Research Archive

May 19, 2024 / Ben Bajarin and Max Weinbach

REPORT: The NPU – The Newest Chip on the Block

The New Chip on the Block The Neural Processing Unit (NPU) has evolved significantly since the introduction of deep learning models like AlexNet in 2012. NPUs are specialized hardware accelerators designed to efficiently process neural network operations, such as the numerous multiplies and accumulations required for deep learning models. These units offer optimized control and…

June 13, 2023 / Max Weinbach

Why users are switching from Windows PC to Mac

Apple’s Mac sales are at all time highs with pretty major growth, while there may be some post-pandemic correction in play for the whole PC market, the overall trajectory of Mac sales is looking great. Apple is doing something right with the Mac to convince PC users to switch from Windows PC to Mac. Based…

January 19, 2023 / Ben Bajarin

Macs In the Enterprise: A Cisco Case Study

Last fall, I wrote about the growth potential for Apple’s Macs in the enterprise. I mentioned some research Cisco shared about their Mac choice program and the benefits they have seen as an organization by offering Mac as a choice and supporting Macs on equal footing as Windows. Cisco’s stated goal with the Mac@Cisco program…

January 18, 2022 / Olivier Blanchard

Could Intel, Nvidia and Qualcomm’s Radically Different Automotive Strategies Create Opportunities for OEMs But Pain Points For Consumers?

I recently wrote about the automotive sector being the new competitive battleground for semiconductor companies, and announcements from three key chipmakers – Intel, Nvidia and Qualcomm – at CES earlier this month highlighted the extent to which that competition is heating up across four specific vectors: the electrification of vehicles (EVs), autonomous driving and semi-autonomous…

January 7, 2022 / Ben Bajarin

CES 2022 Key Trends Setting the Stage for 2022 and Beyond

CES 2022 has come to a close, and while many of us participated virtually, there was still a lot of news to take in. Like past years, there were some main themes that dominated the flow of announcements as all the major tech players set their sights on growing their business by expanding their offerings…

January 7, 2022 / Ben Bajarin

Semiconductor Trends From CES

This year at CES, many of the dominant semiconductor companies, including four in my Silicon Big 5 list, showcased their latest solutions for 2022. When it came to core computing devices, both AMD and Intel showcased their latest chips for notebooks and desktops. But, what I found most fascinating from both these companies was a…

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