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Soldier, you're fixing to have a size 10 combat boot shoved up your candy ass.

General Constantine Chase was a pre-War United States Army general, commanding officer of the Anchorage Reclamation, a military operation that repelled Chinese forces from Alaska in January 2077.[1] The Lone Wanderer encounters and receives orders from a computer-generated reconstruction of Chase during their run through the Anchorage Reclamation simulation in the Fallout 3 add-on Operation: Anchorage.


Holding the highest general officer rank, Constantine Chase was one of the most prominent pre-War military officers, as the commander for the Battle of Anchorage responsible for driving the People's Liberation Army from Alaska. He was a competent officer, noted for his gruff personality and staunch anti-communism, bordering on paranoia,[Non-game 1] as well as a certain flair for the dramatic: Instead of relying on conventional military assets, Chase launched a development program to create a superweapon capable of liberating Anchorage Alaska, in the form of a "walking, talking, nuke-tossing hero who [would] remind the world what it means to be a super power" and shock the Chinese into submission, like the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.[2]

Confident that RobCo and General Atomics would succeed in the project, Chase announced the development of the superweapon during a press conference at the Pentagon in June 2072. In his trademark style, Chase announced that the weapon would "leave every single yellow-bellied Red shaking in their Commie booties" and that "liberty [would] come to Anchorage and Hell [would] follow."[3] This premature announcement turned into an embarrassment down the road, as while the contracted companies completed Liberty Prime, the development team under Stanley Bloomfeld failed to find a power system compact enough to power it reliably. By the time Chase was preparing for the final drive towards Anchorage in late 2076, the team was no closer to success. Chase tried to impose a three month deadline on the team, but Bloomfeld made it plain that the most they could achieve was walking Liberty Prime into downtown Anchorage with all weapon systems off.[4]

Chase was forced to rely on regular forces in the final stages of reclamation, bolstered by combat robots and newly deployed winterized T-51b power armor units.[1] Although the T-51b units had issues with the cold climate, they reached 95% combat readiness on the eve of the Battle of Anchorage,[5] and their use as shock troops by Chase[6] served a key role in reducing losses significantly, down from a devastating estimate of 20 percent[Note 1] if only light infantry and robots were used.[7] Chase authorized the deployment of Psycho during the operation: an experimental combat drug developed by his private research company, bolstering combat performance at the risk of causing early onset dementia and psychotic aggression.[8][9][Non-game 2] Chase was no stranger to underhanded dealings: Despite officially denying the request, he provided Stanislaus Braun with the code for a military simulation that could be lethal if all failsafes were disabled.[10]

Following the liberation of Anchorage, Chase was retained as the commander of Anchorage Command, dealing with major supply shortages as the Army dealt with remnants of Chinese forces in Alaska, as late as September 2077.[11] Chase also took control of the development of the Anchorage Reclamation simulation by Virtual Strategic Solutions at the Bailey's Crossroads facility. Provided with samples of military technology from Alaska, the developers expected to create an accurate simulation for military training purposes. Instead, Chase had them scrapping version after version, personally testing the builds and citing various issues as excuses. In early August 2077, he ordered a build scrapped because it wasn't "feeling right." Eventually it turned out these were hardware issues, compounded by a lack of available documentation.[12] By September, after 18 builds scrapped in a month,[13] it became increasingly clear that the simulation was becoming detached from reality on the ground. Chase was obsessed with tweaking it to fit his own vision of what the Reclamation was supposed to be, and simple disagreement with how his face looked was grounds for scrapping a sim version. None of the VSS developers risked confronting Chase, fearing that he might outright commandeer VSS, like the Army did West Tek in California.[14]

Simulated persona[]

The simulated General Chase is true to his colorful personality, peppering his sentences with mild profanities and anti-communist expressions, and generally portrays him as a larger-than-life figure, a born leader calmly comanding his troops while smoking a cigar: Troops that are underdogs grappling with an overwhelming, implacable foe, rather than the remnants of the PLA after ten years of attrition in Alaska.[15][16]

The simulated Chase does not extend the same privilege to curse and break protocol to other soldiers, and is quick to reprimand the trainee running through it for not showing the proper respect,[17][18] The simulation was designed to automatically report such attitude problems to command,[19] though Chase had the simulation overlook these problems, if the soldier collected all the enemy intel during a run.[20] Conversely, a good attitude and performance could - once the simulation finished development and was implemented as a training tool - recommend soldiers for promotion and further assignments.[21]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Other interactions[]

  • Chase cannot be pickpocketed.
  • Chase offers a number of responses to stating that the simulation is a simulation, including yelling that the Lone Wanderer is "fixing to have a size 10 combat boot shoved up [their] candy ass."


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
General Chase's overcoat

Notable quotes[]


The simulated version of General Chase appears only in the Anchorage Reclamation simulation, while the real General Constantine Chase is mentioned several times in in Fallout 3, its add-ons Operation: Anchorage and Mothership Zeta ( holotape and General Chase's overcoat), in Fallout 4 (Chase and his R&D company),[9] and in Fallout 76 (in the Enclave membership questionnaire at the Whitespring bunker).[1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • He is the only non-player character in the game visibly smoking a cigar (as opposed to cigarettes).
FO3OA Chase's Ribbons

A breakdown of the ribbons on Chase's uniform.

  • Award ribbons on Chase's coat are split into two blocks worn above the left and right breast, without any devices or badges (in real-life, they are worn as a single unit, according to order of precedence), following the order of precedence with one mistake: The Lifesaving Medal comes before the Antarctica Service Medal.
  • The block over the left breast contains ribbons for:
    • Army Distinguished Service Cross, awarded for extraordinary heroism in combat, established in 1918.
    • Defense Distinguished Service Medal, awarded for exceptionally meritorious service in a duty of great responsibility, established by Richard Nixon in 1970.
    • Army Distinguished Service Medal, awarded to soldiers who distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious service to the Government in a duty of great responsibility, established in 1918.
    • Silver Star Medal, awarded for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States, established in 1932 (retroactively applied to the Citation Star).
    • Legion of Merit, awarded for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements, first awarded in 1942.
    • Purple Heart, awarded for wounds sustained in combat against an enemy of the United States, first awarded in 1932, retroactively to World War I.
  • The block over the right breast contains ribbons for:



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Whitespring bunker terminal entries; Questionnaire terminal, General Constantine Chase: "Which general was responsible for the reclamation of Anchorage, Alaska in January 2077 from the Chinese Red Army?"
    Note: The correct answer to the in the Enclave membership questionnaire at the Whitespring bunker inFallout 76.
  2. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Project Summary
  3. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Capital Post Article -- June 3, 2072
  4. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Letter: Dr. Bloomfeld to Gen. Chase
  5. Constantine Chase: "How's our boys in the suits doing?"
    Thomas Morgan: "The T-51b units are at 95 percent readiness level. We've had a bit of trouble adapting them to the cold."
    General Constantine Chase: "Well, tell those men they need to be ready. As soon as the Pulse Field is down, we need them cocked, locked and ready to rock."
    (Operation: Anchorage conversations; General Chase's and Lieutenant Morgan's dialogue) Note: The separated lines are alternates for each other.
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "This is the last objective?"
    Lieutenant Thomas Morgan: "Yup. If you take down the Pulse Field, we'll send the T-51b shock troops in to blast through their defenses, and then it's on to the Headquarters."
    (Lieutenant Morgan's dialogue)
  7. General Constantine Chase: "What are we looking at for losses if we pull this off?"
    Lieutenant Thomas Morgan: "I'd say about 20 percent, sir. But that number significantly decreases if we can get the tin cans in there."
    Constantine Chase: "Good, good. Keep monitoring the battlefield and let me know when we've punched through the Pulse Field."
    (Operation: Anchorage conversations; General Chase's and Lieutenant Morgan's dialogue) Note: The separated lines are alternates for each other.
  8. Holotape - Psycho
  9. 9.0 9.1 Coast Guard Pier terminal entries; Coast Guard lockup terminal, CASE 578-Tf: Doe Trafficking Logs
  10. Tranquility Lane terminal entries; Vault 112 auxiliary command terminal, Failsafe Program Documentation
  11. Anchorage quartermaster shipment
  12. Outcast outpost terminal entries; VSS research terminal, 8/15/77
  13. Version scrapped in August was numbered "7-36-081," the one in "September 7-36-099"
  14. Outcast outpost terminal entries; VSS research terminal, 9/06/77
  15. General Constantine Chase: "Damn Chinese Communists are stomping all over us. Time for us to pay them back."
    (General Chase's dialogue)
  16. The Lone Wanderer: "They knew the drill when they signed up, sir."
    General Constantine Chase: "Commie sons-of-bitches. It'll be a cold day in hell before I let them cross Canada into the mainland. But enough of that. I called you down here for a reason. You've earned yourself a field promotion, soldier. From this moment on, you're in charge of Patterson's Strike Team."
    (General Chase's dialogue)
  17. The Lone Wanderer: "We sure sent those Red Chinese packing!"
    General Constantine Chase: "Now hold on there, soldier. You see these fancy little gold stars on my uniform? I spent a lot of time getting them, and I'll be damned if some punk like you isn't going to address me properly. While I appreciate your enthusiasm in this operation, there's still protocol to be maintained. Are we clear?"
    (General Chase's dialogue)
  18. The Lone Wanderer: "Yeah, yeah... make with the next objective so I can finish the simulation."
    General Constantine Chase: "This is no simulation, soldier! That's real blood you see out there on the snow! I got enough to worry about without some hotshot like you breaking protocol. Now get it together... you have a job to do. Am I clear, soldier?"
    (General Chase's dialogue)
  19. The Lone Wanderer: "Am I done? Is the simulation over?"
    General Constantine Chase: "You've got an attitude problem, soldier, and this simulation is going to recommend a swift kick in the ass to correct it. Since you've completed the training, it's time to report to your commanding officer for your debriefing. Dismissed!"
    (General Chase's dialogue) Note: These are the lines spoken should the Lone Wanderer have given the simulated General Chase attitude and not have gathered enough intel suitcases during the simulation.
  20. The Lone Wanderer: "Am I done? Is the simulation over?"
    General Constantine Chase: "You've got an attitude problem, soldier, and this simulation is going to recommend a swift kick in the ass to correct it. However, you've more than made up for it by recovering important enemy intel and exposing their plans to us so I'll overlook your attitude. Since you've completed the training, it's time to report to your commanding officer for your debriefing. Dismissed!"
    (General Chase's dialogue) Note: These are the lines spoken should the Lone Wanderer have given the simulated General Chase attitude and not have gathered enough intel suitcases during the simulation.
  21. The Lone Wanderer: "What, that's it? I was just starting to have fun!"
    Constantine Chase: "This concludes the simulation, and this portion of your training. But if you're thirsty for more, soldier, your commanding officer can oblige. You've shown that you've got what it takes. There's a possible promotion in your future, if you keep your head on straight. You've also gone above and beyond the call of duty by recovering important enemy intel and exposing their plans to us. Again, well done soldier. Good work, soldier. When you exit the simulation, report to your superiors for debriefing. Dismissed!"
    (General Chase's dialogue) Note: These are the lines spoken should the Lone Wanderer have given the simulated General Chase an enthusiastic attitude and have gathered enough intel suitcases during the simulation.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.74: "General Constantine Chase
    A four-star general in charge of the military assault on Anchorage, Chase is gruff, determined, and a touch over the top with the politics of the day. He is constantly wary of "those Commie Bastards!" and is overtly paranoid that they are up to all sorts of nefarious activities. He is your gallant leader. Talking back to an officer of this rank isn't likely to be tolerated."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.69: "Doctor Adrienn Adami
    An overworked and slightly agitate field doctor with several years of experience under her belt, Adami is busy administering Chems (usually Psycho) to wounded or mentally scarred soldiers at the U.S. Field Headquarters medical tent. Investigation into simulated Holotapes reveals discrepancies between her simulated and real-life persona, as her records implicate General Chase in a scandal of drugging soldiers with Chems researched at Chase's pharmaceutical company."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)


  1. For reference, the Battle of the Somme, considered to be one of the most devastating battles in military history, had an Entente casualty rate of ~25%, with a loss (dead and missing) rate of ~6%.