Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

A City in Black is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. The city of Evermore is in dire straits. King Eamond is dead, and a Reachmen army marches toward the city gates even now. The people of Evermore need help, and they need hope. Reachmen have taken over the lighthouse south of Evermore, but Guard Captain Hjurrun has ordered the guards to hold back. I've agreed to attack the Reachmen and bring their leaders head.




  1. Talk to Sergeant Antieve
  2. Kill Strastnoc and bring back his head to Captain Hjurrun
  3. Head to Evermore Castle
  4. Assess the city's defenses
  5. Talk to Queen Arzhela at St. Pelin's Chapel
  6. Report to Duke Renchant at the castle
  7. Investigate the ship in the harbor
  8. Investigate the alleyway
  9. Talk to the Queen


At the gates to Evermore, you will run into a guardsman named Sergeant Antieve. Antieve will tell you that the Reachmen have taken over the lighthouse and are waiting to strike out at the city. The guard have orders to stand back and await how the situation unfolds, but since you are not part of the guard, Antieve will ask you to strike out at the Reachmen and kill their leader, Strastnoc.

Head over south to the lighthouse at Strastnoc's Landing. Strastnoc will be in the lighthouse building; kill him there and take his head. Once you have this trophy, head back to town and give it to Captain Hjurrun to prove that you killed the enemy commander. He will congratulate you on your kill, and will tell you that the Duke will want to see you.

Head to Evermore Keep. Before you enter, an orc named Glarikha will ask to have a word with you. Speak with her and she will tell you that she is contacting you on behalf of Queen Arzhela. The queen wishes to gather information on the city's defenses, but cannot publicly go against the Duke. Glarikha will ask you to do three things: she will ask you to investigate the defenses at the east gate, speak to the former captain of the watch Sir Jarnot about the city's defensive strategy and investigate why a refugee has been put in the stocks. These objectives can be completed in any order.

The stocks are down the road to your south. You will find a man named Imrazan in these stocks; speak with him and he will tell you that he came here from the city of Hallin's Stand, which has been overrun by Imperial troops. When he spread the word that the Imperials might come here next, he was arrested for spreading paranoia and half-truths. After you are done speaking with him, a strange talking crow will appear. The crow will reiterate that the real threat to the region is coming from the south, but will provide little more information. Next, head for the east gate; you will find a mysterious crate just outside. The crates will be filled with weapons from a ship called the Bjoulsae Queen. Upon finding the crate, another crow will appear; it will tell you that these weapons are not the gift the city needs. Lastly, head for the Anchor's Point Inn and speak with Sir Jarnot there. He will tell you that Captain Hjurrun has been turning down those who have offered to help the city, including the Fighters Guild. He will ask you to talk to the nearby crow for more information though; speak to this third crow and it will tell you that there are secrets being hidden from the light.

"<The defenses at the south gate are far from impressive, but they're as well organized as might be expected. There are, however, a few suspicious-looking crates.>"

<Examine the crates.> "<The crates appear to be stocked with fresh supplies, weapons, and armor. The crates are stamped as cargo from a ship called the "Bjoulsae Queen.">"
I'll have to report this to the queen.

Once you have completed all of the assignments, head to St. Pelin's Chapel south of the inn and speak with Queen Arzhela there. She will tell you that Glarikha was not actually acting on her behalf, and will tell you to report all security issues to the duke. Head back to Evermore Castle; you will witness a conversation between Duke Renchant and Captain Hjurrun; once they are done talking, speak with the Duke. He will explain why they turned down the Fighters Guild and why they put Imrazan in the stocks, but will avoid telling you why there are weapons at the east gate. He will tell you that it has something to do with an ally he found to protect the city from the Reachmen; you can persuade him into telling you that he struck a deal with the Imperials. If you do not persuade him, [?].

Since you do not have any incriminating evidence against the duke, you cannot currently publicly accuse him of selling out the city to the imperials. Therefore, you should head to the ship these weapons were transported on, the "Bjoulsae Queen." Said ship can be found in the docks; once you board it, the captain will ask you why you are intruding here. At this point, you can talk to the captain or to the strange crow on the deck. The crow will tell you that the key to the ship's interior can be found on one of the sailors on the shore, by the south city wall. Captain Ahnu will refuse to let you into the cargo hold, but she can be intimidated into giving you the key.

Once you have a key, head below deck. the deckhands here will be hostile, so be prepared to defend yourself. In the room on the west end, you will find an imprisoned Glarikha; free her and she will ask you to find some solid proof that the Duke is planning to hand the city to the Imperials. Said proof can be found on the other side of the ship; there will be a note on the table detailing the Imperial plans; they have infiltrated the city with their spies and are looking to take over. With this note in hand, seek out Glarikha in the docks. She will tell you that the ship's captain just left the docks in a hurry; she will ask you to spy on her. Head to the alley to the south and hide behind the inconspicuous rock there; you will overhear a conversation between the ship's captain and Captain Hjurrun; Hjurrun is in on the plot.

Once you have found out about all this, head to the Chapel and inform Queen Arzhela to finish the quest and start the next one, "Imperial Infiltration."


  • 146–604 Gold


QuestMapMarker01 This section is missing a journal entry.


  • Update 1: Fixed an issue where Bjoulsae Queen's door would be usable before you had the key for it.[1]


