Make WordPress Core



23:50 Ticket #32090 (Bug: Can not update tables in non-wordpress-installation databases ...) created by willstedt
When writing a query that connects to a database other than the …
22:39 Changeset [32291] by helen
Tag 3.7.7
22:38 Changeset [32290] by helen
Tag 3.8.7
22:38 Changeset [32289] by helen
Tag 3.9.5
22:37 Changeset [32288] by helen
Tag 4.0.3
22:35 Changeset [32287] by helen
Tag 4.1.3
22:26 Ticket #32089 (plugin update imposible after 4.2 installation) closed by SergeyBiryukov
21:54 Ticket #32089 (plugin update imposible after 4.2 installation) created by xenod
after wp 4.2 instalation update dont work ( 502 bad gateway ) for …
21:08 Ticket #32088 (Bug in get_admin_page_parent( $parent = '' ) when only having 1 ...) created by iamwordimpressed
Hello, function get_admin_page_parent( $parent = '' ) seems …
20:50 Ticket #32087 (After update to 4.2 our website stopped working) closed by MikeHansenMe
invalid: Hello @oskard, please look in the support forum if anyone has had the …
20:47 Ticket #32087 (After update to 4.2 our website stopped working) created by oskard
White page after update from 4.1.2 to 4.2. Had to downgrade to 4.1.2 …
20:37 Changeset [32286] by helen
The 3.7 branch is now 3.7.7.
20:35 Changeset [32285] by helen
The 3.8 branch is now 3.8.7.
20:33 Changeset [32284] by helen
The 3.9 branch is now 3.9.5.
20:31 Changeset [32283] by helen
The 4.0 branch is now 4.0.3.
19:59 Changeset [32282] by helen
Tag 4.2.
19:56 Changeset [32281] by helen
The 4.1 branch is now 4.1.3.
19:15 Ticket #32086 (AJAX plugin update says it updated when in reality it didn't) created by Viper007Bond
The AJAX plugin update functionality is reporting a success and that …
19:15 Ticket #32085 (Less ambiguous dashboard access. Suggested new capability: access_dashboard) created by archonic
Wordpress makes the assumption that the theme (or some plugin) may not …
18:44 Milestone 4.2 completed
18:32 Ticket #32084 (About Page Videos should be a great experience) created by jorbin
The embeded videos on the about page should be a great expereince for …
18:09 Ticket #32080 (Emoji inline styles & script to not get loaded when convert emoticons ...) closed by mihai2u
17:59 Changeset [32280] by helen
Trunk is now 4.3-alpha.
17:46 Ticket #32083 (Bundled Themes: Use SSL links in footer) created by SergeyBiryukov
In [31839], theme author URIs for bundled themes were updated to use …
17:43 Ticket #32082 (Not accounting for Params in src in wp_video_shortcode) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: Duplicate of #30377.
17:42 Ticket #32082 (Not accounting for Params in src in wp_video_shortcode) created by cartpauj
Trying to pass a src with URI params fails the ext matching here: …
17:37 Ticket #32081 (comments query w/ meta_value and comments__in returns clause is ...) created by willgladstone
using comments__in in a comment query does not work when also …
17:35 Ticket #32080 (Emoji inline styles & script to not get loaded when convert emoticons ...) created by mihai2u
Since the option discards the conversion of emoji, there would be no …
17:24 Ticket #29109 (Problem found with wp-includes/posts.php) closed by LewisCowles
invalid: no clue what I was doing, what eventually happened, no doubt it …
17:13 Ticket #31753 (Translated version of "Move to trash" makes the publish/update button jump) closed by helen
fixed: [31996]
17:09 Ticket #32079 (TinyMCE Paste from Word list item issue) created by ew_holmes
Hi all, I've discovered a bug, but I'm unsure whether it is actually …
16:53 Ticket #32078 (TinyMCE View HTML Content in Shortcode) created by bduclos
If the shortcode content contains HTML code, the TinyMCE View no …
16:22 Changeset [32279] by DrewAPicture
WordPress 4.2
16:15 Changeset [32278] by helen
Branch 4.2.
15:58 Ticket #31943 (mp4 videos not scaleable in Firefox with latest word upgrade) closed by pradeep.sonawane
worksforme: @Eoinb: Hope you checked my previous message. That fix is working on …
15:42 Ticket #31929 (4.2 About Page) closed by helen
fixed: In 32277: […]
15:42 Changeset [32277] by helen
About page: Finalize media for 4.2. props ocean90, Nao. fixes #31929.
15:15 Ticket #32032 (Bundled Themes: bump version numbers and update POT files for 4.2 release) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32276: […]
15:15 Changeset [32276] by ocean90
Bundled Themes: Bump version numbers and update POT files. fixes #32032.
15:09 Ticket #31651 (Change Twemoji CDN to closed by helen
fixed: Leaving this where it is.
14:56 Ticket #32077 (get_pages re-factor to reduce line-count, DRY up code & give more ...) created by LewisCowles
While investigating another bug report, I noticed get_pages was more …
14:16 Ticket #32076 (Twenty Fifteen Theme doesn't use the entire viewport on iOS Safari) closed by helen
worksforme: Hi vincenzor - this is something for the …
14:15 Ticket #32068 (Excessive overhead in widgets.php on large site) closed by ronnieg
invalid: Plugin culprit identified. Closed.
13:47 Ticket #32076 (Twenty Fifteen Theme doesn't use the entire viewport on iOS Safari) created by vincenzor
Hi, I have this bug while visiting on my …
12:33 Ticket #32075 (Only set WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT by default when its greater than memory_limit) created by danielbachhuber
Even when memory_limit is set to 1GB or greater, WordPress will set …
11:56 Ticket #32051 (Creating new posts/terms with non-English characters is broken for ...) closed by pento
fixed: Well, that was an interesting experience.
11:55 Changeset [32275] by pento
WPDB: When sanity checking a string by sending it to MySQL for …
11:51 Changeset [32274] by pento
WPDB: When sanity checking a string by sending it to MySQL for …
11:47 Changeset [32273] by pento
WPDB: When sanity checking a string by sending it to MySQL for …
11:43 Changeset [32272] by pento
WPDB: When sanity checking a string by sending it to MySQL for …
01:35 Milestone 4.1.3 completed
00:51 Ticket #32074 (get_image_send_to_editor() improperly documented) created by tychay


23:35 Ticket #32073 (Undefined offset: 0 warning in wp-includes\capabilities.php on line 1119) created by hubertnguyen
Hello, I'm sometime getting a PHP Notice: Notice: Undefined offset: …
22:21 Ticket #32070 (wpspin_light-2x.gif 404 when viewing homepage when logged in in admin) closed by johnbillion
invalid: The string wpspin_light doesn't appear in WordPress core. It looks …
21:53 Ticket #32072 (Move link code for clarity in wp_ajax_send_attachment_to_editor() in ...) created by tychay
Code is called from the media library insert. Lines 2411-2418 do …
21:29 Ticket #32050 (Better placement / management of language files) closed by johnbillion
duplicate: This is suitably duplicate of #28303.
21:05 Ticket #32071 (Function to generate safe & trusted URLs) created by johnjamesjacoby
Recent developments around plugins and themes misusing …
20:38 Ticket #32070 (wpspin_light-2x.gif 404 when viewing homepage when logged in in admin) created by hooge229
When logged in into wordpress (/wp-admin), and view your website (not …
20:36 Ticket #32069 (Press This: Check embeds list against oembed providers too.) created by stephdau
We brought the concept of checking pressed URLs against core's list of …
20:29 Changeset [32271] by DrewAPicture
Post 4.2-RC4 bump
20:27 Ticket #32068 (Excessive overhead in widgets.php on large site) created by ronnieg
My very large (WP 4.1.2 with all current theme and plugins) and …
20:24 Ticket #32067 (Remove inline javascript from WP-Core to allow CSP protection) created by tdelmas
To avoid catastrophic effects of XSS, it would be safe to allow user …
20:21 Changeset [32270] by DrewAPicture
WordPress 4.2-RC4
18:56 Ticket #32066 (Theme details in Customizer broken in IE8) closed by helen
fixed: In 32269: […]
18:56 Changeset [32269] by helen
Customizer theme details modal: Repair the layout for IE8. props …
18:52 Ticket #30025 (RSS feed widget does not read a feed from another WP blog correctly) closed by SergeyBiryukov
18:37 Ticket #30900 (Admin menu is flickering when scrolling left or right) closed by helen
fixed: In 32268: […]
18:37 Changeset [32268] by helen
Admin menu: prevent (most) lock outs caused by plugins or IE7. fixes …
18:29 Ticket #32066 (Theme details in Customizer broken in IE8) created by obenland
The contents of the theme detail overlay are shifted to the right, …
18:16 Ticket #30900 (Admin menu is flickering when scrolling left or right) reopened by azaozz
30900.4.diff looks good here.
16:56 Ticket #32064 (Filesystem Credentials Request Modal: Focus doesn't work for disabled ...) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32267: […]
16:56 Changeset [32267] by ocean90
Don't try to focus disabled input fields in the request filesystem …
16:53 Ticket #32065 (Hide entire RSS widget when no items to display) created by MadtownLems
When a default RSS widget has no items to display, the following text …
16:23 Ticket #32055 (Filesystem Credentials Request Modal: Inline JavaScript focuses every ...) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32266: […]
16:23 Changeset [32266] by ocean90
Don't focus input fields outside of the request filesystem credentials …
16:15 Ticket #32002 (Theme Switcher: Missing back button and marking active theme) closed by ocean90
fixed: In 32265: […]
16:15 Changeset [32265] by ocean90
Theme Switcher: Provide an easier way to reset back to the current …
16:10 Changeset [32264] by ocean90
Don't return empty themes in wp_prepare_themes_for_js(). see #32002.
15:57 Ticket #32064 (Filesystem Credentials Request Modal: Focus doesn't work for disabled ...) created by ocean90
For your wp-config.php file: […] Now try to update a plugin and …
15:24 Ticket #32063 (XML-RPC API doesn't allow password containing single quote) created by reprotector
I'm having an weird error on method getOptions from XML-RPC API. My …
15:05 Changeset [32263] by pento
The 4.1 branch is now 4.1.3-RC1.
15:04 Changeset [32262] by pento
WPDB: When sanity checking a string by sending it to MySQL for …
15:01 Changeset [32261] by pento
WPDB: When sanity checking a string by sending it to MySQL for …
14:36 Ticket #32062 (Press This, Doesn't Show Any Tags) created by miqrogroove
I tried the Press This direct link for the first time today using iOS …
14:28 Ticket #32061 (Incorrect inline docs for register_post_status()) created by ericlewis
14:09 Ticket #32060 (Add actions for add_role() and remove_role()) created by danielbachhuber
set_user_role() has an action which is nice for audit purposes. It …
12:37 Ticket #32059 (Media views EmbedLink should check for empty url string) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #29476. Noticed one small thing: embedding a …
12:35 Ticket #32053 (Customizer: change title of collapse sidebar anchor when sidebar is ...) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Tickets are closed when a commit is made to WordPress trunk to fix the …
12:24 Ticket #32058 (Google Drive Backups Failing beginning April 21) closed by swissspidy
invalid: Hi John, What plugin are you using to back up your site to Google …
12:19 Ticket #32058 (Google Drive Backups Failing beginning April 21) created by johngl
Hi Folks, Backups for Wordpress have been failing for two days …
12:13 Ticket #32053 (Customizer: change title of collapse sidebar anchor when sidebar is ...) closed by LewisCowles
invalid: I think this needs to be closed down, two ways to modify the text have …
12:03 Ticket #32057 (fix: allow plugins to access click event in edit inline post) created by wasikuss
I wanted to add custom functionality to inline post edit, but there is …
11:59 Ticket #32056 (wp_dropdown_roles() bug) created by InS0mN1aC
Hello, in the function wp_dropdown_roles() located in …
11:55 Ticket #32055 (Filesystem Credentials Request Modal: Inline JavaScript focuses every ...) created by ocean90
Originally reported by sergej.mueller: When …
09:30 Ticket #32054 (wp-login.php not redirect to dashboard if user is already loggedin) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #14949, #20639, #21519.
09:24 Ticket #32054 (wp-login.php not redirect to dashboard if user is already loggedin) created by rahul.prajapati
Hello wordpress team, I have install wordpress 4.1.2 on my server …
09:14 Ticket #32053 (Customizer: change title of collapse sidebar anchor when sidebar is ...) created by thorbrink
When the sidebar is collapsed, the collapse sidebar anchor should have …
08:53 Ticket #32052 (Add out of the box support for MO file caching) created by nicofuma
While profiling WordPress with Blackfire we …
08:24 Ticket #32051 (Creating new posts/terms with non-English characters is broken for ...) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Seeing some similar reports on support forums after the update (posts …
08:13 Ticket #32051 (Creating new posts/terms with non-English characters is broken for ...) closed by LewisCowles
invalid: Can you not just change the collation of all fields, tables and the DB …
07:53 Ticket #32051 (Creating new posts/terms with non-English characters is broken for ...) created by vloo
This is a pretty specific case of an client of mine: Site is pretty …
07:19 Ticket #32050 (Better placement / management of language files) created by Avantart
It is a pain in the ass when language files are overwritten. The …
06:03 Changeset [32260] by SergeyBiryukov
About page design for 4.2. props melchoyce, ryelle. see #31929.
05:27 Ticket #32030 (4.2 About Page video loading icons are overflowing container) closed by helen
invalid: If this is visibly a problem generically outside of the about page, …
05:15 Ticket #32049 (jQuery UI Resizable broken in admin since 3.9) closed by helen
duplicate: We don't include any jQuery UI styling for things we're not using - …
04:51 Ticket #32049 (jQuery UI Resizable broken in admin since 3.9) created by cfinke
As of WordPress 3.9, using the included jQuery UI Resizable plugin …
03:51 Ticket #32048 (Uploaded file reserves a name, page can't be named it.) created by programmin
1) Upload a file-name.png file to media library. 2) Publish a page …
01:30 Ticket #31139 (Allow editing of video embed parameters in the media modal) reopened by helen


23:36 Ticket #24054 ((get_)comment_class() should include a is_user_member_of_blog() class) closed by helen
23:35 Changeset [32259] by helen
Don't add a class for comment authors who are members of the current …
23:19 Ticket #32047 (Merge two strings from theme details dialog) created by SergeyBiryukov
We have two strings for the Close button in theme details dialog: * …
22:40 Tickets #32006,​31139 batch updated by azaozz
fixed: In 32258: […]
22:40 Changeset [32258] by azaozz
Revert editing of video embed parameters in the media modal, [31620]
22:05 Ticket #32046 (Misplaced play button on About page) closed by DrewAPicture
duplicate: Duplicate of #32030. Hi @dipesh.kakadiya, this has already been …
22:02 Ticket #32046 (Misplaced play button on About page) created by dipesh.kakadiya
play button for video shifted right on About page for section "Switch …
21:31 Ticket #32045 (TinyMCE: views may get "stuck" in selected state) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32257: […]
21:31 Changeset [32257] by azaozz
TinyMCE wpView: properly deselect views when hiding the editor. Do not …
20:58 Ticket #28012 (orderby post__in interferes with menu_order) closed by McGuive7
worksforme: I'm a fool! Was using order_by instead of orderby. You're welcome - …
20:51 Ticket #28012 (orderby post__in interferes with menu_order) reopened by McGuive7
PS this needs to be re-opened I think.
20:40 Ticket #31984 (Shiny Updates - some glitches) closed by helen
fixed: In 32256: […]
20:40 Changeset [32256] by helen
Shiny Updates: Prevent the post-update success message from jumping. …
20:06 Ticket #29476 (Hide the 'Title' field on the 'Insert from URL' tab until it's needed) closed by helen
fixed: #32045 opened for the stuck view issue, going to leave this as fixed …
19:58 Ticket #32045 (TinyMCE: views may get "stuck" in selected state) created by azaozz
When opening a new tab and then going back to the editor, sometimes a …
19:40 Ticket #31139 (Allow editing of video embed parameters in the media modal) reopened by helen
Per #32006 and as confirmed in testing, this isn't working in 4.2-RC3. …
19:30 Ticket #32044 (is_object_in_term() leaks DB queries) created by joehoyle
is_object_in_term() should either use the Object Cache'd term …
18:45 Milestone 4.1.2 completed
18:45 Milestone 4.0.2 completed
18:35 Ticket #31669 (views improvements continued) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32255: […]
18:35 Changeset [32255] by azaozz
TinyMCE wpView: ensure contentNode is passed to all callbacks. Props …
18:20 Ticket #32043 (Page Permalink settings) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #21374.
18:05 Ticket #32042 (Bulk upload plugins) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #24579.
18:05 Ticket #29828 (Quick link to upload plugin and plugin batch upload) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #24579.
18:01 Ticket #32043 (Page Permalink settings) created by gmariani405
This MAY be covered by plugins, but I honestly think this should be a …
17:58 Ticket #32042 (Bulk upload plugins) created by gmariani405
Currently you can update multiple plugins, you can upload multiple …
17:54 Ticket #32041 (Bulk updating selected Plugins with and without updates fails) created by gmariani405
In WordPress 4.1.1 (and possibly some earlier releases of 4) there is …
16:32 Ticket #32040 (Autoload with spl_autoload_functions stop working since 4.1.2) closed by hpr78
invalid: Seem to be update (download) problem, tried it again and everything was ok.
16:14 Ticket #32040 (Autoload with spl_autoload_functions stop working since 4.1.2) created by hpr78
Update to WP 4.1.2 and my plugin stop working. In the plugin i use …
16:11 Changeset [32254] by nacin
Tag 3.7.6.
16:10 Changeset [32253] by nacin
Tag 3.8.6.
16:10 Changeset [32252] by nacin
Tag 3.9.4.
16:10 Changeset [32251] by nacin
Tag 4.0.2.
16:04 Ticket #32039 (Publish date when publishing a scheduled post in the past) created by adambarclay
Given the following steps: 1. Set a post to be scheduled at a later …
15:59 Changeset [32250] by nacin
Tag 4.1.2.
15:50 Ticket #32038 (Unable to use "&" in custom taxonomy title) created by pokeraitis
I noticed that if custom taxonomy (tag-like) name has "&" sign in it, …
15:24 Changeset [32249] by pento
Bump version number for nightly builds.
14:42 Changeset [32248] by pento
Trunk is now 4.2-RC3.
14:35 Changeset [32247] by helen
Avoid a PHP notice when adding an embed via Insert from URL. props …
14:22 Ticket #31789 (Themes: allow a pre filter in `wp_prepare_themes_for_js()`) closed by helen
fixed: In 32246: […]
14:22 Changeset [32246] by helen
Rename the pre_wp_prepare_themes_for_js filter to …
14:19 Changeset [32245] by helen
Comment: rename the comment-author-is-site-member class to …
14:17 Changeset [32244] by pento
The 4.1 branch is now 4.1.2.
14:14 Ticket #31987 (Theme Customizer: Widget search field hidden in Safari) closed by helen
fixed: In 32243: […]
14:14 Changeset [32243] by helen
Customizer: Better experience for widget filtering in desktop and iOS …
13:59 Ticket #32037 (Media views EmbedLink valid URL check) created by afercia
It actually happened to me while testing: - edit a post - Add Media > …
13:58 Ticket #31890 (Link to existing content added in Text Editor disappear after switch ...) closed by helen
fixed: In 32242: […]
13:58 Changeset [32242] by helen
wpLink: Make the text editor experience the same as in the visual …
13:49 Ticket #32036 (Media views EmbedLink spinner) created by afercia
When inserting an embeddable media with "Insert from URL", the spinner …
13:38 Ticket #32035 (Media views EmbedLink debounce) created by afercia
Not sure the current usage of _.debounce is correct when embedding a …
08:14 Ticket #32010 (get_archives_link breaks HTML5 validation (is in XHTML)) closed by deconf
07:05 Changeset [32241] by pento
WPDB: When deciding if a query needs extra sanity checking based on …
07:00 Changeset [32240] by pento
WPDB: When deciding if a query needs extra sanity checking based on …
06:57 Changeset [32239] by pento
WPDB: When deciding if a query needs extra sanity checking based on …
06:52 Changeset [32238] by pento
Add some unit tests missed in [32186] to the 3.8 branch.
06:49 Changeset [32237] by pento
Add some unit tests missed in [32182] to the 3.9 branch.
06:43 Changeset [32236] by pento
Add some unit tests missed in [32181] to the 4.0 branch.
06:18 Changeset [32235] by pento
WPDB: When deciding if a query needs extra sanity checking based on …
05:43 Changeset [32234] by pento
WPDB: When deciding if a query needs extra sanity checking based on …
05:39 Ticket #31789 (Themes: allow a pre filter in `wp_prepare_themes_for_js()`) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Replying to nacin: > Anyone against …
05:23 Changeset [32233] by pento
WPDB: When deciding if a query needs extra sanity checking based on …
05:10 Ticket #32029 (WP_Error( 'wpdb_get_table_charset_failure' ) thrown when doing "SHOW ...) closed by pento
fixed: In 32232: […]
05:10 Changeset [32232] by pento
WPDB: When deciding if a query needs extra sanity checking based on …
01:03 Ticket #32034 (Add placeholder to a plural string in class-wp-list-table.php) created by SergeyBiryukov
'1 item' should be '%s item', otherwise GlotPress shows a warning: …


23:46 Ticket #32007 (Twenty Fifteen: Image captions are shifted down in TinyMCE) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32231: […]
23:46 Changeset [32231] by azaozz
Twenty Fifteen: remove a img { display: block; } from …
23:35 Ticket #32033 (version 4.2-RC2: $wpdb->get_col( "SHOW TABLES LIKE ..." ) gives ...) closed by netweb
duplicate: Thanks Magenta Cuda, though this is a duplicate. Duplicate: #32029
23:30 Ticket #32033 (version 4.2-RC2: $wpdb->get_col( "SHOW TABLES LIKE ..." ) gives ...) created by Magenta Cuda
On version 4.2-RC2, I am using […] to check for the existence of …
23:30 Ticket #29476 (Hide the 'Title' field on the 'Insert from URL' tab until it's needed) reopened by azaozz
This seems to have introduced a regression when editing an [embed]
22:54 Ticket #32032 (Bundled Themes: bump version numbers and update POT files for 4.2 release) created by lancewillett
For submission to directory to coordinate with 4.1 release, …
22:24 Ticket #32031 (Fix typo in wp_insert_term() error strings) created by SergeyBiryukov
In [26544], two new strings were introduced: * "A term with the name …
21:05 Ticket #32030 (4.2 About Page video loading icons are overflowing container) created by Kelderic
Summary The animated loading icons for the videos on the 4.2 …
21:02 Ticket #32022 (Press This: Margin is too big forcing wrapping on mobile) closed by helen
fixed: In 32230: […]
21:02 Changeset [32230] by helen
Press This: Prevent bottom buttons from wrapping on narrow screens. …
20:56 Ticket #31988 (TinyMCE: pasting an embeddable URL in Firefox doesn't show preview) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32229: […]
20:56 Changeset [32229] by azaozz
TinyMCE: fix creating a preview when pasting an embeddable URL in …
19:48 Ticket #32004 (Audio/video list and gallery - date dropdown and message) closed by helen
fixed: In 32228: […]
19:48 Changeset [32228] by helen
Media: Date filtering does not need to be on for all contexts. …
19:43 Changeset [32227] by DrewAPicture
Post 4.2-RC2 bump.
19:37 Changeset [32226] by helen
The 4.1 branch is 4.1.2-RC1.
19:24 Ticket #32029 (WP_Error( 'wpdb_get_table_charset_failure' ) thrown when doing "SHOW ...) created by
When attempting to check if a DB table exists, the …
19:05 Changeset [32225] by pento
Fix some wpdb::check_safe_collation() calls missed in [32181].
19:03 Changeset [32224] by pento
Fix some wpdb::check_safe_collation() calls missed in [32182].
18:39 Changeset [32223] by pento
Fix an incorrect method name in 4.1, introduced in [32163].
18:05 Ticket #32028 (List table pagination: text improvements for screen readers) created by afercia
Pagination links and the "select page" input field in the list tables …
17:40 Changeset [32222] by pento
Bump trunk to 4.2-RC2.
17:40 Changeset [32221] by pento
Bump 4.1 branch to 4.1.2.
17:39 Changeset [32220] by pento
4.1: Update about.php.
17:38 Changeset [32219] by pento
Bump 4.0 branch to 4.0.2.
17:38 Changeset [32218] by pento
4.0: Update about.php.
17:36 Changeset [32217] by pento
Bump 3.9 branch to 3.9.4.
17:36 Changeset [32216] by pento
3.9: Update about.php.
17:35 Changeset [32215] by pento
Bump 3.8 branch to 3.8.6.
17:33 Changeset [32214] by pento
3.8: Update about.php.
17:32 Changeset [32213] by pento
Bump 3.7 branch 3.7.6.
17:31 Changeset [32212] by pento
3.7: Update about.php.
15:43 Ticket #32000 (Some translators comments) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 32211: […]
15:43 Changeset [32211] by SergeyBiryukov
Make translator comments for the strings added in [31982] more …
15:35 Ticket #31999 (Duplicate translators comments) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 32210: […]
15:35 Changeset [32210] by SergeyBiryukov
Merge two different translator comments for the same string. props …
15:26 Ticket #32020 (Removing duplicate string) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 32209: […]
15:26 Changeset [32209] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove duplicate string with a typo, merge it with an existing string. …
15:17 Ticket #32014 (Misprint in term-splitting unit test) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32208: […]
15:17 Changeset [32208] by boonebgorges
In term-splitting unit tests, correct incorrect wording in an inline …
15:15 Ticket #32019 (WP_User_Query: since 4.2 using array( 'who' => 'authors' ) has no ...) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32207: […]
15:15 Changeset [32207] by boonebgorges
Ensure that 'who' param is respected when generating meta_query in …
15:03 Ticket #32027 (An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with ...) closed by johnbillion
invalid: Hi, mohansocialbeat. This is most likely a problem with outgoing HTTP …
13:43 Changeset [32206] by pento
Ensure post titles are correctly escaped on the Dashboard. Merge of …
13:41 Changeset [32205] by pento
Ensure post titles are correctly escaped on the Dashboard. Merge of …
13:38 Changeset [32204] by pento
Ensure post titles are correctly escaped on the Dashboard. Merge of …
13:35 Changeset [32203] by pento
Ensure post titles are correctly escaped on the Dashboard. Merge of …
13:28 Changeset [32202] by pento
In Multisite, prevent plugins from unintentionally switching sites. …
13:25 Changeset [32201] by pento
In Multisite, prevent plugins from unintentionally switching sites. …
13:22 Changeset [32200] by pento
In Multisite, prevent plugins from unintentionally switching sites. …
13:19 Changeset [32199] by pento
In Multisite, prevent plugins from unintentionally switching sites. …
13:10 Changeset [32198] by pento
Update the Plupload Flash file to the latest version. Merge of [32168]
13:03 Changeset [32197] by pento
Update the Plupload Flash file to the latest version. Merge of [32168]
12:58 Ticket #32027 (An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with ...) created by mohansocialbeat
Popular tags You may also browse based on the most popular tags in …
12:57 Changeset [32196] by pento
Remove some old backwards compatibility code from TinyMCE. Merge of …
12:54 Changeset [32195] by pento
Remove some old backwards compatibility code from TinyMCE. Merge of …
12:51 Changeset [32194] by pento
Remove some old backwards compatibility code from TinyMCE. Merge of …
12:48 Changeset [32193] by pento
Remove some old backwards compatibility code from TinyMCE. Merge of …
12:40 Changeset [32192] by pento
Clean up some edge cases in sanitize_sql_orderby(). Merge of [32164]
12:37 Changeset [32191] by pento
Clean up some edge cases in sanitize_sql_orderby(). Merge of [32164]
12:35 Changeset [32190] by pento
Clean up some edge cases in sanitize_sql_orderby(). Merge of [32164]
12:31 Changeset [32189] by pento
Clean up some edge cases in sanitize_sql_orderby(). Merge of [32164]
12:00 Ticket #32026 (Tests: Tests_Multisite_Site:: test_get_blogaddress_by_id_with_valid_id ...) created by netweb
The Tests_Multisite_Site::test_get_blogaddress_by_id_with_valid_id
11:51 Changeset [32188] by pento
Merge the query sanity checks from #21212 to the 3.7 branch. Props …
11:32 Changeset [32187] by pento
Fix an incorrect PHPDoc added in [32163].
11:31 Changeset [32186] by pento
Merge the query sanity checks from #21212 to the 3.8 branch. Props …
11:24 Ticket #21744 (WP_User_Query does not support post type) closed by chriscct7
wontfix: This is something that can easily be done using custom query code, and …
11:23 Changeset [32185] by pento
wpdb::$checking_collation was incorrectly marked as protected
11:20 Changeset [32184] by pento
wpdb::$checking_collation was incorrectly marked as protected
11:19 Ticket #21699 (Losing post status) closed by chriscct7
duplicate: Duplicate of #12706.
11:16 Changeset [32183] by pento
wpdb::$checking_collation was incorrectly marked as protected
11:08 Changeset [32182] by pento
Merge the query sanity checks from #21212 to the 3.9 branch. Props …
10:53 Changeset [32181] by pento
Merge the query sanity checks from #21212 to the 4.0 branch. Props …
10:48 Changeset [32180] by pento
Merge the unit test for [30346] to the 4.1 branch, as it was missed in …
10:19 Changeset [32179] by pento
Fix the unit test added in [32174] to run correctly in PHP 5.2. Merge …
10:10 Ticket #32025 (Tests: Use WP_TESTS_DOMAIN in Tests_Formatting_Smilies ...) closed by pento
fixed: In 32178: […]
10:10 Changeset [32178] by pento
Unit Tests: The get_smilies_combinations test was failing when the …
09:51 Ticket #32025 (Tests: Use WP_TESTS_DOMAIN in Tests_Formatting_Smilies ...) created by netweb
Three unit tests currently fail: in …
09:40 Changeset [32177] by pento
Fix the unit test added in [32173] to run correctly in PHP 5.2.
08:50 Ticket #32024 (XML Feed has wrong 'Content-Type') created by pvdl
The XML feed has Content-Type: text/html It should be: text/xml Test: …
07:58 Ticket #32023 (FOUND BUG - REWRITE_RULES need to be fired TWICE!) created by selnomeria
Please, read carefully. (let's say, i already done: global $wp_rewrite …
07:41 Changeset [32176] by pento
Ensure post titles are correctly escaped on the Dashboard. Merge of …
07:38 Changeset [32175] by pento
Ensure post titles are correctly escaped on the Dashboard. Props …
07:29 Changeset [32174] by pento
In Multisite, prevent plugins from unintentionally switching sites. …
07:26 Changeset [32173] by pento
In Multisite, prevent plugins from unintentionally switching sites. …
06:44 Ticket #30377 (wp_check_filetype is broken when checking urls with parameters) reopened by pento
[30640] was reverted in [32171] and [32172].
06:43 Changeset [32172] by pento
Revert [30640], as it was incorrectly checking some filenames. This …
06:38 Changeset [32171] by pento
Revert [30640], as it was incorrectly checking some filenames.
06:26 Changeset [32170] by pento
Correctly escape theme version numbers when displaying them. Props …
06:15 Changeset [32169] by pento
Update the Plupload Flash file to the latest version. Merge of [32168]
06:12 Changeset [32168] by pento
Update the Plupload Flash file to the latest version. Props azaozz.
05:52 Changeset [32167] by pento
Remove some old backwards compatibility code from TinyMCE. Merge of …
05:49 Changeset [32166] by pento
Remove some old backwards compatilibity code from TinyMCE. Props azaozz.
05:45 Changeset [32165] by pento
Clean up some edge cases in sanitize_sql_orderby(). Merge of [32164]
05:41 Changeset [32164] by pento
Clean up some edge cases in sanitize_sql_orderby(). Props vortfu, dd32.
05:08 Changeset [32163] by pento
Merge the query sanity checks from #21212 to the 4.1 branch. Props …
05:07 Ticket #32022 (Press This: Margin is too big forcing wrapping on mobile) created by Michael Arestad
Before: [[Image(...)]] After: …
04:45 Changeset [32162] by pento
WPDB: When sanity checking read queries, there are some collations we …
04:43 Ticket #32021 (Make three untranslatable strings, translatable) created by jrf
While working on #31950, I came across three untranslatable strings. …
04:14 Changeset [32161] by nacin
Clean up wp_staticize_emoji() and friends. * DOMDocument was removed …
03:52 Changeset [32160] by pento
3.7: Bump package.json, readme.html and license.txt.
03:48 Changeset [32159] by pento
The 3.7 branch is now 3.7.6-alpha.
03:47 Changeset [32158] by pento
3.8: Bump package.json, readme.html and license.txt.
03:45 Changeset [32157] by pento
The 3.8 branch is now 3.8.6-alpha.
03:40 Changeset [32156] by pento
3.9: Bump package.json, readme.html and license.txt.
03:39 Changeset [32155] by pento
The 3.9 branch is now 3.9.4-alpha.
03:35 Changeset [32154] by pento
4.0: Bump package.json, readme.html and license.txt.
03:33 Changeset [32153] by pento
The 4.0 branch is now 4.0.2-alpha.
03:26 Changeset [32152] by nacin
Update wp_die() calls modified in [31658] to use shorthand calling …
03:20 Ticket #24054 ((get_)comment_class() should include a is_user_member_of_blog() class) reopened by nacin
I just noticed this. Here are the current class names: byuser, …


19:09 Ticket #32020 (Removing duplicate string) created by pavelevap
We have similar string with "on" instead of "to". See attached patch. …
17:09 Ticket #32019 (WP_User_Query: since 4.2 using array( 'who' => 'authors' ) has no ...) created by imath
This can be annoying i think. When editing a post, the dropdown in the …
16:45 Ticket #32018 (bug) closed by ocean90
invalid: Please contact [ …
16:41 Ticket #32018 (bug) created by ting-guo
all stats of my blog [] are gone.
15:43 Ticket #32017 (Fix class name typo from 'hndle' to 'handle') created by michalzuber
The typo was introduced in [8682] changeset.
11:20 Ticket #31537 (Database lock timeout in phpunit (fresh install)) closed by pento
fixed: This sure has been a fun exercise in backporting, but it's time to say …
11:20 Changeset [32151] by pento
Backport the PHPUnit test fixes from [31622] to the 3.7 branch. Props …
10:54 Changeset [32150] by pento
Backport the PHPUnit test fixes from [31622] to the 3.8 branch. Props …
10:19 Tickets #30802,​31428,​31484 batch updated by pento
fixed: With 4.2 being just around the corner, we're going to skip this for 4.1.2.
08:01 Changeset [32149] by pento
Backport the PHPUnit test fixes from [31622] to the 3.9 branch. Props …
07:42 Changeset [32148] by pento
Backport the PHPUnit test fixes from [31622] to the 4.0 branch. Props …
05:38 Changeset [32147] by pento
Backport the PHPUnit test fixes from [31622] to the 4.1 branch. Props …
05:34 Changeset [32146] by pento
readme.html bump.
05:32 Changeset [32145] by pento
package.json bump.
05:26 Changeset [32144] by pento
The 4.1 branch is now 4.1.2-alpha.
01:34 Ticket #31996 (Press This Hook Docs: Update press_this_save_redirect filter) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 32143: […]
01:34 Changeset [32143] by SergeyBiryukov
Press This: Update documentation for press_this_save_redirect filter …


23:28 Ticket #31901 (JS error while post editing) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32142: […]
23:28 Changeset [32142] by azaozz
TinyMCE: use window.twemoji directly in the wpemoji plugin. Gives a …
21:55 Ticket #32003 (When adding a caption to an image, an empty paragraph remains after ...) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32141: […]
21:55 Changeset [32141] by azaozz
TinyMCE: remove the empty paragraph that sometimes is left over after …
20:47 Ticket #31998 (wp.mce.views with focus causes JS errors when toggling visual editor view) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 32140: […]
20:47 Changeset [32140] by azaozz
TinyMCE wpView: - Remove selected views when inserting content but not …
18:36 Ticket #32016 (List table views: Comments "Approved" link missing count) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Would you like to refresh the patch on #11200? :) See also #17275.
18:28 Ticket #32013 (While Adding Pages/Categories to Custom Menus - hierarchy is lost) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #18271. There is no need to create a new ticket if there …
18:19 Ticket #32016 (List table views: Comments "Approved" link missing count) created by afercia
Not sure, maybe I'm missing something but couldn't find any reason why …
18:04 Ticket #32015 (List table views: missing current class for "All" when logged in as Author) created by afercia
- log in as an Author - be sure you're the author of some posts - go …
17:07 Ticket #32014 (Misprint in term-splitting unit test) created by dlh
The attached patch fixes an inline comment in …
16:55 Ticket #32013 (While Adding Pages/Categories to Custom Menus - hierarchy is lost) created by selnomeria
While Adding Pages/Categories to Custom Menus - hierarchy is lost. …
14:29 Ticket #31669 (views improvements continued) reopened by iseulde
[32022] replaced apply with call, but does not pass all arguments.
14:06 Ticket #31662 (Maybe the i18n textdomain module can be optimized?) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Thanks for the ticket kmvan. To answer your question: Yes, it …
13:46 Ticket #32012 (Crunching doesn't work on some grayscale images) created by nifwlseirff
No error message, just no thumbnail/smaller sizes crunched on upload …
13:31 Ticket #32011 (Install fail if DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES flag is true) created by spacedmonkey
WordPress fails to install with DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES flag set …
12:59 Ticket #32010 (get_archives_link breaks HTML5 validation (is in XHTML)) created by conraid
get_archives_link in file wp_includes/general-template.php …
06:22 Ticket #32009 (Menu not saving in any theme I try, limited to 90 items) closed by dd32
duplicate: This is a known server limitation - #14134 You're running into the …
06:15 Ticket #32009 (Menu not saving in any theme I try, limited to 90 items) created by MagnoMedia
I have seen other posts on this but none of the solutions resolved the …
04:35 Ticket #32008 (Wrapper method for esc_attr) created by welcher
I am proposing a wrapper method for esc_attr() that simply echo's the …


22:17 Ticket #32007 (Twenty Fifteen: Image captions are shifted down in TinyMCE) created by azaozz
Happens only in Firefox as the caption <dt> is padded with `<br …
20:32 Ticket #32006 (Problem with setting width and height of embedded media) created by pavelevap
- Create new post. - Insert Youtube video, not directly but from Media …
20:21 Ticket #32005 (Show longer strings in media dropdown) created by pavelevap
Continue from #30725. Localized string is longer than English …
20:15 Ticket #32004 (Audio/video list and gallery - date dropdown and message) created by pavelevap
When you create audio/video list or gallery, there is date dropdown …
19:49 Ticket #32003 (When adding a caption to an image, an empty paragraph remains after ...) created by azaozz
Caused by trying to remove the previous image parentNode (usually <p>) …
19:36 Ticket #32002 (Theme Switcher: Missing back button and marking active theme) created by pavelevap
1) Missing back button - Go to Customizer, current active theme is …
15:33 Ticket #32001 (Twenty Fifteen: Use default comments_popup_link()) created by pavelevap
Function comments_popup_link() now supports plural function _n(), …
15:28 Ticket #31993 (TinyMCE Visual Mode not working) closed by Lokimo
duplicate: Duplicate of #31901.
14:51 Ticket #24939 (Login with a login name consisting of special characters not possible ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #5918.
13:00 Ticket #32000 (Some translators comments) created by pavelevap
I could not find where are some strings displayed and that is why I …
12:50 Ticket #31999 (Duplicate translators comments) created by pavelevap
When same string is used with different translators comments, it looks …
11:56 Ticket #31998 (wp.mce.views with focus causes JS errors when toggling visual editor view) created by Clorith
As reported by @maniu in …
08:17 Ticket #31986 (Strange problem with font) closed by pavelevap
invalid: So, it seems that it was some kind of bug in Chrome. Today it works …
00:53 Ticket #31997 (Typo on breaks browsers that support srcset) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Please contact [ …
00:25 Ticket #31997 (Typo on breaks browsers that support srcset) created by reperiendi
Image tags like `<img …


23:59 Ticket #31994 (WP should not autodetect pretty permalinks during unit test installation) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 32139: […]
23:59 Changeset [32139] by boonebgorges
During PHPUnit tests, don't autodetect permalink structure during WP …
22:31 Ticket #31996 (Press This Hook Docs: Update press_this_save_redirect filter) created by kraftbj
In [31992], the behavior of save action changed in Press This, but the …
21:29 Ticket #31995 (Errors while "View details" for plugin. Error source: ...) created by DarkoG
Hello, I noticed when i clicked on some plugin's "View details". …
18:58 Ticket #31994 (WP should not autodetect pretty permalinks during unit test installation) created by boonebgorges
The new-in-4.2 wp_install_maybe_enable_pretty_permalinks(), called …
15:19 Ticket #31993 (TinyMCE Visual Mode not working) created by Lokimo
After updating to 4.2-RC1-32138 i can no longer use the Visual Mode of …
14:08 Ticket #31992 (Unicode Email Addresses) created by ysalame
Tested against trunk (2015-04-16) Test case […] …
10:19 Ticket #31991 (Remove Default Themes "Twentythirteen" and "Twentyfourteen" from ...) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Hello nitroxis, thanks for this suggestion. The download size for a …
06:49 Ticket #31991 (Remove Default Themes "Twentythirteen" and "Twentyfourteen" from ...) created by nitroxis
When we download WordPress project, from …
06:34 Ticket #31990 (Post "Preview" not working with taxonomy terms if logged in user is ...) created by samuelh_jp
Summary: When clicking the "Preview" button while being logged …
02:34 Ticket #31989 (Allow developer to default hide columns) created by tychay
Currently, the only way to hide columns by default is to write …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.