highest paying keywords for Adsense

How To Find High-Paying Keywords For Adsense [High CPC]

Are you looking for high-paying keywords for AdSense? Google AdSense earners make up 80% of their income from 20% of the keywords they use.

It is undeniable that AdSense is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to make money online. There are no special skills required to make money with AdSense.

All you need to do is find the right niche and create quality content around it, and you’re good to go. 

The majority of people are getting rid of Google AdSense because they don’t make any money from their website traffic.

The amount of money you can make when you use AdSense is not as high as it can be with the other few alternatives. It doesn’t mean you can’t make more money from AdSense exponentially.

It is possible to make thousands of dollars every month from Google Adsense if you target the right highest-paid Google AdSense keywords (high CPC keywords).

You can do that with the help of this detailed tutorial. Identifying the high-paying ads on AdSense can help you increase your AdSense earnings.

So what are you waiting for?

Now let’s get started-

How To Find High CPC Keywords For Adsense

There are many tools out there that can help you do keyword research with ease. Some of them include Semrush, Long Tail Pro, and Keyword Planner. However, I would like to point out that using long-tail keywords is very important.

To find high-ticket keywords, it is recommended that you use the long tail keywords with at least 3 to 4 keywords on them whenever you want to locate high-value keywords.

Your chances of getting more traffic and increasing conversions will be increased that way.

As you can see in the following screenshot, the more long-tail keywords you use, the better your conversion rate.

Infographic on Short Tail Vs Long Tail Keyword
Short Tail Vs Long Tail Conversion Rate

It is also important to target customer-centric keywords rather than informative ones when conducting keyword research.

You can earn more sales or income by focusing on consumer-centric keywords, such as “buy iPhone in Delhi,” rather than informative keywords, such as “free iPhone reviews.”.

Now let’s look at some of the keywords that generate millions of dollars each month for Google and publishers.

Top 20 Most Expensive Keywords (High CPC Keywords)

It’s no secret that 90% of Google’s revenue comes from advertisers. Every year, Google makes billions of dollars from ads that range from fitness to entertainment to real estate.

We’ve compiled the top 10 most expensive AdSense keywords in 2022, along with their CPC (Cost Per Click) and monthly global searches.

KeywordCost per Click (CPC)
Conference Call$42.05
Cord Blood$27.80
Google Expensive Keywords Types [list of high CPC Keywords]

Quick Note:  The above keywords aren’t even worth ranking for. If you don’t have a million-dollar budget for content marketing, SEO, and other things, you can’t rank for them.

There is no doubt that you can target long-tail keywords related to it. You could target profitable Adsense keywords such as “car automobile loan in NewYork” instead of the highly competitive “Car Loan”.

Is that clear?

Now let’s discuss how to find profitable Adsense keywords quickly.

I’m mainly going to use Semrush for this tutorial. Do you know why?

You can use Semrush not only to find highly profitable Adsense keywords in any niche, but also to analyze backlinks, competitors, related keywords, and more.

Semrush is an excellent tool for SEO, so check out this review of it if you want to learn more about it.

The first thing you need to do before finding highly paid Google AdSense keywords is to examine your AdSense account.

  • Try Semrush free for 7 days by clicking here. After you sign up and log in to Semrush, you’re ready to go.
  • Make a list of all the blogs in your niche that are making a lot of money from AdSense. Your goal is to find their most profitable Adsense keywords [high-value keyword] using this list.
  • As soon as you have all the data about profitable keywords, you can target them to increase your AdSense earnings significantly.

Read also: 16 Adsense Alternatives You Should Use To Monetize Your Website

How To Get High CPC Keywords Using Semrush

Here is a real-world example of how Semrush finds and analyzes profitable CPC keywords on other websites.

Method 1: Find Profitable Adsense Keywords using Competitor’s Domain {High CPC Keywords}

ShoutMeLoud is an authoritative blog in the marketing industry and is read by millions of readers every year.

Step 1: Find out what keywords are being used by your competitors by entering their domains

This is the screenshot shown by Semrush for this domain. You can also use Semrush to find all the Google Adsense keywords (Adsense high CPC Keywords) driving traffic from search engines for any of your competitors’ domain names.

How To Find High Paying Keywords For Adsense

Quick note: Choose a database where you can reach your target audience. We’re going with the US database in our case.

When compared to other countries, US-based audiences and Google Adsense keywords have high CPCs. When you click on the “Full Report” under the tab “Top Organic Keywords”, you will see a list of all the keywords a website ranks for.

In our case, below is the screenshot shown for your convenience.

High CPC Keywords For Adsense
Average CPC

Did you see that? The information will include how much traffic each keyword (Adsense high CPC keywords) is sending from search engines as well as the number of keywords a domain ranks for.

When you have found all the Google Adsense keywords that are sending the most traffic to your competitors, it’s time to focus on the next step that will lead you to find profitable keywords.

Step 2: You can view a list of High-paying keywords for Google Adsense by clicking on the “CPC section”

Highest Paying Adsense keywords

It lists a lot of highly profitable keywords for which the domain ranks well on Semrush.

Step 3: Make a list of all the keywords and move on to the next.

It is possible to compile that keyword list in one place. After you’ve completed your first competitor’s, you can move on to the next.

If you want to increase your Google AdSense earnings, you can create a HUGE list of all the high CPC keywords. No matter what niche you are in, from technology to news to WordPress, it doesn’t matter.

This same process can also be used to find all the Google Adsense keywords driving your competitors’ traffic and AdSense earnings.

To find profitable keywords (high CPC Keywords), you may wonder if there is an alternative to Semrush. Semrush offers more features than any other SEO tool. It is highly recommended by SEO experts.

Method 2: High CPC Adsense Keywords Using Seed Keywords

You will need to conduct industry-related keyword research to optimize for the most profitable and popular keywords once you identify which niches you want to target (and remember that you don’t have to stick to those we have identified).

To find the most relevant and profitable keywords, use “Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool” to look up a seed keyword relevant to the industry such as “Loans

Finding High Paying Keywords Using Seed Keywords
Average CPC

Step 2: You can view a list of High-paying keywords (high CPC Keywords) for Adsense by clicking on the “CPC section” as method one. All the processes are the same.

Seed Keyword Research

Pro tip here: Try sorting a few things out and see what happens. When you sort keywords according to the High CPC, you will likely find long-tail keywords with low search volume, but these can yield high long-term income with Paying Keywords.

On the other hand, Keywords with high search volume will usually result in lower CPCs but higher exposure potential. The best way to maximize revenue is to consider your strategy and find the optimal mix. 

How To Find Low Competition High CPC Keywords For Adsense

You can easily find Low-hanging fruit Google Adsense keywords using Semrush. Let’s get started-

Step 1: Go to the Semrush Domain overview and enter your competitor’s domain name. Navigate to the top “Organic Keywords” option and hit the “View Details” option to get more data on the top highest CPC keywords.

Finding low competition keywords

Step 2: When you hit the “view details” option, you will get tons of high-paying Adsense keywords with the CPC ratio. You already know how to sort the high CPC keywords by the above discussion.

You can see here the high CPC keyword but if you try to write content on that keyword, it will be hard for you to rank on Google Search as it comes with a highly difficult KD.

Finding low-hanging fruits keyword with Semrush.
Highest CPC Keyword Lists

Step 3: Set filter your KD with low difficulty feature. It will give you all the easy-to-rank keywords in just seconds.

Finding easy to rank keywords for Adsense
Highest CPC Keywords List

Final Step: Now you have got all the easy-to-rank high CPC Google Adsense keywords of your competitors.

You can start writing your content with these high-paying Adsense keywords, you will rank for sure. But you have to make sure, you have optimized your content well for better Search ranking.

I recommend Surfer SEO for the best result. This tool helped me to rank many of my articles that were out of my 100 positions.

After optimizing the articles using this tool, I have got some amazing results. It compares more than 500 ranking factors that will definitely rank higher!

So if you wanna create content that will domain the search engine. Try Surfer SEO for sure!

Quick Note: Soon I will write another in-depth article on finding the low competition keyword. Till then stay tuned!

5 Tips For Increasing Your Adsense CPC

1. Niche

The first step to building an effective blog or website is to choose a niche that is relevant to your audience.

Your blog’s topic directly affects the Cost Per Click or CPC of an ad.

By reading the above discussion, you already know how to choose your keyword and Adsense niche. In case, you have no idea how you should choose a blogging niche, read this article on how to find a profitable blogging niche.

2. Write Quality Content

Your content must feed your reader’s needs.

It will be helpful if you try to find out what your readers are searching for on the Internet before you write a blog and then try to present them with solutions.

Always keep in mind that you should always engage your readers directly in your writing.

You must be able to tailor your content according to the niche you are writing about in order to attract more and more readers to your blog.

A good piece of content will therefore certainly result in a higher Adsense CPC rate. This high CPC keyword list above has already been checked by you, haven’t you?

Start producing quality content using these high-paying Adsense keywords.

When your ad is highly targeted and your visitors are from The United States of America and The United Kingdom, then your ad will have more clicks and more revenue because search engines love high-quality content.

Whenever you are conducting keyword research for your website, please make sure that the Approximate CPC column is included when performing your research on finding high-paying Adsense keywords.

3. Block Low CPC Ad Categories

You will find the option to Allow block ads in Google AdSense. If you go there and check out what each ad category is paying you, you can see for yourself how much you can make.

There will be a list of different categories that your website will display when you click on this option.

If you notice that one or more ad categories are not paying a lot, then you can block those ad categories.

High CPC Keywords For Adsense

Your blog should be protected from categories that are totally irrelevant to its content or niche. If your blog is about technology, then you should block the ad categories related to dating, politics, religion, etc. You might be able to increase your Google AdSense CPC by doing this.

4. Target Location

Your targeting country is one of the most important factors that can increase CPC.

If you click on an ad from the United States, you can receive $2 to $3, whereas if you click on the same ad from India, you might receive only 20 to 30 cents.

So, make sure that your blog and its content are focused on English-speaking audiences.

5. Ad Placement Location

Your Adsense revenue is directly proportional to the placement of your ads on your website.

What is the best place to place ads to maximize CPC?

The answer is simple.

You should place two ads inside your blog post and one outside. Placing inside means placing one 336 X 280 rectangle ad below the title of the blog, and one 468 X 60 ad in between each post. You can place the remaining ad outside your post on the right side.

The best placement of ads can be determined using artificial technology in 2022. It’s easy to automate AdSense ad placement with this companion tool called “Ezoic“.

Ezoic Adsense Alternative

The choice should be yours and should depend on your reasons for blogging. It is important to optimize ads and use as many ad units on a single page as possible if you are a professional blogger dependent on Adsense.

You should give quality content on your hobby blog, as readers dislike advertisements that distract them from reading. If you blog on a personal blog, your first target should be to give quality content.

Read Also: What Are They Ezoic Ad Requirements?

Why do I recommend Semrush?

You can use SEMrush to manage your own SEO campaign. SEMrush offers a number of benefits.

1. Analyse Site Performance

Results take time when you run an SEO campaign. It’s hard to tell whether your optimizations are working. You’ll get insights into the performance of your campaign with SEMrush.

The SEMrush tool tells you how your site is performing. You’ll see how much traffic you receive organically (as well as paid traffic). It will tell you if your website traffic has increased or decreased.

You can also see how you rank for keywords. It will tell you if you’re ranking better or worse for keywords based on SEMrush.

By optimizing your campaign, you can continue to rank for your keywords or improve your campaign to rank better. You can apply the rules while writing your content on high-paying AdSense keywords.

You can see an overview of Amazon here:

Amazon Site Performance

2. Find Valuable Keywords

The selection of keywords is an integral part of SEO. Keywords help your audience find relevant search results when conducting a search.

By using SEMrush Keyword Research Tools, you will be able to find the most valuable keywords for your campaign.

You will conduct keyword research in order to determine which keywords are most relevant to your campaign. Your business can use these keywords by generating a list of them.

Long-tail keywords are generally the best to focus on. Keywords that consist of three or more words are considered long-tail keywords.

You should focus on long-tail keywords for your SEO campaign because they will drive more relevant leads to your website.

You can also find out what keywords your competitors are using with SEMrush. You will gain insight into keywords that your business may be missing in order to reach valuable leads.

Amazon Keyword overview

3. Spy On The Competitors

Monitoring your competition is an essential part of running an SEO campaign. It’s useful to know which keywords they want, as dozens of businesses compete for the same keywords.

By using SEMrush, you can learn what your competitors are doing with their SEO campaigns. It will help you improve your SEO campaign, so you can outperform your competitors.

You can also learn from your competitors. There is a possibility that they may have keywords that are successfully driving traffic to their website.

The more you know about them, the easier it will be for you to incorporate these keywords into your own online marketing strategy if you know what they are.

You should use SEMrush to understand your competition and to compete with them, as it is a valuable tool to use.

You will be able to create more effective strategies if you know your competitors better.

Simply find the keyword gap with your competitors and start optimizing your website with that keyword.

Here is how to do that with Semrush:

Finding keyword gap using Semrush

Now start comparing your blog to find out the missing keywords that are driving more traffic to your competitor’s website.

Finding keyword gaps using Semrush

Here is what it looks like:

Finding the keyword Gap with Semrush SEO tool

Now simply find out the Low KD keyword and start covering the keyword in your blog, You will start generating some amazing traffic that will boost your search traffic insanely.

4. Maintain Existing Traffic

Maintaining valuable traffic should be your next goal. Don’t drive your visitors away if you put in all the effort in getting them to visit your website.

If you want to ensure that your leads stay engaged and interested in your page, it is crucial that you put a lot of effort into it.

SEMrush allows you to monitor keyword positions, track certain locations, connect to Google Analytics, and more to keep your existing traffic happy.

Your existing traffic will be satisfied while new visitors are being attracted to your website with SEMrush.

Keyword Tracking

The importance of backlinks to your online presence cannot be overstated. The links you obtain from authority sites are of high quality. Your site’s authority and trust are improved by them.

It is important to earn backlinks from credible, authoritative websites. There is a higher chance that Google will trust your site more if you earn backlinks from established websites that are widely trusted by people.

SEMrush will help you build more valuable backlinks that will increase your SEO ranking. There is a tool available that allows you to determine where you can earn backlinks if you do not already receive them from a particular authority website.

Semrush Link Building Tool
Enter here the keyword you wanna earn a link from your competitors

This is also a great way for you to see what other sites your competitors have earned in terms of backlinks.

If you know how many backlinks your competitors have, you can use that information to create a better strategy for your business based on that information.

Read Also: Parasite SEO For Beginners: Ultimate Guide

1. What Are High CPC Keywords?

Keywords with high CPC are those for which advertisers on platforms such as Google AdWords pay more than others.

Bloggers make more money with those keywords than others. The term Cost Per Click is used to describe how much each click costs.

If you are an advertiser, it’s the cost of every click on your PPC (pay-per-click) campaign.

2. How Do I Choose High CPC Keywords?

You can use Semrush to find Adsense high CPC keywords in seconds. This tool is highly recommended by SEO experts. I have already mentioned above how you can find high CPC keywords with just a few clicks.

3. Which Country’s CPC is Highest?

There is only one nation with higher CPCs than the United States in the world, which is the United Arab Emirates, where CPCs average 8% higher than they do within the United States. It is the only country with higher CPCs than the United States.

4. How Much Does AdSense Pay The Publisher Per 1000 Views?

It is estimated that AdSense pays eight to twenty dollars per thousand views on average. Depending on the category of your website and the type of content you provide, the amount of website traffic, the location of the users, and the way that Google Adsense is set up, your earnings will vary per thousand views. 

5. What is AdSense CPM?

CPM stands for “cost per 1000 impressions” which is the price that advertisers set per 1000 impressions that their ad appears in front of.

They pay for each appearance of their ad when it appears. You will earn revenue as a publisher each time a CPM ad is served to your page and viewed by a user who is logged in to your website.

6. How To Start An Adsense Blog?

The process of starting a blog is the same no matter whether it’s an affiliate website or a Google Adsense website. All you need to follow the steps mentioned here and apply for your Google Adsense.

7. What are the Pre-conditions for Google Adsense Approval?

According to Google’s AdSense monetization plan, no minimum amount of internet traffic is required. If your website has no traffic, you will still be approved for Adsense.

The following are the general requirements for Adsense approval with no minimum traffic:

  • There should be between 10-15 articles on your website.
  • The length of each post should be between 300 and 750 words.
  • Your website should have relevant pages, such as the Contact and Privacy Policies.

If you do not have these, you will have difficulty getting Adsense permission. You don’t have to have a lot of posts on your website. The quality of every article you write should be high.

8. What Content is Not Allowed on Google AdSense?

It is strictly prohibited to artificially generate clicks or impressions on Google ads. Robots or deceptive software are prohibited methods, including repeated manual clicks or impressions.  

9. Which Type of Website is the best for Google AdSense?

Three types of websites can produce potential revenue from Adsense. These are-

  1. Blog
  2. Forum website
  3. Free online tool website

10. Can I Monetize Multiple Sites Under A Single AdSense Account?

Yes, of course! You can add multiple sites to a single AdSense account. This will save you time by letting you monitor the inventory across all your sites at once. 

How to find high-paying Adsense keywords
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Getting the high-paying Google Adsense Keywords does not take more than 1 minute with Semrush. All you need to enter your competitors or seed keywords, and you are done!

It takes less than 10 minutes to start a blog for Adsense. But it takes less than 1 minute to find the high-paying Adsense keyword if you learn the proper way.

What do you think? Is it really that hard to find the high-paying Adsense Keyword? If you don’t have any budget for using premium tools like Semrush, you can try free tools like Google Keyword Planner.

But you will get a few keywords with this tool when Semrush offers you comprehensive Keyword Research features. You can easily get your targeted keyword (highest CPC keywords) in just a few clicks with Semrush.

If you loved this article, Please share it with your friends. Here is the Finding High CPC keyword strategy once again for you-

  • Go to your Semrush DashboardOrganic Research→ Enter your competitor’s domain
  • Scroll down to see the full report on “Top Organic Keywords”
  • Sort by CPC
  • Get the highest-paying keywords for Google Adsense

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