what he did before, and that he'll be keeping an eye out.} 244
DLC04MQ02DesmondStage02 Neutral 50 That's one less way for them to get in. Follow me. I think we are about to get hit hard. {After sealing the second attic breach he tells the player to follow him because they are about to get swarmed.} 245
DLC04MQ02DesmondStage02 Neutral 50 Yeah, here they come. Grab all the ammo and stimpaks you need. This is gonna be a rough one! {Checkes the cameras quick, notices that he was right and they are about to breach from every angle. Tells the player to get prepared, and where to go} 246
DLC04MQ02DesmondStage02 Neutral 50 If you have any mines, now's the time to use 'em. They could come in through any of the boarded up doors at any second. {Suggest player uses mines. Tells the player where the attackers are going to come from.} 247
DLC04MQ05aDesmondTalkPlayer DLC04MQ05aDemondTalkPlayer Neutral 50 At last! He's just ahead! I'll circle around and distract him. You take him from the front. 248
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain1 DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain1 Anger 50 There you are, you slippery bastard! At last! Let's end this, here and now! 249
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain1 Anger 50 You disembodied, pathetic cerebellum! 250
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain1 Anger 50 You disgusting, greasy, uncraniumed bastard! 251
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain1 Anger 50 There you are, you slippery bastard! At last! Let's end this, here and now! 252
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain1 Anger 50 You disembodied, pathetic cerebellum! 253
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain1 Anger 50 You disgusting, greasy, uncraniumed bastard! 254
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain1 Anger 50 There you are, you slippery bastard! At last! Let's end this, here and now! 255
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain3 DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain3 Neutral 50 No, Calvert! I brought someone with me, someone very special. This stranger tricked you into letting me find where you were hiding. 256
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain3 Neutral 50 Well, I certainly can do one thing that you can't: I can fucking well walk! 257
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain3 Neutral 50 And you! Always with empty fucking threats and meaningless drivel, but never the will to act! 258
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain3 Neutral 50 No, Calvert! I brought someone with me, someone very special. This stranger tricked you into letting me find where you were hiding. 259
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain3 Neutral 50 Well, I certainly can do one thing that you can't: I can fucking well walk! 260
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain3 Neutral 50 And you! Always with empty fucking threats and meaningless drivel, but never the will to act! 261
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain3 Neutral 50 No, Calvert! I brought someone with me, someone very special. This stranger tricked you into letting me find where you were hiding. 262
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain5 DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain5 Neutral 50 Well, we shall see, shan't we? Destroy him! 263
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain5 Neutral 50 Well, we shall see, shan't we? Destroy him! 264
DLC04MQ05bDesmondConfrontBrain5 Neutral 50 Well, we shall see, shan't we? Destroy him! 265
GOODBYE I have to go now. Anger 25 Back to business. 266
I have to go now. Neutral 50 We're running out of time. Go! 267
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Now get out of here. Go! 268
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Well, go on! Get! 269
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Hurry up! 270
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Let's get to it. 271
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Done? Good. Bugger off. 272
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Can I go back to work now? 273
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Piss off. 274
HELLO HELLO Anger 50 Come on, hurry up! 275
HELLO Anger 50 Move your ass. 276
HELLO Anger 50 Hurry it up. 277
HELLO Neutral 50 Relax. He's okay... for now... {Calming the dog and referencing the player.} 278
HELLO Neutral 50 <mumbles to himself> 279
HELLO Neutral 50 <mumbles to himself> 280
HELLO Neutral 50 Relax. She's okay... for now... {Calming the dog and referencing the player.} 281
HELLO Neutral 50 Easy, girl. I'll work it out soon... 282
HELLO Neutral 50 Now, there's a good pup... 283
HELLO Neutral 50 <mumbles to himself> 284
HELLO Anger 50 Ah ha! At last! 285
HELLO Anger 50 This never fuckin' ends! You and your pathetic threats! 286
HELLO Anger 50 Oh, here we fuckin' go again! 287
HELLO Anger 50 And here we are again, I'm so fucking sick of your empty threats. 288
HELLO Anger 50 I'll have none of your posturing! 289
HELLO Anger 50 Always so full of talk, Calvert! 290
HELLO Anger 50 Ah ha! At last! 291
HELLO Anger 50 This never fuckin' ends! You and your pathetic threats! 292
HELLO Anger 50 Oh, here we fuckin' go again! 293
HELLO Anger 50 And here we are again, I'm so fucking sick of your empty threats. 294
HELLO Anger 50 I'll have none of your posturing! 295
HELLO Anger 50 Always so full of talk, Calvert! 296
HELLO Neutral 50 <mumbles to himself> 297
HELLO Neutral 50 <mumbles to himself> 298
HELLO Neutral 50 It pains me to say it: but thank you. 299
HELLO Neutral 50 I think our business is concluded. 300
HELLO Neutral 50 You're still here, are you? 301