Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

A Walk Above the Clouds is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.


  1. Search for the Shard
  2. Talk to Veldrana
  3. Collect Kindling
  4. Light Fire By Veldrana
  5. Talk to Veldrana
  6. Find the Cult Cell Leader
    • Light Campfires to Stay Warm
  7. Read the Grimoire
  8. Collect Animal Hide
  9. Collect Crushed Nightshade
  10. Collect Animus Geode
  11. Perforn the Ritual
    • Find Nordahl's Summoning Cyrcle
    • Hint: To perform the ritual in proper order:
      1. East
      2. West
      3. North
      4. South
  12. Talk to Nordahl
  13. Unseal the Entrance to the Dragon Cult Temple
    • The combination on the temple door is:
      • Center: Snake
      • Left: Whale
      • Right: Eagle
  14. Enter the Dragon Cult Temple
  15. Look for the Dragon Priest
  16. Kill the Dragon Priest
  17. Collect the Wuuthrad Shard
  18. Return to Veldrana
  19. Talk to Centurion Andrin


Radrase Alen: "<This Dark Elf woman wears Worm Cultist garb. From the claw marks, it appears she was mauled to death by sabre cats. A look through her pack reveals a blood-stained journal.>"

<Read the journal> ""Nordahl showed us the shard of Wuuthrad tonight. It was very impressive! He's shown great cunning to find it. Our brothers and sisters scour the Smokefrost Peaks looking for Ysgramor's legacy.""
<Continue reading> ""He told us his plan to ascend Forelhost, and search the crypts of the Dragon Priests. There was muttering in the ranks. Cowards. Why should we fear the dead? The dead are toys to the likes of us!""
<Close the journal>

Outside Broken Helm Hollow, the Vestige will encounter the body of a woman named Radrase Alen, who appears to have been a Worm Cultist. She will carry a note indicating that one of the shards of Wuuthrad has landed in Forelhost.

Head to Forelhost. There is a winding path up the mountain from where you found Radrase. There, you will find an injured woman named Veldrana. She is dying of the cold, and will ask you to bring some kindling to keep her warm. There is some kindling by a tree up the path to the north, collect it, then return to Veldrana to light a fire with it. When you have done this, talk to Veldrana again. She will tell you that the worm cult were doing something on the mountain, but they were scared off by something in the ruins. They left their leader and ran off.

Head further up the path to the ruins. You will find a tower with a ladder in it that will take you further up. Up here, you will take constant damage when not near a campfire, so take care. You will find the body of the cult leader at the first campfire, along with his grimoire. It will describe a necromantic ritual for which you need to collect a number of ingredients: an animal hide, some crushed Nightshade and an Animus Geode. These things can all be found around the area. Take care that you light the campfires along the way, so as to not constantly take damage from the cold.

"<The shredded corpse of Nordahl. His injuries don't appear to be from sabre cat claws. If anything, they seem to have been made by human fingernails.>"

The Crushed Nightshade will be by the first campfire site you come upon after reading the diary. it will be in a burlap sack behind some crates. The animal hide will be in the southwest of the area, and the Animus Geode will be in a tent to the center. The Animus Geode is the only one that is not near a campfire site, so take care not to freeze to death while collecting it. Once you have all three, head to the ritual site in the southeast to perform the ritual. The ritual site is unaffected by the cold, so there is no need to worry about that there. Light the candles there in a specific order: East, West, North, South. Then place the nightshade in the bowl and the animal hide in the mound, and use the Animus Geode. This will summon and bind the spirit of Nordahl, the leader of the worm cultists here.

Talk to Nordahl and he will tell you that he and his men were slaughtered by the draugr, who also took the fragment of Wuuthrad with them. The draugr sealed the entrance to the ruins again after killing the worm cultists, so you will have to find a way to unseal it. Examine the ancient carvings on the western wall of the area to uncover clues for the puzzle. The area immediately next to the carvings is unaffected by the cold, but you will still have to take care on your way there. Ince you have collected the clues, head to the entrance to the temple and solve the riddle. The riddle revolves around activating the runestones to change the runes on them. The solution is as follows: The stone to the right of the entrance must be an eagle, the center stone should be a snake and the left stone should be a whale. Once you have solved the puzzle, head into the temple.

Head through the temple to the other end. You will be facing hordes of draugr here, so take care. On your way, make sure to pick up the copy of Myths of Sheogorath, Volume 1, located in the western room, left of the stairs behind a bookcase. Once you have reached the other end, head through the door to the peak. Here, you will once again be plagued by the cold and you will have to light campfires. There is a skyshard in the south of this area, so make sure to collect it. Once you have it, go to the central table in the area and use it to summon the dragon priest Vosis and kill him. This battle will be a lot easier if you keep the campfires around the table lit, so that you will not take constant damage from the cold. Once Vosis is dead, the shard of Wuuthrad will appear on the altar. Take it and return to where you found Veldrana.

Speak with Centurion Andrin to finish the quest.


  • Cloudkeeper's Cap
  • 146–604 Gold


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