

DunlopWeb is a way your business can access all the skills of a website project manager who has been building and maintaining successful websites since 2001.

Specialising in Search Engine Marketing, Managing Director has worked with some of the most effective providers of web design and development both in the Brighton area and worldwide, using her experience to bring together a package that covers all a business needs online.

When Julia started out in 2001, there was surprisingly little general awareness of the importance of promoting a website once it has been built. What now seems so obvious was ignored – as businesses were obsessed with visual design with no regard to the usefulness of a site.

We have all come a long way and now most businesses realise the power of an effective online presence that scores on all counts. Nowadays savvy business people are interested in:

  • websites that look good;
  • websites that encourage business;
  • websites that load quickly;
  • websites that have up-to-date content;
  • and websites that are easy to find in the first place.


If you want to know more about what DunlopWeb can do for you, contact us for a no-obligation initial appointment.

DunlopWeb – It’s All About Getting Your Website Noticed