
Black Mage Magical Ranged DPS

In days long past, there existed an occult and arcane art known as black magic—a potent magic of pure destructive force born forth by a sorceress of unparalleled power. Those who learned to wield this instrument of ruin came to be called black mages, out of both fear and respect for their gift. Yet great power served to corrupt the judgment of mortal man, and so he unknowingly set out upon the path of ruin.
Adventurers who take the black will become agents of devastation, capable of annihilating those who oppose them through little more than the force of their will.

Last Update: -

All descriptions are based on action attributes and bonuses attained by level 100.
For further details on changes to actions and traits, please refer to the patch notes.

Actions & Traits

Job Actions

Action Name





MP Cost





Lv. 1

Spell 2.5s 2.5s 400 MP 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 180.
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice or removes Astral Fire
Duration: 15s


Lv. 2

Spell 2.5s 2.5s 800 MP 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 180.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire or removes Umbral Ice
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: 40% chance to grant Firestarter
Firestarter Effect: Next Fire III will cost no MP and have no cast time
Duration: 30s


Lv. 4

Ability Instant 5s - 0y
Swaps Astral Fire with a single Umbral Ice, or Umbral Ice with a single Astral Fire.


Lv. 6

Spell Instant 2.5s - 25y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 120.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time
Potency: 40
Duration: 24s
Can only be cast while under the effect of Thunderhead, granted when gaining Astral Fire or Umbral Ice from an unaspected state, or changing between their influences.
Thunderhead Duration: 30s
Only one Thunder spell-induced damage over time effect per caster can be inflicted upon a single target.

Blizzard II

Lv. 12

Spell 3s 2.5s 800 MP 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 80 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice III and removes Astral Fire
Duration: 15s

Class Quest

Lv. 15

Spell Instant 2.5s 800 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: 20% chance potency will double

Fire II

Lv. 18

Spell 3s 2.5s 1500 MP 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 80 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire III and removes Umbral Ice
Duration: 15s

Thunder II

Lv. 26

Spell Instant 2.5s - 25y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 60 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time
Potency: 30
Duration: 18s
Can only be cast while under the effect of Thunderhead, granted when gaining Astral Fire or Umbral Ice from an unaspected state, or changing between their influences.
Thunderhead Duration: 30s
Only one Thunder spell-induced damage over time effect per caster can be inflicted upon a single target.

Class Quest

Lv. 30

Ability Instant 120s - 0y
Creates a barrier that nullifies damage totaling up to 30% of maximum HP.
Duration: 20s

Job Quest

Lv. 30

Ability Instant 100s - 0y
Fully restores MP.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire III
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Thunderhead
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants 3 Umbral Hearts
Umbral Heart Bonus: Nullifies Astral Fire's MP cost increase for Fire spells
Additional Effect: Grants Paradox
Can only be executed while under the effect of Astral Fire.

Fire III

Lv. 35

Spell 3.5s 2.5s 2000 MP 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 280.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire III and removes Umbral Ice
Duration: 15s

Blizzard III
Job Quest

Lv. 35

Spell 3.5s 2.5s 800 MP 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 280.
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice III and removes Astral Fire
Duration: 15s

Job Quest

Lv. 40

Spell 2.8s 2.5s 1000 MP 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 120 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Grants 3 Umbral Hearts
Umbral Heart Bonus: Nullifies Astral Fire's MP cost increase for Fire spells and reduces MP cost for Flare by one-third
Can only be executed while under the effect of Umbral Ice.

Thunder III
Job Quest

Lv. 45

Spell Instant 2.5s - 25y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 160.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time
Potency: 45
Duration: 27s
Can only be cast while under the effect of Thunderhead, granted when gaining Astral Fire or Umbral Ice from an unaspected state, or changing between their influences.
Thunderhead Duration: 30s
Only one Thunder spell-induced damage over time effect per caster can be inflicted upon a single target.

Aetherial Manipulation

Lv. 50

Ability Instant 10s - 25y
Rush to a target party member's side.
Unable to cast if bound.

Job Quest

Lv. 50

Spell 4s 2.5s All MP 25y
Deals fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 240 for the first enemy, and 40% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire III
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants 3 stacks of Astral Soul
Effect ends when Astral Fire expires.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Astral Fire.

Ley Lines
Job Quest

Lv. 52

Ability Instant 120s - 0y
Connects naturally occurring ley lines to create a circle of power which, while standing within it, reduces spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 15%.
Duration: 30s

Blizzard IV
Job Quest

Lv. 58

Spell 2.5s 2.5s 800 MP 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 310.
Additional Effect: Grants 3 Umbral Hearts
Umbral Heart Bonus: Nullifies Astral Fire's MP cost increase for Fire spells and reduces MP cost for Flare by one-third
Can only be executed while under the effect of Umbral Ice.

Fire IV
Job Quest

Lv. 60

Spell 2.8s 2.5s 800 MP 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 310.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Soul
Effect ends when Astral Fire expires.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Astral Fire.

Between the Lines

Lv. 62

Ability Instant 3s - 25y
Move instantly to Ley Lines drawn by you.
Cannot be executed while bound.

Thunder IV

Lv. 64

Spell Instant 2.5s - 25y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 80 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time
Potency: 35
Duration: 21s
Can only be cast while under the effect of Thunderhead, granted when gaining Astral Fire or Umbral Ice from an unaspected state, or changing between their influences.
Thunderhead Duration: 30s
Only one Thunder spell-induced damage over time effect per caster can be inflicted upon a single target.


Lv. 66

Ability Instant 60s - 0y
The next three spells will require no cast time.
Duration: 15s
Maximum Charges: 2

Job Quest

Lv. 70

Spell Instant 2.5s - 25y
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Polyglot Cost: 1


Lv. 72

Spell 3s 2.5s All MP 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 340.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire III
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Astral Fire.

Umbral Soul

Lv. 76

Spell Instant 2.5s - 0y
Grants Umbral Ice and 1 Umbral Heart.
Umbral Heart Bonus: Nullifies Astral Fire's MP cost increase for Fire spells and reduces MP cost for Flare by one-third
Additional Effect: Restores an amount of MP commensurate with your stacks of Umbral Ice
Umbral Ice I: 2,500 MP
Umbral Ice II: 5,000 MP
Umbral Ice III: 10,000 MP
Can only be executed while under the effect of Umbral Ice.


Lv. 80

Spell Instant 2.5s - 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 880.
Polyglot Cost: 1

High Fire II

Lv. 82

Spell 3s 2.5s 1500 MP 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire III and removes Umbral Ice
Duration: 15s

High Blizzard II

Lv. 82

Spell 3s 2.5s 800 MP 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice III and removes Astral Fire
Duration: 15s


Lv. 86

Ability Instant 120s - 0y
Grants Polyglot.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice.


Lv. 90

Spell Instant 2.5s 1600 MP 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 500.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Firestarter
Firestarter Effect: Next Fire III will require no time to cast and cost no MP
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Paradox.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Fire changes to Paradox when requirements for execution are met.

High Thunder

Lv. 92

Spell Instant 2.5s - 25y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 200.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time
Potency: 55
Duration: 30s
Can only be cast while under the effect of Thunderhead, granted when gaining Astral Fire or Umbral Ice from an unaspected state, or changing between their influences.
Thunderhead Duration: 30s
Only one Thunder spell-induced damage over time effect per caster can be inflicted upon a single target.

High Thunder II

Lv. 92

Spell Instant 2.5s - 25y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time
Potency: 40
Duration: 24s
Can only be cast while under the effect of Thunderhead, granted when gaining Astral Fire or Umbral Ice from an unaspected state, or changing between their influences.
Thunderhead Duration: 30s
Only one Thunder spell-induced damage over time effect per caster can be inflicted upon a single target.

Lv. 96

Ability Instant 40s - 0y
Weave ley lines anew, setting your circle of power at a new location.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Ley Lines.

Flare Star

Lv. 100

Spell 3s 2.5s - 25y
Deals fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 400 for the first enemy, and 65% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed when the Astral Gauge is full.

Deleted Sharpcast in Patch 7.0.

Role Actions

Role actions are abilities common to classes and jobs with the same role.

Action Name





MP Cost





Lv. 8

Ability Instant 90s - 25y
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 5% and magic damage dealt by 10%.
Duration: 15s


Lv. 10

Spell 2.5s 2.5s 800 MP 30y
Puts target and all nearby enemies to sleep.
Duration: 30s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.

Lucid Dreaming

Lv. 14

Ability Instant 60s - 0y
Gradually restores own MP.
Potency: 55
Duration: 21s


Lv. 18

Ability Instant 40s - 0y
Next spell is cast immediately.
Duration: 10s


Lv. 44

Ability Instant 120s - 0y
Spells can be cast without interruption.
Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 6s





Aspect Mastery

Lv. 1

Casting of certain fire and ice spells will grant a stack of Astral Fire and Umbral Ice respectively.
Maximum Stacks: 1
Duration: 15s
While under the effect of Astral Fire, the cost of casting Fire spells is doubled, MP recovery is reduced to 0, and the potency of Ice spells is reduced by 10%.
While under the effect of Umbral Ice, the cost of casting Ice spells is reduced to 0, 2,500 MP is recovered upon landing an Ice spell, and the potency of Fire spells is reduced by 10%.

Maim and Mend

Lv. 20

Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%.

Aspect Mastery II

Lv. 20

Allows the stacking of a second Astral Fire and Umbral Ice.
While under the effect of Astral Fire, the potency of Fire spells is increased by 60% and the potency of Ice spells is reduced by 20%.
While under the effect of Umbral Ice, 5,000 MP is recovered upon landing an Ice spell and the potency of Fire spells is reduced by 20%.

Aspect Mastery III

Lv. 35

Allows the stacking of a third Astral Fire and Umbral Ice.
Casting Fire II or Blizzard II grants maximum stacks of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice respectively.
While under the effect of Astral Fire III, the potency of Fire spells is increased by 80%, and the cast time of Ice spells is halved and potency lowered by 30%.
While under the effect of Umbral Ice III, 10,000 MP is recovered upon landing an Ice spell, and the cast time of Fire spells is halved and potency lowered by 30%.

Maim and Mend II

Lv. 40

Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%.


Lv. 42

Grants a 40% chance that after casting Fire, your next Fire III will require no MP and have no cast time.
Duration: 30s

Thunder Mastery
Job Quest

Lv. 45

Upgrades Thunder to Thunder III.

Job Quest

Lv. 56

Increases damage dealt by 5% while under the effect of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice.

Umbral Heart

Lv. 58

Grants 3 Umbral Hearts upon casting Freeze or executing Manafont.

Thunder Mastery II

Lv. 64

Upgrades Thunder II to Thunder IV.

Enhanced Enochian
Job Quest

Lv. 70

Grants the effect of Polyglot upon maintaining Enochian for 30 seconds. Also improves Enochian's magic damage increase to 10%.

Enhanced Enochian II

Lv. 78

Improves Enochian's magic damage increase to 15%.

Enhanced Polyglot

Lv. 80

Allows the stacking of a second Polyglot.

Enhanced Foul

Lv. 80

Allows for the immediate casting of Foul.

Aspect Mastery IV

Lv. 82

Upgrades Fire II and Blizzard II to High Fire II and High Blizzard II.

Enhanced Manafont

Lv. 84

Reduces Manafont recast time to 100 seconds.

Enhanced Enochian III

Lv. 86

Improves Enochian's magic damage increase to 23%.

Aspect Mastery V

Lv. 90

Adds a Paradox marker to your Elemental Gauge.
The marker is made active after reaching Umbral Ice III and gaining 3 Umbral Hearts then swapping to the opposite element. The marker is made inactive when the effect of Astral Fire expires.
Fire becomes Paradox when the Paradox marker is made active.

Thunder Mastery III

Lv. 92

Upgrades Thunder to High Thunder and Thunder IV to High Thunder IV.

Enhanced Ley Lines

Lv. 96

The location of Ley Lines can be reset while its effect is active.

Enhanced Enochian IV

Lv. 96

Improves Enochian's magic damage increase to 30%.

Enhanced Polyglot II

Lv. 98

Allows the stacking of a third Polyglot.

Enhanced Astral Fire

Lv. 100

Grants a stack of Astral Soul upon landing Fire IV or Flare.
Maximum Stacks: 6

Deleted Thundercloud, Enhanced Sharpcast, and Enhanced Sharpcast II in Patch 7.0.

Role Traits

Role traits are characteristics common to classes and jobs with the same role.




Enhanced Swiftcast

Lv. 94

Reduces Swiftcast recast time to 40 seconds.

Enhanced Addle

Lv. 98

Extends the duration of Addle to 15 seconds.

Job Gauge

Elemental Gauge

The Elemental Gauge indicates whether you are under the influence of Astral Fire (after casting a Fire spell) or Umbral Ice (after casting a Blizzard spell). While under the influence of Astral Fire, all Fire spells will have increased potency, but require more MP to cast. While under the influence of Umbral Ice, all Blizzard spells will have no cost, and will recover MP upon striking a target. Furthermore, when maintaining stacks of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice, a spell of the opposite element can be cast at no cost but will deal reduced damage.

Coming under the influence of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice will grant Enochian, and set the lower-right corner of the gauge aglow, indicating its effect is active. Enochian increases the potency of magic attacks, as well as unlocks powerful spells such as Blizzard IV. Enochian fades when Astral Fire or Umbral Ice expires.

Casting Freeze or Blizzard IV grants 3 Umbral Hearts which are represented by the arrows in the gauge's lower-left corner. An Umbral Heart is consumed each time a Fire spell is cast, nullifying the MP cost increase applied by the Astral Fire status.

The Enochian bar will fill every 30 seconds the status is maintained. When the crystal at the bottom of the Elemental Gauge glows pink, you will be under effect of Polyglot, which allows the spells Foul and Xenoglossy (acquired at level 80) to be cast, consuming a crystal.

Upon learning the trait Enhanced Polyglot, you will be able to stack a second Polyglot.

Upon learning the trait Aspect Mastery V, the Paradox Gauge will be displayed. If your element switches to the opposite element when under the effects of either Astral Fire or Umbral Ice and in possession of the maximum number of Umbral Hearts, the left side of the Paradox Gauge will light up. You will then be able to use Paradox.

Upon learning the trait Enhanced Polyglot II, you will be able to stack a third Polyglot.

Astral Gauge

While under the effect of Astral Fire, casting Fire IV or Flare will grant stacks of Astral Soul. At maximum stacks, you can cast Flare Star.

Simple Mode

Elemental Gauge

Umbral Ice

Astral Fire


Umbral Hearts


Paradox Gauge

Astral Gauge

Astral Soul

All descriptions are based on action attributes and bonuses attained by level 100.
For further details on changes to actions and traits, please refer to the patch notes.

Last Update: -

For further details on changes to actions, please refer to the patch notes.


Job Actions

Action Name




MP Cost





Spell 1.44s 2.4s - 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 4,000.
Requires no cast time when cast under the effect of Umbral Ice.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with a stack of Astral Warmth, up to a maximum of 3
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with Umbral Freeze.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire II
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Umbral Ice.

※Action changes to Fire IV while under the effect of Astral Fire II.


Spell 1.44s 2.4s - 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 4,000.
Requires no cast time when cast under the effect of Astral Fire.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with a stack of Umbral Freeze, up to a maximum of 3
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with Astral Warmth.
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice II
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Astral Fire.

※Action changes to Blizzard IV while under the effect of Umbral Ice II.


Spell 1.92s 20s - 0y
Deals lightning damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 16,000.
Additional Effect: Creates a barrier around self that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 16,000 potency
Duration: 10s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.


Spell Instant 15s - 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 8,000.
Additional Effect: Increases target's stacks of Astral Warmth or Umbral Freeze to maximum
Duration: 15s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.

Night Wing

Ability Instant 30s - 25y
Afflicts target and all enemies nearby it with Half-asleep.
Duration: 3s
Half-asleep Effect: Targets succumb to Sleep when effect expires
Duration: 3s
Targets struck while under the effect of Sleep will take additional damage with a potency of 8,000, and effect will dissipate.

Aetherial Manipulation

Ability Instant 10s - 25y
Rush to a targeted enemy's or party member's location.
Additional Effect: Grants Swiftcast
Swiftcast Effect: Next spell can be cast immediately
Duration: 10s
Maximum Charges: 2
Cannot be executed while bound.


Ability Instant 15s - 0y
Deals damage to nearby enemies with a potency of 3,000 up to a maximum of 9,000 for every stack of Astral Warmth or Umbral Freeze they have accumulated.
Additional Effect: Enemies under the effect of Astral Warmth are afflicted with Burns, dealing fire damage over time
Potency: 3,000
Duration: 6s
Duration increases by 3s for each additional stack of Astral Warmth, up to a maximum of 12s.
Additional Effect: Enemies under the effect of Umbral Freeze are afflicted with a status ailment commensurate with the number of stacks accumulated
1 Stack: Heavy
2 Stacks: Bind
3 Stacks: Deep Freeze
Duration: 2s
Maximum Charges: 2

Fire IV

Spell 1.44s 2.4s - 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 6,000.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with a stack of Astral Warmth, up to a maximum of 3
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with Umbral Freeze.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire III
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Umbral Ice.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Astral Fire II.

※Action changes to Flare while under the effect of Astral Fire III.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.


Spell 1.44s 2.4s - 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 12,000 to target and 8,000 to all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with a stack of Astral Warmth, up to a maximum of 3
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with Umbral Freeze.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Astral Fire III.
Astral Fire III effect expires upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Blizzard IV

Spell 1.44s 2.4s - 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 6,000.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with a stack of Umbral Freeze, up to a maximum of 3
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with Astral Warmth.
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice III
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Astral Fire.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Umbral Ice II.

※Action changes to Freeze while under the effect of Umbral Ice III.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.


Spell 1.44s 2.4s - 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 12,000 to target and 8,000 to all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with a stack of Umbral Freeze, up to a maximum of 3
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with Astral Warmth.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Umbral Ice III.
Umbral Ice III effect expires upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.


Spell Instant 2.4s - 25y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 16,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Polyglot.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Limit Break

The limit break gauge can be filled through combating enemies and completing other objectives, dependent on the PvP duty. Your limit break will become available upon filling the gauge.

Action Name



MP Cost




Soul Resonance

Instant 10s - 0y
Grants 6 stacks of Soul Resonance, upgrading Fire to Flare and Blizzard to Freeze.
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Polyglot and Apocatastasis
Polyglot Effect: Action changes to Foul
Duration: 60s
Apocatastasis Effect: Reduces damage taken by 10%
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Reduces the recast time of Superflare by 15 seconds
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 60s

Common Actions

These actions are shared by all jobs.

Action Name




MP Cost




Standard-issue Elixir

Ability 4.5s 5s - 0y
Restores your HP and MP to maximum.
Casting will be interrupted when damage is taken.


Ability Instant 1s 2500 MP 0y
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 15,000


Ability Instant 30s - 0y
Removes Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, and Deep Freeze.
Additional Effect: Grants Resilience
Resilience Effect: Nullifies status afflictions that can be removed by Purify
Duration: 5s
Can be used even when under the effect of certain status afflictions.


Ability Instant 30s - 0y
Reduces damage taken by 90% and grants immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 5s
Movement speed is reduced by 50% for the duration of this effect.
Effect ends upon reuse, using another action, or when the effect duration expires.


Ability Instant 1.5s - 0y
Increases movement speed by 50%.
Effect ends upon reuse or execution of another action.

For further details on changes to actions, please refer to the patch notes.