Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

A Stranger Uninvited is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. Xijai-Teel welcomed a traveling High Elf to Deep Graes, but she believes he has something to do with the wisps' recent aggression.

Quick walkthrough[]

  1. Find the High Elf's Camp
  2. Search the Altmer's Camp
  3. Talk to Valrendil
  4. Talk to Valrendil's Wife
  5. Talk to Xijai-Teel atop the Xanmeer
  6. Retrieve the Fragmented Stopper
  7. Retrieve the Fragmented Urn
  8. Complete the Ritual with Xijai-Teel
  9. Talk to Xijai-Teel



  • 73–302 Gold
