Make WordPress Core



22:03 Ticket #45292 (wp_targeted_link_rel "corrupts" the customized changeset JSON when ...) created by nikeo
= The problem == It happen when trying to publish customizations that …
21:54 Ticket #45291 (Container Block) created by hawpmedia
Please add a contain block into core! I feel like this is so basic :( …
16:53 Ticket #45290 (The equivalent of `gutenberg_wpautop` from Gutenberg plugin is missing ...) created by nerrad
In gutenberg/lib/compat.php is the following code: […] The …
15:26 Ticket #45289 (wp.editor.initialize not working) created by otgschristian
WP 4.8 introduced some js methods to dynamically initialise / remove …
14:12 Ticket #45249 (Default meta boxes appear in block editor's options modal) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Reopening for trunk.
14:10 Tickets #45038,​45039,​45040,​45041,​45042,​45043,​45044,​45045 batch updated by SergeyBiryukov
Reopening for trunk.
14:00 Ticket #45235 (REST API: Setting _locale can cause fatal errors) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: Ah, I missed that #44758 is still open.
13:54 Ticket #45235 (REST API: Setting _locale can cause fatal errors) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Reopening for trunk.
11:53 Ticket #45288 (Block Editor: check style-editor-rtl.css in RTL languages) created by mostafa.s1990
Keep in mind that all our themes don't have the …
10:45 Ticket #45287 (Deprecate and remove i18n tools) created by ocean90
The internationalization tools (also known as makepot.php) were …
08:38 Ticket #45221 (Fix the TinyMCE init array in script-loader) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 43867: […]
08:38 Changeset [43867] by azaozz
TinyMCE: - Fix parsing of the init array in script-loader. - Do not …
08:15 Ticket #45286 (Update class-wp-editor.php) created by azaozz
We'll need to look through all of class-wp-editor.php, remove …
08:05 Ticket #45277 (Garbage collect transients) closed by dartiss
duplicate: Replying to SergeyBiryukov: > Sounds like a duplicate of …
07:06 Ticket #45285 (Custom Fields do not show up) created by websupporter
On a clean install, custom fields do not show up when I toggle it in …
06:35 Ticket #45254 ("Undefined index: host" in wp-includes/canonical.php on line 461) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi @jsmoriss, thanks for the report! We're already tracking this issue …
04:55 Ticket #45284 (Meta Boxes: Prevent the meta box form from being submitted when ...) created by pento
The meta box form is intended to be submitted when the post is saved, …
04:29 Ticket #45283 (Meta Boxes: Add an action for plugins to print hidden inputs in the ...) created by pento
Some plugins require extra hidden fields to be POSTed to the server …
02:46 Ticket #43508 (Skip symlinked theme file tests if the links could not be created) closed by pento
fixed: In 43866: […]
02:46 Changeset [43866] by pento
Tests: Skip symlinked theme file tests if the links could not be …
02:29 Ticket #45282 (Block Editor: Don't show the Custom Fields meta box option if the meta ...) created by pento
Some plugins remove the Custom Fields meta box, overriding whether the …
00:18 Changeset [43865] by pento
Post WordPress 5.0 Beta 3 version bump.
00:06 Changeset [43864] by pento
WordPress 5.0 Beta 3.


23:22 Ticket #45257 (Add custom fields support to the block editor) closed by pento
fixed: In 43863: […]
23:22 Changeset [43863] by pento
Meta Boxes: Add curly brackets missed in [43861]. This was causing …
17:16 Ticket #45281 (wp5.0-beta2: add custom field in editor even if not requested) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Hello @epointal, welcome to Trac! Thanks for your report! I have …
17:12 Ticket #45281 (wp5.0-beta2: add custom field in editor even if not requested) created by epointal
When register custom post type like: […] Custom field is added to …
17:09 Ticket #45257 (Add custom fields support to the block editor) reopened by ocean90
45257.2.patch fixes the issue mentioned in …
15:55 Ticket #45280 (Events and News dashboard widget: improve the color contrast) created by afercia
In the Events and News dashboard widget, all the gray text in the area …
14:29 Ticket #45279 (The order of the Gutenberg stylesheets affects the UI) created by afercia
Tested on WordPress /branches/5.0 with Twenty Seventeen. - create a …
10:34 Ticket #45278 (Validate transient name lengths) closed by dartiss
invalid: Yeah, you're right @swissspidy - my bad. I've not had enough coffee. …
10:16 Ticket #45278 (Validate transient name lengths) created by dartiss
I would like to re-open discussion on #15058. 3 years have passed and …
10:02 Ticket #45277 (Garbage collect transients) created by dartiss
5 years later, I would like to re-open the discussion about the fact …
07:52 Ticket #45276 (Upgrade PHPMailer to latest version) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Hello @vincenz17, welcome to WordPress Trac! We cannot update to 6.0 …
07:30 Ticket #45276 (Upgrade PHPMailer to latest version) created by vincenz17
Hello, I saw in the mail header, that the PHPMailer is included. The …
01:08 Ticket #45275 (Add a "use_block_editor_for_{post_type}" filter) created by pento
Per @westi's …
00:11 Ticket #45114 (Fire publishing related hooks after all data is saved via the REST API.) reopened by danielbachhuber


21:50 Ticket #45274 (Bundled Themes: Added Gutenberg support should include theme support ...) created by laurelfulford
All responsive default themes (Twenty Eleven up through Twenty …
19:29 Ticket #45273 (get_postmeta: Inconsistent behavior of the 'single'-argument) created by josk79
The phpdoc of the get_postmeta-function in meta.php mentions that …
17:29 Ticket #45272 (Use "homepage" instead of "home page") closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello @Presskopp, thanks for raising this issue. The linked file is …
17:21 Ticket #45272 (Use "homepage" instead of "home page") created by Presskopp
We usually use homepage, not home page …
14:13 Ticket #45269 (REST API: `rest_insert_attachment` and `rest_after_insert_attachment` ...) closed by danielbachhuber
fixed: In 43862: […]
14:13 Changeset [43862] by danielbachhuber
REST API: Prevent duplicate firing of …
13:02 Ticket #45271 (Can't enqueue WordPress 5.0 builtin reactjs) created by CantoThemes
Hello, I just tried to compatible my plugin with WordPress 5.0. …
10:36 Ticket #45268 (Warning: session_start() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given ...) closed by swissspidy
invalid: Hi there and welcome to WordPress Trac! We use this site to track …
08:28 Ticket #45270 (5.0 Upgrade – add an information message for Assistive Technologies users) created by audrasjb
See also this slack discussion in Make/Accessibility: …
07:56 Ticket #45257 (Add custom fields support to the block editor) closed by pento
fixed: In 43861: […]
07:56 Changeset [43861] by pento
Build Tools: Update the @wordpress packages. This brings support …
04:28 Ticket #45269 (REST API: `rest_insert_attachment` and `rest_after_insert_attachment` ...) created by peterwilsoncc
As \WP_REST_Attachments_Controller::update_item() calls …
02:45 Ticket #45268 (Warning: session_start() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given ...) created by swydell
I don't know how this happened. I believe it began when I was trying …


23:52 Changeset [43860] by allancole
Importing Twenty Nineteen, our new default theme for 2019, set for …
21:30 Ticket #45267 (REST API: get_the_excerpt() on empty post_excerpt causes request to fail) created by rogerlos
Very much the issue discussed here: …
20:15 Ticket #45261 (Change active tab design in editor) closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello @mukesh27, thanks for the ticket. /dist/components/style.css
15:30 Ticket #45266 (The document title of the "post new" screen should be Add New {Item}) closed by imath
wontfix: Oh ok i understand why ! As there's no page reload when a post is …
15:08 Ticket #45266 (The document title of the "post new" screen should be Add New {Item}) created by imath
When adding or editing a post now the Gutenberg's project editor was …
14:51 Ticket #45265 (REST API: register_rest_route should warn when used improperly.) created by kraftbj
According to the …
14:37 Ticket #45264 (Fix the TinyMCE `wordpress` plugin to handle toolbars in the classic block) created by azaozz
As the title. The wordpress plugin throws errors in the classic …
13:28 Ticket #45263 (The posts page is editable in the block editor) created by Chouby
WordPress used to remove the editor for the posts page thanks to: …
12:31 Ticket #45262 (Block Editor: Respect AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL value) created by aduth
WordPress specifies the duration after which an autosave should occur …
11:39 Ticket #45261 (Change active tab design in editor) created by mukesh27
Needs to change active tab design when tab status is open/active means …
11:02 Ticket #45260 (post_name collision in multiblog with sub pages) created by Daschmi
Wordpress Version: Version 4.9.8 Multiblog installation with several …
10:30 Ticket #45259 (Can't scroll down inside the editor (see screenshots)) created by omaro2266
Hello A picture is worth a thousand words... please check. It's been …
09:28 Ticket #45258 (Add the_theme_mod() For Displaying Theme Customizations) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Hello @Safaris in, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for your ticket. …
09:21 Ticket #45258 (Add the_theme_mod() For Displaying Theme Customizations) created by Safaris in
I figure, since a number of customizations are generally displayed, we …
03:35 Ticket #45257 (Add custom fields support to the block editor) created by noisysocks
The Custom Fields meta box was added to Gutenberg in …
02:19 Ticket #45256 (Undefined index: path in load_script_textdomain function) created by tmatsuur
I will report an error message when using the wp_set_scrianslations …


14:11 Ticket #45255 (WYSIWYG EDITOR - writing a word, marking it for href then continuing ...) created by panmannsam
Hello, Firstly, thank you for providing and patching WordPress, which …
13:52 Ticket #45103 (Automatically load JavaScript translations when scripts are enqueued ...) reopened by herregroen
13:51 Ticket #45103 (Automatically load JavaScript translations when scripts are enqueued ...) closed by herregroen
fixed: In 43859: […]
13:50 Changeset [43859] by herregroen
I18N: Improve JavaScript translation support. Improves upon [43825]
13:38 Ticket #45254 ("Undefined index: host" in wp-includes/canonical.php on line 461) created by jsmoriss
I get the following errors on occasion: […]
13:16 Ticket #45253 ("Unhandled promise rejection" in 5.0-RC2) created by jsmoriss
When saving a post, the save never completes, and I get the following …
12:20 Ticket #45252 (Reconsider the `context` argument in REST API calls) created by youknowriad
When creating an abstraction on top of the REST API, the line is often …
11:22 Ticket #45251 (Taxonomy `lang` not working in custom post with WP version 5.0 beta 2) created by shahalom
Just tried to work with WP version 5.0 beta 2 in one of my personal …
10:16 Ticket #45250 (Block editor scripts should be enqueued in an action hooked to ...) created by Chouby
An important feature that Polylang provides to the users is to prefill …
05:24 Ticket #45157 (Upgrading from 4.9.9 to 5.0-alpha-43815 with Gutenberg plugin ...) closed by pento
invalid: It seems like this was just a temporary issue, for folks who were …
05:19 Changeset [43858] by pento
Editor: Cast the result of the default_content, default_title, and …
05:06 Ticket #45248 (Setting _wpGutenbergCodeEditorSettings is unnecessary) closed by pento
fixed: In 43857: […]
05:06 Changeset [43857] by pento
Block Editor: Remove CodeMirror settings. CodeMirror is no longer …
04:32 Ticket #45249 (Default meta boxes appear in block editor's options modal) closed by pento
fixed: In 43856: […]
04:32 Changeset [43856] by pento
Block Editor: Don't show back compat or incompatible meta boxes in …
03:26 Ticket #45249 (Default meta boxes appear in block editor's options modal) created by noisysocks
Reported by @ocean90 in …
02:34 Changeset [43855] by pento
Posts: Remove the slug from Quick Edit for posts that are not …
02:24 Ticket #45247 ('Export as JSON' link missing from reusable blocks) closed by pento
fixed: In 43854: […]
02:24 Changeset [43854] by pento
Blocks: Add "Export as JSON" action to the wp_block post list …
02:01 Changeset [43853] by pento
Build Tools: Switch to Node 10.13.0. Now that Node 10 is the LTS …
01:09 Ticket #45248 (Setting _wpGutenbergCodeEditorSettings is unnecessary) created by noisysocks
The HTML block used to use wp.codeEditor to add syntax highlighting, …


23:21 Ticket #45247 ('Export as JSON' link missing from reusable blocks) created by noisysocks
From Describe …
22:29 Ticket #45246 (Twenty Seventeen: Issues in theme’s Gutenberg support & styles) created by laurelfulford
I’ve re-reviewed the Gutenberg support that added in #45045, …
22:16 Ticket #45245 (Twenty Sixteen: Issues in theme’s Gutenberg support & styles) created by laurelfulford
I’ve re-reviewed the Gutenberg support that added in #45044, primarily …
21:51 Ticket #45244 (Twenty Fifteen: Issues in theme’s Gutenberg support & styles) created by laurelfulford
I’ve re-reviewed the Gutenberg support that added in #45043, …
21:40 Ticket #45243 (Twenty Fourteen: Issues in theme’s Gutenberg support & styles) created by laurelfulford
I’ve re-reviewed the Gutenberg support that added in #45042, …
21:03 Ticket #45242 (Twenty Thirteen: Issues in theme’s Gutenberg support & styles) created by laurelfulford
I’ve re-reviewed the Gutenberg support that added in #45041, …
21:01 Ticket #45241 (Build Tools: Switch to using Node 10.13 for building) created by pento
Node 10.13 has been installed on the servers, package.json
19:49 Ticket #45240 (Twenty Twelve: Issues in theme’s Gutenberg support & styles) created by laurelfulford
I’ve re-reviewed the Gutenberg support that added in #45040, …
19:43 Ticket #45239 (Twenty Eleven: Issues in theme’s Gutenberg support & styles) created by laurelfulford
I’ve re-reviewed the Gutenberg support that added in #45039, …
19:05 Ticket #45232 (get_object_term_cache() returns an empty array) closed by sebastienserre
invalid: It was a not updated plugins problem. Sorry for conveniences
18:38 Ticket #45238 (Twenty Ten: Issues in theme’s Gutenberg support & styles) created by laurelfulford
I’ve re-reviewed the Gutenberg support that added in #45038, …
14:02 Changeset [43852] by danielbachhuber
REST API: Fix array syntax after [43851]. I thought I was writing …
13:26 Ticket #45196 (REST API: Regenerate $fixture_replacements) reopened by danielbachhuber
Reopening for merge to trunk, after all other REST API patches have …
13:25 Ticket #45196 (REST API: Regenerate $fixture_replacements) closed by danielbachhuber
fixed: In 43851: […]
13:25 Changeset [43851] by danielbachhuber
REST API: Regenerate fixure schema after introduction of new …
12:44 Changeset [43850] by danielbachhuber
REST API: Restore access to audio/video metadata functions. Ensures …
12:10 Ticket #43757 (`WP_REST_Attachments_Controller` includes entire admin includes for a ...) reopened by ocean90
There's still a fatal error when uploading a video or an audio file …
12:08 Ticket #45114 (Fire publishing related hooks after all data is saved via the REST API.) closed by danielbachhuber
maybelater: For this particular issue, I think [43737] is the realistic path …
11:34 Changeset [43849] by danielbachhuber
Blocks: Include necessary labels for the 'wp_block' post type. See #45098
11:10 Ticket #43278 (Slug box visible on Quick Edit) reopened by pento
Thanks for the ping, @earnjam. I'll need to think about this some more.
06:16 Ticket #45237 (Post Category: Some category flickering it's position) created by mukesh27
When we try to add new category using "Add new category" button some …
06:00 Changeset [43848] by pento
FTP/PemFTP Library: Fix some PHP notices. - ftp_base::glob() used …
05:49 Changeset [43847] by pento
Build Tools: Update the @wordpress packages. Trunk now matches …
02:32 Ticket #45235 (REST API: Setting _locale can cause fatal errors) closed by danielbachhuber
fixed: In 43846: […]
02:32 Changeset [43846] by danielbachhuber
l10n: Avoid calling is_user_logged_in() in determine_locale(). …
02:23 Ticket #45236 (Cast the result of the `default_content`, `default_title`, and ...) created by dd32
WordPress expects that the result of the default_* post filters are …
02:08 Ticket #45227 (Using "__" in a plugin's main file, outside of an action callback ...) closed by danielbachhuber
duplicate: Thanks for the report, @kmgalanakis. Closing in favor of #45235, …
01:01 Ticket #45235 (REST API: Setting _locale can cause fatal errors) created by pento
determine_locale() calls is_user_logged_in() when the _locale


23:30 Ticket #45234 (Image & Cover Block SCSS inconsistent with Media&Text & Embed Block - ...) created by timhibberd
Image Block (.wp-block-image) & Cover Block (.wp-block-cover, …
20:53 Ticket #45233 (Category Link) created by mjbehrii
* Fresh Install * Add New Post "Test" * Add Category "Testing …
19:21 Ticket #45232 (get_object_term_cache() returns an empty array) created by sebastienserre
Hello I'm in a case where get_object_term_cache() in get_the_terms() …
14:47 Ticket #45231 (Twenty Nineteen: Localize script only when needed) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #45224.
14:43 Ticket #45231 (Twenty Nineteen: Localize script only when needed) created by kraftbj
In functions.php of Twenty Nineteen, `wp_localize_script( …
14:28 Ticket #45230 (Remove domain dependence) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: This topic has been discussed at length over the years. Most of the …
14:07 Ticket #45230 (Remove domain dependence) created by camaran
It's possible to remove domain dependence for more easy domain trnsfert?
13:37 Ticket #45229 (Error: An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to ...) closed by swissspidy
invalid: Hey there and welcome to WordPress Trac This site is for reporting …
13:36 Ticket #45229 (Error: An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to ...) created by saifrehman
I am integrating Woo-commerce API's in my Laravel 5.6 site using …
13:34 Ticket #45228 (Placing back a revision, places back another post) created by theemstra
This problem was reported by a client a few weeks ago, we've tried to …
13:18 Ticket #45227 (Using "__" in a plugin's main file, outside of an action callback ...) created by kmgalanakis
When trying to save a post in the new editor (Gutenberg), the saving …
12:48 Ticket #45117 (Fix defining of the TinyMCE settings in script-loader) closed by azaozz
duplicate: Lets close this in favor of #45221. It will be fixed by the patch there.
12:33 Ticket #45226 (Issue When Save Post with CTRL+S.) created by chintan1896
when i saved post with ctrl + s and then going to another page but …
11:19 Ticket #45225 (Edit Profile Anchor Point Enhancement on closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Hi @jamescoates, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket. …
11:13 Ticket #45225 (Edit Profile Anchor Point Enhancement on created by jamescoates
When choosing to Edit Profile on on both mobile …
07:29 Ticket #45219 (In Gutenberg in WordPress 5 beta wp.editor does not exists) closed by pento
invalid: Thank you for updating us with your finding, @michielve!
06:54 Ticket #45224 (Twenty Nineteen: Undefined twentynineteen_l10n variable in functions.php) closed by pento
invalid: Thank you for the patch, @mukesh27! Twenty Nineteen is currently …
06:44 Ticket #45224 (Twenty Nineteen: Undefined twentynineteen_l10n variable in functions.php) created by mukesh27
System shows below error when we check front end of Twenty Nineteen …
04:59 Changeset [43845] by pento
Posts WordPress 5.0 Beta 2 version bump.
04:46 Changeset [43844] by pento
WordPress 5.0 Beta 2.
02:43 Changeset [43843] by pento
Build Tools: Update @wordpress packages. See #45145.
02:13 Changeset [43842] by allancole
Importing Twenty Nineteen, our new default theme for 2019, set for …


19:41 Ticket #45223 (Use login__in in WP_MS_Users_List_Table) created by spacedmonkey
In WP_MS_Users_List_Table, it runs a raw sql query to get list of …
18:55 Ticket #45222 (Twenty Seventeen: @link in index.php comment should be updated) created by kmeze
@link in an index.php comment of Twenty Seventeen theme has URL …
17:33 Ticket #45221 (Fix the TinyMCE init array in script-loader) created by azaozz
The "TinyMCE init array" in script-loader mostly duplicates the …
15:35 Ticket #45220 (register_rest_field() doesn't work when schema is empty) created by Dudo
Just descovered that on the latest Nightly build (5.0-beta1-43832) the …
14:49 Ticket #45219 (In Gutenberg in WordPress 5 beta wp.editor does not exists) created by michielve
When I try to call var RichText = wp.editor.RichText I get an …
08:00 Changeset [43841] by pento
Tests: Fix failing unit tests caused by [43840]. See #45145.
07:40 Changeset [43840] by pento
Build Tools: Upgrade @wordpress packages to the latest version. …
05:13 Ticket #45218 (On Custom Widget Page: Title and Content missing when Text Widget is ...) created by limvus
Situation: I have a theme that has multiple dynamic layouts ( …
04:02 Ticket #45207 (Meta-box compatibility warnings) closed by pento
fixed: In 43839: […]
04:02 Changeset [43839] by pento
Meta boxes: Don't show the block editor incompatiblity message when it …
03:47 Ticket #45217 (Allow falling back to classic editor via meta box registration.) created by peterwilsoncc
The [
03:15 Ticket #45206 (Logic error in do_meta_boxes() for Gutenberg support) closed by pento
fixed: In 43838: […]
03:15 Changeset [43838] by pento
Meta boxes: Don't assume that callback args are an array. While the …
02:42 Ticket #45172 (Custom meta boxes do not show up) closed by pento
fixed: In 43837: […]
02:42 Changeset [43837] by pento
Block Editor: Fix meta boxes not showing. The block editor needs to …
02:34 Ticket #45216 (Port Gutenberg's e2e tests to Core) closed by pento
duplicate: Duplicate of #45165.
02:26 Ticket #45216 (Port Gutenberg's e2e tests to Core) created by pento
Issues like #45172 could've been avoided if we were running the e2e …
02:11 Changeset [43836] by pento
Build Tools: Add an npm script shortcut to run grunt. Rather than …
01:55 Changeset [43835] by pento
Build Tools: Revert [43826] and [43824]. Grabbing the packages …
00:48 Ticket #45189 (Improve preloading request code) reopened by danielbachhuber
Reopening for merge to trunk.
00:47 Ticket #45189 (Improve preloading request code) closed by danielbachhuber
fixed: In 43834: […]
00:47 Changeset [43834] by danielbachhuber
REST API: Improve performance by avoiding call_user_func(). The …
00:23 Ticket #45194 ([Gutenberg] Preload wp/v2/media using the OPTIONS method to manage ...) reopened by danielbachhuber
00:23 Ticket #45194 ([Gutenberg] Preload wp/v2/media using the OPTIONS method to manage ...) closed by danielbachhuber
fixed: In 43833: […]
00:23 Changeset [43833] by danielbachhuber
Block Editor: Preload wp/v2/media with OPTIONS for caps check. Also …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.