Make WordPress Core



23:48 Ticket #24233 (_post_formats_title() assumes it will always get two arguments) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 24146: […]
23:48 Changeset [24146] by SergeyBiryukov
Make $post_id argument optional for _post_formats_title(). props …
21:26 Ticket #24234 (Twenty Thirteen: gallery with 10 columns only shows three) created by Ipstenu
Example here:
21:05 Ticket #18767 (Trac comments seem buggy) closed by nacin
fixed: Fixed with 0.12.4, not broken in 1.0 either.
20:49 Ticket #24233 (_post_formats_title() assumes it will always get two arguments) created by markjaquith
If 'the_title' is called with one argument, it's going to complain. …
18:24 Ticket #24232 (Don't Use the_title Filter in get_adjacent_post_rel_link()) created by mordauk
The get_adjacent_post_rel_link() function applies the the_title
18:17 Ticket #24231 (Twenty Thirteen: avoid hyphenating post and page titles) created by lancewillett
We use CSS3 hyphenation in Twenty Thirteen for almost every element; …
14:50 Ticket #24230 (Themes page documentation) created by jcastaneda
While skimming through the themes code I noticed a small omission and …
08:43 Ticket #24229 (Something is probably missing in post-template.php:1424) created by settle
It seems %2$s should also be here: […]
08:34 Ticket #24228 (Localization doesn't work in nav-menus.php) created by settle
Something is wrong with nav-menus.php I am translating WP 3.6 using …
01:11 Ticket #24227 (Post Format(Link): Text Clarification?) created by markmcwilliams
When you have the Link Post Format active, it says "Add a link URL …


21:02 Changeset [24145] by lancewillett
Twenty Ten: fix style element ID attribute value, see #24033.
21:02 Changeset [24144] by lancewillett
Twenty Eleven, minor cleanup: remove extra spaces in CSS file and …
20:53 Changeset [24143] by markjaquith
20:48 Ticket #24218 (Post Formats UI prevents switching back to the starting format) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: [24141]
20:48 Changeset [24142] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-24142.
20:44 Changeset [24141] by SergeyBiryukov
Avoid a JS error when switching post format if Visual editor is …
20:36 Changeset [24140] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-24140.
20:32 Changeset in design [14] by lancewillett
Add Twenty Eleven PSD files.
20:29 Changeset [24139] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix typo in heartbeat.js. see #23216.
20:19 Ticket #24218 (Post Formats UI prevents switching back to the starting format) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Confirmed on a clean install with Visual editor disabled. […]
17:46 Changeset [24138] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-24138.
17:37 Ticket #24226 (Tinymce new theme) closed by nacin
17:21 Changeset [24137] by nacin
Delete minified file. Its parent was removed in [23681].
17:20 Ticket #24226 (Tinymce new theme) created by josh401
Hello kind WP people, I had a small request. I was hoping we could …
17:17 Changeset [24136] by nacin
Remove empty file.
17:14 Changeset [24135] by potbot
POT, generated from r24131
17:14 Changeset [24134] by potbot
POT, generated from r24131
17:14 Changeset [24133] by potbot
POT, generated from r24131
17:14 Changeset [24132] by potbot
POT, generated from r24131
16:57 Ticket #24203 (Remove the_title_attribute() from anchors with the_title() as text) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 24131: […]
16:57 Changeset [24131] by lancewillett
Bundled themes: remove the_title_attribute() title attributes where …
15:37 Ticket #24225 (Improve regular expressions when matching attributes) created by kovshenin
When working with HTML attributes in various functions we use …
14:49 Ticket #24222 (No need to define $matches when using preg_match and preg_match_all) closed by nacin
fixed: In 24130: […]
14:49 Changeset [24130] by nacin
Better logic for preg_match() calls in ms-functions.php. fixes #24222.
14:48 Changeset [24129] by nacin
Variables passed by reference do not need to be set first. props …
14:36 Ticket #24224 (Hello Dolly causing errors, probably hello.php called directly by URL) created by kitchin
My error log is filling up with these: […] I assume someone is …
13:42 Changeset [24128] by nacin
Remove an extra argument passed to get_the_content() in the deprecated …
13:39 Changeset [24127] by nacin
Terms list table: * Don't call single_row() with an undeclared and …
13:26 Changeset [24126] by nacin
Required arguments can't follow optional arguments. Make required …
13:25 Changeset [24125] by nacin
delete_user_setting() and remove_action() were getting called with too …
12:49 Ticket #24217 (Typo in update_blog_option() description) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 24124: […]
12:49 Changeset [24124] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix typo in phpdoc. props belloswan. fixes #24217.
12:49 Ticket #24217 (Typo in update_blog_option() description) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Tickets are marked as fixed when a changeset is commited to trunk …
12:48 Ticket #24223 (Error message when updating theme refers to 'plugin'.) created by araucaria
When updating a theme, the error message given when the theme package …
12:46 Ticket #24222 (No need to define $matches when using preg_match and preg_match_all) created by kovshenin
I noticed that some of the new code in 3.6, especially around post …
12:42 Ticket #24217 (Typo in update_blog_option() description) closed by belloswan
fixed: This bug was very hard to fix but I succeeded anyway. :-D
12:03 Ticket #24221 (Importer doesn't import properly) created by Looimaster
This is what [Tools > Export] generated: […] And now, when I try …
11:51 Ticket #24220 (Administering wih SSL and uploading images makes image links HTTPS) closed by SergeyBiryukov
Duplicate of #19722 and #15928.
11:35 Ticket #24220 (Administering wih SSL and uploading images makes image links HTTPS) created by ccolotti
I am noticing this issue in 3.3 that all uploaded attachments are …
09:02 Changeset in tests [1276] by westi
Meta Queries: Add a test case to validate that when generating the …
04:50 Ticket #24219 (All post formats not available in PressThis) created by danielbachhuber
When creating a new PressThis post with Twenty Thirteen active, only …
02:42 Ticket #24218 (Post Formats UI prevents switching back to the starting format) closed by georgeclaghorn
invalid: Hmm, you're right. Can't reproduce on a clean install.
02:34 Ticket #24205 (is_plugin_active() should return true for must-use/dropin plugins) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
02:18 Ticket #24218 (Post Formats UI prevents switching back to the starting format) created by georgeclaghorn
Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to the Add New Post page. …
01:10 Changeset [24123] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove redundant echo calls from list tables. Don't mix string …
00:56 Changeset [24122] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove extraneous function parameters in wp_video_shortcode(). props …
00:31 Changeset [24121] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove extraneous function parameters in the wpdb class. props …
00:26 Changeset [24120] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove extraneous function parameters in the network admin. props …


23:49 Ticket #24217 (Typo in update_blog_option() description) created by SergeyBiryukov …
22:44 Ticket #24216 (wp_unique_term_slug uses variable that doesn't exist) created by lonnylot
22:38 Ticket #22396 (Better file manager and user support) closed by SergeyBiryukov
22:28 Ticket #24215 (allow admin to set meta nofollow/noindex options per ...) closed by markoheijnen
invalid: Taxonomy doesn't have a meta table (yet). So no ability to save this …
18:08 Ticket #24214 (general sitemap.xml by default (without needing a plugin)) closed by SergeyBiryukov
17:41 Ticket #24215 (allow admin to set meta nofollow/noindex options per ...) created by offordscott
allow admin to set meta nofollow/noindex options per …
17:38 Ticket #24214 (general sitemap.xml by default (without needing a plugin)) created by offordscott
sitemap.xml should be a feature included by default in the core.
17:11 Ticket #24213 (Revisions: wp_list_post_revisions( format => 'form-table' ) is broken) created by ocean90
Current state: …
16:02 Ticket #24212 (Add missing inline docs for esc_attr_x() and esc_html_x()) created by ocean90
See trunk/wp-includes/l10n.php:22346#L208. #9650
14:10 Ticket #24186 (Custom Menu Icon not showing for Custom Post Type) closed by johnbillion
14:10 Ticket #24186 (Custom Menu Icon not showing for Custom Post Type) reopened by johnbillion
12:00 Ticket #24211 (WPMU works with but not created by Looimaster
Installtion 1: I created a WPMU installation on
10:56 Changeset [24119] by ocean90
Revisions UI update: * Style status loading as a regular update …
09:59 Ticket #24186 (Custom Menu Icon not showing for Custom Post Type) closed by Adam Meyer
06:36 Changeset [24118] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix typo in get_the_post_format_image(). props rlerdorf. see #23964. …
06:16 Ticket #24210 (Issues found using a static analysis tool) created by rlerdorf
These all look like valid, but minor, issues: […] Resolved: […]
03:04 Ticket #24209 (Install Themes/Plugins Custom Page Hooks) created by amereservant
Upon trying to add a custom page to the Plugins > Add New
00:20 Ticket #24208 (Add more wp-includes/cache.php test coverage) closed by maxcutler
fixed: In 1275/tests: […]
00:20 Changeset in tests [1275] by maxcutler
Added unit tests for wp_cache_init() and wp_cache_replace(). props …
00:16 Ticket #24208 (Add more wp-includes/cache.php test coverage) created by tollmanz
Added tests for wp_cache_init() and wp_cache_replace().
00:10 Ticket #24207 (Unit tests for widgets.php) closed by maxcutler
fixed: In 1274/tests: […]
00:10 Changeset in tests [1274] by maxcutler
Add unit tests for widgets.php. props jupiterwise. Fixes #24207.
00:02 Changeset in tests [1273] by maxcutler
Fixed unit test broken by [22960].


23:52 Ticket #24207 (Unit tests for widgets.php) created by jupiterwise
Beginning a unit test file for widgets.php
22:41 Changeset [24117] by azaozz
Revert [24113], wp-tinymce.js.gz is missing couple of files.
20:09 Ticket #24206 (Garbage collection for transients stored in the options table) closed by SergeyBiryukov
Duplicate of #20316.
19:50 Ticket #24206 (Garbage collection for transients stored in the options table) created by johnbillion
When there's no persistent object cache in place, WordPress uses the …
19:31 Ticket #24205 (is_plugin_active() should return true for must-use/dropin plugins) closed by nacin
wontfix: must-use plugins and drop-ins don't have a concept of "activation". …
19:28 Ticket #24205 (is_plugin_active() should return true for must-use/dropin plugins) created by jrf
As must-use plugins/dropins are automatically active, the expected …
12:38 Ticket #24200 (Plugin changelog does not update after checkin) closed by Otto42
fixed: This happened because you did the check in at the time when the SVN …
12:19 Changeset [24116] by ocean90
Optimize jQuery selector for checkbox synchronization. props …
02:54 Ticket #24194 (Twenty Thirteen: non-responsive layout in IE8) closed by RDall
invalid: IE8 doesn't support media queries so it can't be responsive like the …
01:28 Ticket #24204 (Tax query forces multiple post type treatment due to array check) closed by nacin
fixed: In 24115: […]
01:28 Changeset [24115] by nacin
WP_Query: If the post_type QV is an array with only one element, don't …
01:25 Ticket #24204 (Tax query forces multiple post type treatment due to array check) created by nacin
In WP_Query, if you have more than one post type in the query, things …


23:47 Changeset [24114] by helen
Better responsive CSS for post format switcher. Remove some JS debug …
22:57 Changeset [24113] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-24113. TinyMCE updated.
16:10 Ticket #24095 (IE7 Layout bug) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 24112: […]
16:10 Changeset [24112] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove excess margin on the menus accordion in IE7. props bobbravo2. …
15:42 Ticket #24120 (Post Formats: Icons in Edit Posts are broken in IE7) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 24111: […]
15:42 Changeset [24111] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix display of post format icons and post titles in IE7. props …
15:10 Ticket #24094 ("Blank" media item in "Insert Media" popup) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24110: […]
15:10 Changeset [24110] by markjaquith
Fix the appearance of a blank media item due to [23893]. props …
13:58 Changeset [24109] by potbot
POT, generated from r24100
13:58 Changeset [24108] by potbot
POT, generated from r24100
13:58 Changeset [24107] by potbot
POT, generated from r24100
13:58 Changeset [24106] by potbot
POT, generated from r24100
13:58 Changeset [24105] by potbot
POT, generated from r24100
13:58 Changeset [24104] by potbot
POT, generated from r24100
13:58 Changeset [24103] by potbot
POT, generated from r24100
13:58 Changeset [24102] by potbot
POT, generated from r24100
13:58 Changeset [24101] by potbot
POT, generated from r24100
13:28 Ticket #24203 (Remove the_title_attribute() from anchors with the_title() as text) created by nacin
This: `<a href="(link)" title="Permalink to Post Title">Post …
13:14 Ticket #24202 (Self-explanatory argument values for new media functions) created by SergeyBiryukov
We've introduced a bunch of functions, some with a relatively long …
13:13 Ticket #24201 (Error in RegEx for proxy excluded URL in function send_through_proxy) created by erich1978
Dear WordPress Team, I've detected a bug in the function …
12:58 Changeset [24100] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-24100.
12:36 Changeset [24099] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove unused variable and CSS class. see #24046.
12:22 Changeset [24098] by markjaquith
Post format UI refresh. * Post format switcher does not go away after …
11:50 Ticket #15668 (Add additional image sizes to thickbox) closed by SergeyBiryukov
The Thickbox dialog was removed in #21390. Let's continue with …
07:32 Ticket #24200 (Plugin changelog does not update after checkin) created by webaware
I checked in a new version (1.1.0) of plugin Gravity Forms DPS PxPay …
06:42 Ticket #18649 (Add additional attributes to html tags in kses) closed by SergeyBiryukov
Superseded by #20210. Fixed in [21790].
05:57 Ticket #24196 (Post Formats UI: jQuery issue) closed by IcyPixels
worksforme: Indeed, you can close this. It was a matter of a theme malfunctioning. …
05:22 Ticket #24187 (Parent Category Count Update) closed by SergeyBiryukov
Replying to knutsp: > I think it's by design that the …
04:53 Ticket #24199 (Redundant post ID validation) created by SergeyBiryukov
We have this in some of the recently introduced functions: […] That …
00:18 Ticket #24191 (Open Tags before <!--nextpage--> impacts entire webpage) closed by SergeyBiryukov
Duplicate of #6297.


23:31 Ticket #24190 (Undefined variable in edit-form-advanced.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 24097: […]
23:31 Changeset [24097] by SergeyBiryukov
Avoid an undefined variable notice. props lightningspirit. fixes #24190.
23:10 Ticket #24185 (Query Documentation) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 24096: […]
23:10 Changeset [24096] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix typo in phpdoc. props jcastaneda. fixes #24185.
23:01 Ticket #24198 (Twenty Thirteen: Script tag output to screen in entry-media ...) created by dh-shredder
When the MediaElement.js plugin is active, <script> tags with content …
21:12 Ticket #24195 (WordPress clean install is not fully PHP 5.3 compatible) closed by dd32
invalid: Most definitely a PHP configuration issue, and not a WordPress issue. …
21:03 Ticket #24152 (Use JSON as alternative to CSS file headers) closed by nacin
20:23 Ticket #24197 (wp_localize_script() doesn't work for jquery handle) created by IcyPixels
Here's another odd bug introduced by WP 3.6 latest development …
20:21 Ticket #24162 (Add filter hook to get_post_format_meta()) reopened by alexkingorg
Whoops, I think my patch was incomplete - we should also pass the …
20:01 Ticket #24196 (Post Formats UI: jQuery issue) created by IcyPixels
I'm using the latest development version available in trunk. Upon …
19:57 Ticket #24195 (WordPress clean install is not fully PHP 5.3 compatible) created by klihelp
The latest WordPress beta (version 3.6-beta1-24067) have at least two …
19:51 Ticket #24194 (Twenty Thirteen: non-responsive layout in IE8) created by jrbeilke
Testing Twenty Thirteen with 3.6 beta and I'm getting scrollbars when …
18:36 Ticket #24009 (Quote post format should use content for content of the quote) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: This is confirmed working - quirks in the theme can be / are reported …
18:07 Ticket #24193 (Anti brute force protection) created by MAzZY
To protect against hacking should be added to the login form …
17:16 Ticket #24192 (Twenty Thirteen: search sometimes overlaps menu items in navbar in ...) created by jrbeilke
Testing Twenty Thirteen with the theme unit test data and I'm having …
16:54 Changeset in design [13] by lancewillett
Add Twenty Thirteen blavatar source files.
15:58 Ticket #24191 (Open Tags before <!--nextpage--> impacts entire webpage) created by crushgear
If a chunk of your post is formatted (like strong or em) and you …
15:54 Ticket #24190 (Undefined variable in edit-form-advanced.php) created by lightningspirit
Last trunk commit throws an notice when editing or creating new page: …
15:10 Ticket #24180 (Update option) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: The issue here is caused by trying to insert a non-UTF-8 character …
11:20 Changeset in tests [1272] by westi
Terms: Add a test case for #24189 which shows the invalid caching in …
11:18 Ticket #24189 ({$taxonomy}_relationships cache can easily become stale when a term is ...) created by westi
The {$taxonomy}_relationships cache stores the information about …
10:44 Ticket #24188 (Post Formats: get_the_post_format_image doesn't return the requested size) created by kovshenin
The new get_the_post_format_image function accepts an …
08:58 Changeset [24095] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-24095.
08:33 Ticket #24187 (Parent Category Count Update) created by vivek.jain
WordFlow: When I assign a child category to a post then its …
08:02 Changeset [24094] by markjaquith
Prevent a PHP Warning for $post_format. props MZAWeb, kovshenin. see …
07:43 Ticket #24126 (Twenty Thirteen: Use core function for featured galleries) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24093: […]
07:42 Changeset [24093] by markjaquith
the_post_format_gallery() (and Twenty Thirteen using it). fixes …
07:28 Ticket #24186 (Custom Menu Icon not showing for Custom Post Type) created by Adam Meyer
Version: 3.6-beta1-24067 This is the first possible bug I've ever …
07:28 Changeset [24092] by markjaquith
Screen option for Post Format UI. props nacin. see #23930.
07:10 Ticket #24002 (Improve get_the_post_format_media and get_the_post_format_image caching) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24091: […]
07:10 Changeset [24091] by markjaquith
Smarter structured post format caching. fixes #24002. props …
06:58 Changeset [24090] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-24090.
06:08 Ticket #24036 (Default Post Format) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24089: […]
06:08 Changeset [24089] by markjaquith
Allow any post format to be default, not just ones with explicit …
05:58 Changeset [24088] by markjaquith
Clean up gallery-mode toggling in post-formats.js and make sure it is …
05:43 Ticket #24062 (Force gallery state for gallery post format) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24087: […]
05:43 Changeset [24087] by markjaquith
Force gallery state for gallery post format. props lessbloat, …
05:05 Changeset [24086] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-beta1-24086.
04:46 Changeset [24085] by markjaquith
Restore the title visibility for Asides (but keep autogeneration …
04:20 Ticket #24185 (Query Documentation) created by jcastaneda
While reading the Query API I came across an extra 'to' in the inline …
04:06 Ticket #23992 (Make post content area smaller for post formats where the amount of ...) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24084: […]
04:06 Changeset [24084] by markjaquith
Fix some issues related to status/aside editor height changing. props …
03:52 Ticket #24070 ([embed] from structured video/audio post format not working with ...) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24083: […]
03:52 Changeset [24083] by markjaquith
Fix issue with [embed] in post_format_compat. props kovshenin. fixes …
03:51 Ticket #24121 (Blank title caused by PHP 5.4 htmlspecialchars() changes) closed by SergeyBiryukov
> I wasn't 100% sure if this should be a new bug or related to the …
03:06 Ticket #24089 (array_keys( get_post_format_slugs() ) is redundant) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24082: […]
03:06 Changeset [24082] by markjaquith
Fix redundant use of array_keys() around get_post_format_slugs(). …
02:44 Ticket #24116 (Set post format when arriving to post-new.php?format={post_format}) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24081: […]
02:44 Changeset [24081] by markjaquith
post-new.php?format=X will pre-fill the format, to allow for …
02:38 Ticket #23992 (Make post content area smaller for post formats where the amount of ...) reopened by markjaquith
Needs to adjust the size on initial load for those formats, and resize …
02:31 Ticket #24162 (Add filter hook to get_post_format_meta()) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24080: […]
02:31 Changeset [24080] by markjaquith
Add a post_format_meta filter. props alexkingorg. fixes #24162.
02:28 Ticket #23945 (get_the_post_format_image doesn't use specificed image size) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24079: […]
02:28 Changeset [24079] by markjaquith
Allow the_post_format_image() to choose an image size late in the …
02:18 Changeset [24078] by markjaquith
Fix mangled image output in compat function. props wonderboymusic. …
02:07 Ticket #23992 (Make post content area smaller for post formats where the amount of ...) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 24077: […]
02:07 Changeset [24077] by markjaquith
Make the content area smaller for Aside/Status posts. props …
01:29 Changeset in design [12] by helen
PSD for Twenty Thirteen headers
00:09 Ticket #23875 (Twenty Thirteen: improve jQuery code: remove deprecated functions, ...) closed by lancewillett
fixed: Closing now that #24184 negates the need to throttle the scroll event …


23:43 Ticket #24184 (Twenty Thirteen: remove fixed navbar) created by lancewillett
Discussing today in IRC dev chat …
22:54 Ticket #24183 (MediaElement.js i18n issues) created by SergeyBiryukov
As reported by dimadin in #23282: > MedaElement.js has very poor i18n …
22:52 Ticket #23611 (Update to new button styles) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Implemented as of 2013-03-13, courtesy of @lessbloat.
22:39 Ticket #24182 (WP_Http_Fsockopen fails when requesting an IP based URL with an ...) created by friedcell
When requesting a resource with a IP based URL and an explicitly set …
22:31 Ticket #23107 (Plugins SVN Revision Corruption) closed by coffee2code
fixed: Fixed …
21:54 Ticket #24163 (Upgrade to Plupload 1.5.7) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 24076: […]
21:54 Changeset [24076] by azaozz
Upgrade to Plupload 1.5.7, fixes #24163
21:30 Ticket #23347 (Theme fallbacks for post format meta data) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: New tix
21:03 Ticket #24181 (Dragging image in visual editor to new location results in text link) created by rosso99
If there is an image in an existing post, dragging the image to a new …
20:45 Ticket #24180 (Update option) created by Looimaster
[…] The above returns error on 2000–2013 part (I bet it tries to …
20:06 Ticket #24179 (Post Format Icon should change back to Standard when change format is ...) created by aaroncampbell
Currently if you choose a post format, the screen icon changes to …
18:50 Ticket #23370 (Update to jQuery UI 1.10.*) closed by adamsilverstein
18:32 Ticket #23959 (Option to remove selected media for post format) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: In [24006]
18:31 Ticket #24178 (An active plugin which switches to network-only is impossible to deactivate) created by johnbillion
This might sound like an edge case, but this issue affects W3 Total …
18:26 Ticket #24174 (using network_site_url in the wp_lostpassword_url()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
17:42 Ticket #24177 (Items (like Galleries) Disappearing from Visual Editor) created by crushgear
When you create a post in WordPress and insert a gallery (or any item, …
16:37 Ticket #24176 (Twenty Thirteen: improve Quote post format styles to look more like quotes) created by lancewillett
Reported by MarkJaquith and Nacin, Quote post format styles could look …
16:06 Ticket #24175 (Image post format insertion results in a broken image for unlinked images) created by designsimply
Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate the …
13:17 Ticket #16254 (Reset password message should show Site address, not WordPress address) closed by SergeyBiryukov
Duplicate of #19767. Fixed in [19705].
11:18 Ticket #24174 (using network_site_url in the wp_lostpassword_url()) created by revaxarts
The wp_lostpassword_url() function uses network_site_url instead of …
05:57 Ticket #24173 (Unit tests: Support subdirectory multisite installs) created by r-a-y
I have unit tests set up at: localhost/wordpress-tests/ And have set: …
01:51 Ticket #23370 (Update to jQuery UI 1.10.*) reopened by programmin
This is causing a z-index conflict in …


23:19 Changeset [24075] by helen
Respect $compat values for the link format fallback output. props …
23:10 Ticket #24172 (Twenty Thirteen: Child comments can run into their parents) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 24074: […]
23:10 Changeset [24074] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: avoid setting absolute positioning and a magic height …
22:47 Ticket #24172 (Twenty Thirteen: Child comments can run into their parents) created by obenland
In some circumstances, parent comments are not high enough to …
21:58 Ticket #24171 (Trashing a page selected as "Page on Front" produces homepage 404) created by danielbachhuber
Steps to produce: 1. Create a new page called "My Home Page". Add …
21:29 Ticket #24167 (Twenty Thirteen: Title in author bio is indented when avatars are disabled) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 24073: […]
21:29 Changeset [24073] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: fix case where title in author bio was indented when …
21:25 Ticket #24141 (bbPress 2.3 and core WordPress (3.5, 3.6) : current user ...) closed by johnjamesjacoby
Created #24169 for clarity. Closing this as a duplicate.
21:24 Ticket #24170 (oEmbed / Vimeo: Support URLs) created by danielbachhuber
Vimeo also supports URLs like
21:21 Ticket #24169 (WP_Customize_Manager loads the current user too early) created by johnjamesjacoby
When previewing a theme, neither the locale nor the functions.php of …
17:55 Ticket #24114 (Twenty Thirteen: Remove hgroup) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 24072: […]
17:55 Changeset [24072] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: remove hgroup from the theme markup structure since …
17:41 Ticket #24168 (Custom image sizes don't automatically populate in 3.5+ media modal) created by ericlewis
Seems a bit redundant to have to filter (image_size_names_choose) the …
17:29 Ticket #24167 (Twenty Thirteen: Title in author bio is indented when avatars are disabled) created by obenland
There's a small bug when avatars are deactivated. The title in the …
17:05 Ticket #24012 (Twenty Thirteen: Bitter Font not loading in IE8) closed by lancewillett
16:57 Ticket #24166 (Twenty Thirteen: Avoid orphans in the aside date meta) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 24071: […]
16:57 Changeset [24071] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: avoid orphans in Aside date post meta. Props …
16:30 Changeset [24070] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: update JavaScript-based accessibility function hooked …
15:59 Ticket #24166 (Twenty Thirteen: Avoid orphans in the aside date meta) created by obenland
The visual argument for the way Joen designed the date meta was for it …
15:50 Ticket #24165 (Re-skinning Trac 1.0) created by nacin
As part of a datacenter migration, Trac was updated to 1.0, which has …
14:24 Changeset [24069] by nacin
Removed testing
14:24 Changeset [24068] by nacin
Testing new repo
14:19 WikiRestructuredText edited by trac
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14:19 TracRepositoryAdmin created by trac
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14:19 TracAdmin edited by trac
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14:19 TracGuide edited by trac
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05:35 Ticket #24164 (Deprecate `get_permalink()`) created by ericmann
With the exception of get_permalink(), all in-loop template tags …
05:15 Ticket #24163 (Upgrade to Plupload 1.5.7) created by azaozz
As the title. Changelog: …
04:49 Ticket #24162 (Add filter hook to get_post_format_meta()) created by stuntbox
As per [ a …
03:39 Ticket #24117 (Multisite installations using ms-files.php rewriting can't handle ...) closed by jamescollins
duplicate: Duplicate of #22813.
02:46 Ticket #22634 (Plugin Editor ignores &plugin= variable) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: > a. The plugin select box is reset to the first plugin > b. The …
01:38 Changeset in tests [1271] by SergeyBiryukov
Correctly save and restore current locale settings in …
01:12 Changeset in tests [1270] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix wp_convert_bytes_to_hr() test for decimal comma locales. see #23626.
00:45 Ticket #24161 (Updating long post quickly could result in post truncation) created by archon810
I've observed a bug yesterday when updating a 10,000 word post …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.