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What Does a Blogger Do? 16 Things Bloggers Do Every Day

What does a blogger do?

Want to start a blog and are wondering what bloggers do all day? If you’ve ever wanted to get a behind-the-scenes look at the day in the life of a pro blogger, you’re in luck. In this blog post, I will answer a few burning questions many beginners have.

Before I get into the daily life of a full-time blogger, let me get a few questions out of the way first.

Beginner blogger FAQ

What is a blog?

A blog is a website that is often updated with new articles about a given subject. This collection of articles is typically grouped into categories. Blogs are usually run by one person but may have guest bloggers from time to time.

While blogs have been around since 1994 (source), blogging really took off in 2003 when the WordPress platform became available for anyone to install on their websites.

Can you still make money blogging?

While the rumors that blogging is dead have been rampant for years, there is no proof that blogging is anywhere near going away. In fact, there’s never been a better time than now for you to start a blog.

Think you don’t have what it takes?

With the technology available now, you can start a blog without ever seeing a single line of code. Not only that, but with modern blog themes like Astra and page builders like Elementor, anybody can design a website independently.

Want to know how much bloggers make? Just look at this impressive list of the highest-paid bloggers here.

How do bloggers make money?

There are also plenty of ways bloggers can make money. In fact, blog monetization has never been easier.

Bloggers make money in a few different ways. For example, bloggers can make money by doing the following.

1. Ads

You can place ads from an ad network and get paid per impression. Rates vary depending on the ad network and your blog niche.

New bloggers can get started with Google Adsense, while pro bloggers can apply to a premium ad network that offers higher rates.

2. Affiliate marketing

Want to recommend products you use to your audience? Then give affiliate marketing a try. Here’s how it works.

First, you sign up with an affiliate marketing program like Amazon Associates or another program in your niche.

Then, add your unique affiliate link in your blog posts and emails. When your readers purchase your link, you’ll earn a commission.

3. Partnering with brands

Making money with sponsored posts is one of the easiest ways to make money fast with a blog. Here’s how it works.

First, you create a media kit. Then, you reach out to brands in your niche to see if they can partner with you. A partnership can include a blog post, a YouTube video, or a series of Instagram posts and Stories.

4. Selling your own products

Why not eliminate the middle-man if you can? Bloggers who make the most amount of money do so by selling their own products.

This doesn’t have to be a physical product, though. You can sell digital items like ebooks, printables, or even sell online courses.

How do I start a blog?

I’m glad you asked. Let me walk you through the 5 steps to starting a profitable blog.

Step 1. Domain and hosting

First, you’ll need to purchase a domain name from GoDaddy. Then, you’ll need a hosting company like HostGator to host your blog. Finally, you’ll need to install WordPress as your blogging platform.

Step 2. Design your blog

Here’s the fun part! First, choose a blog theme (I recommend Astra), then choose from one of their starter templates. Next, create a logo for free using Canva’s logo maker, add it to your blog, and you’re all set!

Step 3. Creating content

Content is what will make or break your blog, not your design. So rather than spending too much time tinkering with your blog design, take the time to write awesome content instead.

To help, you can use my blog post template and blog post checklist.

Step 4. Start an email list

Many bloggers don’t really make money directly from their blogs. Those who sell or recommend products usually make money from their email list.

Through email, trust is built, and people buy from bloggers they know, trust, and like.

You can start your email list with ConvertKit, and use a list-building plugin like ConvertPro to help you grow it.

Step 5. Sign up with an affiliate program

It’s time to make money with your blog! Find a few affiliate programs to join and begin recommending products in your blog posts. The best affiliate programs I’m a member of are Amazon Associates, Shareasale, and FlexOffers.

What does a blogger do?

Bloggers do more than just write all day. I can break down what bloggers do every day into 4 main categories: writing blog posts, blog promotion, monetizing, and blog management.

Bloggers write content

What do bloggers do first thing in the morning? What else, but blog! Here’s what goes into writing for their blog.

Brainstorm blog post ideas

Bloggers first come up with a blog post idea to write about.

Keyword research

To determine if an idea is worth writing about, some research needs to be done first. Bloggers use an SEO tool like SEMRush to get some data on the idea first. For example, they want to know the estimated search volume and the chances to rank on Google for this keyword phrase.

Blog post research

The research stage is when bloggers look for information to help write their blog posts. For example, they could be looking for data to back up their claims or relevant sites to link to.


Proofreading is more than just looking for spelling mistakes. Bloggers check that their tone is right and that they’re writing at the appropriate reading level for their blog.

You can use Grammarly to help with the blog editing process.

Bloggers promote their content

Once the writing process is over for a full-time blogger, the next part of their day is spent promoting their blog posts.

Share on social media

You might have noticed share icons on most blog posts. But if bloggers want to drive traffic to their blog, they need to be proactive.

Bloggers share their posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at peak hours. Pro bloggers use scheduling tools to auto-post their past content to social media on a schedule.

Create pin images

Pinterest is a blogger’s best friend. To promote their new content on Pinterest, bloggers use Canva to create pin images linked to their blog posts.

Create YouTube videos

Bloggers don’t just write on their blogs. Some also have a YouTube channel and a podcast. When some bloggers write a blog post, they repurpose their written content into a video or a podcast episode.

Pay for ads

Many bloggers have an advertising budget to grow their following. Some advertise on Google to appear in niche-related search results, while others focus on Facebook ads.

Bloggers monetize their blog

After writing content and promoting their blog post, a blogger’s next task is to monetize their work.

Write to their email list

Aside from writing blog posts, bloggers also write to their email list. With an email marketing provider like ConvertKit, you can create a series of emails to send to new subscribers on autopilot.

Create a product

Bloggers also spend their time working on new products. This could be an ebook or an online course.

Provide services

To further monetize their blogs, bloggers also provide personalized services to their audience. Possible services you can offer could be freelance writing, consulting, or coaching.

Work with companies

Some influential blogs collaborate with companies on a blog post. Depending on the audience size and engagement, some bloggers are quite successful in doing brand partnerships.

Bloggers manage their blog

There is a business side to blogging. A blogger has to deal with issues like getting paid, managing business expenses, and of course, taxes. Also, there are other tech-related issues bloggers routinely face.

Search engine optimization

The best traffic source for a blog is Google. After all, Google traffic is free, and searchers often have a “research” or a “purchase” intent. Either way, blogs are well-positioned to get this highly targeted traffic.

But with all the other websites around, how does Google decide who makes it to the first page of the search results? They look for a combination of on-page and off-page factors.

For this reason, bloggers need to learn search engine optimization to make sure their content and blog are SEO-optimized.

Checking their analytics

To make tough decisions, such as changing the direction of their blog, a blogger needs to study their website traffic.

Are people coming to one page, then bouncing? Are people not sticking to your blog for long? Are readers converting into subscribers? These are the types of questions bloggers ask when analyzing their statistics.

Responding to comments

Think of a blog like a community. To foster an engaging community, bloggers need to respond to every blog comment. Furthermore, they should also ask for comments to encourage a lively discussion about the topic.

The backend

Finally, bloggers also have to make sure their site doesn’t break. Blogs are often the victims of hacking attempts. It’s the blogger’s responsibility to ensure their blogging software, plugins, and themes are up to date.

Wrapping it up

So, what does a blogger do? In short, they are business owners who operate an online business. Gone are the days of blogging on a free platform for fame and money. Instead, today’s blogger is focused on growing their brand, one blog post at a time.

Until next time,

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  About > me

Edwin is the professional blogger and side hustle expert behind Do Six Figures. With 20+ years of experience building profitable websites and making money online under his belt, Edwin is now obsessed with helping people find their perfect side hustle and make serious money online.

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