Web App FAQ

What is the Day One on the web?

The Day One web app is a new way to use your Day One journal inside your favorite browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge). You just need access to the internet to log in to the web app.

How do I get started with Day One on the web?

In the Getting Started with Day One on the Web Help Guide, we cover the basics of getting started, including logging in, adding your encryption key, syncing/downloading your journal entries, composing a new journal entry, and more.

Does Day One on the web have the same features and functionality as the app for iOS, Android, and Mac?

We have tried to deliver as much of the core functionality as possible for v1 of the web app (like reading, browsing, writing, and editing your journal entries). Not all features and functionality are available on the web app yet, such as audio transcription, template creation, entry duration, and a calendar view of entries, but more features will come with time.

How secure is Day One on the web?

The Day One web app supports end-to-end encryption for all your journals and journal entries. However, to set up encryption for your account, you currently need to use the Day One mobile app or Mac app. Once encryption is set up on the mobile or Mac app, it will also apply to your journals and journal entries in the web app.

While end-to-end encryption is enabled for all new journals created after version 4.2, please double-check if all of your journals have end-to-end encryption enabled before downloading your entries on Day One on the web.

Like most web apps, the Day One web app stores your personal data and journal content in the browser. If you are concerned about leaving your data in the browser’s storage, consider using the Day One web app in the “Incognito” or Private mode. Closing the Incognito/Private tab with the Day One web app will remove the data from your browser.

Keep in mind that some browsers and browser extensions can compromise security in several ways. Chrome extensions could read anything you view on the web (although most don’t). For users who are extra concerned about security, we recommend using the Day One web app in “incognito mode” which often disables all extensions unless you explicitly enable them. 

In addition, please be cautious when installing browser extensions and only install those from reputable sources that are well-reviewed by other users. Also, it’s important to keep your browser and all extensions updated to the latest version to mitigate potential security vulnerabilities.

Browser extension security is especially relevant if you are using a shared or public computer.
If using a shared computer, we always recommend using a private browsing session, In addition, please remember to log out on shared/public computer after each session. This will remove all Day One web app data from the computer.

Are my journals still encrypted? Where do I find my encryption key?

Yes, the Day One web app supports end-to-end encryption for all your journals and journal entries. (Just note that, currently, the mobile Day One app or Mac app is required to set up encryption for a user.) 

To find your encryption key, please open the Day One app on your Apple or Android device. Verify the encryption key is present in Settings > Sync. Make sure your encryption key is backed up using one of the available methods or stored in a trusted password manager, then copy the key from the app and paste it to the web app (Note that we don’t yet support a QR code reader). At the moment, the mobile Day One app is required to set up encryption for a user.)

Does using Day One on the web count against my device limit?

For a limited time, the Day One web app won’t count against your device limit. In the future, syncing between the web app and mobile apps will be a Premium feature.

Is Day One on the web free for anyone to use?

Yes! We’re celebrating the launch with free syncing between web and native apps for all users regardless of subscription status. In the future, however, syncing between the web and other devices will be a Premium feature.

Are there any known issues with Day One on the web?

We’re already aware of a few bugs and feature requests, so to save you some time, we’ve put together this doc of known issues for the Day one web app.

Do I need an account to use Day One on the web?

Yes, you will need an account to login to the Day One web app. If you’re new to Day One (or you don’t have Day One installed on any other devices), you can create an account and start journaling with just the web app. Just note that we don’t yet have the ability to create an end-to-end encryption key from the web app, so you’ll need to have the Day One app installed on your iOS or Android device to generate a key. 

If you have Day One installed on your iPhone, Android, or Mac, it’s a great idea to confirm that you have an account linked to the Day One app on your mobile device. You can do so by visiting the Settings page inside the app. Here’s more on creating a Day One account and Day One account management.

How can I log out from the Day One on the Web?

You can log out from Day One on the Web via the Log Out button at Settings > Account. Make sure there are no sync errors before doing so, or make a local copy of any changes if you see sync errors before logging out.

Can I search entries on the Web?

Yes, search is available on the Web. Just note that since journals are downloaded selectively, it will only search through entries in Journals that have been synced.

How do I report problems?

When you run into a problem, please report it to us using the “Report a problem” link in the top left corner of the main sidebar.  But before you do that, it might be a good idea to read the list of our caveats and known issues linked here.

Can I adjust the margins or other design elements of the web app?

The way the web app looks in your browser can’t be modified. The margins around your text will stay as designed. We don’t have compact or expanded views available

Journal from here, there, everywhere.

Download the Day One journal app for free on iPhone, Android, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.

Journal from here there and everywhere mobile devices image.
Android screenshot