Make WordPress Core



22:18 Ticket #57230 (Small typo in options.php) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 54926: […]
22:18 Changeset [54926] by audrasjb
Options, Meta APIs: Improve error messages in Options Management …
22:08 Ticket #57199 (Bundled themes: Remove title attributes) closed by audrasjb
fixed: Thanks @sabernhardt for taking care of all these changes. PR fully …
22:06 Changeset [54925] by audrasjb
Twenty Twenty: Remove unwanted title attributes. This changeset …
22:04 Changeset [54924] by audrasjb
Twenty Twelve: Remove unwanted title attributes. This changeset …
21:54 Changeset [54923] by audrasjb
Twenty Thirteen: Remove unwanted title attributes. This changeset …
21:51 Changeset [54922] by audrasjb
Twenty Ten: Remove unwanted title attributes. This changeset …
21:40 Ticket #57248 (Adding a disable_functions test for set_time_limit function.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report. This was …
20:11 Ticket #57148 (Improve PHPCS caching) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 54921: […]
20:11 Changeset [54921] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Improve caching for PHPCS. This improves the speed …
18:27 Ticket #57248 (Adding a disable_functions test for set_time_limit function.) created by zeleny
There is a lots of shared hosting servers, which one has disabled …
18:26 Ticket #57247 (shield security plugin) closed by Ipstenu
invalid: > Shield security plugin advertised as supported by …
18:22 Ticket #57247 (shield security plugin) created by g2arret
Shield security plugin advertised as supported by is …
15:41 Changeset [54920] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Remove a one-time $loading variable in …
15:38 Ticket #57244 (Prehistoric Media library) closed by audrasjb
invalid: Hello and welcome to WordPress Core Trac @oliviersarniguet888, and …
15:37 Ticket #57240 (Smart Slider 3 Dashboard Crashed) closed by Otto42
15:12 Ticket #57246 (Duotone SVG function does not check for CSS variable color format) created by mattf10
The function wp_get_duotone_filter_svg and/or …
13:35 Ticket #57245 (Twenty Twenty-Three: Aubergine has wrong gradient values) created by wildworks
The Aubergine theme has invalid gradient values in the json definition …
13:11 Ticket #57244 (Prehistoric Media library) created by oliviersarniguet888
12:54 Ticket #57243 (Remove superfluous HTML span tags from created by TobiasBg
Core's file is written in Markdown, and while that allows …
12:27 Ticket #57242 (Remove redundant dot in sanitize_file_name function) created by ArtZ91
Some web-servers returns Forbidden error if filename contains …
10:13 Ticket #57241 (PHP 8.x and PHPMailer error) created by CyberCr33p
When mail() function is disabled, during a new WordPress 6.1.1 …
08:27 Ticket #57240 (Smart Slider 3 Dashboard Crashed) created by rossty
Can somebody help me about this user interface crashed dashboard of …
07:22 Ticket #57239 (Notice undefined array keys width and height when using full svg image) created by joeyjanson
If you add media like an svg and use it with the "full size" option …
00:07 Ticket #57238 (Criteria for Responsive Images of WebP: Preserve Alpha + Preserve ...) created by abitofmind
On WordPress 6.1.1 I uploaded different WebPs (lossless/lossy + …


22:52 Ticket #57222 (Improve Supported Versions table accessibility in ``) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 54919: […]
22:52 Changeset [54919] by peterwilsoncc
Security: Improve accessibility of security policy. Replace emoji …
22:31 Ticket #57217 (Remove WordPress 3.7 - 4.0 as supported versions of WordPress in ...) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 54918: […]
22:31 Changeset [54918] by peterwilsoncc
Security: Update supported WordPress versions in security policy. …
21:22 Ticket #57237 (file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. ...) created by davidki
Hello, After updating wordpress to version 6.1.1 I see this php …
21:20 Ticket #57236 (Add $wp_filters to WP_UnitTestCase_Base::_backup_hooks() and ...) created by SergeyBiryukov
Background: #28535, #35357. * [29251] / #28535 introduced saving the …
20:37 Ticket #55549 (I can't open any article with Gutenberg with this editor) closed by marybaum
20:36 Ticket #52501 (Bad date format in data picker, depends on time format settings) reopened by webcommsat
20:35 Ticket #52501 (Bad date format in data picker, depends on time format settings) closed by webcommsat
invalid: No feedback as yet from polyglots. To be rehighlighted in #polyglots …
18:30 Changeset [54917] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix a non-snake_case function name in WP_Block
17:34 Changeset [54916] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Remove redundant semicolon after …
17:18 Ticket #49184 (WordPress Admin Add Media upload when filename size is bigger than ...) closed by antpb
invalid: Going to close this as there has not been any feedback in a …
17:14 Ticket #48321 (Hotswapping featured image with gallery images) closed by antpb
wontfix: Since there has been no action in this ticket and it was agreed in the …
17:10 Ticket #49125 (Cannot upload videos in the newest version of wordpress) closed by antpb
worksforme: This ticket has not seen any activity in a few years and the action of …
16:52 Ticket #48149 (Suggestion: Optional parameter to remove width and height attribute ...) closed by antpb
wontfix: Considering the long history of discussion on this change and the …
16:33 Changeset [54915] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix indentation of multi-line chained method call in …
14:21 Ticket #28365 (wp multisite, changed root blog has issues) closed by JeffPaul
wontfix: I concur with @jeremyfelt, wontfix seems like the most optimal route …
14:18 Ticket #43335 (Consistency for error reporting when theme is broken or not working) closed by JeffPaul
wontfix: I concur with @SergeyBiryukov here, closing this as wontfix.
14:05 Changeset [54914] by Bernhard Reiter
Build/Test Tools: Stylistic changes to Gutenberg e2e test. Make some …
13:16 Ticket #57197 (Add some basic test coverage for the Gutenberg plugin) closed by Bernhard Reiter
fixed: In 54913: […]
13:16 Changeset [54913] by Bernhard Reiter
Build/Test Tools: Add basic e2e coverage for Gutenberg. Add some …
12:59 Ticket #57235 ('excerpt_remove_blocks' removes list blocks) created by wildworks
As reported here:
12:14 Ticket #57234 (oembed_cache created in post affects the post_author on export) created by wecanwang
To fix ticket #34115 we've introduced a custom type oembed_cache in …
08:08 Ticket #57233 (Send password reset action link not working on multisite) created by christopherplus
In a multisite installation while the quick action link "Send password …
07:48 Ticket #57232 (Remove references to Flash player?) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #52576.
07:25 Ticket #57232 (Remove references to Flash player?) created by NekoJonez
Since Flash player got an End of Life in late 2020 and is being …
07:20 Ticket #57231 (Missing ":" in strings with links.) created by NekoJonez
Personally, I think that strings with a link should have a ":". To …
07:14 Ticket #57230 (Small typo in options.php) created by NekoJonez
There is one sentence that doesn't work in wp-admin/options.php on …
07:02 Ticket #57229 (Improve wording on updates page about auto-updates) created by NekoJonez
Currently, on the updates page of WordPress... We have a string that …
02:52 Ticket #57228 (Removed scheduled action runs from branches 3.7 - 4.0) created by peterwilsoncc
The final releases of WordPress 3.7 thru 4.0 have now been completed. …
00:28 Changeset [54912] by peterwilsoncc
Tag 3.7.41
00:27 Changeset [54911] by peterwilsoncc
Tag 3.8.41
00:27 Changeset [54910] by peterwilsoncc
Tag 3.9.40
00:26 Changeset [54909] by peterwilsoncc
Tag 4.0.38
00:26 Ticket #57144 (Woocommerce products element isn't showing number of products.) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Core Trac! This likely is caused by the …
00:18 Changeset [54908] by peterwilsoncc
WordPress 3.7.41.
00:17 Changeset [54907] by peterwilsoncc
WordPress 3.8.41.
00:15 Changeset [54906] by peterwilsoncc
WordPress 3.9.40.
00:14 Changeset [54905] by peterwilsoncc
WordPress 4.0.38.
00:07 Ticket #57203 (The button block frontend side background hovers color does not work.) closed by ironprogrammer
reported-upstream: Thank you for the report, @upadalavipul! At present, colors set on a …


23:44 Ticket #57174 (space showing as as URL encoded character after searching for plugin) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 54904: […]
23:44 Changeset [54904] by audrasjb
Plugins: Correctly display spaces in installed plugins search results. …
22:24 Ticket #54308 (Customizer: Can't crop header images) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Thanks everyone! Nitpick: version 0.9.10-wp2 looked a bit confusing …
22:12 Tickets #54308,​55377 batch updated by azaozz
fixed: In 54903: […]
22:12 Changeset [54903] by azaozz
Media: Fix the initialization of imgAreaSelect when cropping a …
22:10 Changeset [54902] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Seventeen: Fix comment indentation in …
22:05 Changeset [54901] by peterwilsoncc
Security: Replace update nag to indicate end of support. Replace …
22:03 Changeset [54900] by peterwilsoncc
Security: Replace update nag to indicate end of support. Replace …
22:01 Changeset [54899] by peterwilsoncc
Security: Replace update nag to indicate end of support. Replace …
22:00 Ticket #56786 (Replace branches 3.7 - 4.0 update notices) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 54898: […]
22:00 Changeset [54898] by peterwilsoncc
Security: Replace update nag to indicate end of support. Replace …
21:31 Ticket #56646 (Improve <br> tag closing way) closed by audrasjb
fixed: Fixed with [54897].
21:29 Ticket #57226 (Inconsistency in the use of text cases in the WordPress dashboard) reopened by audrasjb
Wrong commit assignment, sorry. Reopening.
21:28 Ticket #57226 (Inconsistency in the use of text cases in the WordPress dashboard) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 54897: […]
21:28 Changeset [54897] by audrasjb
Coding Standards: Use consistent markup for line break tags on …
21:11 Changeset [54896] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix spacing for incrementors and decrementors in …
20:58 Changeset [54895] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Always use strict type check for in_array(). This …
20:27 Ticket #57163 (_prime_post_caches() doesn't account for primed posts without primed ...) reopened by ocean90
20:27 Ticket #57163 (_prime_post_caches() doesn't account for primed posts without primed ...) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 54894: […]
20:27 Changeset [54894] by ocean90
Query: Account for primed post caches without primed post meta/term …
20:25 Changeset [54893] by ocean90
Revert [54892] from the 6.1 branch. This will be added again once …
20:19 Ticket #57227 (_prime_(comment|term|site)_caches() don't account for primed objects ...) created by ocean90
This is similar to #57163 where _prime_post_caches() was fixed. …
20:11 Ticket #57163 (_prime_post_caches() doesn't account for primed posts without primed ...) reopened by ocean90
Re-opening for backport to 6.1
20:09 Ticket #57163 (_prime_post_caches() doesn't account for primed posts without primed ...) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 54892: […]
20:09 Changeset [54892] by ocean90
Query: Account for primed post caches without primed post meta/term …
19:50 Ticket #57153 (Have a Publish & Close With Publish and Update & Close With Update for ...) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: Thanks for opening the issue!
19:34 Ticket #57196 (error message) closed by ironprogrammer
invalid: Welcome to WordPress Trac, @lenitees! I'm sorry you're having issues …
18:53 Ticket #57226 (Inconsistency in the use of text cases in the WordPress dashboard) created by aravindajith
There seems to be a serious inconsistency in following the use of a …
16:55 Ticket #57185 (Usage of a direct database call is discouraged) closed by ironprogrammer
invalid: Hi, @pnnande, welcome to WordPress Trac! I'm sorry you're having …
15:49 Changeset [54891] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Always use parentheses when instantiating an object. …
12:40 Changeset [54890] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Add visibility to properties in …
12:32 Changeset [54889] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Add visibility to methods in tests/phpunit/tests/. …
10:31 Ticket #57098 (Twenty Twenty-Three: Vertical line in Quote block not showing in ...) closed by haritpanchal
08:27 Ticket #57225 (Comment on website that has not been apporved.) closed by knutsp
invalid: Hello @languagecoach and welcome to WP Core Trac. Akismet is not …
07:38 Ticket #57225 (Comment on website that has not been apporved.) created by languagecoach
Hello there; I spotted a comment on my site that I did not approve. it …


23:59 Ticket #57202 (Why do we load the default widget classes for all sites?) closed by pbearne
duplicate: Duplicate of #55595. dup of …
23:42 Ticket #57224 (tests for wp_widgets_add_menu()) created by pbearne
23:03 Ticket #57223 (Comments Controller : Should max/total be pre- or post- filtering? It ...) created by Starbuck
Ref get_items for the REST Comments Controller: …
21:46 Ticket #57222 (Improve Supported Versions table accessibility in ``) created by audrasjb
In …
21:17 Ticket #57221 (Opportunity for optimization on invalid query to REST API Search Controller) created by Starbuck
Ref: …
21:17 Ticket #57220 (New plugin header for requiring network installation) created by petitphp
There is currently no way for developers to mark a plugin as “only …
19:42 Ticket #57207 (Consider adding the Unicode regex flag in wp_check_comment_disallowed_list) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 54888: […]
19:42 Changeset [54888] by SergeyBiryukov
Comments: Make moderated or disallowed key check case-insensitive for …
15:11 Ticket #57175 (Twenty Twenty-Three: In "Blog (alternative)" template, make post ...) closed by Bernhard Reiter
fixed: In 54887: […]
15:11 Changeset [54887] by Bernhard Reiter
Twenty Twenty-Three: In page template, make post titles links. In the …
11:21 Ticket #57219 (Additional CSS not visible in editor on List block) created by ivojerkovic
List block doesn't have Additional CSS classes loaded in the Gutenberg …
02:33 Ticket #57218 (undefined function trailingslashit() when .maintenance present - ...) created by grl570810
This is the first core bug I've ever reported so apologies if I don't …
02:18 Ticket #57217 (Remove WordPress 3.7 - 4.0 as supported versions of WordPress in ...) created by peterwilsoncc
The file currently includes 3.7 and upwards as receiving …
02:11 Ticket #57216 (Add new strings to about.php for use with end-of-life updates.) created by peterwilsoncc
When releasing the final version of WordPress on a particular branch, …
01:40 Ticket #57215 (No color option for selected text within a Paragraph block) created by drusso1
My test account on ( uses …


14:00 Ticket #57214 (How to fix The Content Wider than Screen Error) closed by knutsp
invalid: Hello, @olastech and welcome to Core Trac! This is tool for WordPress …
12:41 Ticket #57214 (How to fix The Content Wider than Screen Error) created by olastech
How to fix The Content Wider than Screen Text too small to read …
11:25 Ticket #57193 (White screen of death in theme editor when blank theme is activated.) closed by costdev
reported-upstream: Hi @lamarajan, theme.json is not mandatory for block themes. Per …
10:32 Ticket #56476 (Twenty Twenty-One: Comment missing at the end of HTML tag in author-bio.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 54886: […]
10:32 Changeset [54886] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Twenty-One: Add a comment for the closing h2 tag in author …
05:55 Ticket #57213 (Coding standards : Use Strict Comparison except Loose Comparison ...) created by rockonshajib
It's help for coding standardization when get the Integers data type …


22:41 Changeset [54885] by audrasjb
Twenty Nineteen: Remove useless title attributes. This changeset …
22:37 Changeset [54884] by audrasjb
Twenty Eleven: Remove useless title attributes. This changeset …
22:16 Ticket #57208 (Missing parameter comment) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 54883: […]
22:16 Changeset [54883] by audrasjb
Docs: Add missing parameter descriptions in …
22:01 Changeset [54882] by audrasjb
Twenty Ten: Fixes brace indentation in loop-attachment template. …
20:59 Ticket #57210 (Inconsistent function definition brace) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 54881: […]
20:59 Changeset [54881] by audrasjb
Coding Standards: Various brace indentation corrections. Props …
17:44 Ticket #57212 (Gutenberg list block treating each UL as separate block? Why?) created by wordmax
After WordPress core update 6.x we start seeing that Gutenberg block …
16:26 Changeset [54880] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Correct the deprecation version for …
16:23 Changeset [54879] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Correct the deprecation version for …
16:11 Changeset [54878] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Correct the deprecation version for …
15:37 Ticket #57211 (Split up `WP_Query::get_posts()`) created by costdev
[ …
11:04 Ticket #57210 (Inconsistent function definition brace) created by mukesh27
Related to #57209. This is inconsistent because the function's right …
09:37 Changeset [54877] by audrasjb
Docs: Improve various globals documentation, as per documentation …
09:10 Ticket #57209 (Inconsistent function definition brace) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 54876: […]
09:10 Changeset [54876] by audrasjb
Coding Standards: Fix brace indentation in …
08:33 Ticket #57209 (Inconsistent function definition brace) created by Alberuni Azad.
On line …
06:32 Ticket #57208 (Missing parameter comment) created by mahekkalola
Missing parameter comment for the below functions: file path:


18:54 Ticket #57207 (Consider adding the Unicode regex flag in wp_check_comment_disallowed_list) created by bonjour52
Hello, SHORT VERSION: Consider adding the Unicode regex flag ("u") …
15:10 Ticket #57206 (Incorrect doc type for `_WP_Dependency::$src`) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 54875: […]
15:10 Changeset [54875] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct the type for _WP_Dependency::$src property. The …
14:47 Ticket #57137 (Upgrade to 6.1.1: Error in pluggable.php (function wp_rand)) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Thanks for the follow-up! Closing, as this turned out to be an issue …
10:07 Ticket #57206 (Incorrect doc type for `_WP_Dependency::$src`) created by swissspidy
When using wp_register_script with $src set to false, it means …
07:55 Ticket #57205 (PHP 8.1 warning : Implicit conversion from float 9.9 to int loses precision) created by roadlink
Hi, I use pressable as hosting and tehir php error log shows me these. …
07:49 Ticket #57204 (Twenty Sixteen: Quote block text color does not affect citation text) created by nidhidhandhukiya
Steps to reproduce the issue. 1. Activate Twenty sixteen theme. 2. …
06:18 Ticket #57203 (The button block frontend side background hovers color does not work.) created by upadalavipul
The button block frontend side background hovers color does not work. …
01:17 Ticket #57202 (Why do we load the default widget classes for all sites?) created by pbearne
Looking at wp_maybe_load_widgets(), we load all the default widget …
00:54 Ticket #57201 (unit tests for wp_maybe_load_widgets) created by pbearne


23:33 Ticket #57200 (WP_List_Table::pagination use singular and plural) created by RoscoHead
WP_List_Table::pagination() currently hardcodes the number of records …
22:50 Changeset [54874] by audrasjb
Docs: Various docblock fixes in Block Supports related functions. See …
22:34 Changeset [54873] by audrasjb
Docs: Use third-person singular verbs for Block Supports related …
22:09 Ticket #57074 (Remove extra slashes when concatenating ABSPATH with a path) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 54872: […]
22:09 Changeset [54872] by audrasjb
Coding Standards: Remove extra slashes when concatenating ABSPATH
17:55 Ticket #57199 (Bundled themes: Remove title attributes) created by sabernhardt
Related: #24766 and #24203 Searching bundled themes for title=
15:36 Ticket #57194 (Alignment issue for the "No Plugins Found" search results.) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 54871: […]
15:36 Changeset [54871] by audrasjb
Plugins: Improve "No plugin found" message alignement in Plugins …
15:04 Ticket #57198 (WP_Customize_Manager::has_published_pages() fails when queried page is ...) created by felipelavinz
The Homepage Settings section on the customizer uses …
14:42 Ticket #57197 (Add some basic test coverage for the Gutenberg plugin) created by Bernhard Reiter
During preparation for the 6.1 release, we saw an issue with …
14:16 Changeset [54870] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Use HOUR_IN_SECONDS where appropriate. This aims …
14:13 Ticket #57196 (error message) created by lenitees
i have the following error message in orders: woocommerce plugins …
12:07 Ticket #57195 (Twenty Eleven: Padding issue in Media & Text Block) created by kajalgohel
In Twenty Eleven Theme, when we add Media & Text Block block on the …
08:49 Ticket #57194 (Alignment issue for the "No Plugins Found" search results.) created by sruthi90
Found an alignment issue for plugin search results in the Plugins …
04:52 Ticket #57193 (White screen of death in theme editor when blank theme is activated.) created by lamarajan
I am trying to develop a theme for wordpress 6.1.1. When I create a …
01:01 Ticket #57192 (PHPUnit test for _mce_set_direction) created by pbearne
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.