How to find long-tail keywords

How To Find Long-Tail Keywords: {Step-By-Step Tutorial}

Finding Long-tail keywords is easier than ever. The Broad Keywords attract a large audience but long-tail keywords can yield more qualified leads and higher conversion rates.

In this article, we will explore how to find long-tail keywords using popular SEO tools Like Semrush, Google Keyword Planner, and Google Search Bar. So, let’s dive in and unlock the power of long-tail keywords!

What are Long-tail Keywords

Semrush Keyword Research tool

Long-tail keywords are phrases used to narrow down an online search and target a specific audience with a particular search intent. This type of keyword typically consists of three or more words with lower search volumes.

For example, “affordable brake pad replacement” is a long-tail keyword targeting customers seeking a specific car repair service. At the same time, “running shoes for flat feet” is another example of a long-tail keyword that caters to a particular audience with a specific need.

Long-tail keywords are valuable for SEO strategies because they have less competition and are more likely to convert into sales.

They have a 2.5 times higher conversion rate than short-tail keywords. By targeting these specific search terms, businesses can reach motivated audiences and drive more targeted website traffic.

Why Are Long Tail Keywords Important?

Long-tail keywords are essential for SEO for several reasons. Firstly, they are easier to rank for on Google due to their specificity and lower competition.

For example, a long-tail keyword like “organic, gluten-free, vegan protein bars” is more targeted and less competitive than a broad keyword like “protein bars.”

This means that a website optimizing for long-tail keywords has a better opportunity of ranking higher in search engine results.

Secondly, long-tail keywords attract more targeted traffic to a website. The audience searching for specific long-tail keywords is hot traffic. They are more likely to be in the consideration or purchase stage of the buyer’s journey.

For instance, searching for “best running shoes for marathon training” is closer to purchasing than searching for “running shoes.”

Additionally, long-tail keywords have higher conversion rates. Users searching for long-tail keywords are often looking for specific products or solutions, making them more likely to convert into customers.

For example, a search for “affordable eco-friendly yoga mats” indicates a strong purchase intent compared to a generic search for “yoga mats.”

If you can use this keyword, there is a better chance of higher ranking and increased conversion.

Long-Tail Keyword Examples

Long-tail keyword examples are specific search terms that are longer and more detailed than general keywords. These keywords are highly targeted and have a particular intent of search, making them easier to rank for in search engines.

For example, instead of using the short-tail keyword “buy shoes,” a long-tail keyword example could be “buy women’s running shoes with arch support.”

This long-tail keyword is more specific and caters to a niche audience looking for a particular type of shoe. By including specific details like “women’s,” “running,” and “arch support,” you are targeting a more specific audience with a higher search intent.

Using long-tail keywords in your content can positively impact your search ranking. Since long-tail keywords are less competitive, ranking them in (SERPs) is more accessible.

With fewer websites targeting these specific keywords, you have a better chance of appearing at the top of the search results for that particular search query.

Additionally, long-tail keywords can drive more targeted traffic to your site. People searching for long-tail keywords usually go further along the buyer’s journey and have a specific intent.

This means they are more likely to convert into customers than those searching for generic keywords.

How To Find Long Tail Keywords

Log in to your Semrush account and navigate to the “Keyword Overview” tool. This tool provides valuable insights and data for keyword research.

Keyword Overview

Type in your broad keyword or topic into the search bar. For example, if you have a website selling gardening tools, you can enter “gardening tools” as your primary keyword.

How to find long-tail keywords

Select the target country and device for your keyword research. This helps you understand the search trends and preferences of your target audience.

Now click on “Keyword Magic Tool” to generate a list of related keywords. Semrush will present you with a list of keywords related to your seed keyword.

Keyword Magic tool find the long-tail keywords

Use the filters provided by Semrush to narrow down the results to long-tail keywords. You can filter by factors such as the number of words, keyword difficulty, search volume, and more.

Find the long-tail keywords

This will help you find specific long-tail keywords relevant to your content and have less competition.

Review the generated list of long-tail keywords and identify ones that align with your content and target audience. Look for keywords with decent search volume, low keyword difficulty, and relevance to your offerings.

Export Your Keywords

Export the list of long-tail keywords into a CSV file for future reference and analysis.

How to Find Long Tail Keywords Through Keyword Gap Analysis

Step 1: Log into your Semrush account and navigate the Keyword Gap tool.

Step 2: Enter your domain and up to four competitor domains you want to compare against.

Keyword Gap Analysis

Step 3: Here you will find all the untapped and unique keywords you should focus and your competitors rank for in organic search results.

Keyword Gap

Step 4: Use the filters to narrow down the results to long tail keywords with specific search intent and lower competition.

Step 5: Analyze the search volume, keyword difficulty, and other metrics to identify long-tail keywords related to your content and topic.

Step 6; Export the long-tail keywords you want to target and use them in your content strategy for improved SEO performance.

How to Find Long-tailTail Keywords using Google Search Feature

To find long-tail keywords using Google search features, you can follow these steps:

Use Google Autocomplete: When you enter a keyword into the Google search, You will see suggestions for auto-completing your search.

Google Autocomplete

These suggestions are popular search queries related to what you’re typing. For example, if you type “best brother sewing machines” into the search bar, Google might suggest long-tail keywords like “best brother sewing machines for beginners” or “best brother sewing machines for quilting.”

If you give space and keep entering any alphabet, you will keep getting more and more suggestions.

Longtail keywords using Google Autocomplete

I entered “C” and got a lot of long-tail keyword suggestions from Google Autocomplete like Best brother sewing machine Canada, Best brother sewing machine for making clothes, and so on!

People Also Ask: When you search for a keyword or phrase on Google, you may see a “People Also Ask” box in the search results. This box displays questions related to your search query that other users have asked.

People Also Ask Section

By clicking these questions, you can see more long-tail keywords commonly searched for about your initial keyword.

Related Searches: Google displays a section called “Searches related to [your search query]”. This section shows other keywords and phrases related to your initial search query.

Related Search Features of Google

By exploring these related searches, you can discover more long-tail keyword opportunities to target on your website.

How to Find Long-tail Keywords using Google Keyword Planner

To find long-tail keywords, use Google Keyword Planner. Here is the step-by-step guide for you:

Go to your Google Ads account and use the Keyword Planner tool. Click “Discover New Keywords” and enter a related keyword or phrase in the search bar.

Keyword Planner

For example, if you have a website about healthy recipes, you can enter “healthy dinner recipes” as your initial keyword. Enter your keyword into the keyword planner tool.

Keyword Planner tool

Review the keyword ideas provided by Google. The keyword planner will list related keywords.

Keyword Planner Suggestions

Use the filters provided to refine your keyword search. Google Keyword Planner helps you filter keywords by location, language, and search volume range to better target your audience.

For example, you can set a filter to show keywords with a search volume range of 1000-5000 to ensure you target moderately popular keywords.

Add Filter to find the desired keywords

Analyze the long-tail keyword suggestions. Long-tail keywords are typically more specific and have lower competition than broader ones. Look for keywords that contain three or more words and are highly relevant to your content.

How to Use Long-Tail Keywords

To use long-tail keywords effectively and incorporate topic clustering into your content strategy, follow these steps:

Identify relevant long-tail keywords: Use keyword research tools like Semrush to find long-tail keywords specific to your niche and with lower competition.

For example, instead of targeting the broad keyword “running shoes,” consider using long-tail keywords like “best running shoes for flat feet” or “top Nike running shoes for women.”

Create topic clusters: Group related long-tail keywords together to create topic clusters.

Topical Map

For example, you can make a cluster around running shoes for different foot types, with long-tail keywords like “best running shoes for high arches” and “top running shoes for wide feet” as subtopics.

Semrush Topical Map creator

Optimize your content: Strategically incorporate your chosen long-tail keywords and topic clusters into your content.

Use the main long-tail keyword in your headline and throughout the content, and include related long-tail keywords within the body of the text. Read this on-page SEO optimization guide to have more ideas on content optimization.

Link internally: Link related content within your topic clusters to build an interconnected network of web pages on your site. This is crucial for helping search engines grasp the structure of your content and boosting your site’s overall SEO.

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Final Words

Finding and optimizing long-tail keywords is crucial to your SEO strategy. Using tools like Semrush, you can quickly identify relevant long-tail keywords that will help your website rank higher in search engine results.

Don’t forget to create high-quality, valuable content around these keywords and incorporate them naturally into your existing content. Doing so will attract targeted organic traffic and provide helpful information for your audience.

Regularly monitoring the performance of your optimized long-tail keywords and making adjustments as needed will help you grow your website with your target audience.

So, take the time to research and optimize long-tail keywords using Semrush, and watch your website’s visibility and organic traffic soar.

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