Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Line-staging (Interactive Staging)

Line-staging support, a.k.a. interactive staging is one of our most popular Git suggestion tickets. Visual Studio already supports staging files and now we are taking that to the next level by making it possible to stage chunks of changes in your files right from the editor. Line-staging can be helpful when you need to split changes across ...

Typing Less, Coding More: How we delivered IntelliCode whole line completions with a transformer model

Introduction Great code completions make you more productive while composing your code. Visual Studio 2022 now automatically completes C# code up to a whole line at a time, using a rich knowledge of your coding context. We have also released the IntelliCode Completions extension in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) to speed up coding in Python/...

Visual Studio 2022 17.1 is now available!

Today, Visual Studio 2022 17.1 graduates from preview and reaches general availability. Feedback from developers like you have helped us shape and refine Visual Studio 17.1 through its preview cycle and we’d like to thank you for your part in Visual Studio’s journey. In my last blog post for Visual Studio 2022 17.1 Preview 2, I ...