Make WordPress Core



22:53 Ticket #26562 (Remove title attributes: class-wp-admin-bar.php) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 50801: […]
22:53 Changeset [50801] by joedolson
Toolbar: Remove title attribute on pending updates link. Remove the …
19:35 Ticket #53123 (Tests: review of assertTrue or assertFalse with in_array) created by hellofromTonya
While looking at the tests in the context of another ticket, @jrf and …
19:02 Ticket #53122 (Add dns-prefetch resource hint as fallback for Google Fonts preconnect) created by westonruter
In #37171 the use of the preconnect resource hint was added for core …
18:23 Ticket #44577 (After enabling revisions for post type, takes 2 additional revisions ...) closed by adamsilverstein
worksforme: Hi @megabyterose thanks for the report, This is actually expected …
17:29 Ticket #53121 (wp_get_image_mime() - something weird going on) created by jrf
Okay, eh... help... so this is a weird one to write up. In the …
17:05 Ticket #53120 (term_order-field not copied to wp_x_terms when switching to multisite) created by spithost
I changed a site to multi-site yesterday and ran into trouble creating …
15:58 Ticket #53119 (Tests: introduce naming conventions for data providers and use named ...) created by jrf
A number of tests use dataproviders - functions which return a …
15:32 Ticket #53118 (Tests: review of correctly setting output expectations) created by jrf
While looking at the tests in the context of another ticket, …
15:20 Ticket #42520 (A Dot at the end of message "WordPress successfully updated" is missing) closed by Hareesh Pillai
duplicate: Duplicate of #50714. This seems to have been fixed in [48589] on a …
14:39 Ticket #53117 (Post types which are not public, but which are show_in_rest and ...) created by benlk
I have a custom post type "tease" which is registered with the …
12:12 Ticket #53116 (Gutenberg plug-in autoupdate on 29 April 2021 caused my website to ...) created by threadnoodle
Gutenberg auto-updated yesterday and today my website wasn't …


20:31 Changeset [50800] by SergeyBiryukov
External Libraries: Upgrade PHPMailer to version 6.4.1. Release …
20:29 Ticket #53114 (Update PHPMailer to 6.4.1) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 50799: […]
20:29 Changeset [50799] by SergeyBiryukov
External Libraries: Upgrade PHPMailer to version 6.4.1. Release …
20:03 Ticket #53115 (Twenty Twenty: number inputs have too much padding) created by helgatheviking
The number input has so much padding that the browser's up/down …
19:57 Ticket #40775 (Remove number in placeholder in translation string) closed by Hareesh Pillai
duplicate: Duplicate of #41974. This seems to have been fixed in [41640] on a …
19:16 Ticket #39684 (Improve UI of Activate button in Add plugins page) closed by Hareesh Pillai
19:11 Ticket #45785 (Update Underscore to the latest version) closed by Hareesh Pillai
15:15 Ticket #53114 (Update PHPMailer to 6.4.1) created by ayeshrajans
PHPMailer 6.4.1 is released, and it is a security release. Diff: …
15:03 Ticket #53113 (class-walker-comment.php has call to remove_filter with incorrect ...) created by diddledani
Line 203: `remove_filter( 'comment_text', array( $this, …
12:14 Ticket #53112 (Twenty Nineteen - Pullquote block editor styling breaks with block ...) created by devnel
Steps to reproduce the behavior 1. Activate Twenty Nineteen 2. …
11:23 Ticket #53111 (Issue with centered images when using Gutenberg Plugin und theme ...) created by hage
On a development environment we have noticed after a message in the …
11:03 Ticket #53110 (Pass `$userdata` to the actions and filters in `wp_insert_user()`) created by johnbillion
There are several actions and filters inside wp_insert_user() which …
10:48 Ticket #27377 (profile_update action with old_user_data should include the ...) closed by johnbillion
worksforme: Confirmed. These fields aren't public properties on the WP_User
10:33 Ticket #39829 (Missing Filter before user is created within "wp_insert_user" function) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: The wp_pre_insert_user_data got added in [40980]. See #40545.
10:10 Changeset [50798] by gziolo
Editor: Fix typo in image default size setting Related change in …
09:01 Ticket #53109 (wp_insert_user should return a WP_Error when passing a too long ...) created by superpuperlesha
When I call the wp_insert_user function to which I pass too long …
01:18 Ticket #53108 (`get_theme_file_uri()` fails with query params) created by zulaica
get_theme_file_uri() fails to locate a file if it is supplied with …


21:51 Ticket #40632 (Fix undefined index notice in wp-includes/user.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
worksforme: Closing per comment:2, feel free to reopen if there's still an issue.
21:04 Ticket #53107 (HTTPS Detect & Migrate feature breaking existing HTTPS) created by nilltech
I have been working on an issue for 2 weeks, since my website …
20:53 Ticket #53059 (Coding Standards: Give some variables in WP_Widget_Pages a more ...) closed by davidbaumwald
fixed: In 50797: […]
20:53 Changeset [50797] by davidbaumwald
Coding Standards: Update $out in WP_Widget_Pages with a more …
19:05 Changeset [50796] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Correctly test grunt clean when built to run from …
19:00 Ticket #53106 (Clarification about theme coding standards) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report. Please …
18:53 Changeset [50795] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Fix a precision alignment issue in …
17:52 Ticket #41465 (Drag-and-drop image placement is confusing) closed by antpb
invalid: Reporter feedback says let's close! Thanks @mor10 !
17:39 Ticket #45860 (Error message when upload pdf file) closed by antpb
reported-upstream: This issue has been reported upstream and is being worked on in the …
17:07 Ticket #53106 (Clarification about theme coding standards) created by bbikot
While translating …
17:04 Ticket #40087 (Add ability to filter Imagemagick processing options) closed by antpb
invalid: Hello! In a recent Media bug scrub this issue was discussed and it was …
16:18 Ticket #45566 (Apache crash because of missing images from filesystem within media library) closed by antpb
wontfix: This ticket has been without a response for 2 years now with no other …
16:12 Ticket #45355 (PDF preview image is only in black and white) closed by antpb
invalid: Hey there @swb1192 ! Thank you for your report! I realize it's been 2 …
15:45 Ticket #53104 (No longer possible to disable password change emails) closed by johnbillion
invalid: I've responded to your support request on the forum thread. This is …
10:36 Ticket #52846 (Revisit the bundled block patterns) closed by youknowriad
fixed: In 50794: […]
10:36 Changeset [50794] by youknowriad
Block Editor: Update the bundled block patterns. This updates the …
09:20 Ticket #53105 (Twenty Twenty-one change default posts per page to 12) closed by tobifjellner
invalid: Yeah, my mistake. Closing :)
08:36 Ticket #53105 (Twenty Twenty-one change default posts per page to 12) created by tobifjellner
Currently, Twenty Twenty-one uses 10 posts per page on archive pages. …
07:25 Ticket #53090 (Admin color schemes don't work in RTL) reopened by tomjcafferkey
05:19 Ticket #53104 (No longer possible to disable password change emails) created by steveholland
As per: …


19:20 Ticket #53103 (php upgrade to 7.4) created by ozonetehcnologies
please could you help with php update? currently at 7.1.33 need to go …
18:48 Ticket #53102 (Incorrect documentation for delete_{$meta_type}_meta and ...) created by pputzer
The inline documentation for delete_{$meta_type}_meta and …
18:34 Ticket #53099 (PHP warnings due to wp_check_term_meta_support_prefilter callback) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 50793: […]
18:34 Changeset [50793] by SergeyBiryukov
REST API: Check the results of get_metadata() in …
18:28 Ticket #53101 (Update Requests library) created by jrf
The Requests library has released a new version: 1.8.0. A number of …
17:47 Ticket #53088 (Docs: Add @global current_user to the get_user_by docblock) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 50792: […]
17:47 Changeset [50792] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the usage of $current_user global in get_user_by(). …
16:17 Ticket #49461 (On hover theme of having long name, the name gets hidden with action ...) closed by estelaris
wontfix: The design team has reviewed the ticket and we don't see any issues …
15:17 Ticket #53100 (Unable to upload SVGs even if ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS set) created by desmith
I have several sites where wp-config.php includes the line […] I …
15:16 Ticket #53099 (PHP warnings due to wp_check_term_meta_support_prefilter callback) created by david.binda
Following PHP warnings might be triggered in case the callback to …
10:16 Ticket #53098 (Add all HTML spec attributes to wp kses) created by malthert
Currently wp kses is missing loads of HTML5 attributes, e.g. input …
09:44 Ticket #53097 (Registering scripts through block.json dosn't load translation files ...) created by walbo
When registering scripts with block.json and adding a textdomain
08:31 Ticket #53096 (Color Settings include alpha channel for transparency) created by fotisps
a good feature for Gutenberg could be to add the alpha channel for …
06:54 Ticket #53095 (WordPress generated (large) Sitemap returns 404 error) created by nicmare
Wordpress' sitemap generates a pagebreak after 2000 entries. The first …
00:41 Ticket #53094 (Twenty Twenty-One: Dark mode issue with cover block colors) created by kpdaa
Dear team, I had chosen cover block from block editor, selected …


23:44 Ticket #53093 (Network Admin Email) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report, we're …
23:17 Ticket #53093 (Network Admin Email) created by lars2923
I changed the Network Admin Email found under Setting. Here is a …
19:48 Ticket #53090 (Admin color schemes don't work in RTL) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @tomjcafferkey, Welcome to Trac! And thanks for this very detailed …
19:07 Ticket #52952 (Uncaught (in promise) Error) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: Hi @dsutoyo, Welcome to Trac! And thanks for this report! I've gone …
18:58 Ticket #52994 (Three issues that popped up with the latest WordPress update) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: Hi @unwantedlife, Welcome to Trac! I'm sorry you are having …
18:33 Ticket #51413 (ActivityPub native support: WordPress Federation) closed by desrosj
maybelater: Hi @rebelc0de, Welcome to Trac! This is an interesting idea, but …
17:40 Ticket #53086 (width and height attributes for block editor images) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @asafm7, Thanks for this ticket! I'm sorry you are having some …
17:31 Ticket #53092 (Extraneous "Users" appear in my list of users and I am unable to ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report. I'm sorry …
17:11 Ticket #52827 (Add dashicons to every label within Settings) closed by SergeyBiryukov
17:02 Ticket #53092 (Extraneous "Users" appear in my list of users and I am unable to ...) created by gossat2tubs
Extraneous "Users" appear in my list of users and I am unable to …
15:36 Ticket #29008 (Add additional variables to the_password_form filter) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 50791: […]
15:36 Changeset [50791] by SergeyBiryukov
Posts, Post Types: Pass the post object to the_password_form filter. …
15:27 Ticket #29008 (Add additional variables to the_password_form filter) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Related: #53091 It might be a good idea to pass the $post argument …
14:47 Ticket #53091 ([Twenty Twenty-One] Incorrect use of `the_password_form` filter argument) created by burhandodhy
the_password_form filter function has only one parameter $output
14:10 Ticket #53090 (Admin color schemes don't work in RTL) created by tomjcafferkey
Steps to replicate * Install [Page …
13:58 Ticket #53089 (multisite uploads not working on windows 10/xampp after change ...) created by er2es
If i modify the "blog_upload_space" at /wp-admin/network/settings.php, …
13:29 Ticket #52908 (Updated to 5.7 now stuck in "Unavailable for scheduled maintenance") closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @elmwoodslgv, Welcome to Trac! My aopologies that it took so long …
10:38 Ticket #33341 (WP_Meta_Query IN operator with empty array does not return expected result) reopened by patkemper
Well, it's have been several years now and this is still an issue. I …
04:40 Ticket #53088 (Docs: Add @global current_user to the get_user_by docblock) created by mukesh27
In the recent fix of ticket #28020 with changeset [50790] it used …
02:07 Ticket #53087 (ERRO NA ARÉA EDITAR POST) created by jooohn
encontrei um erro dentro da ferramenta wordpress, dentro da aba edição …
01:02 Ticket #28020 (get_userdata and wp_get_current_user do not share WP_User instance) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 50790: […]
01:02 Changeset [50790] by peterwilsoncc
Users: Share current user instance across functions. Share the …
00:58 Changeset [50789] by peterwilsoncc
Build/Tests tools: Improve get_bookmark() test coverage. Props …


19:46 Ticket #53086 (width and height attributes for block editor images) created by asafm7
Jetpack Image CDN automatically fetches resized images according to …
18:48 Ticket #53085 (Gutenberg editor and Chrome stopped working after 5.7) created by thaikolja
I have a problem with Gutenberg since upgrading to the version above …
13:19 Changeset [50788] by SergeyBiryukov
Plugins: When loading a plugin in a "sandbox" on activation, do it …
09:59 Ticket #53084 (wp_delete_attachment deletes file even if $force_delete is false) created by pubalacon
Around line 6085 in wp-includes/post.php line 6085: …


18:02 Ticket #31104 (Plugin activation includes plugin file in variable scope of activate_plugin) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 50787: […]
18:02 Changeset [50787] by SergeyBiryukov
Plugins: When loading a plugin in a "sandbox" on activation, do it in …
16:05 Ticket #53083 (Getting error on the top and checkout is getting issued.) closed by mukesh27
invalid: Hi and welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. I'm sorry to …
11:54 Ticket #53083 (Getting error on the top and checkout is getting issued.) created by hassan0609
Warning: fread() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in …
03:48 Ticket #53082 (when using quick edit on category the formatting is stripped from ...) created by Polinet
I have developed a site for a client that uses extensively edited …
01:51 Ticket #52956 (WP_REST_Request->get_params() doesn't correctly handle boolean false) closed by TimothyBlynJacobs
invalid: That sounds like a good idea to me. Our docs are hosted on Github: …


19:47 Ticket #39163 (Use REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT for timing) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 50786: […]
19:47 Changeset [50786] by jorbin
Bootstrap/Load: Add Function for reliable timing data Adds …
16:18 Ticket #53081 (Duplicate email entry) closed by jorbin
wontfix: @amireshoon Welcome to trac. While it's true that some email …
15:30 Ticket #53081 (Duplicate email entry) created by amireshoon
As we know email@… and e.mail@… is the same email, but …
15:20 Ticket #52957 (Categories dropdown overlapping on admin block-patterns area) closed by ryokuhi
reported-upstream: As a related issue was opened on Gutenberg's Repository, I'm closing …
14:49 Changeset [50785] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Use strict comparison in …
14:38 Ticket #53080 (Use the `concurrency` option in GitHub Actions workflows.) created by desrosj
GitHub has recently announced a new concurrency key for use at the …
09:34 Ticket #52972 (WordPress background report jQuery error) closed by jack960330
invalid: I reviewed my problem and although it was fixed by this method at the …
00:10 Ticket #53079 (Rest API Json Schema is invalid) created by bukowa
Hello i tried to validate JSON SCHEMA using online validators from …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.