Mike Rousos

Principal Software Engineer, .NET Customer Engagement

Mike's a long-time member of the .NET team. He lives in northeast Ohio with his wife and four kids.

Post by this author

Privacy and security improvements in .NET modernization tooling

Learn about the latest privacy and security-related updates to Azure Migrate application and code assessment and .NET Upgrade Assistant.

GitHub Copilot Analysis, Customized Rules, and more come to the Azure Migrate application and code assessment

Learn about the latest features in Azure Migrate Application and Code Assessment to help you move your .NET applications from on-premises to Azure.

Migrating from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core with Project Migrations Part 5

In this post we discuss updates to the Project Migrations tool for incrementally migrating ASP.NET apps to ASP.NET Core.

Incremental ASP.NET Migration Tooling Preview 2

Introducing preview 2 of incremental ASP.NET migration tooling, including support for shared authentication.

Upgrading a WCF service to .NET 6 with CoreWCF

Let's take a look at how to upgrade a sample WCF service to .NET 6 using CoreWCF.

Migrating RealProxy Usage to DispatchProxy

The RealProxy type is not available in .NET Core or .NET 5, but other replacement types have been added. This post looks at how DispatchProxy and Castle.Core's DynamicProxy enable AOP paradigms in .NET 5.

WSFederationHttpBinding in .NET Standard

The new `System.ServiceModel.Federation` package adds support for `WSFederationHttpBinding` and `WS2007FederationHttpBinding` which enable WS-Federation authentication scenarios. In this post, I'll show you you the basics of getting started with these client-side bindings in your .NET Core applications and .NET Standard libraries.

Migrating a Sample WPF App to .NET Core 3 (Part 2)

In part 1 of this blog series, I began the process of porting a sample WPF app to .NET Core. In that post, I described the .NET Core migration process as having four steps: (image) We previously went through the first two steps - reviewing the app and its dependencies (including NuGet dependencies and a .NET Portability Analyzer report), ...

Migrating a Sample WPF App to .NET Core 3 (Part 1)

Olia recently wrote a post about how to port a WinForms app from .NET Framework to .NET Core. Today, I'd like to follow that up by walking through the steps to migrate a sample WPF app to .NET Core 3. Many of these steps will be familiar from Olia's post, but I've tried to differentiate this one by including some additional common dependencies...

Migrating Delegate.BeginInvoke Calls for .NET Core

I recently worked with a couple customers migrating applications to .NET Core that had to make code changes to workaround and methods on delegates not being supported on .NET Core. In this post, we'll look at why these APIs aren't implemented for .NET Core, why their usage isn't caught by the .NET API Portability Analyzer, and how to fix ...