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Fallout Wiki

The Amish are a pre-War Anabaptist Christian group who shun most forms of modern technology. The group have their roots in European immigrants who formed religious communities in America in the 1700s.


At least one Amish community survived the Great War. At some point prior to 2103, Caleb Fisher left this group while on Rumspringa, a rite of passage in which young people are allowed to leave the community for a short time to see the outside world.[1] Fisher was motivated to leave the group after some of his Amish peers found satisfaction and validation in the mass death that had befallen the larger outside culture.[1]


When the Ghoul is dug up from his grave in episode 1, The End, of the Fallout television series, he asks Slim, Honcho, and Biggie if they're in the middle of "an Amish production of The Count of Monte Cristo."


The Amish are mentioned in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update, and in the Fallout TV series.


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 A Vault Dweller: "Are you a religious man, Fisher?"
    Caleb Fisher: "Once upon a time. I was born and raised Amish. It's hard to shake what you're brought up to believe since birth, no matter how bad this world turns."
    A Vault Dweller: "How do you go from Amish to here?"
    Caleb Fisher: "After the war, my faith... wavered. Anyone could understand that. But to some in my community, it vindicated them. They believed their survival meant they walked the true path. I couldn't be among that mind set, so I used Rumspringa as my chance to leave."
    (Caleb Fisher's dialogue)