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quey (plural queys)

  1. (Scotland, Northern England) A heifer.
    • 1875, William Robertson, Sketches of Highland Character: Sheep-farmers and Drovers, Edmonston and Douglas, page 13:
      So I sent away the two queys, one of them is pranded and the other plack.[eye dialect, meaning: branded... black]
    • 1878, The Farmer's Magazine, Volume 53: January-June 1878, page 461:
      The blue ribbon in the section for two-year-old queys in calf was carried away by a sweet little animal owned by Mr. Frame, Blantyre Park, which had never been shown at any other exhibition.
    • 1890, The Highland Monthly, Volume 1, page 584:
      Ewan, who with others was giving friendly help to the manager and herds, was in charge of the queys, which were disposed of and driven out while Mary was still taking instructions from the executor at the auctioneer's stand.