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5 Emails Every Sales Funnel Needs

How to build an email sales funnel

If you’re trying to make money with your blog, it’s going to be hard converting your cold traffic into sales. What works better is putting your cold traffic into a funnel to warm them up a bit.

This funnel aims to convert that drive-by blog visitor into eventually becoming a fan of your brand and a repeat customer. A great way of doing this is with an email list.

What is a sales funnel?

A sales funnel consists of the top of the funnel (to-fu) and the bottom of the funnel (bo-fu).

Top of the funnel

We capture cold traffic at the top of the funnel (from Google search, Pinterest, or social media). The goal is then to get this traffic to subscribe to your email list. If you don’t have one, you need to start an email list right now.

To do this, you need an opt-in incentive to give away to your audience. Nowadays, nobody joins newsletters, so it’s a must to give away a valuable freebie in exchange for their email address.

Bottom of the funnel

Once you get a subscriber, that person is now in your funnel, and it’s game on!

After a successful opt-in, you need to add the subscriber to an automated email sequence so they can start receiving your emails on autopilot.

I use and recommend ConvertKit for this. If you don’t have an email provider (or you’re still using Mailchimp), you seriously need to try ConvertKit. You can sign up here for free.

At this point, you might be wondering, what do I send my subscribers? While the specifics vary depending on your niche, there are 5 tried and true emails you need to have in your email sales funnel.

Here are the 5 emails every sales funnel needs to turn subscribers into lifelong customers.

1. Welcome email

It all starts with your welcome email. For your first email, you want to introduce yourself and let them know a bit about you.

Keep in mind this isn’t the time nor the place to go into detail about your story. Instead, you can just add a couple of sentences and then link to your about me page.

Tell them who you are, what you do, and why you do it.

In other words, how you help people and what your mission (or goal) is.

After this, include a link to the opt-in incentive.

To close your welcome email, add a call to action, such as asking the reader to let you know their biggest hurdle as it pertains to (problem in your niche).

Doing this makes your emails a two-way conversation rather than just another newsletter.

2. Educate email

The next step after your welcome email is to educate subscribers about a major problem in your niche. Ideally, blog post, lead magnet, and product are all centered around this one major problem.

This email is all about giving. So you’re going to want to truly help your email subscribers take one step forward in their journey.

You can break down some common myths that exist in your niche and explain why they’re wrong. Doing this sets you apart from the rest, and it makes it seem like you’re providing inside information on this topic.

By providing subscribers with valuable information, you’re showing your authority on this topic, which helps build trust (a key ingredient to making a sales funnel work).

3. Cultivate email

It’s relationship-building time! Build a relationship with your audience by sharing your personal story and invite them to share theirs.

When you share your personal story, make sure to start with the struggle you faced and how much it hurt. While facts are important, the story is what matters most (facts tell, stories sell).

Then, hit them with this major turning point, an aha moment, where everything changed. Truly show them your transformation and express how good life feels now that you’ve made it to the other side.

By now, subscribers should feel connected to you and your journey. And again, more trust is built.

4. Position email

By this point, you have given them a valuable free resource, educated them, and shared your turning point.

It’s time now to do the “soft sell.” But rather than pitch a product with a big BUY NOW button, you need to sell yourself first.

Why should people learn from you? How do you stand out from the competition?

To prove your knowledge and expertise, share a case study, testimonial, or other proof that you’re the right person to help them with this problem.

Don’t shy away from providing even more value in this email. The more you educate the reader about this problem (and the need to fix it), the more trust you build.

5. Sales email

It all comes down to this! It’s now time for the big sales pitch to buy your product. Present your ultimate solution to this major problem in the niche.

By now, your subscribers like you and want to learn more from you, so don’t be shy about providing them the help they truly need.

Break down any objections they may have about buying your product. Common objections might be:

– Skill level – i.e.: What if I’m a beginner?

– Time – i.e.: What if I don’t have a lot of time?

– Money – i.e.: What if I want a refund?

Finally, remind them that they have two clear options:

1. Stay exactly where they’re currently at: struggling with this problem, or

2. Take massive action, buy your product, and get the type of results others are getting

Go over the benefits of using your product and show them just how good their life would be if they purchased your product (or affiliate offer).

End the email with a firm call to action to BUY NOW.

There you have it, the 5 emails every sales funnel needs to have to convert subscribers into customers! If you’ve found this helpful, be sure to share this post and drop me a comment!

Until next time,

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  About > me

Edwin is the professional blogger and side hustle expert behind Do Six Figures. With 20+ years of experience building profitable websites and making money online under his belt, Edwin is now obsessed with helping people find their perfect side hustle and make serious money online.

9 thoughts on “5 Emails Every Sales Funnel Needs”

    1. While Mailchimp “works,” I find it difficult and clunky to use. ConvertKit, on the other hand, is very visual.

      The other issue I have with Mailchimp is that it’s built for e-commerce sites, while ConvertKit was built by a blogger for bloggers.

      Lastly, Mailchimp (the free version) doesn’t let you add affiliate links in your emails.

      Hope this helps, thanks!

  1. Hi Edwin,

    All these five emails are important for a sales funnel. In my opinion, making a relationship through these emails is very important. And the third email that you’ve labeled as “Cultivate Email” plays a vital role in building relationships.
    However, thanks for this nice post.

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