£83,360 Monthly Revenue Increase For Home Improvement Site

Home Niche

£83,360 Monthly Revenue Increase

This client is a family-run eCommerce business in the home improvement niche. After a year break from link building through a low-quality agency, we restored their faith and made them a believer.

campaign challenges
campaign results


Increase in organic traffic


Increase in organic revenue


Return on investment (WOW!)

Case Study Contents

Case Study Introduction

From most the copy on our site you might think our service mainly caters to resellers and agencies. 

The truth is, anyone can utilize our marketing services at cost value and squeeze more profit out of their revenue by chopping out the middle man.

That’s exactly what this family-run Magento eCommerce business did.

They talked through their ranking goals and the typical ‘nemesis’ competitors who were always above them. Then, we ran our link analysis to show them why they ranked lower in Google through numeric data.

Our 12-month backlink plan was launched. Its aim is to increase keyword rankings to the top of Google for their busy Winter period in 2022. Three months in, they had already increased their average monthly revenue by £83,360.

We were recommended to this client by their Magento eCommerce development agency, which saw the results first-hand from other clients.

Unfortunately, they had used one SEO provider before, where they spent around $4,000-$5000 a month – Almost triple what our monthly plan costs.

The old provider had no ROI or reporting to show them the impact of their work – We ran a bunch of the links they had before through our blacklist tool, it turned into a Comedy Central roast!

The sample they provided us had over 25% of the links getting flagged as publicly paid links, links sent via cold email outreach for sale – guest posts farms and PBN’s.

If you’ve ever bought or build guest posts before and you’re curious about your backlinks risk level, get in touch!

Now, let’s see how many links we built with blogger outreach. More importantly, what results we achieved for the client’s in-house marketing team.

Total Links Built
High-Power Links
Medium-Power Links
Low-Power Links

Organic Traffic Increases

+201.94% Increase In Organic Traffic​

The chart below illustrating organic search traffic only, speaks for itself.

A monumental increase in organic search traffic was achieved in 3 months. The chart begins after the first links were uploaded into the client’s dashboard.

The client took out one of our monthly link packages, starting off slow then increasing volume.

As these hyper-relevant articles got published one by one by the site owners, the tide of growth kept coming.

When we look at the site’s history in ahrefs, it seems like they have only just started out last year.

Incorrect, the client informed us they went through a domain name migration that went very smoothly. Ahrefs was just catching up with the data.

*To be clear, ahrefs traffic data is not from the client and is estimated by the tool.

They confirmed to us over the phone that since January, their website traffic had been pretty flat.

They also confirmed that the writers had been super busy and published almost 50,000 words of content in the blog from Nov 2020 – Jan 2021.

Why is this important? We’re talking about links, right?

Well, the fact that all that content had gone live in January and nothing had budged is odd. At MOST, 3 months after content goes live, it should be settled in and ranking from our experience.

What actually happened is, the site was simply missing the overall authority to rank this content first page – despite it been graded high in SurferSEO’s incredible content audit tool.

Our newly built links aimed to sculpt the domain’s authority and rank for the client’s target keywords also gave us a knock-on effect with the blog rankings.

Keyword Ranking Increases

782 Keywords Increased +13,899 Positions In Google

Let those numbers above sink in.

That’s like every keyword increasing 17 positions in Google on average. Of course, that’s not the case. Some went flying up pages, and some went up a few spots in the Google SERPs.

Below you can see a snapshot of the most influential keywords increasing by position and traffic estimates.

It shows their ranking position in May 31st, to just over 3 months later.

What do the position increases look like as a whole?

Well, ahrefs has a chart for that too.

Remember, the data tracking is missing from 2020 to Jan 2021 simply because they migrated domains.

Below, the first figures from the chart represent how many keywords this client ranked for in Google, broken down by positions #1-3, #4-10, and #11-100.

As you can see, the number of search positions almost doubled! Well, the ones that count (page 1, positions 1-10).

What’s the old nerdy SEO saying.

‘The best place to hide a dead body… is page 2 of Google’

Campaign eCommerce ROI

3 Months, £250,081 Additional Revenue (+158.46% Increase)

It turns out, some of those keywords we saw in the 10k-100k monthly search volume are the client’s most competitive keywords.

They essentially leapfrogged above all the other guys in their niche.

Traditionally, they rely on PPC to fuel their eCommerce website’s traffic and put themselves front and center with the household brand named authority sites.

Here’s a breakdown of these 3 months compared with the last – Excluding PPC – Organic traffic referrals only

By increasing the domain’s authority with 66 links, we skyrocketed their revenue by an average of £83,360 per month. This increase is on top of the £52,605 they make on average per month through organic traffic.

Now, these guys are no small fish and make about £495,000 a month with paid traffic, which somewhat takes away the spotlight from our campaign!

However, that’s paid traffic.

With an ROI on their small investment in links bringing in £80k a month – it’s clear to see that, over time, we can catch up and make organic search revenue a large proportion of their business.

So, if you’re a brand paying for PPC to rank, or just simply not ranking and just think it’s plain Voodoo, get in touch.

We can easily break down why those jerks you curse out all the time are ranking above you. We can show you the data to back it up and build a takeover roadmap as we did for these chaps!

3-Month Backlink Campaign

39x Relevant Links Published Quality Sites

Authority was murdering this client’s opportunity to rank plain and simple.

All the sites ranking below positions 4-5 in Google have similar backlink volumes. Because of this, they were just edging up and down over each other’s positions – no one made any real traction.

The sites taking their SEO seriously were doing everything the guys below were (including our client). BUT, they were consistently growing backlinks.

Again, here are the backlinks we built through blogger outreach:

Total Links Built
High-Power Links
Medium-Power Links
Low-Power Links

There are a lot of tools that measure the strength of a website and the page on a website. We use the numbers a tool named ahrefs gives us, called domain rank (DR) and URL rank (UR).

There wasn’t a website ranking above position 5 for the target keywords with a domain rank below DR 50. Our client and the ones below ranged around a DR 30.

When you build the right links to your website and increase your authority (DR in this case), you start to notice life is just a bit easier – you enter this god-tier where Google just trusts you, and as long as you publish quality content and internally link, you will rank well.

What do we mean by good or the right links?

Well, that’s where it gets a little complicated. Our insane quality assurance and vetting process through our blogger outreach ensure you get AWESOME sites linking to you.

Like these:

As you can see, we landed links from sites that had:

Remember, the traffic figures ahrefs shows are often way lower than the real organic visitor count, sometimes double even.


Now, over to you!

This home niche was a fun client to work with. Why? Because sometimes you just find a niche where NO ONE is doing link building correctly – or at all

As you can see from the results, in 3 months of our campaign, we were making then over £83k a month. Almost £1 million in additional revenue a year.

Sometimes you find these large eCommerce sites are relying on Amazon, eBay, PPC, and other avenues to push their stock.

However, for the price of a single member of staff, they can completely change the landscape of their business:

Now over to you. If you have a keyword, page, or website that’s stuck, let us know.

Check out our packages and individual guest post pricing below. If you’re stuck on where to start, feel free to grab us on a call or drop us an email below.

Guest Posts

Put yourself in the driver’s seat and choose guest posts on real websites by your own volume and authority metrics – Scale and save!

Link Packages

Grab yourself one of our white label link building packages, and you’ll get high-quality, 100% done-for-you guest posting at a discounted rate.

Case Studies

Check out some of our kick-ass case studies showing real client ROI from Google Analytics traffic and eCommerce revenue increases.

Let eCommerce Link Builders Take your Site’s Traffic and Income to the Next-Level