Make WordPress Core



22:58 Changeset [23646] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23646.
20:27 Ticket #23718 (Post Formats Post Editing Shows Too Many Tabs (3.6)) closed by helen
invalid: This is a conscious decision. Since the point of post formats is to …
19:49 Ticket #23718 (Post Formats Post Editing Shows Too Many Tabs (3.6)) created by wpweaver
I apologize if this is a duplicate - I could not find similar report. …
19:15 Ticket #23610 (Menus UI: Move 'Delete Menu' link adjacent to the 'Save Menu' button) closed by DrewAPicture
wontfix: Based on the latest …
19:12 Ticket #23641 (Tweaks to menu management box) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: An new issues with this should be in a new ticket.
19:04 Ticket #23717 (Twenty Thirteen header images could be dynamically created) created by ericlewis
As the current header images in Twenty Thirteen are all geometric, it …
18:22 Changeset [23645] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: simpler isRTL check for masonry, props obenland. See …
18:00 Changeset [23644] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: RTL JS support, fix class selector, see #23550.
17:57 Changeset [23643] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: first pass at RTL CSS and JS support. Props …
17:52 Ticket #23716 (Discuss theme locations as meta box vs. checkboxes) created by lessbloat
Relocating a side topic discussion that started on the …
17:43 Ticket #23715 (Plugins/Themes that rely on get_option('embed_autourls') may fail in 3.5.x) created by standardbanter
After upgrading to WordPress 3.5. or greater from 3.4.x and below, the …
17:37 Ticket #23707 (Twenty Thirteen: audio and video post formats have same background-color) closed by lancewillett
fixed: Discussed a bit more in office hours, IRC today …
17:18 Ticket #23663 (Twenty Thirteen: Redundant esc_url() calls) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23642: […]
17:18 Changeset [23642] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: remove redundant esc_url() calls, props …
17:13 Ticket #23713 (Image editor: Remove help text about unsupported image upscaling) closed by markoheijnen
wontfix: You can't scale up an image with WordPress. We check for that. So when …
17:04 Changeset [23641] by markjaquith
Add back "Add New" next to h2 on Nav Menus screen. props …
17:03 Ticket #23714 (Remove menus message slide down effect) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23640: […]
17:03 Changeset [23640] by nacin
Remove message slide-down effect on the nav-menus.php page. props …
17:00 Ticket #23714 (Remove menus message slide down effect) created by lessbloat
We can't have this slide down in menus, but not elsewhere in the …
16:59 Ticket #23713 (Image editor: Remove help text about unsupported image upscaling) created by ullemehner
I can't scale up jpg within wordpress media library, while scaling …
16:31 Ticket #23700 (publish_future_post action not working) closed by nacin
invalid: Yeah, the global $post isn't set up on cron, nor should it be. The …
15:42 Ticket #23712 (My browser is NOT out of date) created by assenoff
Hello. I'm running Win7 64bit with Firefox 19.0. When I log in my …
15:32 Changeset [23639] by westi
Revisions: Updates to the new Revisions UI. Various Updates …
15:14 Ticket #23711 (file include wrapper for media_sideload_image) created by norcross
Currently, when using media_sideload_image outside of wp-admin, you …
15:11 Changeset [23638] by westi
Revisions: Update the Styling for the Revisions UI props karmatosed …
06:57 Changeset [23637] by nacin
Revert [23411] until encoding differences are worked out. see #20771.
06:52 Ticket #22320 (getRecentPosts API succeeds with empty response for unauthorized user) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23636: […]
06:52 Changeset [23636] by nacin
XML-RPC: Return an error for getRecentPosts (mw and blogger) if the …
06:49 Changeset [23635] by nacin
Allow get_post_ancestors() to inspect the $post global, when null/0 is …
06:49 Changeset in tests [1240] by nacin
Allow get_post_ancestors() to inspect the $post global, when null/0 is …
06:00 Ticket #17018 (Password Email contains wrong Password) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23634: […]
06:00 Changeset [23634] by SergeyBiryukov
When adding a new user in the admin, strip slashes from the password …
05:30 Ticket #23664 (Add esc_url() to header_image()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23633: […]
05:30 Changeset [23633] by SergeyBiryukov
Always escape the URL echoed by header_image(). fixes #23664.
04:46 Ticket #23710 (Fix error notice in wp_generate_attachment_metadata()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23632: […]
04:46 Changeset [23632] by SergeyBiryukov
Declare the variable before using it. props danielbachhuber. fixes #23710.


23:55 Changeset [23631] by nacin
Use auto-draft rather than post_ID = 0 to detect whether we are adding …
23:38 Ticket #23696 (Twenty Thirteen: bypostauthor highlight star icon is out of alignment) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23630: […]
23:38 Changeset [23630] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: align comment "bypostauthor" star correctly, props …
23:36 Ticket #23698 (Twenty Thirteen: Minor changes) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23629: […]
23:36 Changeset [23629] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: minor tweaks and fixes, props obenland. Fixes #23698. …
23:09 Ticket #23629 (Twenty Thirteen: Form elements aren't equal when on mobile) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23628: […]
23:09 Changeset [23628] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: better styling for text input elements in small …
23:07 Ticket #23710 (Fix error notice in wp_generate_attachment_metadata()) created by danielbachhuber
Notice: `[06-Mar-2013 23:06:07 UTC] Notice: Undefined variable: sizes …
22:58 Changeset [23627] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23627.
21:43 Ticket #23672 (Twenty Thirteen: Default widget title wraps to a new line) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: Good point, Mike. Let's close.
20:09 Changeset in tests [1239] by nacin
Add shortcode_atts() filter tests. see #15155. props coffee2code.
20:07 Ticket #15155 (Allow filtering of shortcode attributes) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23626: […]
20:07 Changeset [23626] by nacin
Add shortcode_atts_$shortcode filter for when the name of the …
20:06 Changeset [23625] by markjaquith
Unhyphenate "log-in". see #23295
20:03 Ticket #23709 (Relax wildcard restrictions for populate_network() when installing in ...) created by rinatkhaziev
I ran into the issue while trying to use wp-cli install-network …
19:57 Ticket #19210 (Add missing filters to remaining link(url) functions in feed.php) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23624: […]
19:57 Changeset [23624] by nacin
Add filters to comments_link_feed(), comment_link(), and …
19:42 Ticket #23641 (Tweaks to menu management box) reopened by markjaquith
Reopening to discuss keeping "Add New" next to the h2 for consistency. …
19:41 Ticket #23645 (RTL fixes for Nav Menu UI refresh) reopened by DrewAPicture
There's bound to be other RTL fixes. Let's leave this open for now.
19:37 Ticket #23645 (RTL fixes for Nav Menu UI refresh) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 23623: […]
19:37 Changeset [23623] by markjaquith
RTL for Nav Menu tweaks. see #23641. fixes #23645. props DrewAPicture.
19:34 Ticket #23641 (Tweaks to menu management box) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 23622: […]
19:34 Changeset [23622] by markjaquith
Tweak the Nav Menu UX, especially around menu creation. props …
19:20 Ticket #23708 (get_post_ancestors() no longer works inside loop) created by ripsup
When upgrading from 3.3.1 to 3.5.1 we found that get_post_ancestors() …
19:09 Ticket #23707 (Twenty Thirteen: audio and video post formats have same background-color) created by MikeHansenMe
When you have an audio post then a video post they appear to blend …
19:00 Ticket #10789 (Add plugin information to XML-RPC) closed by markoheijnen
wontfix: Closing this since wouldn't really be used and when you need something …
17:46 Ticket #14909 (Pass "_e('Press This')" through filter) closed by joehoyle
maybelater: Closing as i appears there is little interest in this
17:45 Ticket #14634 (Add $args to get_the_terms()) closed by joehoyle
invalid: Seems this will be fixed by #9547 when/if that path is committed
17:41 Ticket #23699 (Better `wp_unique_filename` tests) closed by joehoyle
fixed: In 1238/tests: […]
17:41 Changeset in tests [1238] by joehoyle
better test for wp_unique_filename() fixes #23699
17:05 Ticket #23706 (Image metadata encoding problem) created by pavelevap
I uploaded picture DSCF4480.jpg (attached for testing). Metadata for …
13:00 Ticket #23705 (get_terms with ajax_nopriv_ return empty array) created by squallbreizh
When using the get_terms() function in an ajax function, get_terms() …
06:17 Ticket #23704 (Add a field onto support forums for plugin version number) created by Daedalon support forums ask the user to specify the version of …
06:12 Ticket #23703 (Posting on support forums defaults to wrong version ...) created by Daedalon
When posting to support forums there's a Version field …


22:29 Ticket #23702 (Twenty Thirteen: use new HTML5 comment form argument) created by lancewillett
Once #15080 changes are in core, update Twenty Thirteen to include the …
22:19 Ticket #23701 (Twenty Thirteen: remove searchform.php template once core search form ...) created by lancewillett
See #15081 for the core change. Once that lands in 3.6 we can remove …
21:56 Ticket #23700 (publish_future_post action not working) created by jkoon
The API Action Reference for publish_future_post says "Runs when a …
21:44 Ticket #23657 (Twenty Thirteen: Don't show comment link on single post views) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23621: […]
21:44 Changeset [23621] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: remove extraneous comment link on single post views, …
20:56 Ticket #23699 (Better `wp_unique_filename` tests) created by joehoyle
I refactored the wp_unique_filename test case, as it was rather old …
19:52 Ticket #23698 (Twenty Thirteen: Minor changes) created by obenland
A ticket for truly minor changes that almost don't deserve their own …
19:03 Ticket #23581 (Twenty Thirteen: Header takes up too much space on mobile screens) closed by obenland
wontfix: Joen and I talked about it in the initial development phase and we …
18:57 Ticket #23697 (Check and refresh post locks with heartbeat) created by azaozz
This will change the frequency we check post locks: 15 sec. when the …
18:47 Ticket #23679 (Twenty Thirteen: Search input element breaks padding of container) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23620: […]
18:47 Changeset [23620] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: fixed layout for search inputs, props kwight. Fixes …
18:43 Ticket #23696 (Twenty Thirteen: bypostauthor highlight star icon is out of alignment) created by lancewillett
I noticed in the epic comment threads here: …
18:24 Changeset in tests [1237] by nacin
Post revisions now only get created when a field gets changed.
18:23 Changeset in tests [1236] by nacin
shorten_url() no longer strips slashes.
18:22 Changeset in tests [1235] by nacin
Two dots are no longer invalid in URLs.
18:17 Ticket #23695 (Add orientation information to gallery items) created by obenland
It would be highly beneficial for Twenty Thirteen to have information …
17:02 Ticket #23540 (Network Update screen text) closed by ryan
fixed: In 23619: […]
17:02 Changeset [23619] by ryan
Call them network upgrades rather than network updates to better …
16:19 Ticket #20328 (get_date_from_gmt assumes current gmt_offset is appropriate) reopened by nacin
iso8601_to_datetime() and wp-mail.php both appear to be affected. We …
16:14 Ticket #20328 (get_date_from_gmt assumes current gmt_offset is appropriate) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23618: […]
16:14 Changeset [23618] by nacin
Properly handle timezones in get_date_from_gmt() rather than relying …
16:02 Ticket #23693 ( theme preview is pushed down half way in window) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Duplicate of #23485.
15:50 Changeset in tests [1234] by nacin
Move the get_date_from_gmt() et al. tests to the formatting group.
15:45 Changeset in tests [1233] by nacin
Add tests for get_date_from_gmt() and get_gmt_from_date(). These …
15:15 Ticket #23694 (Shortcode attributes mess up html strings) created by prometh
[…] produces: […]
14:49 Changeset [23617] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23617.
14:47 Changeset [23616] by nacin
Add heartbeat and revisions .min.js files.
14:03 Ticket #23693 ( theme preview is pushed down half way in window) created by ericlewis
See screenshot
14:02 Ticket #23692 (feed_links should have a parameter to choose which feed to display) created by Confridin
Hello, feed_links is a function located in …


23:22 Ticket #23240 (#post-body-content gap with one custom metabox) closed by helen
fixed: In 23615: […]
23:22 Changeset [23615] by helen
Prevent an unseemly gap on the edit screen when nothing else displays …
23:19 Changeset [23614] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: better contrast for page links, props sabreuse. See …
23:18 Changeset [23613] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: better contrast for footer text and form "allowed …
22:59 Ticket #23507 (Twenty Thirteen: move IE-specific extra font-family property out of ...) closed by lancewillett
fixed: OK, closing.
22:57 Ticket #23660 (Twenty Thirteen: Adjust caption color in footer widgets) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23612: […]
22:57 Changeset [23612] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: adjust caption color in footer widgets, props …
22:51 Changeset [23611] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: move IE-specific properties out of main stylesheet. …
22:46 Ticket #23579 (Twenty Thirteen: Text flows under sidebar in IE8) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23610: […]
22:46 Changeset [23610] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: fix text overflow with sidebar in IE8, props …
22:19 Ticket #23396 (Revision team proposed changes patches for testing) closed by adamsilverstein
fixed: work continues on the revisions team rewrite for 3.6 in ticket #23497
18:54 Ticket #23691 (Visiting post-new.php using the back button overwrites an existing post) created by jkudish
1) visit post-new.php 2) write a post 3) publish it 4) click back in …
18:17 Ticket #23690 (Allow plugin test bootstraps access to tests_add_filter() earlier) closed by scribu
fixed: In 1232/tests: […]
18:17 Changeset in tests [1232] by scribu
Use require_once to load includes/functions.php fixes #23690
18:15 Ticket #23690 (Allow plugin test bootstraps access to tests_add_filter() earlier) created by scribu
Currently, plugins that have their own unit tests have a bootstrap.php …
18:13 Ticket #21898 (Custom Fields for Menu Items) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #18584.
18:04 Ticket #23689 (get_blogaddress_by_name() fails to return address for sites whose ...) created by dllh
In get_blogaddress_by_name(), we use a backreference to insert …
17:27 Ticket #23688 (esc_textarea, wp_richedit_pre and wp_htmledit_pre eat post content ...) created by westi
Because of a change in default behaviour in htmlspecialchars in …
11:54 Ticket #23687 (Filter Contextual Help Label) created by dgwyer
The contextual help feature is a great way to add help to themes and …
11:27 Ticket #23686 (wp_handle_(upload|sideload) have a lot of copy-pasted code from each other) created by nbachiyski
A huge part of those two functions is the same. It needs to be …
11:00 Ticket #23685 (Explicitly globalize version variables) created by nbachiyski
When WordPress is loaded in a function (e.g. unit tests) the variables …
07:10 Ticket #23684 (wp-admin CSS style conflicts with jQuery-UI breaking form elements in ...) created by Colin84
A default CSS style in the wordpress admin interface, which is loaded …
06:19 Changeset in tests [1231] by dd32
Rename the WP_HTTP testcase 'test_location_header_on_200' to …
05:54 Ticket #23683 (Fatal error in WP_User_Query) created by SergeyBiryukov
To reproduce in single site: 1. Go to Users screen. 2. Enter a URL …
05:40 Changeset [23609] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Prevent the 'max_body_length' and 'stream_handle' properties …
05:17 Changeset [23608] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Fix returning WP_Error's on too-many-redirects after r23603
04:54 Ticket #23676 (warning 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()' at ...) closed by Scott S
fixed: Ah yes, it would seem my co-admin updated some plug-ins shortly after …
04:47 Ticket #23310 (WP_Http_Curl doesn't return errors for non-blocking requests) closed by dd32
fixed: In 23607: […]
04:47 Changeset [23607] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Return error responses from cURL for non-blocking requests. …
04:34 Ticket #23301 (Add description of wp_dashboard_rss_output function) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23606: […]
04:34 Changeset [23606] by SergeyBiryukov
Add description for wp_dashboard_rss_output(). props aaronholbrook for …
04:25 Ticket #23246 (Minor inline docs grammar fixes) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: [23604]
04:24 Changeset [23605] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Enable developers to request the first x bytes of a document …
04:23 Changeset [23604] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix typos in phpdoc. props bradparbs. fixes #23481.
04:10 Ticket #23682 (WP_HTTP may make a redirect request on an unsupported transport) closed by dd32
fixed: In 23603: […]
04:10 Changeset [23603] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Funnel all redirect requests through WP_HTTP::request() via …
03:55 Ticket #23682 (WP_HTTP may make a redirect request on an unsupported transport) created by dd32
When WP_HTTP determines which transport to make a request on, several …
03:36 Changeset [23602] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Specifically mark a static function as being static
03:33 Changeset [23601] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Do not send a Accept-Encoding header when we're streaming to …
03:27 Ticket #23681 (jQuery 1.9 doesn't like leading whitespace from wp_ajax_add_menu_item) created by csixty4
jquery-migrate logs this message to the console when adding a new menu …
03:15 Ticket #23680 (Obsolete function previously used in Theme Editor) created by SergeyBiryukov
get_real_file_to_edit() is unused since [12063] and should probably …
03:11 Ticket #20142 (Allow WP_Http to filter Accept-Encoding Header) closed by dd32
fixed: In 23600: […]
03:11 Changeset [23600] by dd32
WP_HTTP: Allow developers to specify a Accept-Encoding header. Fixes #20142
02:52 Ticket #21887 (Remove unnecessary error suppression from get_terms()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23599: […]
02:52 Changeset [23599] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove unnecessary error suppression from get_terms(). fixes #21887.
02:48 Ticket #21210 (Coding formating in register_taxonomy defaults array) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23598: […]
02:48 Changeset [23598] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix array formatting. props WraithKenny. fixes #21210.
02:14 Ticket #23089 (Rewrite a confusing condition in default-widgets.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23597: […]
02:14 Changeset [23597] by SergeyBiryukov
Simplify logic in WP_Widget_Recent_Posts and …


22:58 Changeset [23596] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23596.
22:04 Changeset [23595] by SergeyBiryukov
Use correct variable. see [23592]. see #21767.
21:27 Ticket #23679 (Twenty Thirteen: Search input element breaks padding of container) created by kwight
It appears input[type="search"] was missed in preparing [23520], …
21:11 Changeset [23594] by ryan
Use wp_unslash() instead of stripslashes() and stripslashes_deep(). …
21:10 Changeset in tests [1230] by ryan
Revert parts of [1215] to reflects changes for #WP21767
20:55 Changeset [23593] by ryan
Remove unnecessary stripslashes(). see #21767
20:26 Changeset in tests [1229] by nbachiyski
Ignore phpunit.xml, since we have phpunit.xml.dist See #23499, props …
18:59 Ticket #23521 (Twenty Thirteen: Make correct click-event for touch-devices while ...) closed by obenland
wontfix: I agree, let's keep as is.
17:38 Ticket #23678 (Incorrect Number of Resolved Support Threads Reported on Plugin Page) created by iandunn
I just went through the first two pages of support threads for …
16:55 Changeset [23592] by ryan
In ms-functions.php, remove unnecessary slashing, don't strip the …
16:53 Ticket #23677 (Feed autodiscovery for custom taxonomy and perhaps date archives) created by mdgl
In #21648 we enabled the "autodiscovery" of feeds for custom post …
16:30 Changeset [23591] by ryan
Use wp_unslash() instead of stripslashes() and stripslashes_deep(). …
15:40 Ticket #23676 (warning 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()' at ...) created by Scott S
The problem only appears on the "Must Use" and "Drop ins" tables in …
07:36 Ticket #23675 (Media modal should clear gallery state after insertion) closed by koopersmith
fixed: In 23590: […]
07:36 Changeset [23590] by koopersmith
Media: Reset modal after gallery insertion. Removes hardcoded (and …
07:13 Ticket #23675 (Media modal should clear gallery state after insertion) created by koopersmith
This one snuck by us in 3.5 — after inserting a gallery, when the …
07:04 Ticket #23262 (Update Backbone.js to 0.9.10) closed by koopersmith
fixed: In 23589: […]
07:04 Changeset [23589] by koopersmith
Update Backbone to 0.9.10. Update media to handle breaking changes. * …
06:06 Ticket #23499 (Rename phpunit.xml to phpunit.xml.dist) closed by nacin
fixed: In 1228/tests: […]
06:06 Changeset in tests [1228] by nacin
Move phpunit.xml to phpunit.xml.dist. props nbachiyski. fixes #23499.
05:44 Ticket #14084 (Custom taxonomy count includes draft & trashed posts) closed by nacin
invalid: Replying to jeremyclarke: > Why not fix it in the …
04:08 Ticket #23674 (Twenty Eleven: twentyeleven_url_grabber() should not be pluggable) created by nacin
Looking at [23474]. In the past, we've had two types of functions for …
03:00 Ticket #11541 (Remove all IM fields from core.) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23588: […]
03:00 Changeset [23588] by nacin
Remove the three default contact methods (AIM, YIM, Jabber) for new …
02:53 Ticket #23673 (Add functions to generate metadata for video / audio) created by wonderboymusic
If you don't know the width and height of an uploaded video, you don't …
00:51 Ticket #23672 (Twenty Thirteen: Default widget title wraps to a new line) created by SergeyBiryukov
Default Recent Comments widget title wraps to a new line on a …
00:06 Ticket #23671 (Obsolete function in post.js) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23587: […]
00:06 Changeset [23587] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove unused function. fixes #23671.


23:58 Ticket #23670 (Checkbox synchronization on Edit Link screen is broken) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23586: […]
23:58 Changeset [23586] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix checkbox synchronization on Edit Link screen. fixes #23670.
23:51 Ticket #23671 (Obsolete function in post.js) created by SergeyBiryukov
Background: #23670 syncChecks() function was removed from post.js
23:03 Ticket #23670 (Checkbox synchronization on Edit Link screen is broken) created by SergeyBiryukov
We have a code to synchronize checkboxes between "All Categories" and …
22:58 Changeset [23585] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23585.
21:15 Ticket #23669 (Allow front page template to fall back to home template when site ...) created by chipbennett
The front-page.php template file is intended to define custom, …
21:10 Changeset [23584] by SergeyBiryukov
Use correct variable. see [23575]. see #21767.
18:20 Ticket #23668 (Check for empty slug input in register_taxonomy) created by cliffseal
If you give an empty string for the slug part of the rewrite array …
17:47 Ticket #23659 (Ordered lists have a list style of disc) closed by helen
fixed: In 23583: […]
17:47 Changeset [23583] by helen
Don't make ordered lists in help tabs look like bulleted lists. props …
17:47 Ticket #23667 (Searching Sites in Network Admin Should Use Wildcards) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #16647, #18216
17:04 Ticket #18353 (consider $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] in self_link()) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: [23521] made self_link() filterable.
16:47 Ticket #23667 (Searching Sites in Network Admin Should Use Wildcards) created by hurtige
In a Multisite Network: Searching on the Sites List does not follow …
16:28 Ticket #23666 (Add sortable by Author to Posts) closed by helen
16:24 Ticket #23658 (wp_deregister_script('jquery') and wp_enqueue('jquery-ui-dialog') ...) closed by eliddon
invalid: Hi Tobias, Thank you so much for your input. I can't believe I …
09:38 Ticket #23666 (Add sortable by Author to Posts) created by ounziw
Posts page of dmin area ( wp-admin/edit.php ) is not sortable by …
08:19 Ticket #23665 (Create one autosave per user) created by azaozz
Currently when autosaving drafts we overwrite them, when autosaving …
04:01 Ticket #23584 (Twenty Thirteen: Gallery captions are hidden) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Replying to obenland: > What was the reason for separating …
03:21 Ticket #23664 (Add esc_url() to header_image()) created by SergeyBiryukov
Spotted this in Twenty Thirteen: esc_url( header_image() ) (see …
03:20 Ticket #23663 (Twenty Thirteen: Redundant esc_url() calls) created by SergeyBiryukov
Spotted this in custom-header.php: esc_url( header_image() ). It …
00:44 Ticket #23662 (Twenty Twelve: style.css with Table of Contents) created by TomasM
Hello, I really like the 2013 initiative with Table of Contents, …


22:59 Ticket #23661 (get_theme_root_uri doesn't get correct theme root for themes in ...) created by davidosomething
get_theme_root_uri doesn't get correct theme root for themes in …
22:58 Changeset [23582] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23582.
21:45 Ticket #23660 (Twenty Thirteen: Adjust caption color in footer widgets) created by obenland
The text color of image captions in footer widgets makes captions …
20:35 Ticket #23659 (Ordered lists have a list style of disc) created by ninnypants
In contextual help the list styling for list items in …
19:24 Changeset [23581] by helen
* Simplify jQuery UI slider CSS and bring into line with admin styles. …
19:03 Ticket #23658 (wp_deregister_script('jquery') and wp_enqueue('jquery-ui-dialog') ...) created by eliddon
I've created a child theme using Twenty Eleven as the parent theme. …
18:59 Changeset [23580] by nacin
Don't unslash variables that came from wp_reset_vars(). see #21767.
18:36 Ticket #22991 (nav-menu tabs turn into a select when there are too many menus) closed by lessbloat
fixed: We removed tabs completely in #23119.
18:01 Ticket #19445 (Duplicated error code when user is a spammer) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23579: […]
18:01 Changeset [23579] by SergeyBiryukov
Use distinct error code in wp_authenticate_username_password() when …
17:58 Changeset [23578] by nacin
Ensure the referer functions operate completely on unslashed data: …
17:57 Changeset [23577] by nacin
Remove an unslash in the deprecated WP_User_Search, as search_term is …
17:57 Changeset [23576] by nacin
Unslash early, directly on the superglobal. see #21767.
17:56 Changeset [23575] by nacin
Assume that url_shorten() receives unslashed data, as it does in core …
17:56 Ticket #23515 (Twenty Twelve: 'Warning: Missing required field "updated"') closed by lancewillett
wontfix: Based on discussion with Ian Stewart and Andrew Nacin, we aren't so …
17:54 Ticket #23544 (Twenty Thirteen: No-result text needs padding on small screens) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23574: […]
17:54 Changeset [23574] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: better styles for no-results views (empty search, …
17:51 Changeset [23573] by nacin
Remove double-strip on HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH, which was done years ago …
17:46 Ticket #18057 (Twenty Eleven: display featured images on pages even if they are too ...) closed by lancewillett
17:46 Ticket #23600 (Twenty Twelve: Theme customizer: transport => postMessage for ...) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23572: […]
17:45 Changeset [23572] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: enable live preview for Header Text Color in Theme …
17:39 Ticket #23217 (Pingback url array isn't uniqued before pings are sent) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23571: […]
17:39 Changeset [23571] by SergeyBiryukov
Make sure the pings are only sent once per URL for a given post. props …
17:39 Ticket #23657 (Twenty Thirteen: Don't show comment link on single post views) created by markmcwilliams
It seems pointless to show the comment link, when they're literately …
17:20 Changeset [23570] by ryan
Always wp_unslash() the return of wp_get_referer(). see #21767
17:20 Changeset [23569] by potbot
POT, generated from r23565
17:14 Ticket #23586 (Twenty Twelve: Content margin missing in some cases) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23568: […]
17:14 Changeset [23568] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: better handling for cases where a background color is …
17:14 Changeset [23567] by ryan
Use wp_unslash() instead of stripslashes() and stripslashes_deep(). …
17:12 Ticket #22507 (Fix comma in install message "All right sparky") closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23566: […]
17:12 Changeset [23566] by SergeyBiryukov
Add missing comma. props bradparbs. fixes #22507.
17:06 Ticket #16738 (Add filter for attributes on menu item links) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23565: […]
17:06 Changeset [23565] by SergeyBiryukov
Add a filter for attributes on menu item links. props simonwheatley, …
17:01 Changeset [23564] by ryan
Use prepare instead of escape. see #21767
17:00 Changeset [23563] by ryan
Use wp_unslash() instead of stripslashes() and stripslashes_deep(). …
16:56 Ticket #23200 (Twenty Twelve: Visited link doesn't have proper CSS formating) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23562: […]
16:56 Changeset [23562] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: properly style visited links in entries, widgets, and …
16:50 Ticket #22943 (Twenty Twelve: show featured images single page view) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23561: […]
16:50 Changeset [23561] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: fix double featured images in Front Page Template, …
16:46 Ticket #19378 (post_preview() does not apply the preview_post_link filter) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23560: […]
16:46 Changeset [23560] by SergeyBiryukov
Consistently apply 'preview_post_link' filter. fixes #19378.
16:44 Ticket #23584 (Twenty Thirteen: Gallery captions are hidden) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23559: […]
16:44 Changeset [23559] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: display caption in galleries. Fixes #23584.
16:43 Ticket #14406 (consistent register link filtering) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23558: […]
16:43 Changeset [23558] by SergeyBiryukov
Consistently apply 'register' filter. props wonderboymusic for initial …
16:40 Ticket #23653 (Twenty Thirteen: Single/double quote consistency?) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23557: […]
16:40 Changeset [23557] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: CSS fixes to change single to double quotes, proper …
16:37 Changeset [23556] by ryan
There is no need to strip the output of get_site_option(). see #21767
16:34 Changeset [23555] by ryan
Introduce wp_slash() and wp_unslash(). This will be used to cleanup …
16:28 Changeset [23554] by ryan
Revert 23416, 23419, 23445 except for wp_reset_vars() changes. We are …
16:27 Ticket #23643 (Redundant use of esc_url() in wp-admin/includes/export.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23553: […]
16:27 Changeset [23553] by SergeyBiryukov
Remove redundant esc_url() call. props pauldewouters. fixes #23643.
16:22 Ticket #15475 (Proposed new function: wp_unset_object_terms) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23552: […]
16:22 Changeset [23552] by SergeyBiryukov
Make wp_remove_object_terms() return false if nothing has been …
16:08 Changeset in tests [1227] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests for wp_add_object_terms() and wp_remove_object_terms(). props …
15:59 Ticket #23626 (wp_convert_bytes_to_hr tests and NaN) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23551: […]
15:59 Changeset [23551] by SergeyBiryukov
Make wp_convert_bytes_to_hr() return consistent results on 32-bit and …
15:56 Changeset in tests [1226] by SergeyBiryukov
Add more assertions for wp_convert_bytes_to_hr(). Correct expected …
15:51 Ticket #23508 (Nav Menu Saving: get_nav_menu_locations() can return false, code ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23550: […]
15:51 Changeset [23550] by SergeyBiryukov
Ensure that get_nav_menu_locations() always returns an array. props …
13:44 Ticket #22666 (When evaluating path in get_*_url(), '..' can match the query string) closed by nacin
13:30 Ticket #23507 (Twenty Thirteen: move IE-specific extra font-family property out of ...) reopened by markmcwilliams
As per …
12:51 Ticket #23656 (Updating to today's truck gives error Fatal error: Call to undefined ...) closed by markoheijnen
duplicate: Duplicate of #23295 since the issue is created there.
12:51 Ticket #23655 (get_called_class() error after upgrade) closed by markoheijnen
duplicate: Duplicate of #23295 since the issue is created there
12:48 Ticket #23656 (Updating to today's truck gives error Fatal error: Call to undefined ...) created by charlesstricklin
I am updating from 3.6-alpha-23495 to today's and I see the following …
12:29 Ticket #23655 (get_called_class() error after upgrade) created by gputignano
After upgraded to Wordpress 3.6-alpha-23542 version I get this error: …
09:00 Ticket #23654 (Testimonial Bug) closed by ocean90
invalid: There is no "Testimonial page" in WordPress core. Please contact the …
08:14 Ticket #23654 (Testimonial Bug) created by nixonvs
I am using version 3.4.2 but I've been seeing this for the past few …
04:09 Ticket #23652 (Twenty Thirteen: CSS whitespace!) closed by lancewillett
04:04 Changeset [23549] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: more CSS cleanup, props SergeyBiryukov. See #23652.
04:01 Ticket #23651 (Twenty Thirteen: Blockquotes feature really big font size in comments) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23548: […]
04:01 Changeset [23548] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: better font-size rules all blockquotes, setting a …
03:37 Ticket #23652 (Twenty Thirteen: CSS whitespace!) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
23652.2.diff also fixes a missing space in [23525] and …
03:34 Changeset [23547] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: reduce font-size a bit for comment content areas. See …
03:24 Ticket #23546 (Twenty Thirteen: Font stack fallbacks) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23546: […]
03:24 Changeset [23546] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: trim down font properties, props obenland. Fixes #23546.
03:22 Ticket #23652 (Twenty Thirteen: CSS whitespace!) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23545: […]
03:22 Changeset [23545] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: fix missing space in selector! Props markmcwilliams, …
03:20 Ticket #23632 (Twenty Thirteen: Add styles for attachment pages that are not images) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23544: […]
03:20 Changeset [23544] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: second pass at styles for attachment pages that are …
02:58 Ticket #23653 (Twenty Thirteen: Single/double quote consistency?) created by markmcwilliams
There's a mixture of single and double quotes used throughout the CSS …
02:50 Ticket #23652 (Twenty Thirteen: CSS whitespace!) created by markmcwilliams
Adds a space to a CSS selector.
01:55 Changeset [23543] by azaozz
Logged out warnings: restructure the PHP code (no need for a class), …
01:13 Ticket #23651 (Twenty Thirteen: Blockquotes feature really big font size in comments) created by Viper007Bond
I used a <blockquote> in a comment and ended up with an unusually …
00:38 Ticket #23650 (make get_space_allowed() filterable) created by jkudish
When the blog_upload_space option is set to 0, instead of …
00:05 Ticket #23649 (Twenty Thirteen: Show portrait images correctly in gallery post formats) created by obenland
The custom implementation of featured galleries in index view …


22:58 Changeset [23542] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23542.
22:38 Ticket #23632 (Twenty Thirteen: Add styles for attachment pages that are not images) reopened by lancewillett
Obenland saw it as broken when a "secondary" sidebar is active: …
22:33 Ticket #23557 (Twenty Thirteen: fix sidebar overflow: long sidebars overlap footer) reopened by lancewillett
Just an idea for a technique to go into the theme, nothing planned yet.
22:33 Ticket #23642 (wp_mail() returns true if sending failed) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Well, maybe not exactly a duplicate, just related. Introduced in [17753].
22:32 Ticket #23632 (Twenty Thirteen: Add styles for attachment pages that are not images) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23541: […]
22:32 Changeset [23541] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: add styles for attachment pages that are not images, …
22:22 Ticket #23648 (Remove :focus styles of input fields in DFW mode) closed by helen
fixed: In 23540: […]
22:22 Changeset [23540] by helen
Remove input field focus styles in DFW to enhance the …
22:16 Ticket #23642 (wp_mail() returns true if sending failed) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #23291.
21:35 Ticket #23644 (Twenty Thirteen: Make footer sidebar the primary sidebar) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23539: […]
21:35 Changeset [23539] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: make footer widget area the primary sidebar, acting …
21:33 Ticket #23648 (Remove :focus styles of input fields in DFW mode) created by ocean90
See [22268]/#21324 The :focus styles addresses also the title and …
21:28 Changeset [23538] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: remove unused selector.
21:13 Ticket #23583 (Twenty Thirteen: Horizontal scroll bar appearing around 1600 width viewport) closed by lancewillett
fixed: With r23520 I can confirm it's fixed here, too, using Firefox 20.0 on …
21:11 Ticket #23557 (Twenty Thirteen: fix sidebar overflow: long sidebars overlap footer) closed by lancewillett
Technique discussed today in IRC during office hours, use JavaScript …
21:04 Ticket #19032 (home_url() malfunctions when the passed URL contains two dots in a row ...) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23537: […]
21:04 Changeset [23537] by nacin
Allow paths with two consecutive dots to be passed to home_url() and …
21:02 Changeset in tests [1225] by nacin
Test for allowing .. in paths passed to *_url functions. see #19032.
20:50 Changeset [23536] by nacin
Imporove a selector targeting taxonomy meta boxes. props …
20:28 Ticket #15173 (duplicate calls to 'add_new_user_to_blog') closed by nacin
fixed: In 23535: […]
20:28 Changeset [23535] by nacin
Remove direct call to add_new_user_to_blog() as this is already hooked …
19:51 Changeset [23534] by nacin
Ignore protected meta keys in meta_form(). see #18786.
19:51 Ticket #23566 (Twenty Thirteen: responsive menu non-functional on Android phones) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: In [23533] Twenty Thirteen: disable fixed navbar on small screens. …
19:49 Tickets #23526,​23535,​23647 batch updated by lancewillett
fixed: In 23533: […]
19:49 Changeset [23533] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: disable fixed navbar on small screens. Props …
19:47 Ticket #22324 (sanitize_post_field() forgets some integer fields) closed by nacin
19:45 Changeset in tests [1224] by nacin
Change unit tests to reflect [23531]. see #22324.
19:42 Ticket #23582 (Twenty Thirteen: Audit and clean up browser prefixes) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23532: […]
19:42 Changeset [23532] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: wrap up vendor prefix cleanup with final Opera …
19:40 Changeset [23531] by nacin
Revert [23359]. The post_author and comment_count post object fields …
19:17 Ticket #23647 (Twenty Thirteen: Disable fixed navbar on mobile) created by obenland
Mobile viewports are tiny. Let's not fill them up with a navbar. …
19:07 Changeset [23530] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23530.
19:01 Ticket #23573 (Twenty Thirteen as default theme) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23529: […]
19:01 Changeset [23529] by nacin
Make Twenty Thirteen the default theme. Has the added benefit of …
18:58 Changeset [23528] by nacin
esc_url() when printing a URL into an attribute, even when it is known …
18:56 Ticket #17562 (esc_url() printed by the_permalink()) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23527: […]
18:56 Changeset [23527] by nacin
Automatically esc_url() the URL echoed by the_permalink(). This makes …
18:50 Ticket #23646 (Twenty Thirteen: Avoid padding bug with Masonry) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23526: […]
18:50 Changeset [23526] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: avoid padding bug with Masonry, props obenland, fixes …
18:46 Ticket #23606 (Twenty Thirteen: minor style additions to calendar widget) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23525: […]
18:46 Changeset [23525] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: usability improvement for calendar widget links. …
18:44 Ticket #23646 (Twenty Thirteen: Avoid padding bug with Masonry) created by obenland
Masonry positions the widgets absolute inside the .widget-area
18:37 Ticket #23547 (Twenty Thirteen: Genericons don't work in Opera Mini) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: Replying to obenland: > I can't reproduce it in desktop …
18:35 Ticket #21138 (Comments rewrite contains bogus rule) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23524: […]
18:35 Changeset [23524] by nacin
Remove bogus pagination rules from the comments permastruct. (As in, …
18:33 Ticket #23543 (Twenty Thirteen: Add image navigation to attachment pages) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23523: […]
18:33 Changeset [23523] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: usability improvement for better viewing of images on …
18:33 Ticket #21074 (Merge safe_mode change in PHPMailer from upstream) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23522: […]
18:33 Changeset [23522] by nacin
Update to PHPMailer 5.2.4. props bpetty. fixes #21074.
18:30 Ticket #23645 (RTL fixes for Nav Menu UI refresh) created by DrewAPicture
With the substantial UI changes we've made to menu management, we'll …
18:29 Ticket #23644 (Twenty Thirteen: Make footer sidebar the primary sidebar) created by obenland
Let's focus on the footer sidebar to be the primary sidebar of the theme.
18:27 Ticket #10434 (New filter request in feed.php) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23521: […]
18:27 Changeset [23521] by nacin
Add self_link filter to self_link(). props josephscott. fixes #10434.
18:17 Ticket #23643 (Redundant use of esc_url() in wp-admin/includes/export.php) created by pauldewouters
In ticket #13555, esc_url() was moved into the_guid() function. See: …
18:14 Changeset [23520] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: apply box-sizing: border-box as a universal …
18:08 Ticket #22423 (Argument parameter for wp_nonce_url) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23519: […]
18:08 Changeset [23519] by nacin
Allow nonce name to be passed to wp_nonce_url(), as allowed by …
18:05 Changeset [23518] by nacin
Stop using deprecated jQuery API (.browser and .live). Do manual UA …
18:03 Changeset [23517] by nacin
Imporove a selector targeting taxonomy meta boxes. props …
18:02 Changeset [23516] by nacin
jQuery Migrate 1.1.1. props ocean90. see #22975.
17:54 Changeset [23515] by nacin
Fix internal linking dialog conflicts with jQuery UI 1.10.x. Syncs …
17:52 Changeset [23514] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: first pass at better color contrast for links. Also …
16:59 Ticket #23631 (Twenty Thirteen: Multisite register screen content is too wide) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In 23513: […]
16:59 Changeset [23513] by lancewillett
Twenty Thirteen: style the multisite registration form, props kwight. …
16:58 Ticket #22896 (Prevent plugins from overriding jQuery in the admin) closed by nacin
fixed: In 1223/tests: […]
16:58 Changeset in tests [1223] by nacin
Test that certain core scripts cannot be deregistered in the admin. …
16:56 Ticket #20101 (Can't use 'show_admin_bar' filter with conditional tags) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23512: […]
16:56 Changeset [23512] by nacin
Move admin bar initialization from init to template_redirect, so …
16:53 Ticket #23400 (insert_blog() can possible return the wrong blog id when plugin/theme ...) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23511: […]
16:53 Changeset [23511] by nacin
In insert_blog(), make sure we retrieve the insertion ID from wpdb …
16:49 Ticket #23289 (wp_protect_special_option rejects things it shouldn't) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23510: […]
16:49 Changeset [23510] by nacin
Ensure we strictly compare 'alloptions' and 'notoptions' when …
16:48 Changeset [23509] by westi
Revisions: Fix up some half renamed variables that break the view and …
16:48 Changeset in tests [1222] by nacin
Tests for wp_protect_special_option(), and for delete_option() …
16:30 Changeset in tests [1221] by nacin
During test execution, all wp_die() calls should throw an exception. …
16:10 Changeset [23508] by westi
Revisions: Fix up some bugs I introduced while reviewing the mega …
15:54 Ticket #23642 (wp_mail() returns true if sending failed) created by chmac
Here: source:/trunk/wp-includes/pluggable.php@23507#L449 The code is: …
15:40 Changeset [23507] by helen
Merge revisions.css into wp-admin.css. Move misplaced block of …
15:14 Changeset [23506] by westi
Revisions: First pass an implementing a new UI/UX for reviewing the …
09:12 Ticket #17749 (Faster and phpunit runner-compatible unit tests) closed by dd32
fixed: > Attachment globalize-version-vars.diff​ added We can't do that, as …
09:04 Ticket #17749 (Faster and phpunit runner-compatible unit tests) reopened by nbachiyski
Here are some more. I hit those, because in a plugin I was checking …
09:03 Changeset [23505] by azaozz
Logged out warnings: remove debug leftovers, see #23295
08:57 Changeset [23504] by azaozz
Improved logged out warnings, first run, props mintindeed, see #23295
07:40 Ticket #23239 (Can't add screen options on the widgets screen) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23503: […]
07:40 Changeset [23503] by SergeyBiryukov
Don't override filtered screen options on Widgets screen. props …
07:21 Ticket #16527 (Accessibility Improvement to category-template.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #18650.
06:13 Ticket #23626 (wp_convert_bytes_to_hr tests and NaN) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Still getting different results: * 32-bit, `wp_convert_bytes_to_hr( -1 …
05:37 Ticket #23638 (Usernames can have whitespace in them) closed by ericlewis
wontfix: Not necessarily a suggestion, just a topic to bring up I didn't see in …
05:25 Ticket #23626 (wp_convert_bytes_to_hr tests and NaN) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 23502: […]
05:25 Changeset [23502] by SergeyBiryukov
Avoid an undefined offset notice in wp_convert_bytes_to_hr(). props …
04:30 Changeset in tests [1220] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix wp_convert_bytes_to_hr() test for 64-bit systems. props …
01:25 Ticket #23333 (New icons) closed by helen
maybelater: Marking this "maybelater", although we'll probably want to start a new …
01:15 Changeset [23501] by helen
Revert [23369] and [23370]: the icons. see #23333.
01:10 Ticket #23415 (Reducing visual noise within the admin) closed by helen
wontfix: We started massaging the admin CSS to complement the change of icons, …
00:58 Changeset [23500] by helen
Revert [23407], thereby restoring gradients and shadows. see #23415.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.