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Fo4 Prydwen concept art
Gameplay articles
Fallout 4The Prydwen
Fallout TacticsBrotherhood zeppelin
TV series articles
Fallout TV seriesThe Prydwen

In the Brotherhood of Steel's history, they have relied on a number of airships, from simple airborne vehicles to flying fortresses that stretch the definition of "airship". Although first introduced in Fallout Tactics (which was later made non-canon), they were reintroduced in Fallout 4 and made an appearance in the Fallout TV series.


The Brotherhood originally possessed a fleet of airships, lost over time to fighting with super mutant remnants after the destruction of the Unity or scuttled for replacement parts. One was rumored to have crashed on an expedition to the Midwest, with the wreckage remaining where it crash-landed.[1] Due to poor historical record, their precise status remains in dispute among Brotherhood scholars, with the general consensus being that they were all destroyed.[2]

The next generation of Brotherhood airships was born after the defeat of the Enclave at Adams Air Force Base in 2277, with work starting around 2278.[3] The sharpest minds the Brotherhood had at its disposal spent two years on its design and assembling the necessary parts, salvaging scrap metal and Enclave equipment from the ruined AFB. Once the design process was complete around 2280,[4] it took over two years to assemble the airship and launch its maiden voyage in 2282.[5][6] With Proctor Ingram's oversight, the first post-War airship[Non-game 1] has remained travel-ready and afloat,[7] providing the Brotherhood with an unparalleled aerial advantage in the wasteland.[8]

The airship was not initially under Arthur Maxson's command after its launch, instead operating outside the Capital Wasteland, nor did it have its name yet.[9] It eventually was assigned to him and was christened the Prydwen by the Elder himself, a name he took from "historical fiction" about a man destined to be a king, and his journey to liberate his people from tyranny and oppression.[10] Under the direction of its skipper, Lancer-Captain Kells, the Prydwen underwent extensive travels along the East Coast[11] before it was re-deployed to the Commonwealth in 2287, in response to the reports by Recon Squad Gladius confirming the existence of the Institute. Its deployment signaled to the Brotherhood that they were going into full-scale war against their enemy.[12]

Arriving in the region shortly after the Sole Survivor entered Fort Hagen looking for Conrad Kellogg, Boston Airport was chosen as the sight of the airship's mooring, as it had intact pre-War electrical systems to support the Prydwen's massive energy requirements without wasting fuel, and was remote enough to allow most incoming threats to be seen while simultaneously keeping it within striking distance of the city.[13][14]


Early airships[]

The early airships were salvaged designs pressed into service by the Brotherhood of Steel, lost or scuttled for parts.[Non-game 1]

The Prydwen[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 4
Prydwen Side

Weighing in at 40,000 tons, the Prydwen is a rigid-frame dirigible,[Non-game 2] held afloat by four giant gasbags inside the frame of the ship. Due to the rarity of helium, the Brotherhood used hydrogen as a lifting gas,[15] with heavy armor surrounding the main deck to protect the gasbags and all the people and equipment stored within from harm.[16] The plating is designed to take plenty of punishment without losing the ability to fly,[17] while the gas bags inside are maintained around the clock by a team of scribes overseen by a senior scribe,[18] and off limits to anyone but authorized personnel.[19] Even then, they'd require explosives to rupture and ignite the hydrogen inside,[20] though any open flame is recommended to be kept outside the hull as a precaution.[21]

The heart of the Prydwen is a nuclear fusion plant, providing power to the systems and powering the main engines: Four massive propellers at the stern of the ship, supported by four large thrusters mounted on the flight deck. Before the journey to the Commonwealth, the original power plant was replaced with an updated fusion plant pulled by the Brotherhood from an aircraft carrier wreckage, and reached almost one hundred percent efficiency by arrival. However, the need to keep such a massive airship afloat puts a strain on the system, in particular the cooling, and requires constant supply of coolant[22] to pass through the four main heat exchangers located on the exterior of the main deck. The thrusters also require regular maintenance, due to the proximity of the navigational beacon.[23] While Ingram stays ahead of repairs and there's plenty of fuel for the fusion reactor, coolant remains a critical issue,[24] as it may require the Prydwen to land if it runs out.[22] Otherwise, a crash is likely.[25]

The Prydwen itself is not built for fighting,[26] as any onboard weapon systems would just slow her down.[27] Instead, it relies on its complement of troops, Vertibirds, and supplies to engage threats. The flight deck can service up to four Vertibirds simultaneously,[28] and if all fails, the airship can take evasive action to avoid incoming fire. The only threat aside from internal sabotage is an overwhelming first strike,[29][30] making evasion impossible. Any such attack only has one chance to succeed, as otherwise the Brotherhood would take it out of harms way.[31] The greatest defense the Prydwen has is the degree of coordination it provides: As the nerve center and supply base,[14] its sensors and computer systems provide a constant stream of intel to field units,[32] while onboard spaces can be readily converted to labs to study the enemy and provide a further edge in battle.[33]

While it's well known she's a design prioritizing safety and reliability over looks,[16] she is considered to be a triumph of Brotherhood engineering[34] and serving aboard an honor[35] (though the actual quality of life aboard is sorely lacking due to 18 hour shifts and the smell).[36] Those so honored may be doubly "honored" by being reassigned to rust scraping duty on the outside, a method of reinforcing discipline favored by Captain Kells.[37] To outsiders, it is a behemoth stretching the definition of airship,[38] capable of bringing entire armies to a region.[7][39]

Non-canon continuity[]

Zeppelin 45
Gameplay article: Fallout Tactics

The Brotherhood constructed airships near the end of the 22nd century in New California.[Non-canon 1] They were a conventional rigid-frame design, with internal gasbags keeping the ship afloat, protected by a metal frame and steel mesh beneath a canvas covering. Propulsion was provided by turboprop engines in external nacelles, with steering and stabilization provided by rear fins. The crew traveled together with their equipment in gondolas suspended beneath the zeppelin.[Non-canon 2]

These were used to dispatch a rebellious minority to the east, on an airborne mission to track down and assess the threat the Unity remnants might pose. While crossing the Rocky Mountains, a great storm threw the main airship off course, while smaller ships were completely lost in the ensuing chaos. The flagship eventually made an emergency landing on the outskirts of Chicago, with the survivors establishing a new Brotherhood of Steel, using salvage from the wreckage to establish a foothold in the eastern wastelands.[Non-canon 1]

The Caswennan[]

Early preview material for the Fallout TV series included an image of an airship that was identified as the Caswennan, so-named after another ship used by King Arthur of Camelot. The pre-release articles specifically delineated it from the Prydwen from Fallout 4. However, during its appearances in the show post-release, the ship was shown to bear the name 'PRYDWEN' on the side of its hull, along with an indication that it was part of the reinforcements from the Commonwealth. The name of the ship is never said by a character in-series, nor has there been any officially sourced confirmation of its identity.



  1. ↑ Brotherhood soldier (1): "I still can't believe I was posted to the Prydwen. I mean, look at her... she's one of a kind."
    Brotherhood soldier (2): "Actually, the Brotherhood of Steel had a whole fleet of these things at one time. They weren't as advanced as the Prydwen, mind you... but seeing them fill the sky must have been an impressive sight."
    Brotherhood soldier (1): "Are you kidding me? What happened to them?"
    Brotherhood soldier (2): "Not sure, really. Most of them were destroyed fighting Super Mutants or scuttled for parts. I think one of them crash landed somewhere in the Midwest. I heard that the wreckage is still there."
    Brotherhood soldier (1): "Wow... I had no idea."
    (Generic Brotherhood soldiers' dialogue) Note: This conversation is listed in the game's files as ConvBoSAirportPrydwen07Scene.
  2. ↑ The Sole Survivor: "Did the Brotherhood ever build other airships?"
    Kells: "There were less advanced versions of this ship built on the West Coast a long time ago. Historical records about their current status are in dispute, but we're fairly certain that they were destroyed. In any event, I hope your tour of the Prydwen helped acclimate you to our way of life up here. I think you'll find that the more familiar you become with both her capabilities and her crew, the longer you'll survive as a member of the Brotherhood. You're dismissed, Knight/Paladin/Sentinel."
    (Kells' dialogue)
  3. ↑ Two years for design, plus two years and a little over two for assembly, then explicit mention of it being kept afloat for five years, granting a total of nine years. 2287-9= 2278
  4. ↑ Kells: "Now that you've had a chance to roam the Prydwen, what do you think, Knight/Paladin/Sentinel?"
    The Sole Survivor: "She's very impressive."
    Kells: "Yes, quite a feat of engineering, isn't she. It took the Brotherhood's sharpest minds over two years to design and more than twice that to build."
    (Kells' dialogue)
  5. ↑ The Sole Survivor: "That's a long time."
    Kells: "Constructing the Prydwen required a vast amount resources... far more than the Brotherhood possessed when we began. We spent the first two years alone gathering the parts. The rest was spent assembling. It was worth the effort. With the Prydwen in our arsenal, we can mobilize our entire division... sending her anywhere that Elder Maxson wishes her to go. Her presence in the Commonwealth ensures that our mission to defeat the Institute will end in victory."
    (Kells' dialogue)
  6. ↑ The Sole Survivor: "Where was the Prydwen constructed?"
    Kells: "She was constructed at Adam's In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Air Force Base just outside of Washington D.C. There was a vast amount of scrap metal and salvageable components there after we defeated the Enclave. We spent the first two years alone gathering the parts. The rest was spent assembling. It was worth the effort. With the Prydwen in our arsenal, we can mobilize our entire division... sending her anywhere that Elder Maxson wishes her to go. Her presence in the Commonwealth ensures that our mission to defeat the Institute will end in victory."
    (Kells' dialogue)
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 The Sole Survivor: "You sure Ingram knows what she's doing?"
    Arthur Maxson: "Proctor Ingram's managed to keep a 40,000 ton airship aloft for the past five years. I'd say that earns her the benefit of the doubt."
    (Arthur Maxson's dialogue)
  8. ↑ Deacon: "Back in Capital Wasteland the Brotherhood was a force to be reckoned with. But them plus a giant airship..."
  9. ↑ Sole Survivor: "You weren't aboard the Prydwen?"
    Ingram: "The Prydwen wasn't under Maxson's command at the time. It wasn't even in the Capital Wasteland. If she'd have been there, the battle wouldn't have been such a challenge."
  10. ↑ Sole Survivor: "Where did the Prydwen get her name?"
    Kells: "Elder Maxson said he took the name from a work of historical fiction. Something about a man who was destined to become a king, and his journey to liberate his people from tyranny and oppression. Seems fitting for such a remarkable ship, wouldn't you say?"
  11. ↑ Fallout 4 loading screens: "Piloted by Lancer-Captain Kells, the Prydwen has traveled extensively along the East Coast... but this is its first journey to the Commonwealth."
  12. ↑ Haylen: "I can't believe Maxson brought the Prydwen here. Those energy readings we picked up must have been more important than I thought."
    Rhys: "Yeah, whatever it was really stirred up a hornet's nest. Looks like it's going to be a full scale war."
    Haylen: "Which means we better prep this place in case someone smarter than a pack of ferals decides we're a target."
    Rhys: "Amen to that."
  13. ↑ Danse: "Having the Prydwen moored above the airport keeps the Brotherhood within striking distance of the city."
  14. ↑ 14.0 14.1 Sole Survivor: "We took out the Prydwen, but what about the rest of the Brotherhood that wasn't on the airship?"
    Preston Garvey: "The Prydwen was their nerve center and supply base. Without it, whatever's left on the ground won't pose much of a threat for long."
  15. ↑ Tinker Tom: "From the inside the blimp's vulnerable. To keep that baby afloat its got massive gasbags full of hydrogen."
    Sole Survivor: "Really, it's full of hydrogen?"
    Tinker Tom: "Helium's rare as hell, only gas light enough and plentiful enough is good old number one on the periodic table. Hydrogen."
  16. ↑ 16.0 16.1 Sole Survivor: "All that time, and his is the best they could come up with?"
    Kells: "She may not be beautiful, but she's safe, reliable and heavily armored enough to keep the riff-raff from bringing her down."
  17. ↑ Deck Scribe: "The Prydwen's hull can take plenty of punishment but she'll always keep on flying."
  18. ↑ Sole Survivor: "Just making a routine inspection. You know the drill."
    Senior Scribe: "My crew has kept the gasbags immaculate. If you don't believe me, go ahead and look. Asshole."
  19. ↑ Sole Survivor: "Damn it. I'm new here. There weren't any signs."
    Senior Scribe: "Idiot. Were you paying a lick of attention during training? No one's allowed near the gasbags except authorized personnel. If I see you here again, I'll have to call security."
  20. ↑ Tinker Tom: "But, I ain't going to lie, your part is tricky. You got to find a way to place these explosives on the gasbags. Then get back out."
  21. ↑ Deck Scribe: "I'd recommend keeping open flames safely outside of the Prydwen's hull."
  22. ↑ 22.0 22.1 The Prydwen terminal entries; Elder Maxson’s terminal, Ingram IG-444PR - Prydwen Concerns
  23. ↑ Brotherhood Lancer: "Excuse me, Captain Kells?"
    Lancer Captain Kells: "What is it, soldier?" or "I'm busy, please make it brief." or "Yes? What is it?"
    Brotherhood Lancer: "Sir, Proctor Ingram is reporting that she's completed the repairs on thruster number three, and stabilized the navigational beacon." or "Sir, the Prydwen is secured to the airport's main tower and we are at station-keeping status. All sections reporting green." or "Sir, Spatha is reporting that they've destroyed a Super Mutant patrol in sector A4. All hostiles have been eliminated." or "Scribe Haylen is requesting transport crates and medical supplies for the Cambridge outpost. I'll make sure their on the next flight out there."
    Lancer Captain Kells: "Very good. Carry on." or "Excellent. Thank you for bringing that to my attention." or "Understood, soldier. You may return to your post."
  24. ↑ Ingram: "Anyway, I'm not here to talk your ear off. Maxson's informed me that you're continuing your tour aboard the Prydwen so I was hoping you could assist me with a long-term problem. Keeping the Prydwen hovering like this is putting a tremendous strain on the ship's propulsion systems. I can stay ahead of the repairs, and we have plenty of fuel to keep the fusion reaction sustained, but we're short on Reactor Coolant."
  25. ↑ Ingram: "It might look like nasty sludge, but this stuff keeps the Prydwen from turning into a fireball."
  26. ↑ Ingram: "Maxson and Kells have been looking for something that'll tip the balance when we go toe to toe with the Institute. Now the Prydwen might be a big beast, but she's not built for fighting. That's where our new project comes in."
  27. ↑ Deck Scribe: "I wish we could arm the Prydwen, but Ingram says the weight would just make her slower."
  28. ↑ Fallout 4 loading screens: "While the Prydwen does not have any actual weapons systems, it always carries enough troops, vertibirds and supplies to mount a major offensive."
  29. ↑ Preston Garvey: "Once we have enough batteries set up, we can fire them all together at the airship. They won't have time to take evasive action. With any luck, that will be the end of the Brotherhood in the Commonwealth."
  30. ↑ Diamond City Radio: "It's unclear exactly what sparked the conflict, but a coordinated artillery strike apparently brought down the Brotherhood's airship."
  31. ↑ Sole Survivor: "It's lucky we took them by surprise. If the Prydwen had escaped our barrage, we'd have never had another chance."
    Preston Garvey: "Believe me, I thought about that. Well, we deserved some luck for a change. I have to admit... I didn't really think it would work. Of course, there are still plenty of other problems left for us to deal with."
  32. ↑ Brotherhood Knight: "Knight Rhys? Another batch of scans from the Prydwen's just arrived."
    Knight Rhys: "Finally. I was itching to head out on an extermination op."
    Brotherhood Knight: "Well, there are plenty of objectives to chose from. The Commonwealth is still crawling with ferals, Super Mutants, synths... you name it."
    Knight Rhys: "Hmmm, sounds like more than I can handle on my own. I'll see if I can get someone else to help me take these targets down."
  33. ↑ The Prydwen terminal entries; Scribe Neriah’s Terminal, Entry 0765-AT78
  34. ↑ Danse: "The Prydwen is amazing, isn't it? A triumph of Brotherhood engineering."
  35. ↑ Generic Squire: "I can't believe how lucky I am to be serving on the Prydwen. Everyone back home is so jealous."
  36. ↑ Personal log - 142
  37. ↑ Generic Brotherhood member: "The last person that disobeyed Captain Kells ended up scraping rust off of the Prydwen's hull... from the outside."
  38. ↑ Professor Scara: "You're joking, right? Ever since that behemoth you call an airship arrived here, everyone in Diamond City's talking about it. The Brotherhood's the biggest thing to hit the Commonwealth since, well... since the Institute set up shop here. Now, don't avoid the question by changing the subject. Tell me why the Brotherhood's looking for my help."
  39. ↑ Piper Wright: "Have you ever seen anything like that? The airship? God, they must have an entire army on that thing."


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Art of Fallout 4 p.256: "Chapter 6 VEHICLES
    (...) However, one vehicle whose size is both impressive and appropriate is the Prydwen, the only postwar-built airship. We went with a full-on diesel-punk design, combining elements of Zepplins and naval vessels and using mysterious technologies (beyond simple hydrogen) to keep it afloat. Its complement of Vertibirds are of a different variety than the gunships used by the Enclave—better suited to troop transport but modified for deployment from the airship."
  2. ↑ Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition pp. 345-347: "[4.28] PRYDWEN
    The Brotherhood of Steel know how to make an entrance! A giant dirigible appears once you complete Act I of your Main Quest. It is moored at Boston Airport. This becomes the base of operations for the Brotherhood of Steel for the remainder of your exploration. The ship is a marvel of engineering."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)

