Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

VSIX Best Practices

This post is about a new way to install extensions to Visual Studio, introduced in VS 2010, called the VSIX file. The information it contains will be of most interest to readers who develop Visual Studio extensions, but I encourage users who download and install those extensions to read it as well. A VSIX file conforms to the ECMA Open ...

Walkthrough– Publishing an Extensibility Web Control Project Template (Part 2 of 2)

Introduction In Walkthrough-- Publishing a Custom Web Control (Part 1 of 2) you learned to create and publish a custom web control. You created the extensibility project manually, a procedure with many steps. Now that you have an extensibility project template, you can publish it to the Visual Studio gallery. Anyone who wants to create and ...

Visual Studio Managed Multi-Targeting: Part 2: Multi-Targeting in Action

Now that we have gone through some key concepts in the previous part in this series, before we go any further in terms of detailed technical concepts, it would be nice to have some ���mental visual model” of how multi-targeting impacts almost all project related scenarios in Visual Studio 2010 and thus benefits the users. Scott ...

WPF in Visual Studio 2010 – Part 7 : Wrap up

This is the final part in the WPF in Visual Studio 2010 series. Reflections on the Series One of the aims of this series was to give a deeper look into collaboration the Visual Studio and WPF teams undertook during this release, specifically focusing on the “Lessons learned.” As such, I tended to focus on the issues we encountered and ...

What's new for editor extenders in Beta 2?

(image) Noah Richards – Developer, Visual Studio Editor Team Short Bio:  Noah has been working on the Visual Studio Editor team since he graduated college two and a half years ago.  He maintains a blog, posts sample code for editor extensions, and frequently answers editor-related questions on Twitter. Editor’s Note:  This...

What’s new for editor extenders in Beta 2?

(image) Noah Richards – Developer, Visual Studio Editor Team Short Bio:  Noah has been working on the Visual Studio Editor team since he graduated college two and a half years ago.  He maintains a blog, posts sample code for editor extensions, and frequently answers editor-related questions on Twitter. Editor’s Note:  This...

Framework Multi-Targeting for VC++ Projects

(image) Short Bio: Pavan Adharapurapu is a developer on the Visual Studio Project and Build team. As part of VS 2010, he has worked on numerous features of the VC++ project system such as property sheets, filters, property pages, platform and tool extensibility, etc. His long term focus is on developing a "common project system" infrastructure...

Visual Studio Sessions at PDC ‘09

The Professional Developers Conference (PDC) this year is in Los Angeles from November 17th to 19th. The PDC is an opportunity to mingle with architects and developers from the software industry and to listen to the leaders, heroes and legends from Microsoft and its industry partners. As well as workshops and training sessions, there are hands...

Visual Studio Sessions at PDC ‘09

The Professional Developers Conference (PDC) this year is in Los Angeles from November 17th to 19th. The PDC is an opportunity to mingle with architects and developers from the software industry and to listen to the leaders, heroes and legends from Microsoft and its industry partners. As well as workshops and training sessions, there are hands...