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The Brotherhood-Enclave conflict on the West Coast is a limited military conflict fought between the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave. The conflict started in started in the 2240s and is still ongoing as of 2296.

Beginning of the conflict[]

The Brotherhood of Steel first entered into conflict with the Enclave on the West Coast during the year 2241. The Brotherhood became aware of the Enclave's existence in 2240. Their sudden appearance unnerved the Brotherhood, who were currently suffering from a stagnation in influence. They even considered directly contacting the Enclave, but the Brotherhood chose to take a more cautious approach, as they could not ignore the threat that the Enclave posed.[7]

As a result the Brotherhood began conducting espionage operations against the Enclave in preparation for an inevitable future conflict. They reactivated a network of outposts and surveillance stations in California to observe and study Enclave activity and motives. Thanks to their low profile, they achieved practical anonymity. Meaning that for the most part even the Enclave had issues finding the Brotherhood, despite the group possessing outposts equipped with subterranean bunkers in the Den, San Francisco and the NCR capital of Shady Sands.[8]

By 2241, the Brotherhood of Steel espionage operation had uncovered the Enclave's involvement in the weapons, narcotics and slavery trades in New California.[9] They were also aware that the group possessed a "president" meaning that they had some idea of its inner workings. The Brotherhood in San Francisco tasked the Chosen One with infiltrating the Navarro Air Base and retrieving schematics for the Enclave's modified vertibird's. Prior to asking the Chosen One, The Brotherhood had already attempted to secure the plans themselves. They had sent a female operative to Navarro, but she was not heard from again. The Chosen One was able to successfully steal and deliver said plans to the Brotherhood. However, these actions resulted in Enclave discovering the location of the San Francisco Brotherhood outpost. They dispatched a strike-team consisting of Frank Horrigan and other members of the Enclave to kill Brotherhood intelligence officer, Matthew.[10]

After the fall of Navarro[]

There is implication that there was some clashes between Brotherhood forces and Enclave soldiers during the NCR-Enclave War prior to the Sacking of Navarro.[11] As Arcade Gannon mentions that some of the Enclave were killed by the NCR while others were killed by the Brotherhood.[12]

Following the events of the Enclave's defeat and Navarro's capture at the hands of the NCR sometime after 2246, the Brotherhood of Steel openly began to send out groups to hunt down and annihilate remnants of the Enclave on the West Coast.[13] Unlike the Brotherhood's conflict with the Enclave on the East Coast. Instead of massive pitched battles, the fighting on the West Coast was limited to mostly search and destroy operations sent by the Brotherhood of Steel to find and eliminate former members of the Enclave.


During 2296, the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel is reinforced by and seemingly under directive of the East Coast Brotherhood, under Elder Arthur Maxson. The Prydwen arrives at one of the Brotherhood New California chapter's airfields and training facilities in California. The West Coast Brotherhood supplies the East Coast Knights with some Squires. The group traveled all the way across the continent from The Commonwealth. Their objective, as stated by Elder Cleric Quintus, comes from the the highest rankings Cleric's and authorities on the East Coast. The Brotherhood was ordered to locate a crucial item in the possession of an Enclave deserter.[14] By 2296, it seems that Brotherhood of Steel run-ins with the Enclave were rare, as one of the Brotherhood's newer generation of recruits expresses surprise when he hears the groups name mentioned by Elder Cleric Quintus.[15] The Brotherhood seemingly had a spy in the Enclave that was able to relay the information to the East Coast about the defection and the theft of the artifact.[16]

Brotherhood forces are again sent out to look for remnants. They send several teams into the California wasteland, also known as The Wilds in search of Siggi Wilzig, a defector of the Enclave remnants. One of these teams consisted of Knight Titus and Squire Maximus (later joined by Squire Thaddeus). Titus had arrived with East Coast forces aboard the Prydwen, while Maximus was born in California and was raised by the West Coast Brotherhood. The two were tasked with searching the town of Filly and it's surrounding area for Wilzig.[17] Knight Titus even voices his displeasure at having to trek across the wasteland in search of the Enclave's remnants.[18] The artifact would end up finding its way into the hands of the NCR remnants under Lee Moldaver, as she had made a deal with the Enclave scientist. Following this the Brotherhood was forced to re-engage the NCR at the Battle of Griffith Observatory. Following their victory the Brotherhood was able to secure the Enclave technology known as Cold fusion.[19]


  1. Fallout Season 1 Episode 1: "The End" and Episode 2: The Target
  2. Fallout Season 1 Episode 1: "The End" and Episode 2: The Target
  3. Fallout Season 1 Episode 1: "The End" and Episode 2: "The Target"
  4. Fallout Season 1 Episode 1: "The End" and Episode 2: "The Target"
  5. Fallout Season 1 Episode 1: "The End" and Episode 2: "The Target"
  6. Fallout Season 1 Episode 1: "The End" and Episode 2: "The Target"
  7. The Chosen One: "You said 'at one time.' What about now?" Matthew: "Several months ago we came across a group known as the Enclave. Much to our surprise their level of technology surpassed even our own. We found this quite disturbing and considered contacting them. However, we decided on a more cautious course of action until we could determine exactly who the Enclave was, and the underlying purpose of their organization." "To this end, we have reactivated small outposts near areas of Enclave activity from which we can safely observe them. Currently, we have activated such outposts in the Den, the NCR, and here in San Francisco." The Chosen One: "Sounds interesting. What have you learned?" Matthew: "We have found that the Enclave deals heavily in drugs, weapons, and slaves. However, these are simply trivial pursuits leading up to some higher purpose, which we have failed to uncover. We are still watching them."(Matthew's dialogue)
  8. The Chosen One: "You said 'at one time.' What about now?" Matthew: "Several months ago we came across a group known as the Enclave. Much to our surprise their level of technology surpassed even our own. We found this quite disturbing and considered contacting them. However, we decided on a more cautious course of action until we could determine exactly who the Enclave was, and the underlying purpose of their organization." "To this end, we have reactivated small outposts near areas of Enclave activity from which we can safely observe them. Currently, we have activated such outposts in the Den, the NCR, and here in San Francisco." The Chosen One: "Sounds interesting. What have you learned?" Matthew: "We have found that the Enclave deals heavily in drugs, weapons, and slaves. However, these are simply trivial pursuits leading up to some higher purpose, which we have failed to uncover. We are still watching them."(Matthew's dialogue)
  9. The Chosen One: "You said 'at one time.' What about now?" Matthew: "Several months ago we came across a group known as the Enclave. Much to our surprise their level of technology surpassed even our own. We found this quite disturbing and considered contacting them. However, we decided on a more cautious course of action until we could determine exactly who the Enclave was, and the underlying purpose of their organization." "To this end, we have reactivated small outposts near areas of Enclave activity from which we can safely observe them. Currently, we have activated such outposts in the Den, the NCR, and here in San Francisco." The Chosen One: "Sounds interesting. What have you learned?" Matthew: "We have found that the Enclave deals heavily in drugs, weapons, and slaves. However, these are simply trivial pursuits leading up to some higher purpose, which we have failed to uncover. We are still watching them."(Matthew's dialogue)
  10. The Chosen One: "What happened to Matt?" ACE: "Loading sequence..." Matthew: "You and your so-called President will not succeed." Frank Horrigan: "Is that so?" Matthew: "The Chosen One has come, and he will rid the world of your evil." Frank Horrigan: "I care nothing for your pathetic prophecies. Worse, you have become a nuisance through your meddling. That ends today!" Matthew: "Killing me will stop nothing." Frank Horrigan: "That may be, but seeing your body rotting on the ground will bring a smile to my face." (ACE's information)
  11. The Courier: "Where did the Enclave go?" Arcade Gannon: "A lot of different places. I only know what I was told. Some of them were cut down by the NCR and the Brotherhood. Some of them went east. My mother never told me what happened to my father, but she and I went south with some others and integrated into the NCR. When the NCR learned that Enclave personnel had integrated, we kept moving to the fringes. It's one of the reasons why I wound up out here." (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "Where did the Enclave go?" Arcade Gannon: "A lot of different places. I only know what I was told. Some of them were cut down by the NCR and the Brotherhood. Some of them went east. My mother never told me what happened to my father, but she and I went south with some others and integrated into the NCR. When the NCR learned that Enclave personnel had integrated, we kept moving to the fringes. It's one of the reasons why I wound up out here." (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "What happened to Navarro?" Arcade Gannon: "After the Enclave's command structure fell apart, it was only a matter of time before Navarro was overrun by NCR forces. My mother and I left with some of the troopers from my father's old unit, the same people I've kept in contact with over the years. Anyone who didn't get out was killed by the NCR. Even some of the ones who escaped were eventually hunted down by the Brotherhood of Steel."
  14. Fallout Season 1 Episode 1: "The End"
  15. Fallout Season 1 Episode 1: "The End"
  16. Fallout Season 1 Episode 1: "The End"
  17. Fallout Season 1 Episode 2: The Target
  18. "This wasteland fucking sucks. The clerics, too. With their bullshit. Sending me on stupid missions for remnants that turn out to be... ...a fucking toaster oven." (Knight Titus dialogue - Fallout TV show episode 2)
  19. ''Fallout'' Season 1 Episode 8: [[The Beginning]]