



trackout (countable and uncountable, plural trackouts)

  1. (uncountable) Traces of material carried out of an area as a result of sticking to clothing, vehicles, etc.
    • 2000, Reno Railroad Corridor, Reno: Environmental Impact Statement, page 8-220:
      Mitigation measure AQ-C3 requires that paved roads be swept once a day to clean up dirt trackout from the construction site.
    • 2008, Construction Labor Report, volume 54, numbers 2661-2684, page 2008:
      EPA alleged that the firm failed to install trackout control devices at its construction sites that would remove particulate matter from vehicles. It also failed to perform immediate cleanup of dirt tracked out 50 feet beyond the site []
  2. (countable, film, television) A backward movement of the camera, showing a wider field.
    • 1966, Nation, numbers 185-209, page 133:
      [] the programme-devisers proceeded to obfuscate his words by visual gimmickry — laborious trackouts to accommodate superimposed graphics and slogans; stills and film cuts which were either banal or funny.
    • 1977, John Aquino, Film in the Language Arts Class, page 14:
      [] Alfred Hitchcock's distorted-vision effect employing a trackout combined with a forward zoom in Vertigo (1958).
    • 2012, Steven Rybin, Terrence Malick and the Thought of Film, page 44:
      As the shot reaches its conclusion, it transforms itself, through a trackout, from a medium-shot into a long-shot, as if to emphasize further the already disconcerting mixture of intimacy and distance we feel in the scene.
  3. (car racing) The exit of a curve when the car has just fully straightened out.
    • 2001, Carl Lopez, Going Faster!: Mastering the Art of Race Driving, page 114:
      It flattens out past the trackout and you could use this flat painted portion but you'd want to hustle the car back onto the racetrack proper.
    • 2007, Richard Newton, Autocross Performance Handbook, page 145:
      Try to concentrate on car placement and on the width of the track, along with braking, turn in, apex, trackout, and acceleration points.
    • 2007, Calvin Wan, Calvin Wan's Drifting Performance Handbook, page 49:
      At corner exits leading onto straights, gradually increase the throttle as the drift straightens back out to the trackout point, where the throttle is wide open, and you are accelerating onto the straightaway.
    • 2013, Richmond Shreve, Instructor Candidate Manual:
      The tachometer reads 5,000 at track-out. You suggest that he try a later apex, with a correspondingly slower speed at the apex, so that the track-out line is straighter.
  4. Navigational assistance providing by tracking a boat or plane as it starts on a course, ensuring that it is following the correct trajectory.
    • 1961 November, Jan A. Wells, “A Dangerous Attitude”, in The MATS Flyer, volume 8, number 11, page 26:
      When Bob had completed a radio check with GCA for their radar trackout he called for the lineup check list.
    • 1961 January, T.J. Slaybaugh, “Searched, Sighted, Saved”, in Airman, page 8:
      Following the stringent safety code of MATS, they had requested and were being given a radar trackout
    • 2007, Phil Croucher, Private Helicopter Pilot Studies JAA BW, page 5-42:
      The full range of services available could include: * Emergency Cloudbreak/ * Emergency No-compass Homing/ * Homing/ * Fix-only on 121.5 MHz/ * Track-out Assistance/ * Time & Distance Estimates