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Reports: Evergreen Overview

The Evergreen Overview report focuses on posts that attract readers long after their publish date. Most evergreen posts are not topical, so they have a longer median lifecycle than that of a typical online article—about 3 days.

The report is divided into three parts.

Overview shows the

  • total number of evergreen posts
  • total page views of evergreen content
  • percentage of site-wide page views attributed to evergreen content

Content Comparison compares evergreen and site-wide content by the most-viewed sections, authors, and tags.

Top Evergreen Posts and Top New Evergreen Posts show listings of the highest performing evergreen posts by visitors and page views.

Use Cases

  • Evergreen content is the strongest content on the site that stands the test of time and can be re-promoted when needed.
  • Social Media Managers will look to the top evergreen posts if there is a slow day or week and they need to push posts to Facebook or Twitter.
  • Homepage Managers will do the same when looking for strong content that can be recycled on the homepage.
  • Writers and Editors will look for trends among evergreen content in an effort to try to replicate previous success.


Last updated: June 18, 2024