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Keep Coding

Material Minimal (Material Design on steroids), MDB (The world's most popular Bootstrap UI Kit for responsive, mobile-first projects), TW Elements (TailwindCSS Library with 500+ UI components).

Warsaw Joined on
Five Year Club
Writing Debut
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
16 Week Writing Streak
Two Year Club
8 Week Writing Streak
4 Week Writing Streak
One Year Club
Bootstrap Tutorials: Navbar

Bootstrap Tutorials: Navbar

9 min read

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TailwindCSS Text. Free UI/UX design course

TailwindCSS Text. Free UI/UX design course

3 min read
Bootstrap Tutorials: Create a Landing Page

Bootstrap Tutorials: Create a Landing Page

2 min read
TailwindCSS Flexbox. Free UI/UX design course

TailwindCSS Flexbox. Free UI/UX design course

4 min read
Bootstrap Tutorials: Grid system

Bootstrap Tutorials: Grid system

6 min read
TailwindCSS Arbitrary values. Free UI/UX design course

TailwindCSS Arbitrary values. Free UI/UX design course

2 min read
Bootstrap Tutorials: Containers

Bootstrap Tutorials: Containers

3 min read
TailwindCSS Fullscreen background image. Free UI/UX design course

TailwindCSS Fullscreen background image. Free UI/UX design course

4 min read
TailwindCSS Dark Mode. Free UI/UX design course

TailwindCSS Dark Mode. Free UI/UX design course

2 min read
TW Elements - TailwindCSS Focus, active & other states. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - TailwindCSS Focus, active & other states. Free UI/UX design course

3 min read
TW Elements - TailwindCSS Hover state. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - TailwindCSS Hover state. Free UI/UX design course

3 min read
TW Elements - TailwindCSS Navbar Icons & Logo. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - TailwindCSS Navbar Icons & Logo. Free UI/UX design course

17 min read
TW Elements - TailwindCSS Icons. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - TailwindCSS Icons. Free UI/UX design course

7 min read
TW Elements - TailwindCSS Colors. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - TailwindCSS Colors. Free UI/UX design course

4 min read
MDB v. 7.3.1. released!

MDB v. 7.3.1. released!

1 min read
TW Elements - TailwindCSS IntelliSense. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - TailwindCSS IntelliSense. Free UI/UX design course

4 min read
TW Elements - TailwindCSS IntelliSense. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - TailwindCSS IntelliSense. Free UI/UX design course

2 min read
TW Elements - Containers. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Containers. Free UI/UX design course

10 min read
MDB Angular Version 6.1.0 released!

MDB Angular Version 6.1.0 released!

1 min read
MDB Standard (Plain JS)Version 7.3.0 released!

MDB Standard (Plain JS)Version 7.3.0 released!

1 min read
TW Elements - JavaScript. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - JavaScript. Free UI/UX design course

3 min read
TW Elements - Navbar. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Navbar. Free UI/UX design course

8 min read
TW Elements - Pricing Cards. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Pricing Cards. Free UI/UX design course

9 min read
TW Elements - Cards. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Cards. Free UI/UX design course

4 min read
TW Elements - Shadows. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Shadows. Free UI/UX design course

2 min read
TW Elements - Lists. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Lists. Free UI/UX design course

8 min read
TW Elements - Rounded corners / border radius. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Rounded corners / border radius. Free UI/UX design course

2 min read
TW Elements - Rounded corners / border radius. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Rounded corners / border radius. Free UI/UX design course

2 min read
TW Elements - Carousel. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Carousel. Free UI/UX design course

12 min read
TW Elements - Ripple effect. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Ripple effect. Free UI/UX design course

6 min read
🚨MDB5 VUE v. 5.0.0 Released!🚨

🚨MDB5 VUE v. 5.0.0 Released!🚨

2 min read
TW Elements - Buttons! Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Buttons! Free UI/UX design course

15 min read
TW Elements - Utility-first approach. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Utility-first approach. Free UI/UX design course

3 min read
🚨MDB5 React Version 8.0.0 Released!

🚨MDB5 React Version 8.0.0 Released!

1 min read
Data Den - The ultimate customizable Data Grid

Data Den - The ultimate customizable Data Grid

4 min read
TW Elements - HSLA colors. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - HSLA colors. Free UI/UX design course

2 min read
AI News Weekly by Keep Coding #3

AI News Weekly by Keep Coding #3

3 min read
TW Elements - Masks. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Masks. Free UI/UX design course

3 min read
What is the real effect of GitHub Copilot on developer efficiency?

What is the real effect of GitHub Copilot on developer efficiency?

1 min read
TW Elements - Spacing. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Spacing. Free UI/UX design course

2 min read
Brandolini's Law aka the Bullshit Asymmetry Principle.

Brandolini's Law aka the Bullshit Asymmetry Principle.

1 min read
AI News Weekly by Keep Coding #2

AI News Weekly by Keep Coding #2

3 min read
Simpson's Paradox

Simpson's Paradox

1 min read
AI News Weekly by Keep Coding #1

AI News Weekly by Keep Coding #1

3 min read
(GPT4 with RAG vs Claude 2.1 vs Gemini Pro) vs laser lawnmower.

(GPT4 with RAG vs Claude 2.1 vs Gemini Pro) vs laser lawnmower.

2 min read
🚨Material Design for Bootstrap Version 7.2.0, released!🚨

🚨Material Design for Bootstrap Version 7.2.0, released!🚨

1 min read
Parkinson’s Law. Tasks tend to stretch to occupy the available time allotted to them.

Parkinson’s Law. Tasks tend to stretch to occupy the available time allotted to them.

1 min read
Hofstadter's Law. Projects inevitably overrun their timelines and budgets.

Hofstadter's Law. Projects inevitably overrun their timelines and budgets.

2 min read
Keep Coding - Projects, Products & Services

Keep Coding - Projects, Products & Services

2 min read
🚨TW Elements 2.0.0 released❕

🚨TW Elements 2.0.0 released❕

3 min read
TW Elements - Text. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Text. Free UI/UX design course

3 min read
DataDen Comin Soon: Tailor Your Data, Your Way

DataDen Comin Soon: Tailor Your Data, Your Way

2 min read
TW Elements - Flexbox. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Flexbox. Free UI/UX design course

4 min read
TW Elements - Arbitrary values. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Arbitrary values. Free UI/UX design course

2 min read
TW Elements - Fullscreen background image. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Fullscreen background image. Free UI/UX design course

4 min read
TW Elements - Dark Mode. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Dark Mode. Free UI/UX design course

2 min read
TW Elements - Focus, active and other states. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Focus, active and other states. Free UI/UX design course

4 min read
TW Elements - Hover state. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Hover state. Free UI/UX design course

3 min read
TW Elements - Navbar icons and logo. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Navbar icons and logo. Free UI/UX design course

17 min read
TW Elements - Icons. Free UI/UX design course

TW Elements - Icons. Free UI/UX design course

7 min read