C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

Pure Virtual C++ 2024 Recordings Now Available

All recordings for our Pure Virtual C++ 2024 conference are now available. Thanks to everyone who came along and hope to see you again next year! You can find the full playlist on YouTube. Main Sessions Automated Test of Shader Code - Keith Stockdale Message Handling with Boolean Implication - Ben Deane I Embedded a Programming ...

Pure Virtual C++ 2024 is Tomorrow

(image) Pure Virtual C++ is our free one-day virtual conference for the whole C++ community. This year it will run on April 30th 15:00 UTC. Sign-up for free to get access to our five sessions on the day. The sessions are: We've added a host of new pre-conference content which you can check out in the meantime...

Pure Virtual C++ 2024 Sessions Announced

(image) Pure Virtual C++ is our free one-day virtual conference for the whole C++ community. This year it will run on April 30th 15:00 UTC. Sign-up for free to get access to our five sessions on the day and a host of pre-conference content. Here is the list of sessions...

Sign Up for the free Pure Virtual C++ 2024 Conference

(image) Every year we run Pure Virtual C++: a free one-day virtual conference for the whole C++ community. Next month we’re doing it again! Sign-up for free to get access to our five live sessions and a host of pre-conference content. The live event will start at April 30th 15:00 UTC. Videos will be available to stream for free on ...

AddressSanitizer continue_on_error

Visual Studio 17.6 comes with new functionality in the Address Sanitizer runtime which provides a new “checked build” for C and C++. This new runtime mode diagnoses and reports hidden memory safety errors, with zero false positives, as your app runs. Introduction C++ memory safety errors are a top concern for the industry. In Visual ...

Pure Virtual C++ Videos Available

All of the videos from our Pure Virtual C++ conference are now available! You can find them all on YouTube. Overall we had 18 videos on a wide variety of C++ topics, from Rust/C++ interoperability, to value semantics, to improving compiler errors. Here are the videos for our five live sessions which ran on the day of the conference...