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This is a transcript for dialogue with Abraham Washington.


GREETING GREETING Happy 50 I can't wait to add the Declaration to the Society's collection. 1
GREETING Happy 50 I'm expecting great things from you! 2
GREETING Happy 50 What wonderful artifacts have you brought me? 3
GREETING Happy 50 So, have you decided to become a part of history and triumphantly return with the Declaration of Independence in hand? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Pleased to meet you. Abraham Washington's the name. I am curator of the Capital Preservation Society. 5
Happy 50 If you have time, come take a look at our exhibits. 6
Neutral 50 Now, if you'll excuse me... 7
GREETING Neutral 50 Sorry, very busy right now. Come see me at the museum. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 Quite an impressive collection, isn't it? Well don't be shy, have a look around. 9
Happy 50 Abraham Washington's the name... curator of this little slice of American History. 10
GREETING Happy 50 What can I help you with? 11
GREETING Neutral 50 What brings you by Rivet City today? 12
GREETING Neutral 50 I...uh, I don't get visitors very often. My name is Abraham Washington. This is my Capital Preservation Society. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome to...uh...the Capital Preservation Society. 14
GREETING Neutral 50 What...uh, what can I do for you? 15
Could I ask you about Rivet City's history?
Do you know the history of Rivet City? Surprise 25 It's funny, now that you ask... I can tell you all about the Capital, but I really haven't got any idea about Rivet City itself. 16
Happy 25 I can't see how important it is compared to the Capital's history, but maybe Bannon might know something. He's in the governing council, after all. 17
Do you know the history of Rivet City? Surprise 25 It's funny, now that you ask... I can tell you all about the Capital, but I really haven't got any idea about Rivet City itself. 18
Happy 25 Frankly, it sounds just you're thinking too small, when you could ask about the much more important history of the capital! 19
MS06BuyActionFigure What will you give me for this toy of Lincoln? Happy 50 Quite a nice specimen you have there. How about I give you 10 caps for it? 20
MS06BuyDraftPoster How much for this war poster? Happy 50 That would look fantastic on the museum wall! What do you say to 60 caps? 21
MS06BuyHat Are you interested in Lincoln's hat? Surprise 70 Lincoln's actual hat? Amazing! I must have it for the museum! 22
Neutral 50 How does 70 caps sound? 23
MS06BuyLincolnDiary I found Lincoln's diary. Surprise 60 Oh my goodness! Hand written by one of the greatest presidents of our country? 24
Neutral 50 The Society must possess this. I'll give you 100 caps for it! 25
MS06BuyNo I'd rather keep it. Neutral 50 Very well, but I doubt anyone else will appreciate its value as much as I do. 26
MS06BuyPennies I have a collection of pennies with Lincoln's face on them. Surprise 60 Pennies, eh? That's the old money they used long ago. 27
Neutral 50 Well, any artifact from American history would benefit the museum. How about 15 caps for the lot of them? 28
MS06BuyRecording Are you interested in buying a recording of Lincoln's voice? Surprise 60 An actual recording of Lincoln's voice? Amazing! 29
Neutral 50 Please, allow me to compensate you for it. I'll pay you 60 caps. 30
MS06BuyRifle Would you like to make an offer on Lincoln's Rifle? Happy 60 I can't believe you have that artifact in your possession! What an amazing addition it would make to the museum. 31
Happy 50 I will buy it from you for 100 caps. What do you say? 32
MS06BuyWantedPoster I've got a wanted poster for Lincoln's assassin. Happy 60 Interesting. I'd love to have that in the museum's collection. 33
Happy 50 I will buy it from you for 70 caps. What do you say? 34
It's a deal.
You've got a deal. Here you go. Happy 50 Thanks much! 35
MS06YesActionFigure Not for that price. I want more. Happy 50 Very well, here you are. Worth every cap. 36
MS06YesDraftPoster This poster is worth more than that. Happy 50 Very well, here you are. Worth every cap. 37
MS06YesHat For Lincoln's own hat? Come on. You can do better than that. Happy 50 Very well, here you are. Worth every cap. 38
MS06YesLincolnDiary Not enough. Make me a better offer. Happy 50 Very well, here you are. Worth every cap. 39
You'll have to do better than that.
Make it 30 and you have a deal. Happy 50 Very well, here you are. Worth every cap. 40
That price is an insult. You can do better.
Make it 80 and you have a deal. Happy 50 Very well, here you are. Worth every cap. 41
You're kidding, right? It's worth twice that.
Make it 125 and you have a deal. Happy 50 Very well, here you are. Worth every cap. 42
No way. I need a lot more than that.
Make it 90 and you have a deal. Happy 50 Very well, here you are. Worth every cap. 43
MS15AbeWashBackground01 So, you really care about these relics? Surprise 50 Why, of course I do! 44
Neutral 50 If these items were lost to time, how would we ever be able to explore our heritage or appreciate the sacrifices our founding fathers made? 45
MS15AbeWashBackground02 I suppose I see your point. Neutral 50 Then we understand each other. Hundreds of years ago, people studied history as a career. Then, when the bombs fell, it was almost lost. 46
Neutral 50 Can you imagine a country like the U.S.A. without it? It would be the same empty feeling as not knowing your birth mother. 47
Neutral 50 We are children of this country and to respect it is to know about it. 48
MS15AbeWashBackground03 Looks like a bunch of junk to me. Disgust 50 That's just the attitude I have come to expect from uneducated individuals. 49
Neutral 50 It's people like you who will cause the name America to fade from memory. Children will think of the U.S.A. as just the Wasteland. 50
Neutral 50 I mustn't let that happen! That's why this place exists. 51
MS15AbeWashBackground04 I wish I knew more about America. Happy 50 Oh, it's so good to finally meet... I mean, to yet again meet someone who actually cares about history! 52
MS15AbeWashBackground05 Whatever, old timer. Disgust 50 Bah! Sometimes I feel like it's hopeless. 53
MS15AbeWashBackgroundBad This place is a dump. Disgust 50 Sigh. I was hoping seeing these pieces of the past would snap you out of your pessimism. I see I was wrong. 54
MS15AbeWashBackgroundGood I found it quite entertaining. Neutral 50 It makes me so happy to hear that! Feel free to look around all you like. 55
MS15AbeWashBackgroundTop Well, I've looked around a bit. Neutral 50 Oh? And have you come to any conclusions? 56
MS15AbeWashCT00HaveIt Before you continue... I have the Declaration of Independence. Surprise 80 What? You have the Declaration? Unbelievable! 57
Before you continue... I have the Declaration of Independence. Disgust 80 Are you certain this time? Or is this another joke? 58
MS15AbeWashCT00HaveItDone01 Yes... I recovered it all by myself. Happy 80 By bringing this to me, do you realize you've just written yourself into the history books? 59
Happy 50 You're a true American hero and will be remembered for this glorious day! 60
Happy 50 But enough of that. Allow me to present you with some sort of compensation for your deed. 61
Yes... I recovered it all by myself. Happy 80 By bringing this to me, do you realize you've just written yourself into the history books? 62
Happy 50 You're a true American hero and will be remembered for this glorious day! 63
Happy 50 But enough of that. Allow me to present you with some sort of compensation for your deed. 64
MS15AbeWashCT00HaveItDone02 Yes... but I had a little help from Sydney. Happy 80 By bringing this to me, do you realize you've both just written yourselves into the history books? 65
Happy 50 You're both true American heroes and will be remembered for this glorious day! 66
Happy 50 But enough of that. Allow me to present you with some sort of compensation for your deed. 67
Neutral 50 I will award Sydney's promised bounty to her personally. No need to worry yourself about that. 68
MS15AbeWashCT00HaveItDone03 Yes... but I had a little help from Sydney. She didn't make it, though. Happy 80 By bringing this to me, do you realize you've both just written yourselves into the history books? 69
Happy 50 You're both true American heroes and will be remembered for this glorious day! 70
Neutral 50 Sydney's name will forever be memorialized for her great sacrifice. She was a patriot and will be missed. 71
Happy 50 But enough of that. Allow me to present you with some sort of compensation for your deed. 72
MS15AbeWashCT00HaveItDone04 Nah, I was just kidding. Disgust 80 Well that's just plain rude. I would hope you'd be kinder to an old man just trying to serve his nation! 73
Neutral 50 But, since you brought it up... 74
MS15AbeWashCT00a Yes, it's an interesting collection indeed. Happy 50 Ah, a fellow scholar I see! 75
Neutral 50 Each of the documents in this room tells a small but important story about the history of the United States of America. 76
Sad 50 Unfortunately, the greatest prize of all is missing from the collection. 77
MS15AbeWashCT00b It's an interesting collection of garbage. Neutral 50 One man's garbage is another's treasure trove. Don't underestimate these documents. They may not look like much, but their value is immeasurable. 78
Sad 50 Or would be anyway, if only I possessed one more item. 79
MS15AbeWashCT00c Oh good, I was looking for some kindling. Anger 80 Watch your tone, sir. To suggest the destruction of such fine specimens is almost, well... blasphemy! 80
Anger 50 I'll have you know this collection is a complete chronicle of our nation's history. A unique glimpse into the past. 81
Disgust 70 Well, almost complete. One document still continues to elude me. 82
MS15AbeWashCT01 All right, I'll bite. Which document is missing? Neutral 50 In 1776, the Second Judgmental Congress got together and adopted a document drafted by none other than Thomas Jefferson himself. 83
Neutral 50 It was the day the United States of America earned its name and secured its place in history. 84
Neutral 50 This magnificent achievement took form in the Declaration of Independence. 85
MS15AbeWashCT02 Who cares... Disgust 50 Your rude tone leads me to believe you aren't interested in a little proposal I have for you. 86
Disgust 50 Now, will you hear me out? If not, we don't have much more to talk about. 87
MS15AbeWashCT02a What's missing is my ability to stay awake in this snoreatorium. Neutral 50 My friend, the sleeping fox catches no moss. 88
Neutral 50 Would you want to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime? 89
MS15AbeWashCT02bIntell It has to be the Declaration of Independence. Surprise 80 Why, yes! Your knowledge of American History is quite impressive! 90
Happy 50 What an amazing crown jewel in my collection that would be! The original document created by the people, for the people. 91
MS15AbeWashCT03 Maybe later. I've got better things to do right now. Neutral 50 Shame. Very well, you're free to look around but with your level of patience I suspect you'll become bored rather quickly. 92
MS15AbeWashCT04 Let me take a leap of faith here... you want me to find it for you. Surprise 50 Indeed I do. Without the Declaration, the rest of these relics are almost meaningless. I must have it! 93
Neutral 50 Acquire the document for me, and you'll be awarded most handsomely. What do you think? 94
MS15AbeWashCT04a What's your point? Happy 80 Well, I was hoping you'd realize what I want. I want you to get the Declaration for me. 95
Happy 60 The Declaration would tie this collection of documents together so well and give it the patriotic meaning it deserves. 96
Neutral 50 If you can find it for me, I'd be sure to make it worth your while. 97
MS15AbeWashCT04b If you want me to retrieve the Declaration, all you have to do is ask. Happy 50 Oh, would you? It would mean so much to me and the Society's collection here. 98
MS15AbeWashCT05 Skip the history lesson, professor. Neutral 50 A man of few words. Very well. 99
Neutral 50 Get the Declaration of Independence to me intact and I'll pay you well for your time. What do you say? 100
Skip the history lesson, professor. Neutral 50 A woman of few words. Very well. 101
Neutral 50 Get the Declaration of Independence to me intact and I'll pay you well for your time. What do you say? 102
MS15AbeWashCT11 Thank you, it's quite an honor. Now, for my reward? Happy 50 Please, accept this holotape as a token of my esteem and the esteem of every citizen of the United States. 103
Happy 50 May it bring you the vocal skills possessed by only the greatest orators of our time. 104
MS15AbeWashCT12 Okay pops, just hand over the reward and you can get back to your history books. Disgust 50 Well! The founding fathers would be disappointed in your fiery tone. 105
Neutral 50 However, a deal is a deal. Here is your reward. 106
MS15AbeWashRewardChatter01 I suppose that's good enough for me. Happy 50 Marvelous! Then you've decided? 107
MS15AbeWashRewardChatter02 Can the speech, Abe. I need to get paid. Happy 50 Heroes of the United States will receive rewards befitting their rank, I can assure you. Your prize will be no different. 108
Neutral 50 I have in my possession the only known schematic for the creation of something called the Railway Rifle. 109
Neutral 50 Bring me the Declaration, and it's yours. 110
MS15AbeWashRewardChatter03 Can we stop beating around the bush, please? What's the reward? Neutral 50 Sorry, my mind tends to wander. I would see to it you receive a worthwhile trade. 111
Neutral 50 I have in my possession the only known schematic for the creation of something called the Railway Rifle. 112
Happy 50 Bring me the Declaration, and it's yours. 113
MS15Bailout Let me ask you something else. Neutral 50 Certainly. 114
MS15DeclineQuestPost Um... no. I've still got more important things to do. Disgust 50 What could be more important than completing my collection? Without that document, what is the U.S.A. now? Nothing! 115
Neutral 50 Oh well. Please come back when you change your mind. I know you will. 116
MS15FinTLAbeWashCT01 How's the museum business? Happy 50 Oh, it treats me well. I'm sure it will be even better now that we have the Declaration of Independence. 117
Neutral 50 Hopefully, we can add more to the collection and increase our foot traffic! 118
MS15FinTLAbeWashLooking Is the museum looking to acquire anything else? Happy 50 Well, yes. Any document of historical significance would be of benefit to the Society. 119
Neutral 50 However, I am also interested in branching out. Perhaps some interesting artifacts related to our great country's history. 120
Neutral 50 Be sure and bring me anything you find along those lines. I'd be happy to compensate you once again. 121
MS15MuseumBillofRights I have a document you may want. The Bill of Rights... Surprise 50 Oh my! I never expected anyone to find this! I didn't even know it was still intact! 122
Happy 50 Well, certainly a reward is in order for your efforts. How about 100 caps? 123
MS15MuseumMagnaCarta I've recovered a copy of the Magna Carta. Interested? Happy 50 Indeed I am. Although there were several copies made of the document, I certainly never expected to come across one intact. 124
Happy 50 What do you say to 75 caps for it? 125
MS15MuseumNo No thanks, I think I'll hold onto it. Disgust 70 How very disappointing! 126
No thanks, I think I'll hold onto it. Sad 70 Such a shame, I was hoping to add it to my collection. 127
No thanks, I think I'll hold onto it. Disgust 50 Oh, very well. If you reconsider, you know where to find me. 128
No thanks, I think I'll hold onto it. Neutral 50 I assure you no one else in the Wasteland will pay you more, but I respect your decision. 129
MS15MuseumYesBoR Will you give me 125 caps for it? Happy 80 You drive a hard bargain, but it's worth every cap. 130
Sounds like a deal. Here you go. Happy 80 Thank you very much! 131
MS15MuseumYesMC Will you give me 100 caps for it? Happy 80 You drive a hard bargain, but it's worth every cap. 132
Sounds like a deal. Here you go. Happy 80 Thank you very much! 133
MS15QuestNo Not now. Maybe another time. Sad 50 A famous man once said that patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. 134
Neutral 50 I've waited this long, I suppose I can wait until someone else comes along to accept my offer. 135
MS15QuestReward Slow down there, gramps. What's this reward you're talking about? Neutral 50 You'd secure your place in history. The man who rediscovered the Declaration of Independence. Imagine the fanfare! 136
Slow down there, gramps. What's this reward you're talking about? Neutral 50 You'd secure your place in history. The woman who rediscovered the Declaration of Independence. Imagine the fanfare! 137
MS15QuestWait Let me think about this for a bit, and I'll get back to you. Sad 60 Oh dear. Well, I can't make you go. Only to appeal to your sense of patriotism and to do it for your country. 138
MS15QuestYes I'd love to be a part of history, and bring you the Declaration. Happy 50 Excellent! You won't regret it, I promise you! Imagine, you are taking part in another chapter of American History. I envy you. 139
Neutral 50 You can find the Declaration of Independence in the ruins of the National Archives. 140
MS15TLAnythingElse Is there anything else you're looking for? Neutral 50 Well, yes. Any document of historical significance would be of benefit to the Society. 141
Neutral 50 However, I am also interested in branching out. Perhaps some interesting artifacts related to our great country's history. 142
Neutral 50 Be sure and bring me anything you find along those lines. I'd be happy to compensate you once again. 143
MS15TLDeclarationTopic I have a few questions about the Declaration of Independence. Happy 50 Please ask then. After all, knowledge is power! 144
MS15TLDeclarationTopic01 What does the Declaration of Independence look like? Neutral 50 A piece of what was called parchment... sort of a thick paper. Has faded hand-written writing all over it. 145
Neutral 50 It's no more than two and a half feet tall and two feet wide. If you find it, you should be able to roll it up carefully. 146
MS15TLDeclarationTopic02 What's the history behind the document? Neutral 50 On July the 4th in 1776, a group calling themselves the Second Judgmental Congress got together at Fort McHarry in Maryland. 147
Neutral 50 After a ceremony which ended with Paul Revere singing the famous battle hymn known as the National Anthem, the document was signed. 148
Neutral 50 From there, it was sent to England by plane presumably and presented to King George himself. Thus began the Evolutionary War. 149
MS15TLDeclarationTopic03SC All this info on the Declaration... Where'd you get it? I don't like secrets. Happy 50 Well, ummm. This is quite embarrassing actually. 150
Neutral 50 I sent someone like yourself after the Declaration. She did some of the research for me, but now I haven't seen her in a few months. 151
Happy 50 I wouldn't worry about it. Many have died for causes far less grand than what you're about to undertake. 152
MS15TLGotIt I have the Declaration of Independence. Surprise 50 Oh my lord, I never expect... I mean, I am utterly shocked! 153
Happy 50 You have earned your place in the annals of American History, yes indeed. You will be remembered for this great day! 154
Neutral 50 I understand the road was difficult, so allow me to present you with an extra bonus to perhaps whet your appetite for future endeavors. 155
Neutral 50 Enjoy your reward, my friend. You've earned it. 156
I have the Declaration of Independence. Surprise 50 Oh my lord, I never expect... I mean, I am utterly shocked! 157
Happy 50 You have earned your place in the annals of American History, yes indeed. You will be remembered for this great day! 158
Neutral 50 I understand the road was difficult, so allow me to present you with an extra bonus to perhaps whet your appetite for future endeavors. 159
Neutral 50 Enjoy your reward, my friend. You've earned it. 160
MS15TLGotItSydney Sydney and I have the Declaration of Independence. Surprise 50 Oh my lord, I never expect... I mean, I am utterly shocked! 161
Happy 50 You two have earned your places in the annals of American History, yes indeed. You will be remembered for this great day! 162
Neutral 50 I will award Sydney's promised bounty to her personally. No need to worry yourself about that. 163
Neutral 50 Enjoy your reward, my friend. You've earned it. 164
MS15TLGotItSydneyDead I have the Declaration of Independence. Surprise 50 Oh my lord, I never expect... I mean, I am utterly shocked! 165
Happy 50 You have earned your place in the annals of American History, yes indeed. You will be remembered for this great day! 166
Neutral 50 I understand the road was difficult, so allow me to present you with an extra bonus to perhaps whet your appetite for future endeavors. 167
Neutral 50 Enjoy your reward, my friend. You've earned it. 168
MS15TLLocation Can you show me how to get to the National Archives on my map? Neutral 50 In the D.C. Ruins you'll find the National Archives. Or what's left of it anyway. 169
Neutral 50 The building should contain the document in a protective glass case. Be careful, the place is swarming with Super Mutants. 170
Happy 50 Here, let me pinpoint its location for you. 171
MS17FinTLBuyBackViolin I broke a promise to someone and I'd like to buy back the violin for 300 caps. Happy 80 It takes moxie to admit you've done something wrong. I admire that. 172
Happy 80 I'd be glad to sell it back to you. Here you go. 173
I broke a promise to someone and I'd like to buy back the violin for 300 caps. Happy 80 It takes moxie to admit you've done something wrong. I admire that. 174
Happy 80 I'd be glad to sell it back to you, but you don't seem to have enough caps. Come back when you do. 175
MS17TLBuySoilStrad I have a very unique item for sale, a genuine Stradivarius violin. Surprise 50 Incredible! I've heard of those items. They were used to make music many many years ago I believe. 176
Neutral 50 Well, although it has no American historical significance, I can take it off your hands for 200 caps. How does that sound? 177
Are you still interested in the Stradivarius? Happy 50 Absolutely! I believe the standing offer was 200 caps. 178
MS17TLBuySoilStradAbeWash01 Sure, that sounds fair. Neutral 50 Well, that's wonderful. Here are your caps. Thanks very much! 179
Sure, that sounds fair. Neutral 50 Well, that's wonderful. Here are your caps. Thanks very much! 180
MS17TLBuySoilStradAbeWash02 Let me consider your offer. Neutral 50 Certainly, don't let me stand in your way. 181
MS17TLBuySoilStradAbeWash03SC How about we make it 300 caps? Neutral 50 Well, that's wonderful. Here are your caps. Thanks very much! 182
How about we make it 300 caps? Neutral 50 Well, that's wonderful. Here are your caps. Thanks very much! 183
RCTopicCPS What is the Capital Preservation Society? Happy 50 I'm collecting artifacts. Historical artifacts. Um...all sorts of things from old DC. 184
Neutral 50 It's important work. Because...well, it just is. 185
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 Certain information came to light. I paid a fortune in caps and obtained it. 186
Neutral 50 There really isn't much more to it. 187
SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 30 Oh no no no. That just won't do. 200 Caps is all I'm going to pay. 188


GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 60 I hope next time I see you, the Declaration will be in hand. 189
I have to go now. Happy 60 Remember, treat the document with care. It's a fragile piece of our history. 190
I have to go now. Fear 60 Be careful, the Archives are infested with who knows what. 191
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Remember, donations are always welcome. 192
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Remember, bring me back anything interesting you find. 193
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Very well, be careful out there. 194
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Well, I suppose that's goodbye then. Come again anytime. 195
HELLO HELLO Happy 70 Welcome to the Capital Preservation Society! 196
HELLO Happy 50 It's so very nice to see you again. 197
HELLO Happy 50 Good to have you back. 198
HELLO Neutral 50 If you have any questions about the exhibits, please let me know. 199
HELLO Happy 70 Do have a look around, but don't touch anything. 200
HELLO Neutral 50 We have the most complete archive of U.S. historical documents in the Wasteland. 201
HELLO Fear 50 Um...uh...I'd like, I mean can you get me some Iguana Bits? And a glass of water. No... yes, a glass of water. 202
RCGoodbye RCGoodbye Surprise 50 Er...uh...yes. I think so. No, I'm quite certain. Yes. 203
RCPackageEnd RCPackageEnd Disgust 50 Damn! I forgot to eat breakfast again. 204
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 I'd better get back to the museum. 205
RCPackageEnd Surprise 50 Oh! Look at the time. I'd better go get something to eat. 206
RCPackageEnd Neutral 50 I'd better get back. 207