

The schema defines all the fields that exist within a widget record. Any response from these endpoints can be expected to contain the fields below unless the `_filter` query parameter is used or the schema field only appears in a specific context.

id Unique identifier for the widget.

JSON data type: string

Context: view, edit, embed

id_base The type of the widget. Corresponds to ID in widget-types endpoint.

JSON data type: string

Context: view, edit, embed

sidebar The sidebar the widget belongs to.

JSON data type: string

Context: view, edit, embed

rendered HTML representation of the widget.

JSON data type: string

Read only

Context: view, edit, embed

rendered_form HTML representation of the widget admin form.

JSON data type: string

Read only

Context: edit

instance Instance settings of the widget, if supported.

JSON data type: object

Context: edit

form_data URL-encoded form data from the widget admin form. Used to update a widget that does not support instance. Write only.

JSON data type: string


Retrieve a Widget

Definition & Example Request

GET /wp/v2/widgets

Query this endpoint to retrieve a specific widget record.

$ curl https://example.com/wp-json/wp/v2/widgets


context Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.

Default: view

One of: view, embed, edit

sidebar The sidebar to return widgets for.

Create a Widget


id Unique identifier for the widget.
id_base The type of the widget. Corresponds to ID in widget-types endpoint.
sidebar The sidebar the widget belongs to.

Required: 1

Default: wp_inactive_widgets

instance Instance settings of the widget, if supported.
form_data URL-encoded form data from the widget admin form. Used to update a widget that does not support instance. Write only.


POST /wp/v2/widgets

Retrieve a Widget

Definition & Example Request

GET /wp/v2/widgets/<id>

Query this endpoint to retrieve a specific widget record.

$ curl https://example.com/wp-json/wp/v2/widgets/<id>


context Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.

Default: view

One of: view, embed, edit

Update a Widget


id Unique identifier for the widget.
id_base The type of the widget. Corresponds to ID in widget-types endpoint.
sidebar The sidebar the widget belongs to.
instance Instance settings of the widget, if supported.
form_data URL-encoded form data from the widget admin form. Used to update a widget that does not support instance. Write only.


POST /wp/v2/widgets/<id>

Example Request

Delete a Widget


force Whether to force removal of the widget, or move it to the inactive sidebar.


DELETE /wp/v2/widgets/<id>

Example Request

$ curl -X DELETE https://example.com/wp-json/wp/v2/widgets/<id>