Personal History Journal Prompts

Over 14 days, delve into the stories, memories, and moments that have shaped you. From your earliest memories to pivotal life events, this challenge invites you to reflect on your past and explore the experiences that have contributed to who you are today.

1. What are my earliest childhood memories?

2. What was my childhood home and neighborhood like?

3. What was my favorite subject in school and why?

4. Who was my favorite teacher? How did they impact my life?

5. What was my first job? What did it teach me?

6. What key events have shaped my life?

7. What was an impactful relationship in my life (be it friendship, romantic, or professional)?

8. What am I known for among my friends and family?

9. What was a pivotal moment in history that I lived through?

10. What achievements am I most proud of?

11. What is a hobby or interest that I have maintained over the years?

12. How have experiences of loss shaped me?

13. How have I overcome adversity in my life?

14. Looking back, what decision am I most proud of making?

Journal from here, there, everywhere.

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