How to start blogging with bluehost

How To Start Blogging With Bluehost In 2024 {Step-By-Step}

Do you want to know How To Start A WordPress Blog on Bluehost?

Great! You have made the right decision. Bluehost is officially recommended by WordPress and is a very beginner-friendly hosting provider for creating your own blog.

According to recent statistics, there are over 600 million active blogs worldwide and the number of blogging websites is increasing rapidly.

The United States alone has more than 31 million bloggers, and the number of bloggers in the country will reach 31.7 million by 2024.

So the future of blogging looks promising, as more and more people are turning to blogs for information, entertainment, and inspiration.

In fact, research shows that 77% of internet users read blogs and companies that blog get 67% more leads than those that don’t have a blog.

So to grow your business faster than ever, you should focus on building a profitable blog.

In this article, I will teach you how to start a WordPress blog even if you have no technical knowledge.

Read before Diving in: Is Blogging Worth It?

Table of Content

About Bluehost

Blog Hosting

Bluehost web hosting started its journey in 1996 and slowly become one of the top web hosting companies in the world. Currently, it’s empowering more than two million websites all over the world.

This hosting provider was officially recommended by WordPress because of its superior web hosting service in 2006. It has gained the largest brand name when it comes to WordPress hosting.

These are some best reasons you should choose Bluehost web hosting-

  • Recommended By WordPress: The number one reason for choosing this hosting provider as it is recommended by WordPress itself.
  • Pricing: Their hosting plans are very beginner-friendly and they have a plan for every kind of WordPress website.
  • Reliability: They are empowering a huge number of websites with very low downtime.
  • No hidden charges: They are free of hidden charges. You won’t be charged when you sign up for your account.
  • Free domain name: You will get a free blog domain name with their annual web hosting plan that normally charges $10-$20 per year.
  • Free SSL certificate: The SSL certificate secures website data by establishing an encrypted connection between web servers and browsers. You will get it free with Bluehost.
  • Free Email Accounts: You can create a custom email address using your domain name which normally costs $12-$20 per year. With Bluehost, you will get it totally free!
  • Blazing Fast Customer Support: You will get a super fast customer support team that will solve any of your hosting-related queries.
  • Guarantee: You will get a 30-day money-back guarantee which means you will get a full refund if you are not satisfied with their services.

Note: For new signups, a refund on all hosting services can be requested within a period of 3 to 30 days. It’s important to note that domain registration fees are non-refundable.

📢 Attention bloggers!

I’ve got an exclusive deal for you. As a reader of my blog, you can get started with Bluehost for as low as $2.95 per month.

That’s a huge 60% discount, and it costs less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks!

Don’t miss this amazing offer to start your blog with Bluehost and run without breaking the bank.

Read also,

How To Create A WordPress Blog In Just Six Steps

Starting a blog is a matter of a few steps. You don’t need to be that techy to get started. It won’t take more than 15 minutes to start a blog for a beginner.

In this article, you will learn how to start a blog with Bluehost in just six easy steps.

Let’s get started-

Affiliate Disclosure: FacileWay loves transparency. Please note that some of the links on your website may be affiliated links. That means if you purchase anything using the links, I will get a small commission. Don’t worry! You won’t be charged any extra fee for that. So happy blogging! ❤️

Step 1: Choose Your Hosting Plan

First, you need to choose your hosting plan. If you are a beginner, You can choose the basic plan.

how to start WordPress blog on bluehost

There is a simple difference between the Basic Plan and the Plus Plan. The basic hosting plan will allow you one website and give you a limit on other features such as website space, subdomain, and email accounts.

On the other hand, the Plus plan allows you to have unlimited websites, unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth, subdomains, and email accounts.

You will also get $150 credit more in your marketing offers.

On the other hand, “Choice Plus” offers a $200 marketing credit and CodeGuard basic backup features.

For this tutorial, I am choosing Choice Plus as my blog hosting plan. As a beginner, you should hit the cheapest one. the basic Plan.

Step 2: Pick A Domain Name

Once you purchase your desired hosting plan, it’s time to pick a domain name. A domain name is an address where Internet users can access your website. For example, my domain name is FacileWay.Com.

But you may want your website to be or anything you would like. If the domain name is already taken, you can not grab it and the domain registrar will show it as unavailable.

Once you have got your desired domain name hit the “Next” button outlined in red in the image below.

how to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost

How To Choose The Perfect Domain Name

  • Easy to spell: Choose a domain name that is easy to spell. Avoid using slang or words with multiple spelling. For example: “U” instead of “you”. Xpress instead of Express.
  • Keep it short and simple: Keep your domain name short and simple. So that no one faces mistyping or misspelling.
  • Use .com: Always prefer using .com instead of .net, .org, .biz, .info, and another extension. .com is a widely used and popular extension.

Pro Tip: Choosing a domain name that reflects the content and purpose of your website is very important. It will help your visitors quickly understand what your site is about and increase their engagement with your content.

Step 3: Enter Your Account Information

This is the easiest task to start a blog with Bluehost. Just enter the account information correctly.

how to a WordPress blog on Bluehost

Make sure you have entered all the valid information and email address. Because at this email address, they will send you the receipt and other important hosting-related information.

Step 4: Enter Your Package Information

Once you are done with the above step, fill up the package information. To enjoy the cheapest rate, go for a long-term contract.

It’s highly recommended for a contract of 36 months or three years. So that you can concentrate on your business without thinking about your hosting.

If you wish to buy your hosting for one or two years, you can choose. But this will cost you a lit bit higher.

In the next section, you will see some extra features that you can choose from. This will cost some extra.

As a beginner, you can avoid them. But having them will add some extra advantage. If you are on a budget, don’t deny investing some bucks in extra features.

Bluehost hosting package information

You will get Domain Privacy Protection for free. It will help you to protect your site from WHOIS lookup on your site.

If you don’t have domain privacy, anyone can steal your domain information and it’s a must-have feature.

Step 5: Enter Your Payment Information

You are almost there to get your site online.

After finishing the last four steps this is the last step for owning a self-hosted blog. Just enter the payment information.

Check “I have read and agree to Bluehost’s Terms of Service and Cancellation Policy and acknowledge receipt of the Privacy Policy. ” and hit the “Submit”

How to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost

Congratulations! You are the owner of a self-hosted blog. Bluehost will send you the login details directly into the email that you have used to sign up.

All you need to do is keep the information safe, You will need it while installing WordPress.

Simply follow the steps and build as many self-hosted WordPress blogs as you want!

Step 6: Install WordPress

After successfully purchasing the hosting plan, you need to install WordPress to run your blog.

To install WordPress you need to go to Bluehost’s home page and log in to your web hosting account.

Bluehost affiliate

Enter Your domain/username that will work for the first field, and then you just need your password. Click on “submit”.

Now go to the My Site Tab and Click on Create Site to launch your website on Bluehost.

Install WordPress on Bluehost

Now you have to fill out some administrative options. Fill in the WordPress site title. You can make it your domain name such as FacileWay.You can change it anytime you want.

install WordPress on Bluehost

Then, come up with your admin username, admin password, and admin email. Use the same email address that you have used for hosting providers. Make sure your admin username is not easily guessable.

Now Choose the domain that you created when you created your Bluehost account using the Domain drop-down menu.

This image is explaining how to choose a domain name

It is also up to you whether to install some of Bluehost’s recommended plugins. Click next to start installing WordPress on Bluehost.

After the successful installation of WordPress, You will get successful installation messages. you’ll see a couple of URLs in your mail inbox. The most important one is your “Login URL”.

This is the URL that you will always go to in order to log into WordPress. The link will be like “ Go to that URL and sign in with your WordPress username and password.

Design Your Blog

After logging into your WordPress Dashboard you will see an interface like this-

how to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost

In the Dashboard, You will see the Customize Your Site Tab. You have to set a theme for your blog from there.

Your website design is what represents your blog’s persona, and your brand feelings, and decides how your visitors convert.

This is why you must choose a premium WordPress theme.

I know you are wondering cause I am offering you paid tools. To start blogging you have to have a unique site design that converts traffic.

There are tons of free WordPress themes. They are worthless because of their lack of uniqueness.

I Prefer Kadence as a blog theme. You can Grab a 10% discount with this special link of FacileWay if you want a paid theme.

You can start with the free version of Kadence if you want. As a beginner, the free version is adequate for you.

Pro Tip: You should design your blog with simplicity and easy navigation in mind. This will improve user experience and make it easier for visitors to find the content they need.

Also, Read,

Install Plugins

Plugins increase the productivity of a site. You will have the opportunity to enjoy the awesome features of the blog by installing plugins.

To install plugins, you need to go to your WordPress Dashboard first. After that go to Plugins> Add New. Here you can upload or add plugins from the WordPress directory.

how to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost

Also Check, 20 Best WordPress Plugins for Blog and Business Website

Analytics and SEO Set-Up

This is the most important task to optimize your blog for search engines. The search engine helps to bring traffic to your blog. This is how you have to optimize your blog-

1. Install the WordPress SEO plugin

Rank Math SEO Plugin

WordPress SEO by Yoast is the most used plugin that will make sure your blog post is SEO-optimized, help you set up search snippets and also create a sitemap for your blog. This plugin is absolutely free.

But nowadays RankMath has become more popular for some premium features that Yoast offers in the Paid version.

So if you are asking for my recommendation, I would suggest you go with RankMath.

2. Add Google Analytics code

Google Analytics helps you track your page views, and unique visitors at any point in time.

Besides, it tells you which pages get the most traffic, what keywords bring you traffic, and a heck load of data about your visitors like demographics, the device used to access your blog and interests, etc.

 3. Submit your site to the Google search console

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a platform where you can manage your site, the site links that you want to appear, discover bad backlinks, etc. You can submit your sitemap to Google here.

Some Immediate Tasks Do After Starting A WordPress Blog

You’ve successfully started your blog on WordPress. Great! But it’s not done yet. There are some essential works to do to make your blog search engine-friendly.

Here are the top things you should do immediately after starting your WordPress blog.

1. Connect your site with Google Analytics

Understand your user's journey using GA

Google Analytics is a tracking tool that is developed by Google to provide you with all the information you need to track your website visits, user behaviour, website bounce rates, and so on.

You can not build a blog that generates money without knowing customer behaviour.

Google Analytics helps to keep those records that will help you to make money blogging.

2. Create a sitemap

If you launched a new WordPress blog, you must have a sitemap. The sitemap helps search engine crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and access your site more efficiently.

The RankMath Plugin comes with XML sitemap features and This tool supports all kinds of WordPress-generated pages as well as custom URLs.

You don’t need to install any additional plugins to create a sitemap. The RankMath free plugin is enough for getting started.

You don’t need to do anything additionally such as creating sitemap files if you’re using this plugin to create a sitemap.

3. Install These Must Have WordPress plugins

WordPress Plugin

There are tons of Plugins for your WordPress Blog. Here are some must-have WordPress Plugins You need to install.

Caching Plugin: A caching plugin generates static HTML pages of your website and saves them on your server.

Each time a user tries to access your website, your caching plugin serves up the lighter HTML page instead of processing the comparatively heavier WordPress PHP scripts.

These three plugins are cool enough to speed up your site.

Backup plugin: Backup plugins help you to back up your website data automatically so that you can restore that anytime you want.

ManageWP Backups, UpdraftPlus, and BackupBuddy are some awesome backup plugins that will help you a lot to store your website data.

WordPress security plugin: If you want to secure your website from hackers, you have to consider these security plugins.

  • Limit login attempts 
  • Anti-malware security plugin 
  • Bulletproof security plugin 

4. Social media accounts

Any professional bloggers first search for social media profiles and only purchase domains if they find unique names. The social profile will help your audience to put trust in you.

Here are a few social media accounts you should create-

5. Invest in essential tools

Money brings money. A WordPress blog or website is like a business organization. The more you make it resourceful the more you will earn.

That’s all for today!

If you were thinking about how to start your dream blog, I hope this step-by-step guide gave you the exact idea.

There is no alternative to having a perfect blog launch without following these steps.

You can do it.

This process is nothing difficult. You just have to follow the steps one by one and I am sure you will get a hang of it.

Once you are done with creating your WordPress blog, make sure you have done proper on-site SEO before publishing the content.

Then Focus on the On-page SEO to rank your content higher on the first page of search engines.

Pro Tip: Blogging is not a hobby anymore! You can make your living with your blog. So don’t hesitate to invest in premium tools to streamline your workflow and improve the quality of your content.

Start Writing For Your Readers

Now, you know how to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost. Start writing blog posts for your targeted audiences. The more targeted your traffic is, the more you earn.

So, it is very essential to write content that brings traffic and converts.

But you can not do it manually. You need to get help from key research tools. SEMRush is best for all of them. You can also enjoy their 14-day free trial version.

Try to write blog posts that contain 2000 or more 2000 words. Those days are gone when you could rank only with 500-600 worded content.

If you wanna enlist your WordPress blog with one of the most successful blogs out there. You must ensure an in-depth blog post on your website.

No matter you are going to start a personal blog or a business blog, you have to publish SEO-optimized articles that will get noticed.

Read Also: Bluehost Black Friday Deal

Pro Tip: Make sure you have done the proper keyword research before Publishing the first blog posts. Because it is quite impossible to build a money-making blog without keyword research.

How To Write A Blog Post

how to write a blog post

Writing is in your blood right? That’s why you’re here in the blogging industry. I know you’re a newbie and you’re scared that you simply are that capable or not.

Don’t worry!

Just start writing and follow the competitor bloggers in your niche and how they write and publish their content. you may get an honest idea from them.

  • Go to Posts
  • Click Add New
Start publishing article

This will launch the WordPress Editor, which helps you to write your blog posts by employing a really intuitive block system.

When you are thinking of publishing the primary article, confirm this text is about you. After you start a blog, you’ve got to keep in mind that you simply are trying to write for your audience.

Only those blogs that are successful have gained the audience’s trust. 

Your audience will trust you after they know you. you’ll be able to read more details about what should be your first article here

What Are The Basic Tools You Will Need To Write Your First Article?

Basic tools you will need to start a blog

1. Grammarly

Use Grammarly to put in writing your article with no spelling or grammatical mistakes. This amazing tool could be a must-have to start a blog as your writing assistant. 

2. Image Creators & Image Optimizer

You can create beautiful images using Canva. You can use WP Rocket to start a blog to improve your Google Page Speed Score.

3. Jasper AI

The main struggle of a blogger is writing continuously that will have an impact in the long run and run out of new content ideas.

The Jasper AI is an artificial intelligence tool that helps to overcome writer’s block and helps you create 10x faster blog posts.

If you integrate Jasper AI with Surfer SEO, you don’t need to hire any content writer or SEO optimizer.

You can create 10x faster blog posts than any other human writer with Jasper that will be unique, plagiarism-free and rank higher in the search engines. Jasper offers 10,000 words of free credit to its new customers.

Pro Tip: Starting a blog doesn’t always require premium tools; free resources can be just as effective. But premium tools can make it easier to make your blogging journey easier.

Why Should You Learn How To Start A WordPress Blog in 2024?

  • Make money while working from home
  • Become a published author
  • Get more exposure to your existing business or organization
  • Just write

1. Make Money From Home

You don’t need such a big amount of resources to begin blogging. All you need is writing skills and idea-generating capabilities and pick a distinct segment you’re addicted to.

To do this you do not need an office I guess. Check here for more about how you can make money from Home.

2. Become A Published Author

You can start a blog to become a published author. If you wanna become a published author, blogging is the best option, you should pick.

All you need to pick a topic, you love and start building a fan base around your niche.

3. Get More Exposure To Your Existing Business or Organization.

If everything is alright, blogging can help increase exposure to your audience and validate your business as an expert in your industry.

Do you know that more than 47% of customers check the product details before buying the products?

Blogging is the best way of letting your customers know about your goods and services.

4. Just Write

Writing for a living offers a large number of benefits – you have to decide on when and where you’re employed, and with whom.

If you would like to earn money by writing online for others, You can offer your visitors a content writing service on your blog.

Once your visitors start loving your writing on your blog, they will definitely hire you. So a WordPress blog can help you to get your target customers and your blog income will increase if you get your target customers.

How Do Bloggers Make Money?

how to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost

Bloggers make money directly on their blogs and indirectly through related opportunities. Trickles of income from multiple streams add up to an oversized river of income.

These are income streams. There are 5 main ones, with many possibilities under each:

  • Advertising & sponsored content
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Digital products
  • Physical products
  • Services

1. Advertising & Sponsored Content

Companies want to induce their products ahead of potential customers. They will have an interest in advertising on your blog if your readers are their ideal customers.

Here are ways to include advertising in your blog:

  • Display Ads
  • Giveaways & reviews
  • Sponsored or underwritten posts
  • Newsletter/video/ podcast sponsorship

If you want wanna learn how to find high-paying Google AdSense keywords to start a profitable blog, You should check this article on how to find high-paying Adsense keywords.

Pro tips: A keyword is a search term that is used by your audience in search engines to search for their desired content that will drive traffic to your website.

2. Affiliate Marketing

You can monetize your WordPress blog with affiliate marketing. As an affiliate marketer, you promote someone else’s product or service to your readers.

You link thereto product or service using your unique affiliate link.

When someone clicks through that link and makes an acquisition (or completes a desired action set by the company), you earn a commission.

Also, Check How to earn with a HostGator affiliate program.

3. Digital Products

Many bloggers create and sell their own digital products. Digital products are great because they don’t require inventory and might be distributed quickly and simply.

There’s no overhead and low risk. samples of digital products bloggers create:

  • Courses
  • Online classes or workshops
  • Ebooks
  • Premium Content
  • Membership sites
  • Photos
  • Audio or video
  • Apps, plugins, or themes.

4. Physical Products

There are many bloggers who sell physical products like-

  • Books
  • Handmade Products
  • Manufactured Products
  • Retail arbitrage
  • In-person conferences, classes, or special events

5. Services

Some bloggers use expertise associated with their blog topic and obtain payment when others hire them. Services will be offered locally or virtually. Examples:

  • You’ll be able to be a speaker. Many bloggers find speaking gigs as a result of the platforms they rest on their blogs.
  • You can offer a service to clients that is analogous to virtual assistants.
  • You can work as an organizer, decorator, and coke. Some bloggers provide in-person services to their local readers.

Offering services is a wonderful way of earning money. All you would like is skill and patience. there’s no inventory cost or other headache. Your skill will bring money to you.

how to start blogging with Bluehost and make money online

Important Tasks Before Starting Your First WordPress Blog

Blogging is not a getting-quick-rich scheme. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work. But if you can do it in a smart way, it becomes easier to be successful in blogging.

Here is a quick overview you should have a look at before starting your WordPress website-

1. Defining Your Niche and Target Audience

I have already told you blogging is not a hobby anymore. It has become a business that can help you to make millions.

There are tons of bloggers who have become financially free through blogging.

But you have to choose the right niche and have to know the correct strategy for choosing the right niche that is profitable.

2. Keyword Research

Once you’ve decided on your blog’s niche, the next important task is doing keyword research to determine the topics and keywords that your target audience is searching for.

The keyword research will help you to understand the level of competition for the specific keywords, search volution and the potential of traffic generation.

This insight is very important for creating SEO-optimized content that will drive traffic to your blog.

3. Choose Your Content Management System

A CMS plays a vital role in managing your blog and content. It makes the content publishing process easier.

Pro bloggers recommend WordPress as it is the most popular blogging platform out there for its user-friendliness.

More than 43 of the total websites are empowered by WordPress. So you can understand how this CMS is and why you should start blogging using WordPress.

It offers a range of plugins and themes that will help you improve your website functionality and design your website without any technical or coding skills.

These are the main three tasks you need to accomplish before starting a blog or WordPress website.

Once you are done with this work, choose a hosting company, choose your hosting plan that suits your website traffic and launch your website online!

FAQs About How To Start Blogging With Bluehost In 2024

Here are some FAQs related to blogging-

1. How do you start a blog for free?

However, I do not recommend a free blogging platform. You can start if you want by choosing a niche and can start with a blogger. But it’s not the professional way.

2. How do bloggers get paid?

Bloggers get paid through paid ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content and there are so many other options.

3. How much does it cost to start a blog?

It totally depends on you. There is a detailed guide on this topic. You can check here. But yeah! You can start your blog with just $100.

4. How do I write my first blog post?

The first thing you should write about yourself. Then explain what you will cover in your blog in that article.

5. Does it cost money to start a blog?

Blogging costs you Hard work and dedication more than costing money.

6. Is Blogging Still Profitable?

Without any doubt, blogging is a profitable business.

Final Words

Blogging is not just for affiliate marketing. You can grow your existing business and reach to wider customer base by sharing useful information about your business through blogging.

Nowadays every modern business model has an extra budget for a custom website and blog that shares information about the Companies that will help the business to grow faster.

So if you are already an online business owner, this is the perfect time to build your WordPress blog.

If you need any favour on how you can grow your business faster and build your authority through blogging, you can reach out!

I hope now you know how to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost. If this post helps you, please share it through social media.

And if there is any better suggestion for me, please feel free to ask via comment. Now let’s follow the steps and build a successful blog.

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  1. That was one incredible piece of writing! Your tutorial explains all there is to know about the process of beginning a blog from scratch, which may be a easy task for first-time users. It was a really detailed explanation that was also quite simple to follow; I have no doubt that it will serve as a useful resource for a great number of new bloggers. This is something that I will most certainly share with the individuals in my network in the hopes of assisting others in beginning a blog by providing them with the appropriate knowledge and direction. I cannot thank you enough for compiling such an incredible post.

  2. Good guide here Sayem. Being armed with a beginner’s guide smooths out the journey at the outset. I winged it, struggled and failed for a long time in the beginning before following pro advice for starting a blog. This journey feels bumpy when you have no set guide but eases the moment you follow pro advice. Keep up the good blogging work bro.


  3. Thank you, for sharing such a fantastic post! Your valuable content is highly appreciated, and I encourage you to continue providing us with more of your insightful insights. Keep up the excellent work!

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