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This is a transcript for dialogue with Pearl.


1DLC03_V118_FrontDeskMurderReceptionist: You'd better come with me Detective.I shall return to my workstation and allow you to take things from here.A1a
2V118_IntercomInitialInvestigatorIt's me, Pearl. I've returned with the investigator!Intercom: Let me just get the door for you.A1a


3DLC03_V118_PearlAvery_LoopSceneWell where are the local police?A2a
4You have to help us, there may have been a crime!A3a
5I don't understand how there can't be a single law officer available.A4a
6There has to be someone you can spare to investigate.A5a
7This is ridiculous, you're in charge here. You can't just ignore a crime!A6a


8DLC03_V118_PearlCheckElevatorDrat. The elevators seem to be out of order on this level. We'll have to take the long way around.A1a
9Ah good, a working elevator. That will make this much easier.A2a
10DLC03_V118_PearlCommentsLooks like it isn't just the police who have been lax lately. The islands building inspector ought to be fired.A1a
11DLC03_V118_PearlCommentsHotelI'm fairly certain those windows aren't supposed to open like that.A1a
12DLC03_V118_PearlHiring_MainAh, you there!Pearl: Are you that detective I've heard about?A
13You're back.Pearl: Are you that detective I've heard about?A
14Please, you must hear me out.Pearl: I haven't been able to find any of the local police force, the louts!A
15Please, no one else has been able to help me.A
16Detective. Shall we head to the hotel so you may begin your work?Player Default: Yeah, let's go.A
17Pearl: I haven't been able to find any of the local police force, the louts!I don't want to start a panic, but well, we may have a murder on our hands and we need an outside set of eyes.Player Default: Ok, I'll help.A1a
18DLC03RobotPearl: Ah, you there!Are you that detective I've heard about?Player Default: I guess you could say that.A1a
19Player Default: I guess you could say that.Oh wonderful! I wasn't sure how I was ever going to find you.Companion: Sounds like we may have another case on our hands...A1a
20Player Default: No, I'm not an investigator.Oh drat. You look just like the person that Mayor Avery had described. I was sure you were the one investigating that missing persons case.Companion: You may not be an investigator, but I am and I'd like to hear this.B1a
21Player Default: Who said I was a detective?Mayor Avery said that someone new had arrived on the island, investigating a missing person. That must be you!Companion: Seems word travels fast around here.Y1a
22Player Default: Oh wonderful! I wasn't sure how I was ever going to find you.I haven't been able to find any of the local police force, the louts!Pearl: I don't want to start a panic, but well, we may have a murder on our hands and we need an outside set of eyes.A1a
23Pearl: I haven't been able to find any of the local police force, the louts!Will you help us? There may still be a murderer at large.Player Default: Ok, I'll help.A2a
24Pearl: I haven't been able to find any of the local police force, the louts!Please, you must help us. Every moment we wait our residents are at risk.Player Default: Ok, I'll help.A3a
25Pearl: I haven't been able to find any of the local police force, the louts!Will you help us solve this heinous crime?Player Default: Ok, I'll help.A4a
26Player Default: Ok, I'll help.Oh thank goodness. Shall I guide you to the Cliff's Edge Hotel now?Player Default: Yeah, let's go.A1a
27Player Default: No, I'm not interested.If you change your mind, please head to the Cliff's Edge Hotel.Player Default: Yeah, let's go.B1a
28Player Default: Is this conversation on the clock?Oh yes, well I suppose I do have a bit of petty cash on me that I could provide for your time.X1a
29Player Default: Is this conversation on the clock?Oh, you're a private investigator, not an employee of the state. Well yes, then I suppose a retainer can be arranged.X2a
30Player Default: Is this conversation on the clock?I'm afraid that's all I have on me, but my employers are, well, rather wealthy, and I can definitely put a word in for you.X3a
31Player Default: Is this conversation on the clock?I'm afraid that any further negotiations will have to be with my employers, though I'm sure they would be more than fair with you.X4a
32Player Default: Is this conversation on the clock?I suppose a reluctant investigator is better than none at all. Shall we be going then?Player Default: Yeah, let's go.X5a
33Player Default: Where did the crime take place?At the Cliff's Edge Hotel, just north of the town.Y1a
34Player Default: Where did the crime take place?Well, we want to keep this out of the tabloids, but it's Ezra Parker, the financier of the hotel.Y2a
35Player Default: Where did the crime take place?I really shouldn't say. Not here where there might be... paparazzi lurking about.Y3a
36Player Default: Where did the crime take place?I shouldn't say out here in the open, but my employers are quite wealthy. As are the other patrons of the hotel.Y4a
37Player Default: Where did the crime take place?I'm not at liberty to give out my employers personal information, but you will of course be meeting with them if you take the case.Y5a
38Player Default: Where did the crime take place?I'm afraid that's all I can tell you right now.Y6a
39Player Default: Yeah, let's go.Let's be off then.A1a
40Player Default: Not yet.Ah, you must have supplies you need to procure. I shall wait for you at the edge of town.B1a
41Player Default: Go ahead, I'll meet you there.Very good. I shall meet you at the main entrance to the hotel.X1a
42Player Default: Where is it again?The Cliff's Edge Hotel, just up the coast from town. You really can't miss it. Shall we be off?Player Default: Yeah, let's go.Y1a
43DLC03_V118_PearlHiring_NotInvestigatorAh, hello! I say, you there!Pearl: Are you a member of the local law enforcement?A
44DLC03RobotPearl: Ah, hello! I say, you there!Are you a member of the local law enforcement?Player Default: Yes, of course I am.A1a
45Player Default: Yes, of course I am.Oh, you are! Finally, I've been looking everywhere!Pearl: I don't want to start a panic, but well, we may have a murder on our hands and we need an outside set of eyes.A1a
46Player Default: Yes, of course I am.Are you sure? You don't seem to have a badge... Oh well, I guess you'll have to do.A2a
47Player Default: There are no laws any more.Well from what I've seen, I can certainly see why you might feel that way.B1a
48DLC03_V118_PearlHiring_OutsideHotelThe hotel staff really needs to do something about the lobby.Pearl: I should warn you, some of the other hotel guests are a bit hm... rowdy.A
49It is probably best Maxwell hasn't seen the state of the hotel. He would be devastated.Pearl: I should warn you, some of the other hotel guests are a bit hm... rowdy.A
50I wish we still had the staff to keep up this area of the hotel. It's in quite a state of disrepair.Pearl: I should warn you, some of the other hotel guests are a bit hm... rowdy.A
51DLC03RobotPearl: The hotel staff really needs to do something about the lobby.I should warn you, some of the other hotel guests are a bit hm... rowdy.A1a
52I was forced to defend myself when a few became a bit... handsy, shall we say?A1b
53The registered patrons are in a more exclusive area of the hotel though, and do not associate with this sort of rabble.Pearl: Shall we be off?A1c
54Pearl: The registered patrons are in a more exclusive area of the hotel though, and do not associate with this sort of rabble.Shall we be off?Player Default: Yeah, let's go.A1a
55Player Default: Yeah, let's go.Very good. This way.A1a
56Player Default: No, I'm not ready yet. Wait here.Very well. We can commence into the hotel as soon as you are ready.B1a
57Player Default: What do you mean the other patrons are rowdy?I had not been in this part of the hotel for some time. Perhaps there is some sort of sporting event that has them agitated.Y1a
58Several of them tried to grab me and well... their clothing was certainly not suitable for polite company.Pearl: Shall we be off?Y1b
59DLC03_V118_PearlLoadElevatorSceneThis elevator leads to the exclusive area of the hotel. You should feel quite privileged that they will be allowing you in.A1a
60DLC03_V118_PearlVaultDoorSceneYou'll need to speak to Maxwell. Go ahead and activate the control panel there.A1a
61-Watch your step, bit of a mess in here.A
62Come along, it's this way.A
63Go ahead, Detective.
64{Very neutral. not offensive, not suspicious. This is repeated till the player goes in the elevator.} After you, the elevator is right there.
65Follow me.


66DLC03DialogueV118_GiftShopMainThank goodness that's over. Did you need something Detective?A
67That was quite the commotion. Did you need something Detective?A
68Welcome to the Vault 118 Gift Shop.A
69Hello Detective, did you need something?A
70DLC03RobotPearl: Thank goodness that's over. Did you need something Detective?Looking for a gift to bring back to that special someone?A2a
71DLC03RobotPearl: Thank goodness that's over. Did you need something Detective?Need to restock on hunting or fishing supplies?A3a
72DLC03RobotPearl: Thank goodness that's over. Did you need something Detective?Forgot a personal item at home?A4a
73Perhaps another time.B1a
74Very well.X1a
75Player Default: Did you have any thoughts on the case?I'm afraid not, Detective. We're really at a loss, which is why I was sent to find you.Y1a
76Player Default: Did you have any thoughts on the case?I'm afraid not, Detective. Perhaps you'd better speak with Maxwell for that.Y2a
77Player Default: Did you have any thoughts on the case?Keepsakes, hunting equipment, and a variety of small personal items.Y3a
78Player Default: Perhaps another time.All our items have that rustic Maine feel.A2a
79Player Default: Perhaps another time.Let me know if you find something you like.A3a
80Player Default: Perhaps another time.Something for everyone.A4a
81-I'm sorry, but the store is closed right now, Detective. There's a murderer on the loose!A